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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. Sxb, howshaan ** iyo jacaylka aad u qabtid ** waa ka weyntahay. So just kick back and relax and enjoy the show..
  2. Wish listiga reerkaan wish listyaasha reeryowsha kale ee Soomaaliyeed wuu ka hor hirgalaa, ma ogid miyaa?
  3. Suldaanta naasaha jilicsan; It’s too early in the day to read your bedtime stories.
  4. Saaxiib, aan kula kaftamee...adiga iyo moryaanta xamar intee bay Puntland ku qaadatay in ay rabaayad ka dhigto? There’s a Swahili saying that goes..”Haraka haraka ha ayna baraka!” There is work in progress, so just lay back and enjoy the federalism ride!
  5. Ifiye, sheeko caata ah ayaad la soo shir tagtay. Puntland waa 5 Gobol iyo degmo. Sharci weeye, waana dastuuri, waana rabitaanka ummada gobolladaas ku nool..Adiga iyo mid kale oo naf lacaari ah wax ay ka badeli karaan ma jirto.
  6. Nothing new here. Same old bullshit the secessionist buffoons of SOL have been peddling around. But ain’t nobody buying it.
  7. Tillamook


    Lol... Ina Cawil Mucjiso is still bidding his time, I believe. The last we heard from him he was saying that he would retaliate against the ninny pirates in a time and manner of his choosing. In the meantime he has opted to stay home and sulk— with a thumb up his rear... Doqon doqon dhalay: the fool thought the lies he was spewing all these years on SOL would actually deliver for him his much coveted secession. Oodweyne, you can squirm in your own shit all you like. But I gotz a feeling you will soon erect a grand statue of a ninny pirate in the center of Hargaysa next to that cardboard plane in memory of the relentless ass whooping the Jeegaan are getting.
  8. Wishful thinking, Suldaanta naasaha jilicsan... beg harder! Pray harder, even. It won’t change the reality on the ground..
  9. Tuug intaandan tuug dhihin buu tuug ku yiraah...
  10. Samafal, I’m surprised at you for engaging with the nonsense the Tigray ai is spouting in the first place. A lot of people have become accustomed to Puntland not defending its territory and seem shocked now that it is...
  11. From “Garowe baan qabanaynaa” to “Xuduudeeni kaliya ayaan u soconaa” to “ weerar baan geli doonaa hadii tuurtuurka na laga daynwaayo.. Classic!
  12. You’re full of shit and you knowz it...I’m not going to lower myself from my high horse to make cheap bets with a secessionist pom pom girl such as yourself.... But I will promise you this Suldaanta naasaha jilicsan: When all is said and done, you will put up a statue of a glorious Pirate next to that statue of a plane in Hargaysa in commemoration of the relentless thrashing the Jeegaan is getting. Ha ha ha
  13. ^ Suldaanta naasaha jilicsan—Keep clutching at straws as your days of chatting shit are numbered in here. I can’t wait for your upcoming self-imposed hiatus from SOL, just like Ina Cawil Mucjiso and other nonsensical seccionist bums.
  14. I stand corrected Mudane Tallaabo. I missed those remarks of yours in the aforementioned thread.
  15. Like I said, all your audacity and braggadocio on SOL will come up short.. but keep trying, you never know, miracles do happen. You can ask Ina Cawil Mucjiso..
  16. C’mon Tallaabo, I thought you were amongst the more genuine northerners on SOL.. Why didn’t you share this criticism when Biixi first sent his militia to Tukaraq? Why now that Puntland has decided to kick out Biixi’s riffraff from Sool?
  17. Lol @ “ rely on somaliland media” he he he Suldaanka, I like your audacity so far... but I fear it may not be enough.
  18. Holac, Ever heard of the term Shock and Awe! The fact of the matter is that the secessionists can’t make up their minds about who is kicking their butts from left to right in Sool... Puntland has successfully recruited flabbergast in this conflict to dumbfound the cretinous Jeegaan to the extent that they do not know whether it is only the boys from MJteenia as Faisal Dhurwaa likes to call them or some grand coalition of the dreaded faqash ?
  19. Suldaanka, relax! No one is after your “gaadiid”!
  20. Interest? Lol. I know you being a proponent of la-la land and all sorts other bullshit for so many years that it will take some time before you become in tune with reality once again... so I will tolerate your latest tripe about “interests” and whatnot, for I know inaadan dhul aadan lahayn Interest iyo niic lamid ah inaad ku heleen. As for the Jeegaan being so yesterday; I agree their days are numbered indeed. Odeygii Saalax ahaa ayaa ku waas ka takhalusi doona... Suldaanka, I realize you say and do whatever it takes to placate yourselves on these days of major losses—but what I want to ask you when the dust settles, maxaa meel ku yaala waayo Saalax &Co( Xiniinyo) don’t want to be governed by the administration led by Muuse Ooyaye and his Jeegaan( Xiniinyo dabadood) supporters? What options do you have when the true lions of reer Shiekh roar in Hargaysa?
  21. Suldaanka, haye Dadka kale oo aad sheegaysid oo Puntland ka fiican oo qabyaalada Soomaaliyeed ka dalacay waa ku wee? I hope after the dust settles and the nonsense of the jeegaan has been peddling is thoroughly nipped in the bud, we can all have a serious discussion to move our nation forward.
  22. Suldaanka, allow me to quote that old hapless habar by the name of Ngonge: CLAN IS EVERYTHING!!! Now take that to the bank.