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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. Aan wadahadalno waa aan heshiino: I personally welcome the talks President Farmaajo has offered to have with the Jeegaan administration. If there’s sincerity on both sides then there could be a negotiable and face-saving outcome for the desperate and hapless Jeegaan which also affirms the indubitable unity of Somalia as a whole.
  2. The Music-Grinders by Oliver Wendell Holmes THERE are three ways in which men take One's money from his purse, And very hard it is to tell Which of the three is worse; But all of them are bad enough To make a body curse. You 're riding out some pleasant day, And counting up your gains; A fellow jumps from out a bush, And takes your horse's reins, Another hints some words about A bullet in your brains. It 's hard to meet such pressing friends In such a lonely spot; It 's very hard to lose your cash, But harder to be shot; And so you take your wallet out, Though you would rather not. Perhaps you 're going out to dine,— Some odious creature begs You 'll hear about the cannon-ball That carried off his pegs, And says it is a dreadful thing For men to lose their legs. He tells you of his starving wife, His children to be fed, Poor little, lovely innocents, All clamorous for bread,— And so you kindly help to put A bachelor to bed. You 're sitting on your window-seat, Beneath a cloudless moon; You hear a sound, that seems to wear The semblance of a tune, As if a broken fife should strive To drown a cracked bassoon. And nearer, nearer still, the tide Of music seems to come, There 's something like a human voice, And something like a drum; You sit in speechless agony, Until your ear is numb. Poor "home, sweet home" should seem to be A very dismal place; Your "auld acquaintance" all at once Is altered in the face; Their discords sting through Burns and Moore, Like hedgehogs dressed in lace. You think they are crusaders, sent From some infernal clime, To pluck the eyes of Sentiment, And dock the tail of Rhyme, To crack the voice of Melody, And break the legs of Time. But hark! the air again is still, The music all is ground, And silence, like a poultice, comes To heal the blows of sound; It cannot be,—it is,—it is,— A hat is going round! No! Pay the dentist when he leaves A fracture in your jaw, And pay the owner of the bear That stunned you with his paw, And buy the lobster that has had Your knuckles in his claw; But if you are a portly man, Put on your fiercest frown, And talk about a constable To turn them out of town; Then close your sentence with an oath, And shut the window down! And if you are a slender man, Not big enough for that, Or, if you cannot make a speech, Because you are a flat, Go very quietly and drop A button in the hat!
  3. Ha ha ha... naflacaari.com Somaliland wey duushay. Somaliland waa qaran. Somaliland 30 sano bey dal xor ah tahay. (sheer utter rubbish!!!) Niicdaas oo dhan soo anigu masoo gabagabayn oo sidii marwo yara oo aan sadex ku qabo meelna uma socotid kuma oran...lol Ducaale saaxiib, you got to learn to give credit where credit is due... Ever since the civil war of Somalia ended, Puntland has been busy trying to pacify and establish a functioning national government in our capital city of Mogadishu, (and mashaallah) we have succeeded. The federalism train of Somalia that Puntland has been driving is now on its way back from the south of Somalia and is heading at high speed to Hargaysa, and unfortunately for you and other hapless secessionists, the only option now available to you guys is to either get quietly onboard and take your seats as the Somaliland State of Somalia, or simple be run over. Its that simple, the choice is yours.
  4. Neither. And this is precisely the wishes of the occupiers. Somalis fighting Somalis. Somalis should stand strong and united against all comers if they are to achieve self-determination.
  5. I think this is the first instance of a corrupt official being caught and put on blast in Somalia. I believe it’s a good first start and more needs to be done to oversee and manage judiciously any funds belonging to the people. For starters, all money transactions must have an electronic paper trail, with the use of large sums of Cash minimized within the government. Also the implementation of a biometric system to keep track of all individuals dealing with and withdrawing monies from government accounts would be an added security precaution. But then again, these sorts of reforms can only be implemented by a government who takes the fight against petty corruption seriously in the first place.
  6. Only a pathway to a genuine free and fair referendum on Somali self-determination in occupied West Somalia is the only a deal that the Onlf want and will take. Anything else will be as pointless as the wind that dried yesterday’s clothes line and will lead to more years of unnecessary conflict.
  7. Lol... the guy keeps chatting shit about somaliland this and somaliland that when all along it turns out that he hails from occupied West Somalia. If that doesn’t sound like misplaced priorities, I don’t know what is.
  8. Ha ha ha Xaaji Maalaayacni, booto iyo sheeko raqiisk ah ayaad meesha ku haysaa. Ninyahow beenta aad nafsadaada maalin walba ku qancinaysid iska jooji. It ain’t healthy for you, mate!
  9. Ha ha ha...Ducaale saaxiib calaacalka yaree oo taariikhdii barakeesanayd ee halyeeyadii D-Block meeshaan haku soo xoqxoqanin. You clearly have some kind of bitter effeminate grudge with the gents from Garowe, so why don’t you go teach them a lesson? Or is it that the worst you can do to them is unleash pungent wet farts at them from across the internet?
  10. Xaaji Maalaayacni, ma keyboard iyo riyo ayaad ku qabsanaysaa? Niic-da yaree sxb, and just wait for us in the West until we come to liberate you.
  11. No such thing ol’ boy. These gents are In Xamar to serve the interests of Somaliland, and there’s nothing wrong with that. The hypocrisy is that Muuse Ooyaye pretends that they committed some sort of treason and offers to give them a so-called “pardon” once they done serving Somaliland in Xamar and return home to Hargaysa.
  12. I’m glad you’ve finally openly admitted that you’re from the occupied West Somalia and have no business claiming Waqooyiga Somalia...
  13. Weligay waan ogaa jaajuus Tigray inaad ahayd oo SOL u soo gala kala qobqobka umadda Soomaaliyeed...
  14. Lol Saaxiib, why not keep it short and simply and say, “ reer Digir iyo Muufo are the best Somalis?” As for the topic at hand, I believe those demonstraters are backward oriented individuals, who ought to be educated on the importance of unfettered competition in the marketplace and the value it brings to society at large.
  15. It is very unfortunate that Somalia has dumbassses for a government. Why do they choose thus to be banal and consistently focus on irrelevant issues when more pressing matters such as the difficult task of building responsible and effective institutions for the nation still need to be done?
  16. So if the Oromo rose up against the Tigre brigands, who were in power--for plundering and mooching off the natural resources of their territory, what makes you think the Somalis will sit on their idle hands and watch non-Somalis exploit and steal their natural resources?
  17. I give credit to Biixi Ooyaye for finally admitting the truth about the terrible social and economic situation the masses in the north of Somalia are grappling with. I believe Biixi Ooyaye has taken the most important step necessary to first wake the brainwashed hapless, helpless and hopeless h@bro of the north of Somalia— who are adamant believers of bullshit like “wey duushay” daydream or some such other nonsense— and ask them to quickly organize themselves for the purpose of ameliorating the epidemic of wretchedness and misery that engulfs them all. Kudos to the learned ladies who lectured Biixi on the importance of economic development and its supremacy over all else. I only wish it were sooner.
  18. It’s truly is a shame to see this formerly respectable Trainer of the Somalia National army to have to stoop down to the disgusting political cesspool usually inhabited by Jeegaan politicians such as Biixi Ooyaye and Faisal Niic Badane. Tsk tsk tsk
  19. He doesn’t need to push federalism because Federalism is already a fait accomplis and an irreversible reality in Somalia—thus, you’re barking up the wrong tree here. In any case, if re-writing” official titles is the last vestiges of your secessionist aspirations and vanity, then so be it, saaxiib. For I believe the days of your irreverent secessionist claptrap are numbered in here...
  20. Ok funny guy... all that hogwash is irrelevant. Just give us an answer as to why you deranged secessionist insist on calling Keating, “ The UN Rep to Somalia and somaliland, when in fact we have in this very thread a letter written by Keating in which he signs his name as UN Rep to Somalia and head of UN mission in Somalia, only. Does your desperation have no boundaries?
  21. What a funny and pitiful creature you’ve become saaxiib. You claim keating holds no “sway” yet in his letter, Biixi Ooyaye is seen bitching and moaning about the insincerity of the so-called UN Rep to Somalia and Somaliland(according to Biixi). Notice how Keating signs his letter and the difference of how the secessionist Biixi refers to him. If that ain’t wishful thinking, I don’t know what is...
  22. Ha ha ha.., Soonka maanta aad buu kuu hayaa miyaa! You’re turning into jokester, sxb, trying to compare Trump’s remarks said in a country with actual laws and order, and those of the deranged Faisal Abu Argagaxiso’...lol
  23. Better to be safe than be sorry, as the saying goes. If students do get harmed because of Faisal’s remarks, then what Tallaabo? I say, nothing wrong with taking an abundance of caution here...