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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. Mashaallah: All the best to the Beeldaaje!
  2. Typical and very sad, as always... As long as the corrupt politicians in Somalia continue to waste our time with their usual nonsense and not take the lead to build sufficient water storage canals and reservoirs, we will have to continue to suffer these never ending droughts and floods throughout the nation.
  3. Lol @ this thread.. Oodka, do you need my help? It seems you’re loosing your cool old boy... Raggaan maanta dhulka kugu jiidayo anaa mashquulin jiray, laakin now that Puntland has succeeded in laying the foundation of a federal Somalia, these old naysayers of ours have nothing better to do but come after your corrupt and erstwhile regime in Hargeysa. Marka suunka dhuuqso odey and brace yourself for the rollercoaster ride.
  4. I wonder why you guys think this to be news? It was obvious that during those so-called Somalia-Somaliland talks that Culusow and the Silanyo administration where bandying about was nothing more than trying to sell Berbera on the cheap. And do not for once believe that all Culusow got from signing onto those schemes of Silanyo was merely a few millions in a bank account; Culusow also got the support of the snm representatives in the corrupt parliament of Somalia during all those fights he was engaged with his prime ministers.
  5. ^ Lol@ OO. Dear old boy, keep up your religious-like incantation about Somali Kilil this and Somali Kilil that: At the end of the day, the corrupt Tigray elites will not succeed with their wish of using Somalis as a shield against the coming wrath of the Oromo on the thieving Tigre. Keep us out of it, mate... we’re confident that we will be just fine, regardless of how good or bad affairs become in the xabash lands for your lot.
  6. Until the illegal control of all SOE in Ethiopia by Tigray elites is dismantled, such strikes and many more in the works will continue. OO, spin it however you like: whether that airline company owns latest planes or not, the fact remains that it is a Tigray cash cow which should be brought to an end.
  7. With the new tax bill, the economic outlook seems favorable for the next 2 years with low unemployment and low inflation. But Trumps 4th year, I believe a recession is gonna begin and he won’t get re-elected!
  8. I agree. These strikes were meant to distract from the comey book release and all the brouhaha the news and talk shows were going to broadcast these coming few days. The Russians placed assets long ago in all critical Assad bases and thus had given Assad a blanket cover from most of the serious devastation that these cruise missiles would have caused. Assad will lay low for a few weeks and it will be business as usual for him and his allies as he continues his attempts to reassert himself in Syria. Ultimately, I feel sorry for the Syrians people for they seem to have gotten themselves caught up in a stalemate between competing foreign powers who’re afraid to directly engage one another.
  9. ^ Yep... however much the native populations in these respective countries may hate it, mass immigration from third world countries is the solution of choice being implemented by western elites to remedy the demographic precipice their nations are facing. In fact, many more millions are gonna be needed to work and pay taxes to beef up the welfare benefits of the aging populations of the West. Japan is a society in a similar predicament, but they have wisely chosen to protect the homogeneity of their society and limit immigration. Afterall, there are more important things worth protecting than social security and Medicaid benefits for aged folks.
  10. Tillamook


    I wish Garowe all the best of success... keep the pics coming...
  11. And Because Love Battles by Pablo Neruda And because love battles not just in its own burning fields but also in the mouths of men and women, I will finish this fight by taking the trail from those would come between my chest and your fragrance to plant their confused plants. They will say about me nothing worse, my love, than what I have told you myself. Before I knew you, I lived in the prairies. I never waited for love to come. I ambushed the rose and fell upon her with fierceness. What more can they say? I am neither good nor bad, but a man. They will bring up the danger of my life, which you know, and with which you have mingled your passion. For it is good, this danger. It’s the danger of love, of perfect love, for all life and all lives. And if this love brings us death or prison, I’m sure your big eyes will close (as they close when I kiss them) with pride, with double pride, my love, yours and mine together. They will come to speak before my ears to tear down the tower of the sweet, hard love that joins us. They will say, “The one you love is not the woman for you. Why do you love her? Surely you could find another more beautiful, more serious, more deep, more other … Do you understand me? Look how slender this one is. Look what a face that one has. Look how she dresses. And so on, and so on …” And so, in these lines, I say to you: I love you like this, love. Like this, I love you: as you wear what you wear, as your hair floats, as your mouth smiles light as spring water running over pure stones. Like this, love, I love you. I don’t ask bread to teach me anything except how to care for each day. I know nothing about light, where it comes from, where it goes. I only ask the light to be light. I do not ask the night for explanations. I await it, and it swallows me. And it’s the same with you too, you who are bread and light and shadows. You came into my life with just what you had: things made of the light and bread and shadows for which I waited. And I need you that way. I love you that way. And to those who will hear this tomorrow, they can read here what I will not say. But let them keep their distance today, for it is still early for such arguments. Tomorrow we will give them only a leaf from the tree of our love, a leaf dropped on the earth as though it had been made by our lips as though it were a kiss that had fallen from unfathomable heights to show the fire and the tenderness of a love that is true.
  12. Tillamook


    ^ Tallaabo, Unfortunately for Garowe, it seems, no one in leadership had the foresight to change business as usual in Somalia—and maybe considered hiring a professional city planner from a reputable international company for the city— since such expertise is obviously in short supply. Garowe is still a relatively small but fast growing city. So it isn’t too late to correct its flaws. With the right zoning ordinances, I believe a very robust city plan can be put together that takes into consideration the current and future needs of its inhabitants.
  13. Jawari to resign in the coming hours. Aligning himself with the amateur Emiratis was his undoing.
  14. ^ the conflicts and everything else that you mentioned are part and parcel of the nomadic lifestyle...something you will never understand, is that it is precisely because of this very same nomadism that we’re knocking up against the gates of the Xabasha highlands... we’re coming so make room hombre...we shall not be contained by mobile schools nor some other such silly notions as you are peddling in here.
  15. OO says, “Next step should be the federal government sharing in the work of settling nomads into agricultural field and supporting the program, making it the number one issue with development donors..etc.” What a silly notion? Somalis are nomads and not in a million years will the Tigray succeed in changing that! Your conniving game plan of settling Somali nomads so as to steal the natural resources of the wide expanses of their grazing lands will never succeed.
  16. OO, good to see you back online after the mini-heart attack you had with Abiy selection. In anycase, what is the official propaganda you wish to share with us regarding Abiy’s attempts to mollify the concerns of Mr. Illey?
  17. Looks like the Emirati camp in parliament is really getting desperate...lol This unforeseen interception of monies which was intended to help lubricate the corrupt parliamentarians opposed to Jawari really dooms the old man’s hopes of staying on as Speaker of the House...tsk tsk tsk If I was a betting man, I’d say Jawari won’t last a fortnight.
  18. ^ Has Old Observer gone M.I.A? It seems the Tigray ai is out of a job.
  19. OO, kindly elaborate on these “options” you say the Tigray have? Also, let us know the options you have gracefully allowed us “Somalis” to choose from? Much obliged.
  20. I have no sympathy for Jawari, whatsoever. The man, as the speaker of the House of Representatives, is useless, and if the corrupt fellows in parliament who’re opposed to him get enough money to unseat him—then good riddance to him. He’s had ample time to leave a legacy behind and build for Somalia a functioning and respectable legislature— but instead he has wasted his time trying to protect his own selfish power as speaker.
  21. Hey Tigray ai, who ever asked you about the qualifications of a Somali President? Walahi waa addunyo gadoon...
  22. ^ The Tigray OO can't make heads or tails of what the Somalis are doing, priceless!