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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. Lol back at you, Maakhir. The Somali Federal train is an unstoppable, Hombre. Just make sure it does not run your rear end over like it has many a fellow on SOL who no longer grace us with their presence. The destination of this train is a free and democratic Federal Somalia with power shared vertically between the Federal government and Federal member states( who also have to further devolve power to the district and municipal level), and secondly power being shared horizontally between an elected executive and elected legislature, with an independent judiciary acting as constitutional referees.
  2. Gooni, walaale, ha is oominin. Adigu hadaad rabtid Goodax ilmahaaga inuu wax kuu baro oo imtixaan uu kaaga qaado—walaale xor baad u tahay. That is the true beauty of Federalism. Qof waliba ikhyaar buu u leeyahay wuxuu rabo inuu ilmahooda bartaan. For instance, in North Somalia, malin walba qabuuraha ayee inta qodaan bey ardaydooda baraan waa baa faqash na xasuuqay. That is their local history and as such they have every right to teach it locally to their students. Adiguna, skoollada Caabudwaaq iyo Ballanbal ku yaal hadaad rabtid waxaa ka dhigi kartaa taarikhdii Kacaankii barakaysnaa iyo sida loo gaardiyo. That too is fine. To each his own.
  3. I agree that this current brouhaha is nothing more than Goodax trying to pocket the little budgetary support being provided by donors for Education and the Federal Member States asserting their rights to manage education policy locally and insisting that those funds should go to them directly. I believe the Farmajo administration has decided not to fight this particular battle with the Federal Member States and so you get the made-up lame excuse that the exam papers were stolen and therefore the exams have become null and void. However, with that being said, allow me to get back to your earlier random assertions and baseless conclusion, which you supported with facts not based in reality. I am not sure where you live but here in the U.S of A, our local property taxes mainly support local schools with the states and Federal government becoming secondary sources for school funding. So I am not sure where you got your facts stating that Washington DC directly funds and manages the affairs of my local school district all the way here in California. It just isn’t so. That, however, does not mean that Federal education policies are completely disregarded. The Feds do have Education standards and Education policies which they would like to promote and back financially . Some States might implement such policies and take funding while others completely disregard them and chart their own Education policies locally. In Either case, Education is ultimately decided by the States. Lastly, Duufaan, you have admitted yourself that national exams are useless. Why blather all sorts of rubbish to justify them then? Schools are a local matter. Period.
  4. Gooni, always spewing nonsense and sidestepping the issues at hand. Sxb, local education and local examinations are local matters. The Federal government has no business meddling with local affairs. Sodonkii sano ee lasoo dhaafay intaa ayaa wali kaa dhaadhici la’.
  5. ^ Hey Smarty pants: What business does the Federal government in Xamar got to do with the administration of local school examinations? When will it finally sink into your thick addled brain that, in a Federal system, duties and responsibilities are clearly delineated and distinguished? Local policing, health and education all belong within the purview of Somalia’s respective Federal member states. The job of the Federal government— among others, explicitly delegated to it by the Federal Constitution —is to control and protect our national borders, and manage immigration and the national currency. In any case, this so-called “leak” is nothing more than a face saving measure by Farmaajo, Kheyre and Goodax Barre. After their recent troubles with the Federal member states the Farmajo administration has realized that to foolishly go ahead with this joke of a national exam would only further alienate the Federal member states and so they have opted instead to propose a cockamamie scheme that somehow their exam papers have miraculously turned up at the black market. Silly fellows, who do they think they are fooling?
  6. President Deni discusses some of the contentious issues at the Garoowe meeting between the Federal Government and the Federal Member States:
  7. lol Opportunity = “you and who’s army?” Galbeedi, sxb, Ramadan Mubarak. Waan ujeedaa maanta soonku aad buu ku hayaa
  8. Galbeedi, thank you for the nice piece of fiction. It has been a good 5 minutes JRR Tolkien wouldn’t be getting my attention today.
  9. Shirka Garoowe waxaa lagu tashkiilinayaa xukuumadda Nabad iyo Nolol oo fakh fakh toodi laga joogi waayey. Jokes aside; I believe it is a sign of political maturity for these stakeholders of Somali national affairs to get together, from time to time, to discuss and iron out there political differences. After all, what matters most is that personal political ambitions should never be allowed to derail Somalia’s recovery and federal path.
  10. What a warped sense of justice. The moron who penned that article on Hiiraan Online needs to know Somalis don’t have Kenyan cousins. There is only one Somalia and one Somali people in the Horn and East of Africa. Now take that to the bank and let’s see how your accounts on these issues at hand add up in the balance for you!
  11. No one ever said it would be as easy as a quiet stroll in the park. The Federal government has got a lot of heavy lifting to do to bring Hargaysa from the cold. For starters, the Federal government must get all its ducks in a row in her immediate vicinity and resolve its differences with its Federal member states. Only a united and functioning Federal institutions could possibly entice or threaten the secessionist administration of Hargaysa back into the political fold.
  12. I agree. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck then it’s most likely Abiy’s miscaliberated ambitions. In short, the man is a non-starter. Somalis everywhere should prepare themselves for the eventual and slow collapse of the straw-house that is Ethiopia which Abiy is trying to futilely to lord over. Only a clean slate and genuine political reforms that ensure the dignity and freedoms of all Ethiopia’s peoples could possible avoid the calamity that is heading their way. As it stands, Abiy’s games, like Zenawi before him, will only delay the inevitable for a few more years only.
  13. Dhagax-Tuur, We’ve always known the unfortunate brainswashing of segments of our northern brothers and sisters have suffered would lead to such confusion and cries of betrayal, once the detoxification process begins. However, what surprises me is how SOLers choose to sidestep the realities on the ground: Need I remind y’all that Somalia and Ethiopia share a conflict that remains unresolved — and in my opinion, will continue to remain so no matter what the two administrations in Xamar and Addis -for short term gains—might have you believe. These two countries in the Horn of Africa will continue their never ending belligerent and sanguinary struggle against one another until their border dispute is permanently and amicably settled. Now you might all be wondering what all this has got to do with the seccesionist administration of Muuse Handaraab and his recent trip to Abiy? Well to keep it simple, it all begins with and ends with the blatant and obvious quid pro quo that has taken place between Somalis and Abiy— and to some extent the dictator in Asmara. Abiy’s desperation and need to consolidate power quickly is what drives him to appease Somalis and Eritreans in the Horn, and why he has signed peace deals with SomaliGalbeed and is even ready to throw Ethiopia’s once prized Trojan horse in somalia( the sessionist administration of Hargaysa) under the bus. Afterall, the last thing he wants is to turn Somalis against his nascent regime while he is still dealing with the Tigray and Amharas, who all want to come back to power in Ethiopia and put the ‘damn’ Oromo and Somalis in their place. In any case, the Federal government in Mogadishu should move quickly and use this golden opportunity to bring Hargaysa back in from the cold. For you can never know how accommodating Abiy will remain if he succeeds in consolidating power in Addis.
  14. This is merely the tip of the iceberg and this conference’s only objective is to get a lot of Somali folks salivating at the prospects and potential of Somalia’s natural resources. I see many Somali elites from around the country recalibrating their political stances based on this new data— and yearning to move to ‘greener’ pastures, as it were In any case, the sooner the Federal constitution is completed and a genuine resource sharing agreement between all Somalis is reached, the better for all concerned.
  15. Keep your eyes on the ball, my fellow Somalis. The aged Gorilla of Uganda is right...for now. Somalia, indeed, lacks a state with authority. But like everything else, just because something is a certain way does not mean it shall remain the same forever. So let’s keep our eyes on the ball, my fellow Somalis. Let’s keep working on improving the effectiveness of our nascent Federal institutions and learn to hold our current leaders accountable. I believe, completion of the Federal constitution and the courts responsible for its implementation must be our number one priority; or else, we shall continue to give Museveni— and all sorts of other unsavory banditti — cause to go into contortions of mirth, at our poor expense. P.S If it’s any consolation, Ambrose Bierce, an American author, once wrote to describe a conversation between a dictator and a young democracy in one of his fables titled, “The Good Government” "What a happy land you are!" said a Republican Form of Government to a Sovereign State. "Be good enough to lie still while I walk upon you, singing the praises of universal suffrage and descanting upon the blessings of civil and religious liberty. In the meantime you can relieve your feelings by cursing the one-man power and the effete monarchies of Europe." "My public servants have been fools and rogues from the date of your accession to power," replied the State; "my legislative bodies, both State and municipal, are bands of thieves; my taxes are insupportable; my courts are corrupt; my cities are a disgrace to civilisation; my corporations have their hands at the throats of every private interest - all my affairs are in disorder and criminal confusion." ”That is all very true,” that all very true said the Republican form of Government, putting on it’s hopnail shoe; “but consider how I thrill you every Fourth of July.”
  16. Our resident internet bot hasn’t been updated ever since the Tigray brigands were kicked out office. So, OO, is running a lot of malwares these days
  17. Dabrow, I don’t ever recall there being a track record of your predictions coming true. Therefore we gonna have to chalk your prediction that our federalism “will collapse on its own weight” down as merely one of your many melancholy ruminations—typical with our pitiable Federal detractors in here. This Federal train is unstoppable and so many have fallen off on the way side. I urge you not to become one of them.
  18. Xaaji, booyadaha booseneerooyinka aad taankiga ka dhigtey waa halis ee bal naga ilaali
  19. Fardaha iyo dawacooyinka soo Soomaali ma aha? Soo dhawaadaa walaalayaal. Qof waliboo kalsooni ha muujiyo waayo Soomaali waa Soomaali— meelna uma kale socoto aakhirka.
  20. Oh look at what the cat dragged in from the filthy sewage. Mudane Xaaji maalaayacni, ii waran saaxiib. Wax walba soo ma fiicna?
  21. Bullshit. I did not advocate for clan ownership of anything. All I said was every Somali is capable of managing his own local affairs without sharing that responsibility with outsider Somalis. That’s what I said. Marka Galbeedi, charity begins at home. Fix Awdal first before anywhere else.