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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. Afkaagu iyo dhagahaagu isma maqlaan miyaa? You oppose federalism because of the clans of Somalia, but in the same breath you say, “a decentralized form of statehood is the way forward”! Isn’t Fedralism decentralization? Give me some of whatever it is you’re imbibing, mate.,,lol
  2. Somalis are more than capable of handling any expansionist ambitions— of not only the Oromos, but the highlanders as well. History shows us that such ambitions have been thwarted time and time again, and upto to this date the fight to protect ourselves and our trrritories continues successfully and Somali enemies are non-the-better for it. Saaxiib, Soomalidu gacmaha baruur kuma sidato iyaguba oo qoomiyadaha dariska aanu nahay Eebe wuu ina barey sida la iskaga dhiciyo. Marmar uun baa damac galaa markay arkaan Soomaalida oo isku maqan, laakin Soomalidu markay midowdo wey ogyihiin xitaa koob shaah ah inay naga heleyn..
  3. Dabrow, walaale, please desist from talking such nonsense, for it not only seems churlish and childish on your part, but also exposes an effeminate temper commonly associated with the secessionist cretins who run around here on SOL( who because of their inability to tussle politically with their fellow Somalis, have opted instead to cordon themselves off in the north of Somalia) For heavens’ sake, don’t be like them and limit yourself only to Gedo. The whole of Jubaland and Somalia belong to you and you should therefore have the grit and mettle necessary to come up with a political vision to lead it all. Don’t let your differences with the President of Jubaland put you in such an untenable situation that will only cause your beloved Gedo to fall behind the rest of Somalia.
  4. Exactly...So what’s your disapproval of Madoobe got to do with this particular issue regarding the appointment of the new commander that the Jubaland administration have taken issue with? Like I said before, you can deal with your differences with the Madoobe administration without having to piggyback on someone else’s.
  5. I endorse these remarks See, OO, you’re capable of some juicy stuff when you’re not busy encouraging Oromo/Somali violence..
  6. I don’t know who you’re trying to lecture these “sweat nothings” to, but it sure as hell ain’t me, hombre.. OO, don’t obsess so much about Somalis and what they will or will not do. Just focus your energies on Tigre prospects( if they survive through it) once the Oromo are done consolidating their power.
  7. Why must you make Axmad Madoobe’s issues with the Federal government about Gedo? Need I remind you that the government in Xamar waa loo wada siman yahay, and it would really be discreditable to its national goals of unifying the country—if it were to take sides in the local affairs of Jubaland(like you seem to wish) or for that matter any other Federal member state. I believe Jubaland politicians will iron out the remaining differences and rivalries amongst themselves without dragging the national government into it...
  8. Even though it might no occur overnight, Self-determination for the people of Western Somalia is a foregone conclusion, in my opinion. We are just gonna have to watch how the Oromos wanna play this: Will they continue to engage in the futile attempts to stop the Somalis from Galbeedka from their endeavors like their predecessors or will they have the boldness to abide and respect the wishes of their eternal neighbors? Somalis are prepared to deal with either path that they choose... P.S Kheeraadka Soomalida qof shisheeye ah inuu dhaco yeeli mayno!
  9. What point are you trying to make here, because you’ve only repeated the futile game plan of the former Tigray rulers; which is to get the Somalis and Oromos at each other’s throats and thereby slow down or even derail the reforms Abiye is implementing in Addis—which are detrimental to the Tigray brigands who used to run the place. P.S OO, was that saying about “trouble in a market is a good distraction for a thief”, a Freudian slip on your part? You’re right... these skirmishes that your Tigray masters are trying to ignite between Somalis and Oromos shall be extinguished —and the Tigray brigands will not get another opportunity to return to their thieving ways once again.
  10. Regardless of how many have died so far, the people who have fallen for this insidious Tigray propaganda and committing atrocities against their neighbors are also victims.
  11. Jiid aan ku jiidee, waa gacmo daalis. These unnecessary and continually recurring tit-for-tat between the Federal government and Jubaland must be brought to an end immediately. Yes, the federal government is responsible for national security and has the right, per the constitution, to appoint commanders; however, there was an agreement back in May 2007 during the security conference held in Europe—between the Federal government and federal member states— that, as a confidence building measure, the Federal government would consult and coordinate all military affairs with the respective Federal member states. In any case, this is petty and does not benefit anybody. It must immediately be resolved by the politicians on both sides. Furthermore, the politicians running the Federal government must desist from trying to take advantage of the local political differences in Jubaland, for it will only come back to bite them in the rear if they continually attempt to interfere— especially with the election around the corner. A strong united Jubaland is a necessary pillar for a strong Federal government in Xamar. Let’s hope Farmaajo and Kheyre have the vision to see this...
  12. Please don’t fall for such obvious Tigray propaganda. These sort of videos are only meant to incite hatred and revenge driven violence between Somalis and Oromo.
  13. ^ What you guys are overlooking are the Chinese, and whether they will take these fast moving changes in the Horn lying down without muddying the waters a bit.
  14. What makes you think the Tigray are NOT also using Oromo stooges to kill Somalis indiscriminately, as well? Why do you assume it’s only Somali stooges being used to incite hatred and violence between these neighborly peoples? Anyway, the new guy has a lot on his plate and we shall judge him by how well he steers the federal ship in Addis to safer waters for the benefit of the whole of east Africa in general, and the Horn in particular.
  15. Ha ha ha... History shows us that all China’s rivals are doing is just waiting for the communist cow to get really fat, and bam, its a feast for everyone but the poor Chinese.
  16. I missed this hogwash...but need I reply to such abject buffoonery. Maxaa tiri? 4.5 uun baa isku dhinac idiin marisay, miyaa? Xaaji, saaxiib, I know it’s mind boggling for you to grasp the reality that the D-Block is as numerous as the stars in the heavenly firmament— and as widespread as they are in the Horn of Africa are one and the same family ... But love it or loath it, even if your laangaab sensibilities are unable to fathom such a wonder, it is nonetheless an indisputable FACT.
  17. Most of the money goes to unscrupulous middlemen who milk the poor pilgrims. I personally don’t blame them for overcharging these pilgrims, because the demand is high and there’s not enough competition between the agents supplying the service. If prices are to fall, more competition is the answer!
  18. War hee dheh...niic-da iyo bootada raqiiska ah yaree! Aniga iyo adiga waxaa heeshiis noo ah inaad go’did mise inaad Habar miskiin ah oo maamullada Soomaaliya ka mid ah sii ahaatid. Anything else you say is as worthless and pointless as the fart of a tiny insect.
  19. Adigu guul horta maxaa u taqaanaa? Xaaji Maalaayacni, laangaabnimo awgeed waxaad doorbideen inaad Soomaaliya ka go’daan... Puntland, oo ah hooyadii Federalismka Soomaaliya, waxay kuugu jawaabtay meel aad u socotid majirto ina-Adeer. Marka guusha waxaan ku kala yeelan doonaa keenii rabitaankiisa uu hir galo, soo ma aha? Adigu pirates-ka hadaad xaaqdid oo aad xuduuda aad ku riyootid soo xiratid markaas qaran madax banaan noqotid... taas ayaa guul kuu ah ana burcadnimadeedi ayaan ku laabanayaa oo bad weynta ayaan ka qaraabanayaa... Laakin hadii aan sheekadaada raqiiska ah aan kaa hor joogsado oo Saalax iyo raggii Gacan Libaax ku shiray oo jeegada ku haya kuu geeyo Koonfuria iyo Xamar, markaas annay guushu ii soo hoyondoontaa soo ma aha? Saas ayaa balan noo ah, in the meantime let’s all enjoy the free entertainment our resident comic Suldaanka is providing us..
  20. Are you sure about the no president bit, Mr Reer Sariffeeye? We all know the Jeegaan laangaabs are the ones who’ve never held or will ever hold for the foreseeable future, the presidency and premiership of the reconstructed Federal Somalia. Which is why they’ve been crying for secession for the last 30 years in Somalia, but like a typical hapless housewife oo aan sadex ku qabno... We have said NO —and there’s absolutely nothing y’all can do about it..
  21. Ha ha ha.. lol@ unverified but credible...ha ha h Suldaanka, you’ve become my daily dose of comedy...
  22. Naflacaari.com I like it when I see Jeegaan minions posting desperate videos Keep ‘em coming, Suldaanka.
  23. OO, your prescience is beginning to fascinate us... Here’s our Somali Nelson Mandela warming up for the, no-holds-barred, rough and tumble politics of Mogadishu. I think, however, that he needs more practice before he is ready for the limelight. Maybe, a good two years will do the trick...
  24. I’m surprised he wasn’t given binoculars like Saylici was when he last visited. Hmmm, I wonder why? Lol