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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. I can’t make head or tails of the cackling you’ve just posted, you regurgitating failure.. I realize you have stunted social skills by the tripe you post on here, so give it another go, and let’s see if you can be intelligible second time around!
  2. Soomalidaa waa hore tiri: “ Nin daad qaaday Xumbo cuskay!” Suldaanka, maantaad reer Soomaaliyeed oo is guubaabinaya oo arrimo iyaga gaar u ah ka wada hadlaya baad naf ka raadisay miyaa? Wacade arrintu waa kugu soo fadhi xuntahay...lol Ramadan Mubarak.
  3. Lol Is that the best comeback you could come up with you feces-tossing baboon? Ha ha ha
  4. Yes, I agree. Whilst one is a doddering secessionist nitwit, the other is a totally different animal, indeed. He appears to me a deranged simian, seemingly lost on SOL and unable to add anything of substance to this gallery. At least Oodweyne is able to entertain us with funny stories such as that one of an ailing and infertile Octegenarian who was able to miraculously impregnate a woman. That was a classic on SOL, and Ducaale is too daft to even come close to ever penning such an outrageous piece of fiction (Sorry to my readership: I couldn’t help myself but lambast these worthless creatures in one fell swoop)
  5. Lol.. Galbeedi, methinks you’re barking up the wrong tree with such baseless assertions and innuendo.
  6. What’s with all the outbursts in the first place you lowborn baboon? You need to take a break from the keyboard when menstruating, for you seem unhinged and looney whenever you lash out at your betters in here... P.S To Saalax: I didn’t know Oodweyne was also a self-hating mooncalf with misplaced loyalties among the many other shortcomings of his...
  7. Saalax, I have always been confident that the wretched miserable nonsense the secessionist cretins have been peddling would never reach fruition. You and I and others all agree that the days are numbered for the house of cards the Jeegaan administration is overseeing; so what comes next, in your view? Reer Sheikh *** meel wax ma Dhigteen post the Jeegaan incompetences? With the hostilities like Ceel Afwayn, I fear, matters will get more ugly before they return to normalcy in the north. The rest of Somalia has exorcised its civil war demons, but Waqooyiga still hasn’t scratched the surface when it come to its own local tribal demons..! What do you think?
  8. First it was Buurmadow and now Suldaan Maxamed is being jailed by Biixi & Co. It seems Somaliland has become a full fledged dictatorship overnight...tsk tsk tsk
  9. Ducaale, saaxiib, it seems you suffer from the same delusional inclinations and ailments that most Puntland naysayers and detractors suffer from... You see here, saaxiib, I’ve been on this forum for a few years now trying to re-educate and treat the debilitating Puntlandphobia that seems to physically and mentally incapacitate such creatures, and what I have concluded is that the true cause of their suffering is nothing more than petty jealousy. To be exact, jealousy over Puntland’s political ambitions to achieve a prosperous and progressive Somalia and its past successes in pursuit of those objectives. And why is that? Because these cretinous non-Puntlanders have failed to bring forth a competing and viable vision for Somalia. They also have the foolish tendency of trying to fight yesteryear’s political battles with Puntland today, and this only leads to their regrettable malady. For instance, Ducaale, why would you bring up 2006 in 2018 when you know the world of 2006 is long gone? It’s like talking about the wind that dried yesterday’s laundry. In other words, it is superficial and futile to do so, and you gain no benefit or advantage. I remember in those same days of 2006 that you’re talking about—when Puntland was busy establishing our Federal government in Mogadishu and sweeping away the moryan warlords and so-called Abu this and Abu that fake sheikhs(who were holding our national capital hostage) , most Puntland naysayers we’re busy talking about the past days of Kulmis and Puntland’s fight against the so-called Kacaankii Barakeysanaa... I guess Puntland is very fortunate to have such dumb political opponents. In conclusion, Ducaale, you need to wake the f.up and smell the coffee. It’s 2018, Somalia is here to stay and will move forward, and Puntland will always play an integral part in this reality. Marka niic-da iyo cantrabaqashka raqiiska ah inta iska daysid... try to put forth an alternative vision that can compete with the current federalism that Puntland is championing and winning the hearts and minds of the Somali people with. That is of course, if you can for moment, stop looking backwards to the past and can take your head out of your rear end. Ramadan Mubarak
  10. The judgements of a cross-eyed goat such as yourself are moot in here, so quit spouting nonsense, you silly man.
  11. These remarks are nothing more than the putrid regurgitations of a mentally incapacitated baboon. Ducaale, I urge to quickly seek medical attention from your nearest zoo veterinarian!
  12. Somaliland is part and parcel of Somalia and will never be isolated. It is the Jeegaan who are trying to do the isolating, but they are slowly getting a taste of their own medicine and will soon realize the folly of their political strategy. Saalaax, you will see Jeegaanta singing from a different hymn book any day now.
  13. ^ Lol Ina Cawil Mucjiso wax walba waa ka suurtoobaan maalmahaan. Where is Mr Oodweyne today anyway? Mr In-a-time-and-place-of-our-choosing? Ha ha ha
  14. Lol... Saaxiib, is it true that Odeygu wuu isku dhex yaacay oo wuxuu yiri... “Dawllada Federalka Somaliland baa dagaal kusoo qaaday Jamhuuriyada Somaliland?” Somaliland shiddo badanaa horta...Weeraradii Ceel Afwayn iyo Tukaraq way ka dalacayn oo hada iyadii baa dagaal isku soo qaadayso buu yiri Mudane Muse Laafiyoonaaye, miyaa?
  15. Lol Saalax, Odeygii Muuse Ooyaye markii sheekadii kusoo fadhi xumaatay ayuu bilaabay sidii habilihii Hargaysa inuu u laafiyoodo miyaa? Mudane Biixi sure looks like a man who’s embraced his finer feminine inclinations.
  16. I agree... the Jeegaan miscreants should leave the area and refrain from politicizing this issue. In fact, this dispute should have remained within the purview of the clan elders and Issims in the first place. After-all, this is nothing more than a familial disagreement which is very common in Somalia—and the whole reason why we Somalis have Issimo and Cuqaal is for this very purpose. But then again, trust Muuse Ooyaye and his Jeegan minions to complicate, politicize, and mismanagement the simplest of familial tiffs. Muuse Ooyaye should stop locking up and harassing clan elders. He should show clan elders the respect they deserve and allow them to fulfill their traditional duties of intervening in such petty tribal quarrels.
  17. So, what in your view, should be the solution to these recurring skirmishes?
  18. Our culture is not the cause of our lack of development: we’re merely trying to figure out the way forward from nearly a century of colonialism, post-colonialism and their myriad aftershocks. Tolstoy once said, “The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.”... warriors our post-independence generations lack, but have no choice but to accept it for what it is. Somalis shall persevere and overcome all the seemingly insurmountable hurdles(mostly of our own making) that prevent us from achieving a united, prosperous and functional modern nation— and state.
  19. I believe this can be easily accomplished if the millions collected by every tribe and Jifo—from their hard earned Qaraan contributions— are directed and targeted at this objective, instead of wasting money on building so-called “schools” in every tuulo in Somalia for kids that have been impoverished and displaced by constant droughts in the first place. Maybe prioritize the Investment of these the monies into small dams/reservoirs and help protect the livestock which are the sustenance and daily livelihood earner of most Somalis. Only then will they overcome poverty and maybe even build their own schools and clinics.
  20. Maakhir, Puntland maybe the strongest proponent (and widely acclaimed mother) of the Federalism of Somalia, but that does NOT mean Puntland and it’s local institutions setup are federal in nature. In fact, the opposite is the case...Puntland is a unitary state: A unitary state that is an integral federal member state of the Federal Republic of Somalia. I hope you can understand the crucial distinction between the two, vis-à-vis your remarks regarding “ quwadda Garowe lagu soo koobay ”!
  21. The abject buffoonery of ina Cawil Mucjiso never ceases to amaze me. On one hand he is fine and dandy about promoting his Jeegaan’s efforts of cozying upto the UAE camp, yet he calls members of the opposition in Somaliland, like Martin & Co., stooges for wanting to remain with camp Turkey. So I wonder: Is it political naïveté or just plane ol’ foolishness? Need I remind you guys that during Culusow’s tenure, the Hargaysa administration was a notable member of Camp Turkey. The so-called “Somaliland-Somalia” talks, hosted by the Turks then between Silanyo and Culusow, was the rallying point in which their strong and ongoing cooperation to oppose and dismantle the federalization of the country was fostered. But fortunately, all their sordid machinations was for naught and both Culusow and Damjadiid failed; they were unable to bring into fruition the promises they’d made to somaliland to secure their support against the federalism of Somalia—A policy which Turkey backed tacitly in the past, and surreptitiously still pursues even now. In any case, now that Somaliland leaders have been wooed to the Emirati camp after the disappointment with the Turks and Damjadiid, I don’t see why Oodka should act so churlish as to accuse his fellow somalilanders who still want to or have aspirations to remain allied to the Turks and Damjadiid moryaans of Xamar..
  22. ^ I believe he will be released soon. I give Muuse Ooyaye until the beginning of Ramadan before he makes a lame proclaimation about Cafis for the Clan Elder.