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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. Xaaji Maalaayacni: mashaallah wlcm back bro... long time no see... did they finally discharge you from the insane asylum you’ve been staying at? Good to have you back on SOL.
  2. Lol.. Walahi Suldaanka, majaajilayste ayuu noqday... ha ha ha Suldaanka, I wanna volunteer to become your peace envoy to Garowe. I will take your white flag of surrender to them and ask that they accept it with conditions —and I will also insist that they spare their young boys lest you unapologetically eat them for breakfast. How does that sound?
  3. These folks have mastered the art of Irony. Every ass whooping is seen as benign and acquires a totally different meaning altogether. Kalshaale was swept under the rug as if it did not happen, so too also the two recent skirmishes in Tukaraq —where the Jeegaan suffered heavy losses—giving it all a tragic pathos in the face of calamity. Heck, at least in the old days they would commemorate their tragedies with superficial statues erected in the center of Hargaysa.
  4. ^ when the opposite of your wet dreams becomes truer, Suldaanow, amaa adiga lagu waayaa?
  5. They had not enough fuel to return to where they came from. Ergo, the request to land in Garowe was granted due to this emergency. However, it is always good to see the Jeegan given more rope to hang themselves with... it only brings closer the day the people in Hargaysa see these treasonous creatures for what they truly are.
  6. I see the low jabs Aroori and Maakhiri are taking at the federalist project underway in Somalia, but I just want to make it clear to you all that of all the other modern political systems in place all over the world, federalism is the most practical for Somalis and the one we can get to the soonest after our recent civil war. Granted, the Somali people don’t understand much about federalism, but with time— I believe they will come around to seeing the inherent political benefits of federalism in managing their own local affairs and engaging, sharing and cooperating with their fellow Somalis. Nobody ever said the implementation of federalism would be a breeze and would lead to a perfect political system for Somalis. After all, politics generally is meant to be imperfect. Is jiid jiidkaan hada socota waa wax loo baahan yahay, waayo qof walba Soomaaliya waa inuu bartaa inuu aayihiisa iyo mustaqbalkiisu qof kale u daba fariissan.
  7. Waa runtaa, walaalsheen weeye, laakin ma celeb baa hadii lagu dhaho iyada isku xishood oo beenta jooji?
  8. See, when you resist your simian feces- tossing temptations, you’re able to pen coherent and intelligible thoughts.
  9. Niic-da raqiiska ah yaree...
  10. Barwaaqo is busted... iskuma xishooto miyaa qoftu? Barwaaqo, walaalay, waan baahanahay bakhti looma cuno. Sheekooyinkaan caatada ah ha ku karaama seegin ee bal isku xishood— gabar soomaaliyeed baad tahayee.
  11. The Jeegaan boys have been very desperate, and you can tell by how Muuse Bidix is asking for negotiations and intervention from the federal government and international community. But I fear nothing will come out of it. What they forget to understand is that Puntlanders are a very patient, patriotic and proud people... Puntland liberated Mogadishu (Somalia’s national capital) from the clutches of moryanism and evil warlords, and now it is looking forward to liberating Hargaysa( Somalia’s second capital) from the clutches of the moronic and dim witted secessionist Jeegaan administration. However hard it gets and however long it becomes; this objective shall be realized, and not all the fake news and cheap stories from our resident secessionists of SOL will change that.
  12. Haye Ayeeyo, waan kaa qaatay... Laakin aan kaaga tago soo dhaweyntii Madaxweyne Camay lagu soo dhaweeyey Buuhoodle, Toghdeer, Somalia...
  13. Naa waa isku dhex yacday ee Cadnaan Garowe shuqul ku ma laha. Video waa hore lasoo macbileeyay naf kuuma noqonayso ee bal been kale noo soo raadi...
  14. It’s not the old video that’s troubling but rather the old mama Barwaaqo oo naf ka raadinaysa...
  15. Mudane Madaxweyne Camay, barwaaqo iyo bashbash ayuu Buuhoodle Kala kulmay... adiguna walaalay?
  16. Lol.. Barwaaqo Ina-Adeer guuleyso!
  17. Lol Don’t loose your cool OO! I know the kitchen is getting a little hot for the Tigray elites you serve, who’ve been milking Ethiopia these past few decades. I hear the reforms the new Oromo PM has instituted are beginning to bite with investigations and foreign assets being frozen. Tell us what’s the lastest news from Addis and your spin on it?
  18. Yes, the poignant words of Garaad Jaamac are indeed as weighty and productive as the very wind you so obtusely think to use to dismiss them; however, Bliss Carman I think said it better. .. Earth Voices (an excerpt) by Bliss Carman "I Heard the spring wind whisper Above the brushwood fire, "The world is made forever Of transport and desire. "I am the breath of being, The primal urge of things; I am the whirl of star dust, I am the lift of wings. "I am the splendid impulse That comes before the thought, The joy and exaltation Wherein the life is caught. "Across the sleeping furrows I call the buried seed, And blade and bud and blossom Awaken at my need. "Within the dying ashes I blow the sacred spark, And make the hearts of lovers To leap against the dark."
  19. Expect a a defensive rebuttal from our resident Tigray troll Old Observer any minute now...
  20. Lol Touché.. that was funny Laakin isku meel ma galaan Boowe iyo Nooh!
  21. Returning, We Hear the Larks by Isaac Rosenberg Sombre the night is: And, though we have our lives, we know What sinister threat lurks there. Dragging these anguished limbs, we only know This poison-blasted track opens on our camp— On a little safe sleep. But hark! Joy—joy—strange joy. Lo! Heights of night ringing with unseen larks: Music showering on our upturned listening faces. Death could drop from the dark As easily as song— But song only dropped, Like a blind man's dreams on the sand By dangerous tides; Like a girl's dark hair, for she dreams no ruin lies there, Or her kisses where a serpent hides.
  22. Tillamook


    Lol Makhiiri, if you consider drowning oneself in a bottle of scotch as cibaado, then yeah... Oodweyne wuu cibaadeysanaya bishaan barakaysan..
  23. Qosol gariirka badi saaxiib... Haye, Suldaanta, General Muxideen goormaad so sii deyseen...lol
  24. Filmkii weynaa wali lama gaarin saaxiib.. boorsamiito kaliya ayaa socota hada...