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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. Xaaji Maalaayacni, saaxiib, anigu guusha inaan wato xataa waxaa ii qiray Faisal Niic-badane oo yiri “intey Soomaalidii kale shan qaanadood soo kale geliyeen bey anakii noo soo jeesedeen oo wixii aan wadanay oo dhan, hadaanunahay habraha waqooyi waxaa ka xoog badatay Tukaraq”..
  2. Suldaanka reminds of Baghdad Bob. The guy never knows when to quit...lol
  3. I think that’s a mark of true leadership skills, haduu waali dadka u horseedo oo ay ku wada raacaan, so ma aha?
  4. Your suggestions are worthy and should be put forward by your politicians to be debated by all the other stakeholders of Somalia, keeping in mind that your fellow Somalis have ideas of their own, that you ought to consider as well. However that is not the problem here ... the problem here is that the politicians from northern Somalia are forced by the ill-thought policies of the Hargaysa administration to publicly cloister themselves from southern politicians and if they must work with them, they are forced to do it surreptitiously and under the radar. So, publicly, it seems only southern politicians are tackling and fighting over all the difficult issues that come up in the country, and only they get blamed for all the mishaps and bad outcomes. This, in my opinion, is not a wise choice by the Hargaysa administration. It should permit its politician to go sit at the table and if they, like you, see problems with the way the southerners are running the country they should be correcting them and looking out for not only their interests but the national interest as well. In any case, Tallaabo, “Konfuria” may still be a mess but a lot has been accomplished since the days of the first TFG government. It has been a terribly slow grind— but nonetheless, I believe we’re moving in the right direction. It’s just that I think you guys should be at the table openly in public without trying to deceive the Habr0s—and giving out so-called amnesties to every idoor politician that participates in the national politics of the federal government. Even Faisal Cali Warrabe was forced to defend his motivations for meeting with southern politicians after returning to Hargaysa.
  5. Lol@“ ..he should not be allowed to hold public office” Maakhir1, I like how you’re laying down the law like some infallible edict giver of the former glorious Roman Empire. saaxiib, bahashu waa siyaasad ee bal in yar tartiibso intaadan ku sibiibaxan. Gaas, the politician, clearly has the support of the people of Puntland, and I believe that will manifest itself once and if he gets re-elected. So stop with silly and churlish personal attacks until then, eh.
  6. Ducaale, Keep up the unending niic, and let’s see how far it gets you.. By the by, how many hours of the day do your zoo keepers allow you to use the computer?
  7. Ninyahow, I had my suspicions before but I now truly believe the Xaaji has gone stark raving mad. I can’t make any sense of his rants and ramblings anymore.
  8. I think you’re under-estimating the ill thought ambitions of secessionist politicians in the north. What they want is either the presidency or the premiership handed to them on a silver plate; as if their is a single individual or group in the south that can muster that kind of power to give to them. What these northern politicians forget is that the 60’s are way behind us and the days when politicians from the north and south would horse-trade the two highest offices of the land are now long gone. Since then we’ve had a socialist revolution that turned into a dictatorial regime, which then led to a civil war that we are still recovering from, nearly 30 years on. Equality, justice and democratic competition in politics is the only forward for Somalia— and so Somaliland politicians should ready themselves to take part and compete fairly, if they are ever to get elected to the presidency or PM positions, respectively.
  9. Please elaborate further...what exactly would you recommend to "Koonfuria" to keep Somaliland in the "union"?
  10. The current communal violence was first instigated and masterminded by former Tigray regime who used paid stooges on both sides. Unfortunately the nescient nabobs in both communities have fallen victim to it, and so more has to be done by all sides to stop the senseless bloodletting —but more importantly the Tigray stooges on both sides should be sidelined and be brought to justice.
  11. ^ Mudane Ducaale, To dignify the cackling snide remarks of a buck toothed baboon such as yourself with a reply would be utterly pointless. So as you were...
  12. Tsk tsk tsk... OO, it’s sad to see that my fellow Somalis here a lapping up all the anti-Oromo vitriol your Tigray overlords have skillfully engineered to turn Somalis against them. But I hope in time, Somalis will see through this deceptive subterfuge for what it is and realize it only benefits the Tigre/Amhara when the Somalis and Oromos turn on one another.
  13. OO, what’s the lastest news from the dam? Is it still on progress to meet its deadline to be commissioned as planned or are their set backs? I know the new government is cash strapped so will that prevent them from finishing the dam?
  14. ^ Nothing of the sort, mate. The corrupt military own and run that country like their personal fiefdom—and its with their blessing that this guy won these rigged elections. I’m sure they will have a very short leash around his neck, just like the previous PMs.
  15. Lol @ Faisal’s speech. I guess it’s true what they say...”Even rats abandon a sinking ship” I believe Muuse Ooyaye is in big trouble now that his number one faataadugle has shared a drink from the poisoned-chalice in Brussels with Somali “walanweyn” politicians and had even went as far as kissing the Kacaan ring of Farmaajo in broad daylight. Clearly, Faisal Niic-badane has now gained a bit of oomph from paying homage to Farmaajo and has begun to openly threaten to bring to account the incompetent Jeegaan administration in Hargaysa.
  16. I hear some folks wanna put Muuse to the test and insist that he locks up Faisal to prove he did not send him to the Somalia conference in Brussels as his own representative.
  17. I don’t think Muuse has any appetite for locking up anyone these days. He’s got other big problems to deal with and the last thing he should do is to turn Faisal Niic Badane into a political prisoner. Just imagine Faisal upon release calling up the media acting like a latter day Qalbi-dagax...lol
  18. Xaaji, I can’t allow you to get so depressed. Instead only listing the problems, why not share some solutions too?
  19. The corruption and injustices of the previous Silanyo administration coupled with the subsequent state capture by a group of venal politicians —who arrogantly named themselves Jeegaan—are the main causes of these senseless inter-familial clashes that will not abate. Saaxiibyaal, the GX community are very miffed about the blatant theft of the recent elections by the Jeegan h@bros. I believe, they have had enough and are now unwilling to forgive this shameful theft and have opted to make running somaliland a living nightmare for Muuse Bidix. And the unfortunate thing about it all, is that Muuse lacks the necessary political acumen to placate this vast and important community nor is he even ready to make the sort of concessions that could maybe allay some of the anger the GX have toward his administration. I believe, unless Muuse agrees to a genuine power sharing agreement with the GX community whereby they get their rightful share of the power in Hargaysa...these destabilizing clashes will continually erupt and Muuse will have to finish his term under siege, both literally and figuratively.
  20. Nearly 30 years of xuduuda baan soo xiraynaa iyo wey dushay, and Citiraaf is around the corner... but all of sudden you now have the temerity to tell us yawn-inducing hokum such as “We are not in a hurry”.... my foot! You, sir, are truly an experienced and relentless peddler of bullshit, if there ever was one. But, I’m afraid— we ain’t buying.(besides, we don’t have the money to do so even if we were to oblige you, right!)lol
  21. Lol@ Suldaanka Saaxiib, you admit that you’ve posted a non-issue worthy of ridicule and contempt... And oh my...how far we’ve come with our Jeegaan minions on Sol. From: Garowe baan qabsanaynaa To: Puntland is broke. Wow... Suldaanka, if Puntland is financially crippled— as you pray and hope—then that should be a godsend to your desperate Jeegaan leaders, right? Why not make quick work of the poor pirates and take over Garowe whilst Gaas&Co go around Diaspora communities in Europe with their begging bowls in hand?. Mise, naxariis bay idinka tahay? Ha ha ha
  22. It may have been started by the State, but the objective is to wean it off state subsidies. If it can’t stand on its own feet, then it has no business being on air and wasting taxpayers’ money.
  23. Lol Hey Suldaanka, it’s called a free market. You should read up on it sometime!
  24. That’s retarded thinking on your part: All those local issues you’ve raised will be resolved one way or another, and the Federal system will move forward.
  25. You’re only preaching to the choir here. Somali Federal constitution stipulates 3 or more provinces (oo is ogol) can form a Federal member state and they have, with some more than others still dragging their feet. ***Correction: two or more can form a federal member state