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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. Well if it ain’t my favorite buck toothed baboon of SOL. Was that the best you could muster? C’mon monkey boy, you need to try a little harder than that for your betters to take your cackling sounds seriously.
  2. Ina Cawil Mucjiso & Co. Horta waa iga su’aalee, “maxaa dheriga karka keeney? Maxay habrihii Shankaroon afka u furteen? I wonder why are y’all gettin’ all hot and bothered about my remarks above? Could it be that, in this instance, there is some truth to that old adage; “he who shouts the loudest of his innocence usually has something to hide”? Oodka, first of all, let me set the record straight, again: I never generalize, nor will I ever stoop to the sort of rude and boorish incivility to refer to a segment of Somali society as Laangaabiin. I shall have to leave such surly waxashnimo— and implacable hate for fellow Somalis— to cockeyed nincompoops such as yourself, Mudane Oodweyene. Now with that caveat out of the way, allow me to expound on why I refer to secessionists such as Xaaji Xunduf & yourself as pitiable Laangaabiin. The nub of the issue here is that, your abject Laangaabnimo is the root cause of your futile pursuit for secessionism. I believe this Laangaab mindset is caused by a visceral fear and inability by some segment of the Habarland community to hold their own— political and socially— against the Somali behemoths of D’Block and HAG. So like a kid on the soccer field who does not possess the skills to keep up with his betters on the football pitch, but who feels the necessity to keep out of the fray of the game without leaving the game, you have opted to pursue a defunct policy of attempting to carve out a little fiefdom for yourselves in the north of the field/country where you can take a break from tussling with those belligerent behemoths of Somali politics(D-block & H-group) who will always take you to the cleaners, speaking figuratively of course. In any case, Ina Cawil Mucjiso, you personally need not get too defensive about my assertions of Laangaabnimo... for I know, without a shadow of doubt, inaad tahay Laandheere Laandheera dhalay, because according to credible DNA evidence, furnished by Mudane Saalax, you are an ill-begotten by-blow of an errant faqash trooper who was completing a tour of duty. And don’t you even try to the deny it by telling us some hogwash about waa mucjiso “miraculous birth” caused by infertile and impotent octogenarians. We just ain’t buying dat shit! P.S As to your other effeminate whinings about Halyey Cabdullahi Yusuf(AUN) doing his duty against all odds for Mother Somalia, and re-establishing the seat of Somali statehood in Villa Somalia; I just think your Laangaab mindset, once again, causes you to be jealous of the gall and unapologetic grit of determined men that are greater than you and your hapless habro ilk. Wa billaahi towfiiq..
  3. I don’t see what the fuss is about in here. In fact, this is precisely what was expected after the Federal member states had met in Kismayo and gave the Federal government leadership in Xamar an ultimatum to implement completely and fully the agreements heretofore signed or expect opposition from the Federal Member States. Looks to me, Farmaajo and Kheeyre have heeded these calls and have begun placating the respective Federal Member States beginning with Mr. Waare. I expect to see similar efforts from Xamar to normalize their broken down relationships with the other member states as well.
  4. As a card carrying member of the Royal Pirates of Somalia, I want to set the record straight in here; Puntland is —and has always been— a proud proponent of a Federal national framework for Somalia, which we believe will enable all Somalis to organize their social, economic and political lives in a manner that will be beneficial and productive for all Somalis, wherever they maybe located. Now, Xaaji Maalaayacni, calling it “clan federalism”, as if that is a swear word) just because our Somali society is structured along clan and tribal affiliations will not change the fact that Federalism is the only viable option that we Somalis have to bring back our state and nationhood. Heck, even Muuse Ooyaye, passed a local ordinance today in Hargaysa that calls for decentralization and local autonomy for the districts he claims to control. If that ain’t a step towards the federalism we champion, then I don’t know what is! So clearly, your beef isn’t with the federalism that we Puntlanders are successfully implementing and promoting throughout Somalia. I believe your beef is with the clan structure of our Somali society because, that is truly what is preventing you from ever realizing your futile aspirations of seeing an internationally recognized Shankaroon, where a hapless h@bar like you could finally feel like a true laandheere in that corner of the country...lol Marka, sxb, waxaan kuugu tallinayaa... habeen barkii inta soo kacdid, Salaad tuko oo Eebe ka bari, “Illaahayow laangaabnimada asagay iga reebay iga dulqaad!”
  5. ^ OO, laying back in the cut and staying cool, eh! Your hopes are finally beginning to materialize as these new waves of ominous bouts between the Amhara and Oromos are only just beginning..
  6. Ina Cawil Mucjiso, you’ve your facts twisted: This Gacal fella was in the same camp as Kheyre and Farmaajo. In this instance, I believe the “Qatari slush fund” was caught napping at the wheel. Let’s see how it performs in the coming HirShabelle showdown.
  7. Federalism might be messy and confusing to some Somalis, but it is definitely a viable political system that can and will unite all Somalis in pursuit of their common goals.
  8. Does anyone have some good statics from reputable sources about the respective populations of our neighboring communities in the Horn? Populations of the Oromo, Afar, Tigre, Amhara and even the Kikuyu and other Nilotic peoples in our immediate vicinity? Much obliged.
  9. Detractors and naysayers of Somalia’s federal system can bleat about the place like the inconsequential simpletons they be... but the fact remains; when the Federal Member States speak— the leadership of the Federal National Government are obliged to take heed according to the law of the land. +........+.......+.......+.....+.....+.....+.....+.... Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo shir wadatashi ah isugu yeeray madaxda Maamul goboleedyada Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamad Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa shir wadatashi ah ugu yeeray Madaxda Dowlad Goboleedyada. Qodobada looga hadli doono shirka ayaa waxaa ka mid ah arrimaha amniga, dagaalka ka dhanka ah Al Shabaab iyo Daacish, hir gelinka siyaasadda loo dhanyahay iyo ka shaqeynta arrimaha horumarinta dhaqaalaha Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa sheegtay in ay adkeynayso in xal u helista arrimaha masiiriga ah ee dalka ay tahay mid u taalla Soomaalida, iyada oo loo marayo hab ku saleysan wadatashi, isu tanaasul iyo ilaalinta danta guud oo ah waajib saaran dhammaan madaxda qaranka, heer Federaal iyo heer Dowlad Goboleed. Shirka ayaa ka dhici doona magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimadda Soomaaliya 17-ka ilaa 18-ka Sebteembar 2018 ayaa looga wada-tashan doonaa dar-dargelinta howlaha muhiimka ah ee horyaalla Golaha Amniga Qaranka. Madaxda Maamul goboleedyada oo maanta shir ugu soo gabagaboobay magaalada Kismaayo ayaa ku dhawaaqay inay hakiyeen wada shaqeynta ay la lahaayeen dowladda Sidoo kale waxaa shirka looga arrinsan doonaa arrimo muhiim u ah hannaanka dowladnimada Soomaaliya oo ku jirta marxalad soo kabasho ah. Horseed Media 2018
  10. OO, it seems you’ve become an amazing fortune telling machine to speak with such clarity about the future of the Horn
  11. This fast-moving waves of rapprochement in the Horn of Africa should be welcomed because it is in the interest of all the people of the Horn to attempt to resolve their political and social differences; or at a minimum—agree upon a unified way forward to do so. Naturally, the recently deposed Tigray brigands and their loyal secessionist sychophants are not too keen on this happening.
  12. Ina Cawil Mucjiso, saaxiib, don’t get too defensive in here!! A she-male (Marwo Oodka...lol) such as yourself, who proudly claimed here on SOL to have been miraculously sired by an infertile and impotent octogenarian ages ago cannot possible have the audacity to refer to others as “garac” or some other such uncouth language. But then again, who could begrudge you for your egregious waxashnimo? After all, you’ve spent your whole life trying to fight off your illegitimate beginnings and the associated scorn and obloquy you’ve suffered under a strictly conservative society such as ours. Marka, sxb, keep venting your spleen on these boards, it only proves your need for psychiatric help.
  13. Ina Cawil Mucjiso awalba dhalad xalaal ah muusan ahayn... oo wuxuu yahay ayuu ummada kale moodaa Oodweyne, hooyooyinka Soomaaliyeed fadhikudirirkaagu ha ka amaan helaan.
  14. Shsss Dalmar does not know about the numerous lurkers of SOL.. Heck even The Zack peeped his head through the door tonight.
  15. Lol@ Xaaji... Xaaji, I think you’re giving Gallamadow too much credit.
  16. Galbeedi, I think you have some of your facts mixed up... This newly appointed Mukhtar is different from the previous Mukhtar you’re speaking of. Although they’re of similar military rank and similar name, they are two seperate individuals.
  17. ...Apparently, even with caanoboore, the cream does sometimes rise to the top. I wish my fellow SOLer all the luck and success in the world. God knows, he will need it if he is to pilot our troubled ship, of SomaliGalbeed--through the jagged rocks and treacherous shoals of the geopolitics of the Horn-- to a good and secure anchorage.
  18. Waryaaya sheekada raqiiska ah joojiya. Nin walibow deegaankaaga dhiso oo ha ku mashquulin Soomaalida kale waxay heestaan ama ay dhisanayaan. Wax qabad la’aan darteed ayaad nolosha uga wada dhacdeen hadana dadkii dantooda kasoo baxanay waxaad rabtaan inaad tafaha ku dhagtaan. Federalism is the only workable solution to our national quandaries. Charity begins at home, thus development must be focused locally.
  19. Caqli bur saliid waaxid. I did not compare us to California. I brought those two ports in California up as an example to invalidate your baseless assertion that building ports close to one another would make them “redundant” .
  20. You have posited a retarded argument that is based on not one single intelligible fact. And to top it of, you dashed it with a sprinkling of make-believe outrage which is wholly unnecessary here. Proximity of distance between these proposed ports in Mudug need not necessarily bring about redundancy nor economic superfluity. (Just google the distance between the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, and you will see the flaws in your thinking) I believe, if they get built... the ports of Gara’ad and Hobyo will supplement one another and at the same time compete with one another and other ports in the country — which will drive the cost of trading through them much lower— for all to benefit from. By the by, who made you the all-knowing arbitrator of what our so called “poor” people can or cannot do? It such defeatist and disgusting mentality that has set back many a Somali these days. Saaxiib fadhiga ka kac oo iskaa wax u qabso. “I am poor” is no excuse.. Ku dayo Puntland!
  21. Gooni, under which rock did you crawl out of. It’s called clickbait, mate.
  22. Xaaji, walaale, dhibtii aad sheegtay oo dhan wali waa jirtaa—waa run — laakin adiga xataa waad ogtahay sanadba sanadka ka sii dambeeya dalkeenu dhibaatooyinka uu ku jiro wuu kasoo fiicnaanayaa. Rome wasn’t built in a day, neither will peace and prosperity take hold in somalia overnight. It’s has been a slow slog but we will eventually get there, iA!
  23. Ha ha ha.. Saaxiib, Faisal maybe what you say he is but even a broken clock tells the correct time twice a day...lol Also, reer Puntland caydu waxba nagama tarto..... it’s just a sign that we are doing something right— to cause our rivals and hapless detractors to have no other recourse to oppose us other than to resort to such womanous tendencies...
  24. Nimanku arintu jiq bey ku noqotay oo meel ay wax u dhaqaajiyaan ayee la’yihiin.. Bal ila daawo calaacalkooda...