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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. Samatar embarked on this latest misadventure in the hopes of being FINALLY entrusted with a government position by the Jeegaan. Expect any day now for Muuse Ooyaye to name him a minister in his government. Odeyga si fiican ayaa la iskaga hubinayaa, knowing how well he is prone to flip-flop on the secessionist project of the Jeegaan... (Also, Galbeedi’s remarks about Muuse having differences with the Saylici camp of Awdal is becoming more apparent now)
  2. Well, clearly the lines have been drawn.. We have a saying in Somalia, “ ninkii roon ayaa reerka u hari doona.”
  3. Bla bla bla... stop chattin nonsense and get with the program old man. This nation called Somalia from the north to the south shall rise again and there’s nothing a hapless, hopeless and helpless secessionist mooncalf such as yourself can do about it. Soomaliya ha noolaato! Gooni goosatada ha dhacno!
  4. I disagree.. Secessionists are Laangaab numero-uno.. They talk like a Laangaab. They act like a Laangaab. They think like a Laangaab. The cry and whine like a Laangaab. They have an inferiority complex like your typical Laangaab that prevents them from openly taking part in the rough and tumble politics of the national government in Somalia. In fact, saaxiib, I would go as far as to even say that if you were to look up the word “Laangaab” on a average Somali dictionary, you will see there a big smiling picture of a cross-eyed Xaaji Xunduf...lol
  5. Oromos should embrace federalism fully and not allow Abiy to get any funny ideas, like his mentor Meles Zenawi, whereby he convinces them to run the whole show by themselves.
  6. I didn’t think Tigray ai bots were capable of sarcasm. Good one.
  7. Of course, if the Oromo don’t get the Somalis on their side they’re doomed. But it’s the Tigre who want to use the Somali against the Oromo, and that should not be allowed.
  8. Rubbish. Somali and Oromo are neighbors and whatever differences they have they can resolve between themselves. Your Tigray paymasters should butt out!
  9. Although I agree with you that a genuine power sharing agreement is called for in somaliland, I do not believe the regressive 4.5 formula is the right tool for the job because of all its shortcomings and defects. You said yourself that every province and district should manage its own affairs... so political power as well should be decentralized and shared, accordingly.
  10. Saalax & Galbeedi Only a win-win political scenario can salvage somaliland from the current doldrums it finds itself. In my opinion, all this talk about impeachment is a non-starter. I believe unless a viable political off-ramp (which is also palatable to Muuse) is proposed, I don’t see how somaliland would get on the path to the political reforms the GX community & others demand from Muuse. Muuse isn’t an individual who would accept impeachment sitting down—for he is a soldier first and foremost, who will always have a dictatorial outlook about politics—and if like you guys suggest he gets besieged like a cornered rat, he will only dig in which would only escalate the familial violence in the north. I suggest you guys let him finish his term in exchange for the sort of power-sharing agreement you have in mind.
  11. Lol, don’t be too harsh on them because you could be saying that to our very own people from waqooyi galbeed as they too are getting “oromised” at a fast rate. At any rate, the Somalis and Oromos are neighbors and will have their neighborly tiffs with one another whilst continually attempting to push into each other’s land— which has been a habit from time immemorial for them.
  12. ^ What I’m saying is that regardless of who’s trying to take political advantage of the this incident now, the Federal government leaders had scored an own goal against themselves when they chose to hand over a Somali citizen and veteran to Ethiopia. And if their defense is that it was a setup, I say they should have been vigilant against such treason withing government ranks.
  13. Dhinac aan kuu raaco anigu waan garan la'ahay... is Abiye changing Ethiopia for the better in you opinion or are his Oromo, who are his backbone, the brutal savages you say they are, and that we Somalis should oppose? Sheekadaadu waa doofaarka ma cuno laakin maraqiisa ayaan cabaa!
  14. Even if Qalbi-dagax's illegal arrest and rendition has become a disingenuous stalking-horse for the anarchists and secessionist camps opposed to the federal government; it was, nevertheless, a mistake on the part of the federal government leaders to hand a Somali citizen over to a foreign government. My advise to Farmaajo and Khayre would be to welcome Qalbi-dagax in Mogadishu like the returning hero he is, and there confess humbly their mistakes, and beg for his forgiveness with genuine sorrow.( I would also add that they do this with quite sighs in the air and their shameful tears watering the ground he walks upon-- which would be a bit much, I know...but you get the gist, right? )
  15. Yep. He has public opinion on his side for now and he should steer away from anything that might muddy that for him--until of course, the next elections...
  16. ^ Rubbish. Wax aad taqaanid iyo wax aad fahamsantahay ma jirto. Meeshaan Tigray iyo Amxaara ayaa raba iney ka dhex ugaarsadaan Soomaalida iyo Oromada.
  17. ^ Waryaa Jaajuus Tigray, Xaaji Maalaayacni, stop instigating violence between the Oromo and Somalis. It obvious that you’ve taken up the mantle from Old Observer whose sole purpose for being on SOL is to sow discord and hatred between the Oromos and Somalis. I have said it once and I will say it again: The Tigray and Amhara should NEVER be allowed to use the Somali and Oromo against one another to further their political machinations and objectives.
  18. I dare say that’s got to be the understatement of the century. kulahaa, “ we should have captured Gaalkacyo “! These twats are very hilarious...ha ha ha
  19. ^ Its a pity that I attempted to have a cogent discussion with a troop of delirious baboons.. Alright my simian friends, continue unearthing the remains of your deceased ancestors in the hopes of that elusive recognition.
  20. You need to act like an adult and address what’s at hand without talking nonsense. You blame the Kacaan, right? Is the Kacaan in existence now? Didn’t the Kacaan destroy the whole nation? Didn’t all Somalis rise up against it and bring it down? So why do you still choose to cry about a Kacaan that is dust and gone? You h@bros have some seriously low self-esteem that you need to collectively get over. And maybe, just maybe, you should try to emulate your fellow Somalis for once in your lives, who by their own nature, hardiness and endurance have overcome the nightmares of the civil war and look forward to a brighter future.
  21. Ha ha ha.. Ducaale, I laughed so hard!! You are right, somaliland needs all the help in the world it can get; alas, you will find that it will not suffice. Ha ha ha
  22. Xaaji Xunduf, I'm sure no one has the sort of encyclopaedic knowledge about the myriad atrocities that took place all across Somalia during the civil war... so answer me this: why is it that your political leaders are the ones who can’t help but dig up the bones and sinews of civil war victims just to score some petty political points and won’t allow bygones to be bygones. How do you expect our nation to move forward and reconcile?