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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. Sxb, Galbeedi, maahmaah baa ahayd “Habar fadhidaa lagdin la fududaa.” While your braggadocio in here is commendable and ambition, in general, is a good thing within bounds, I don’t believe thinking yourself a lion when in fact you’re a kitten, is a wise thing to do. Such foolhardiness of trying to act as though you could possibly punch above your weight class is simply pitiable. Also, you seem too keen on wanting to share advise that isn’t required nor was asked for. Now whether 30 million dollars or 30 shillings is spent on Puntland’s inauguration is of no concern to you, marka anigu waxaan kuugu tallin lahaa, keep your advice to yourself and don’t worry about the “tomato sellers” of Bosasso but rather concentrate on keeping the taxes collected from the tomato sellers of Borama safe from the dirty clutches of the Jeegaan cabal. After all what is good for the goose is good for the gander, right Now with that out of the way, let me educate you, further: Puntland’s inauguration is not a waste of time or money. In fact, it is a celebration of Puntland’s peaceful change of government —and transfer of power— that all Puntlanders are proud of and look forward to. Need I also add that Puntlanders are happy with their institutions of governance and the mechanisms with which we hold them accountable— and we work towards improving them each and everyday. Whenever setbacks occur(and they do) we have the ability to hit the reset button and try to fix them. I would only hope you could say the same for your end of the woods, instead of wasting time in here, after all “ nin tiisa daryeela ayaa tu kale ku dara”. Now about the federalism issue. We all agree that Federalism is important to the people of Somalia. Slowly, in every corner of the country, more and more people are demanding their political rights and within every Federal member state, you have locals jostling for local power and going against politicians who would have national politicians in Xamar controlling them. I believe this is a good thing, and federalism proves to be a good vehicle to promote local autonomy and freedom from the unnecessary bureaucracy of the politicians in Xamar. Now I know our federalism is NOT perfect yet—but whatever shortcomings our current federal framework might have or whatever tweaks it might still need— I am confident in due course the Somali people will collectively work through them. Galbeedi, If as an Awdalite you would like to have a Federal system based on the provinces of Somalia, that is within your right to demand so, but know this: You DO NOT speak for the provinces that have united under the glorious banner of Puntland. We are more than capable of pursuing our interests without having others piggybacking on us. I know this can be frustrating, but with time I know it will get easier. Let every Somali insist on his rights locally wherever he is from and not allow other Somalis to have political power over their lands. This is Federalism. “What’s mine is mine and what’s yours is yours”. When we all first agree to that, then we can move to the final objective of Federalism which is the question... “ Of the things that are mine, which am I willing to share with other Somalis and in exchange, what are they willing to give me in return?” When ALL Somalis can answer that question, only then will we reap the bountifully benefits of a strong and united Federal Somalia.
  2. Somali leaders, especially Mudane Farmajo need to quickly understand that it is futile to seek a second term in a country where there is a lot of political mistrust. If I were them I would concentrate on leaving behind a good legacy that all Somalis will forever appreciate-- and work towards stabilizing and strengthening the institutions of the Federal government. It is futile, not to complete the work on the federal constitution just to ensure a little leeway here or there to pull political gimmickry whenever the next election comes like Culusow attempted. Damjadiid blocked the work on the constitution from going ahead, instead they thought their insistence on 4.5 would get them re-elected. It did not. Now, the same goes for Farmaajo. It is futile to resist building the constitutional courts correctly, and finishing the federal constitution all in the hopes of a second term. All the money in the world from Gulf countries will not get a 2nd term for Farmaajo&CO. All current one term leaders must understand this, unless they wish to continue conflict and civil strife in Somalia.
  3. Galbeedi, As always, when called out on your baseless commentary, you tend to get too defensive and run around the place like a headless chicken. Saaxiib, there is nothing strange or unusual about today's inauguration in Puntland. It is no different from any of the previous inaugurations of Puntland's former presidents, only the office holders in attendance might have changed. Need I remind you the saying: "Puntland waa hooyada federalismka Somaaliya". Therefore, if today all of Puntland's federal children (so to speak) have come home to their political mother to pay respectful homage and tribute; and seek guidance or support for their political ambitions or differences, then why saaxiib would you wanna hate on this glorious display of Puntland's importance and value in Somali affairs? Galbeedi, walaal, don't hate. Allow Puntland and Puntlanders to enjoy their hard worn glories and prestige in Somali affairs. For fcuks sake, where the hell were you when Puntlanders were sweeping away all the riffraff from Villa Somalia and laying the solid foundations of the federalism and freedoms that all Somalis enjoy today? I'm sure like most of today's detractors xaarkaaga ayaad walaaqanaysey. P.S You need to educate yourself on the uses and importance of nicknames in Somali culture.
  4. Galbeedi, is this news of yours from the usual Somali rumor mills or from the salacious grapevine of your risible “secret sources”? Also I couldn’t but help laugh at your other comical remarks when you said” those of us from the other side of coin (The northern unionists) come to power neither of these groups will get nothing. They would be the swamp that must be cleared.” I guess....
  5. Holac, indeed waa indha adeyg; why would a failed “DEAD”state be wasting monies on all these high flying politicians, state and national leaders and foreign dignitaries. I say, what could they possibly hope to gain from it? Or worse still, what could these very same high flying political figures from around the country hope to benefit from ingratiating themselves to such a morbid corpse by attending the inauguration of Mr Deni? ...tsk tsk tsk Let's just all hope that decency and “xishood” will continue to prevail ...lol
  6. As the resident Puntlander on SOL I shall bite, but Mudane Holac, for me to engage you gonna have to give us alittle more substance. Now give it another go —and kindly, this time, elucidate your question further. How do you mean dead? oo yaa xishoonaya?
  7. ^ ...for a good reason, too. Now, we Somalis will get some much needed respresentation in one of the congressional committees with the most impact on Somalia.
  8. Regardless of whatever hallucinations and delusions Galbeedi seems to be suffering from, this has got to be the most foolish and disgusting suggestion ever penned on SOL which attempts to collectively demonize a large segment of Somali society. Shame on you Galbeedi.
  9. I thought this news was merely hearsay, but apparently a motion is being tabled to amend the articles concerning the central bank. If this travesty gets debated, let alone passed then gentlemen Somalis deserve everything they got coming.
  10. Just because you believe Gedo is more entitled than the other provinces of Jubaland does not make it so, son.
  11. You aren’t suggesting anything out of the ordinary, incase you think your suggestion is mindblowing to you alone. For ever since the days of the TFG the objective was and still is to ratify the Federal constitution and bring it to a national vote. But then again Farmajo& Co are busy wasting the Somali people’s time and doing everything in their power to prevent the nation from ever holding this vote.
  12. Hey Dabrow, here’s an idea. You should first implement centralization in Gedo and bring it under the aegis of Villa Somalia, whilst the rest of the country continue to march on the Federal path. Markaad ku caano maashid bal nala soo socodsii, kapiche. Let’s hope you don’t sing a different tune once Farmaajo leaves Villa Somalia.
  13. I agree. If this news is true, then it’s a very foolish appointment and unconstitutional to boot.
  14. I don’t need to put words into your mouth. Foolishness oozes out of you like molten lava out of Hawaii’s Kīlauea. For example, sidaad isku xijinnaysid “the President of the country” as though he is a family pet that belongs only to reer Gedo. Saaxiib, Farmaajo, is the president of the Federal government and you do not give the green light to any of his constituents who they might not see eye to eye or wishes to oppose him. Ergo, Axmad Madoobe, Farmaajo Kama xigtid caqli bur saliidyahow.. Also the sooner you realize that Gedo is but one of three provinces that make up Jubaland the sooner you will wrench your head outta your rear end and see things for what they truly are. Until then, I’m afraid, we are just gonna have to put up with your nonsense.
  15. It’s such abject buffoonery I was describing earlier: Dabrow, are we to assume that only the opinions of reer Gedo matter in Jubaland? Ummada kale oo ku nool dhulka ikhyaar iyo dookh malaha miyaa iyagu?
  16. The issue here is not whether Axmad Madoobe should stay or go, but rather how he goes is important as well. It seems his opponents have got blinders on and don’t seem to care about throwing the baby with the bath water, as it were. I believe the way they are going about it is all wrong, and sooner or later they will realize their folly the hard way, for they risk returning Jubaland back to the unending tribal conflicts of yesteryears.
  17. Walaale, dhibta ugu weyn oo reerka heysata baryahaan waa middaas. Farmajo oo naf la caari ah oo siyaassadii Soomaliya oo dhan uu ku maamuli lahaa ka hoos bixi rabto oo tiisi la dhacdhacayo ayuu ka sugayaa inuu ummada Jubaland xoog ugu maquuniyo oo uu hoos geeyo reerkiisa.
  18. Boowe, awood badanidaa markaad Axmad ku amraysid inuu iska lugeeyo. Boowe ma waxaad moodey odeygu gacmaha inuu baruur ku sito?
  19. I don’t see what the fuss is all about. Unfortunately Farmaajo and Kheyre, like most inept and myopic Somali politicians who look out for their own political longevity, have every right to wait out the elections of the Federal member states and help get politicians favorable to their political ambitions elected. They have used some borrowed financial muscle in some instances and military force in other cases, to help out politicians whom they feel will aid them at the regional level in their bid to get re-elected in the next national elections. This should be understandable and expected, after all the saying goes” gaal dil gartiisana sii..”, however, whether or not they will succeed in this endeavor is a different question all together, as I plan to show y’all in here. Let us quickly discuss their successes and failures at winning over the Federal member states so far. Take Galmudug for instance, where we seem to have a temporary stalemate brewing. Clearly the Xaaf administration has dug itself in a somewhat formidable redoubt so far and has mustered enough support locally to wait out Farmajo and Kheyre advances until the duo leave office in the next election. In Jubaland: President Axmad has the upper hand politically —although he still has an election to campaign for—and what better way to take a step closer to a re-election than liberating the State capital of Bu’ale. Naturally Farmaajo’s desperate attempts to muddy up this —much awaited for—liberation of the state capital using a very poorly thought out strategy of fanning up the dying embers of tribalism in Jubaland are doomed to fail, and it is President Axmed’s ball to drop in this political tangle and tussle with the Farmajo administration. Now let’s move to the so-called successes that supporters of the Farmajo and Kheyre administration keep ululating and cheering for: HirShabelle and SouthWest states. In Southwest State where Farmaajo and Kheyre, after forcefully and shamefully suppressing the will of the local population there seem to have succeeded thus far in getting their man selected into the presidency in Baidoa, but any right thinking individual will know that this is nothing more than Pyrrhic victory for Farmajo and Kheyre and sooner or later it will miserably backfire on them; for the people of Southwest State of Somalia now have a legitimate grievance that can only be placated by resistance and defiantly showing all Somalis that they will not be cowed by anybody and that they are more than capable of freely determining their own political destiny. Thus, Lafta-Gareen’s presidency is on shaky ground and risks becoming stillborn unless he is willing to submit to the will of the people of the Southwest State and not Xamar politicians. Moving on to HirShaballe State: We all know that the then new president, Waare, quickly threw in the towel when the first political shots were exhanged with Farmajo& Co due to lack of enough resources and local support—and in my opinion, he made the right choice at that time, seeing his colleagues in the other federal member states all had their own hands full fending off the Farmajo and Kheyre incursion into their own respective states, when he wisely decided not to put up fight, bend the knee, bid his time and live to fight another day. Needless to say, whether he played his cards right or not will ultimately be decided by how well or how quickly he is able to gather up enough local support and resources to finally give the Farmajo administration its desserts( the proverbial middle finger, as it where) and set HirShabelle State on its own autonomous federal path. On the other hand, he might not, and he may choose to remain content keeping HirShabelle State a vassal of national government politicians in Xamar who as we know come and go. In the end, when all is said and done, the will of the people of HirShabelle shall determine whether subservience to Xamar politicians or to charting their own course is the way to go—for only they know truly where their real interests lie. Finally, to my beloved Puntland. To anyone who wants to suggest that the free and fair election that just took place in Garowe(where an incumbent President lost the election and a new president took his place) was somehow masterminded by Farmajo&Co — or for that matter any other non-Puntland entity—and is somehow beneficial to the administration in Xamar or some other non-Puntland entity, is either an unfortunate dolt with no discerning qualities whatsoever or just plain high on something. Puntland as the oldest Federal member state and leading champion of the federalisation of Somalia has deep rooted institutions that are more than capable of withstanding any political storms let alone the petty shenanigans of Farmajo& Co brought on by their desperation to gain political support inside the Federal member states before the next federal elections. The new President of Puntland, Mudane Saciid Deni, took an oath to uphold the constitution of Puntland, and I like all other Puntlanders have the full confidence and expectation that he has the will and wherewithal to do just that. In short, my fellow SOLers, nothing has changed; Cabdiwali has gone and now Deni is in, just as previously, we had Faroole, Cade and others before them, yet the might and beautiful Puntland juggernaut remains unstoppable. Puntland’s course is set and the destination is a free and thriving Federal Somalia, therefore to those of you who wish Puntland to become chartless and rudderless, I’m gonna leave you with this... keep wishing on haters
  20. I wish to extend my unstinting support to the new President of Puntland. A great first interview...
  21. Yep...Somalis never give credit where credit is due.
  22. WAA KUMA SICIID DENI MADAXWEYNAHA CUSUB EE PUNTLAND? Mudane Siciid Cabdullaahi Deni ayaa Talaadada maanta ah loo doortay madaxweynaha dowladda Puntland,kadib markii uu wareegii seddexaad ee doorashada kaga guulaystay Asad cismaan Diyaano oo kula tartmayey. Haddaba waa kuma Siciid Cabdullaahi Deni madaxweynaha cusub ee la doortay? Taariikh kooban Siciid Cabdullaahi Deni wuxuu sannadkii 1966-dii ku dhashay magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimadda Soomalaiya, sannaddii 1972dii wuxuu waxbarashada hoose/dhexe ka bilaabay dugsiga hoose/dhexe ee Muqdisho, 1980kii ilaa 1984kii wuxuu dugsiga sare ku qaatay Sheekh Xasan Barsane- Muqdisho halka 1986dii ilaa 1990kii uu Jaamacadda Ummadda ka diyaariyay kulliyadda luuqadaha, 1998 – 2000,Shahaadada labaad ee Jaamacadda ayuu ka qaatay Jaamacadda Putra Malaysia, takhasuska Maamulka (Master of Management). Waxbarashada ayuu ka soo shaqeeyay Kaddib markay burburtay dowladdii dhexe ee dalka,Siciid Cabdullaahi Deni wuxuu kamid ahaa aqoonyahankii dib ugu soo noqday degaannadii la oran jiray gaari waa’ (Puntland), qeyb weynna ka qaaatay as’aasidda iyo yagleelidda goobaha waxbarasho ee laga hirgeliyay gobolka Bari gaar ahaanna magaalada Boosaaso. Sannadkii 1992dii wuxuu noqday madaxii waaxda Howlaha maraakiibta ee Dekedda Boosaaso, wuxuuna kamid ahaa as’aasayaashii hay’adda Kheyriga ah ee Tadamun, oo ah hay’ad ka shaqeysa waxbarashada, biyaha, caafimaadka iyo gargaarka bini’aadannimada, haddana gacanta ku haysa in ka badan 15,000 oo arday. Sidoo kale mudane Deni ayaa mar soo noqday guddoomiyaha Jamciyaddaasi Taddamun sannadihii 1992 ilaa 1997 Intii u dhaxaysay,isagoo wax ka as’aasay Dugsiyada Imaamu Nawaawi,islamarjaana soo noqday maamulihii kowaad ee Dugsiyadaas sannadkii 1992 ilaa 1998-dii. Sannadkii 1994-kii Siciid Deni wuxuu ahaa xubin katirsan Guddiga Waxbarashada Gobollada Waqooyi Bari, ee Soomaaliya,isagoo sidoo kale Sannadkii 1996-dii noqday xubin Guddiga Cilmi Baarista ee la shaqeeynayey Hay’adda War-torn Society, oo wax ka qortay heerka siyaasadeed, dhaqaale iyo bulsho ee Gobolladii loo yaqaanay “waqooyi Bari Soomaaliya” (Puntland) Arrimaha Ganacsiga Sannadidii 2002 ilaa 2012 wuxuu xilal kala duwan ee heer Maammul ah kasoo qabtay ururro ganacsi oo kala duwan ay ka mid ahaayeen Ururka Ganacsiga “Waaberi Group—Djibouti”, Guddiga Ganacsatada Puntland, Rugta Ganacsiga Puntland, Guddiga ganacsatada Soomaaliyeed ee Jabuuti, Dubai iyo Oman, sidoo kale wuxuuna heer maamul ah kasoo qabtay shirkado ganacsi oo waaweyn ay ka mid ahaayeen Shirkadda Towfiiq, Shirkadda Sibirka Barwaaqo, African Horn Company (Salalah, Oman) iyo Salalah Macaroni Company, Oman. Taariikhdiisa Siyaasadeed Siciid Cabdullah Deni wuxuu noqday Xildhibaan ka tirsan Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaliyeed Sannadkii 2012,wuxuuna xubin ka aha Guddiga Khayraadka Dabiiciga ah ee Golaha shacabka Baarlamanka Federaalka Soomaaliya. Sannadkii 2014 wuxuu noqday Wasiirka Wasaaradda Qorsheynta iyo Iskaashiga Caalamiga ah ee Soomaaliya,isagoo mar ku sigtay in uu Ra’iisul wasaare noqdo,kadib markii la riday xukuumaddii Cabdiweli Sheikh Axmed oo uu ka tirsanaa. Sannadkii 2017 mudane Siciid Denni wuxuu ku jiray murashixiintii u tartamayay doorashadii madaxweynaha dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya, isagoo ka mid ahaa 6da musharax ee ugu codadka badnaa. Talaadada saaka 8-da Jannaayo 2019 ayaa loo doortay madaxweynaha dowladda Puntland ee 5-ta sano ee soo socota,kadib markii uu 35-cod ka helay wareeggii seddexaad ee doorashada oo uu kula tartamay Asad Cismaan Cabdullaahi(Diyaano) oo helay 31-cod. PUNTLAND POST Puntland Post
  23. Siciid Cabdullahi Deni ayaa ku guuleystay codbixintii doorashada Madaxweynaha Puntland oo saaka ka dhacday xarunta Baarlamaanka Puntland ee Garowe. Wareega ugu danbeeyey ee codbixinta ayaa waxaa ku tartamay Siciid Cabdullahi Deni iyo Gen.Asad Cismaan Cabdullahi oo ahaa labadii murashax ee ugu cododka badnaa wareegii kowaad iyo labaad ee codbixinta 66ka xildhibaan. Siciid Cabdullahi Deni ayaa helay 35 cod Gen.Asad Cismaan Cabdullahi ayaa isaguna helay 31 cod Siciid Cabdullahi Deni ayaa noqonaya Madaxweynaha Puntland ee shanta sano ee soo socota, isagoona horey uga mid ahaa xubnaha sida weyn loo hadal hayey inay doorashada ku guuleysan karaan. Deni ayaa wareegii kowaad ee codbixinta helay 20 cod oo isku duuban, taasi oo muujineysay taageerada uu ka heysto Xildhibaanada, wuxuuna ahaa musharaxii kusoo xigay Gen.Asad oo wareegii koowaad helay 17 cod. Asad Cismaan Cabdullahi oo ah murashaxa ugu da’ada yaraa ee tartanka ku jiray ayaa isagu wareegii labaad cododka hogaaminayey, isagoo helay 30 cod, halka Deni uu helay 29 cod iyo Farax Cali Shire oo wareegaas ku haray oo helay 7 cod oo kaliya. Waxaana muuqata in Deni uu taageero fiican ka helay cododkii murashax Faarax Cali Shire. Wareegii kowaad ee codbixinta ayey ku hareen murashaxii badan oo si weyn loo hadal hayey, waxaana kamid ahaa Madaxweynaha xilka Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas iyo Murashax Maxamuud Khaliif Jabiye oo labadu kala helay 8 iyo 7 cod, murashaxiinta kale ayaa helay wareegii koowaad codad aad u yar. Madaxweynaha cusub ayaa la dhaariyey wuxuuna khudbad kooban oo uu golaha kasoo jeediyey ugu mahadnaqay Guddiga doorashada ee hawsha waday iyo waliba maamulkii hore ee hogaaminayeen Madaxweyne Gaas iyo kuxigeenkiisa Camey. Gen.Asad Cismaan oo ka hadlay goobta ayaa u hambalyeeyay Madaxweynaha cusub. Madaxweynaha xilka ka degaya Cabdiweli Gaas oo isaguna khudbad kooban kasoo jeediyey goobta ayaa ugu baaqay shacabka Puntland inay la shaqeeyaan Madaxweynaha cusub ee la doortay. Cabdiraxmaan Faroole oo horey usoo noqday Madaxweynaha Puntland hadana ah Senator ka tirsan Aqalka Sare ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka oo goobta ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in isbedal xalaal ah uu ka dhacay Puntland. Wafuuda ka socota UN-ka iyo IGAD oo kamid ahaa marti sharafta goobta ku sugnaa ayaa iyaguna u hambalyeeyey Madaxweynaha cusub ee la doortay iyo waliba shacabka Puntland, iyagoo sheegay inay ku faraxsan yihiin sida wanaagsan oo ay doorashada u dhacday. Islaan Ciise oo kamid ah Issimada Puntland ee goobta ku sugan ayaa hadalo dardaaran ah usoo jeediyey Madaxweynaha la doortay. Waxaa hada loo baxay Salaada duhur iyo Qadada, iyadoo la filayo in saacadaha soo socda la bilaabo codbixinta Doorashada Madaxweyne kuxigeenka. Horseed Media Horseed Media
  24. You, sir, are a drowning man who is always thirsty.