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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. You sweat nothings are duly noted: EVERYTHING is POLITICAL in the Horn.
  2. Despairing Tigray ai, I see what you’re trying to do in here, but must I remind you that all those ports belong to Somalia —regardless of which you think is “preferable ”—and I assure you, only with the collective blessings and benefit of ALL Somalis will you ever gain access to the sea for trade, or any other purpose for that matter.
  3. The poor sod has become so discombobulated by the Good-Cop/Bad-Cop of Somali politics, that now— like a deer caught in the headlights— dhinac uu aado ayuu garan la’yahay!
  4. To reconcile and align differing views is precisely the reason why we have Clan Elders in the first place: Clan Elders only forward a clan’s chosen candidate— only after due deliberation, and consideration has been undertaken by his tribesmen. Naturally there’s is going to be a lot of competition and grievances, which leads to some horse trading or some other form of placation.
  5. Lol@ OO, You said: “The fact that these three release pictures of this kind all the time shows you, exactly what they think about us.” When will you stop this sort of petty whining and get on with your life?
  6. As a staunch Federalist myself, and having the confidence that Federalism is the one true democratic path forward for our clan based society...I welcome Farmaajo &Co. , and for that matter, any other Somali out there who wishes to promote Centralism or any other alternative form government for Somalia. I believe they have every right to make their case why they feel it is in our interest to revert to centralism and as such I don’t see it as a “waste of time”; ultimately, the will of a majority of Somali people shall decide the success or failure of these contending ideologies.
  7. As of this morning, the news of the arrest Gabre is highly exaggerated.
  8. OO, your melancholy vis-à-vis the predicament your Tigray overlords find themselves, in the new Ethiopia is duly noted in here and justifiable—if we are to assume, Abiy will go down the path Zenawi and other Ethiopian dictators have gone down in the past. While I hope for the sake of the whole of the Horn, he does not.., what sort of other contingencies have your Tigray overlords kept in place to ensure survival against Abiy’s effrontery towards their power and influence? Please don’t tell me that all they had in their bag of tricks was their attempts to incite inter- ethnic violence between the Somalis and Oromo? Was that their only insurance policy?
  9. I agree. The premise of the suggestion that we should imitate the Swiss, or any other peoples for that matter, is flawed and reeks of defeatism and will not be a panacea for our country’s problems. Just like our ancestors, I am confident—in due course— Somalis shall find a viable, homegrown governance solution that is in tune with who we are as a people and will enable us once again to compete with the rest of the world. As the saying goes: Rome was not built in one day...
  10. Saaxiib, ishaad ka tuurtay! Abiy’s objective here is to make a muddle of the federal regional system of Ethiopia by encouraging every Tom, Dick and Harry out there, who has the minutest of grievances, to go ahead and setup their own federal state. For Somali Galbeed in particular, he will attempt to agitate Somali rival clans to pursue their own independent states that will come directly under his regime in Addis Ababa. Naturally, this will lead to conflict within communities and not to mention— against other communities, and will lead to chaos, mistrust and instability...Instability, he thinks(sic) he can use to his advantage and help prolong his hold on power long enough to build sufficient wealth and power for him to subjugate the whole country and rule like one of the kings of yesteryears.
  11. Goodluck trying to arrest an internet bot.
  12. Samafal, I wouldn’t call this political infighting as a quagmire per se. In fact, this is a necessary reshuffling of the true stakeholders of Galmudug. This is about a group of individuals in Xamar who want to use Galmudug as a personal sideshow to further their political careers, and a group that really wants to be independent and work towards building a functioning State government that can serve and protect its people. Ultimately, victory will go to the individuals who have the people’s interest at heart, for they will possess the most vital ingredient to win: The people’s support!
  13. Neither of the two options you suggest will suffice. The Balkanization of Ethiopia will be a disaster for everyone, including us Somalis, wherever we maybe. ..And if the Oromo, who rightfully resisted the tyranny of Tigray rule, try to become like the Tigray dictators— and gain full control of the levers of power and subjugate the other ethnic communities to their will, then that will only hasten the unfavorable Balkanization previously mentioned which, I assume, we all agree is of no interest to any one community in the Horn. In my view, the only way forward, is for the Oromo (who so far have the legitimacy to reform the country) to go about it in a manner that first and foremost does not alienate any one group, and secondly respect the free will of the constituent communities who have the right to self-determination to decide how they will either live together as one nation or as friendly neighboring countries. The road will be tough and arduous but the sooner Ethiopia is reconstituted fairly and equitably by all stakeholders of the country, the better it will be for all involved.
  14. OO, I would not qualify it as brilliant per se, but rather a fortuitous peculiarity of the infamous Achilles heel of Somali tribalism that brings about unexpected benefits to our country from time to time, which frustrates foreign powers from getting their ducks in a row, as it where, vis-à-vis Somalia and thus frustrating their high ambitions for the country.
  15. Everything you’ve said above might-be true... but you shouldn’t discount the likelihood of these same Gulf countries mending fences soon and reconciling with one another. Personally, I think it’s a good stratagem on the part of the Farmaajo administration, and somewhat does credit to them, to attempt to ride those proverbial “two horses”, you spoke of; until, such a time as when the respective Royal houses who rule those countries come back to their senses and reach some sort of rapprochement. I believe the Somali leaders in the country who’ve choosen to support the Saudis/ Emirati camp on one side or the Qatari/ Turkish camp on the other— are buying time by which to avail our country of the dangerous side effects of these squabbling and bickering brethren, for now.
  16. I agree and believe that Sharif’s resignation is merely a tactical retreat and his political opponents run the risk of underestimating him. I wouldn’t be surprised if he once again magically appears and outmaneuvers them, yet again.
  17. C’mon Cadnaan, after all these years you of all people should know that no one group can use force or violence to gain any political power in Somalia? Love him or loath him, Sharif became leader of Southwest State of Somalia without engaging in any violence and by deftly outmaneuvering the mighty political waves that have sunk many a politician; therefore, anyone opposed to him in these elections should try to dislodge him from office by beating him at his own game. Also, the political opponents of Sharif —who I think out of sheer desperation, have resorted to hurling churlish insults at Southwest State’s traditional elders, have forgotten that in our tumultuous and tribal Somalia these same Odey Dhaqameed exert considerable sway over the political lives of their tribesmen.
  18. I dare say, this is one of the beautiful hallmarks of the US constitution and the federalism it engenders, whereby a small immigrant community of Somalis can muster enough votes to elect Individuals that will look out for their interests regardless of the factious demagogue who holds the presidency of the country. Just imagine what would happen to these Somalis in the Twin cities if this country didn’t have the U.S constitution that protects them and their rights?
  19. Lol@ “ Sewage dwellers” I guess it’s official now: Habrihi Jeegaanta waxaa loo bixiyey “reer Boosenero”.. SOL’s entertainment value for me never goes down..lol