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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. ^ I took the Gosh darn it: I took the title of the post at face value. ..
  2. The illegal arrest and conviction of Issim Boqor Buur Madow on trumped-up charges in a Jeegaan kangaroo court is a desperate move by Muuse Ooyaye's regime to sabotage the Somaliland people's aspiration for genuine democracy and freedom of speech; to discredit the legitimacy of Clan elders and to suppress the just demands of average Somalilanders for socio-economic reforms; and to silence all opponents against his futile scheme to establish a Siyaad Barre style dictatorship through fear and oppression. In any case, Muuse will fail and he will also eventually pay the price and repercussions of this folly of messing with clan elders and the traditions of the Somali people, one way or another.
  3. Boqor Buur Madow Maxkamadi xukun ku riday Hargaysa :- Boqor Cismaan Aw-Maxamed (Buurmadow) ayaa Maxkamadda Gobolka Togdheer ku xukuntay 5 sano oo Xarig ah,kagadaal eedeyn ku adan inuu ku gafay qaranimada Soomaaliland,boqorku waxaa uu ka qaybgalay Caano-shubka Beeldaaje Maxamed Beeldaaje oo ka dhacday degmadda Carmo ee Gobolka Bari,waxaana uu munasabadda ka jeediyey hadal ku adan nabadeynta Puntland iyo Soomaaliland oo uu ku baaqay Nabad iyo in ciidamada lakala qaado. Boqor Buur Madow markii xukunka ay maxkamadu ku dhaqaaqday ayaa loo taxaabay Xabsiga waxaana la sheegay in mudo shan sano ah uu halkaas ku xirnaandoono,Todobaadkii hore ayaa xabsiga laga sii daayey Boqorka,waxaana uu ku joogay damiin,maanta ayaa dib loosoo xiray waxaana lasoo tagay Maxkada. Horseed Media
  4. Yes. Mogadishu is vital because it is the capital of the country, but even then its special status in Somalia should not undermine the interests of the rest of the country.
  5. Forgive me if I don't believe you saaxiib. Even if the current federal administration fails to objectively find new ways to better respond to the country's immediate crises, it won't be the end of the world. But I don't think it will get that far. Granted we're caught up in the scuffle between the Gulf countries for now, but with current leadership I believe we will pull through a little bruised, but intact and strong. C'mon man, where's your faith? We Somalis have been through worse.
  6. Democratically elected leaders will come forth once Somalia becomes a democratic society. Until then, we're stuck with the old ways of doing things, I'm afraid.
  7. I don't know how your folklore bed time stories have anything to do with current state of affairs vis-à-vis Egpyt and Ethiopia.
  8. Those are LIES: We would never kick our granny under the bus... unless of course she is from your tribe...
  9. OO, I don't think matters have taken such a bad turn for Puntland as to require the services of a diligent ai poster such as yourself, just yet...if ever the need rises, I will give you a holla...
  10. Ducaale, I am glad that you acknowledge and accept that Puntland is the 200 pound gorilla in the room and that without Puntland... salaad imaaamku uu tujiyoba maba jirto. But putting aside all of that reality, what in your opinion you consider Puntland kneecapping the Feds is actually, I posit, Puntland strengthening the Federal government: Need I remind you that Somalia is a Federal Republic which means-- just in case you didn't receive the memo at the hovel you reside in--that Puntland as a stakeholder and member state of the Federal government can pursue its own economic and political interests until the State constitution is harmonized with Federal constitution. It is the duty of the Federal government as stipulated in the federal constitution of the country to align all the differing and competing interest of Puntland and the other stakeholders of Somalia with its vision for the country. So please desist from trying to heap blame upon Puntland when it is in fact the shortcomings and incompetent policies of the current federal government that are to blame for the current political crisis the country finds itself in.
  11. C'mon man, do you really have to stoop to his disgraceful culture of mediocrity?
  12. Lol.. Wallee Cadnaanow, doqon baad tahay hadaad wali qabyaalad raqiiska ah la ordaysid meel walba. Illaahay waxaan kaaga baryayaa inuu ku caafiyo saaxiib.
  13. ^ Ha ha ha, Cadnaan: Boowe awood badanidaa...lol Yes, the President is right: Somalia is NOT Mogadishu and Mogadishu is NOT Somalia. It is a fact that as things stand, Mogadishu's interest are NOT shared by the rest of the country and the interests of the rest of the country are NOT shared by the Capital. Somalia is a patchwork of economic and political interests which need to be managed wisely and more adeptly than is being done currently. It is unacceptable for a small faction in the Somali Federal government to dictate the foreign affairs of Somalia as if Somalia belongs only to them. The Federal government, lest you've forgotten represents all of us Somalis and therefore must ensure that they manage ALL the competing interests of us Somalis. This will require astute leadership, of course, which was why I commended the neutrality stance President Farmajo and PM Kheyre took regarding the gulf Arabs. That was a pragmatic move which the current government took then and I believe they should remain unwaveringly focused on still... lest we Somalis resume our customary..."i jiid aan ku jiido waa gacmo daalis" business, again. Only when the Federal government has gained full control, support and acceptance from the whole country can it do as it wishes. Until then, moderation in all things would be advisable.
  14. Was this fellow on the Djibouti side of the "border" or Somali side?
  15. I agree. This whole affair is nothing more than a tempest in a teapot; regardless of all the tough talk between these two governments, neither Sisi nor the Tigray elites have the wherewithal for a direct military confrontation over GERD. Also don't forget that for the Tigray elites, the construction of GERD was nothing more than a get-rich-quick moonshot project whereby they stole millions from poor Ethiopians. All they care about is the fattening of their foreign bank accounts and would never risk a head on collision with the Eygptians and their allies by messing with Nile river waters.
  16. If there is one lesson we need to take from world history is that fear, oppression and corruption can only go so far and will eventually lead to regime collapse. Its only a matter of time and just like how the KGB failed to keep together the mighty Soviet Union, the Tigray Spy Network will also fail to impose its hegemony on Ethiopia and the region.
  17. Lol... OO jiq bey kugu tahay...ha ha ha In any case, we Somalis welcome all the security assistance our African brother nations are willing to give to us. I'm sure when our nation gets back up on its' own feet, we shall be ready to return the favor should they require similar assistance or more from us. By the by, Old Observer, that also includes your Tigray highlands should the need arise.
  18. Galbeedi, good luck trying to get in the last word in an exchange with a full -time Tigray bot...lol Also OO said, " No matter what you are able to propagandize or use this clan or that half clan there cannot be a leader for the kilil who is an ally of the Oromo. Nothing against or between the peoples, but simply interest of the regions. Economic interest will not allow this alliance. The Somali and Oromo kilils are competing for certain fundamental economic development programs. Who ever gets there first will have a lock and advantage. No animosity between people. " OO, it seems to me you're are grasping at straws with this talk of so-called "economic differences" between Somalis and Oromos to further the Tigray's agenda and fruitless attempts of driving a wedge between the Somali and Oromo communities. It won't happen, so just give it up!
  19. Dr. Beileh, Minister of Finance of the Federal Republic of Somalia
  20. Yep. It seems it’s all about showmanship and no substance. What a waste of time!