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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. When I listen to Somalilanders complaining about the terrible injustices of Colonel Biixi’s administration, I can’t help but remember the pseudoscience experiment that claims...” if you put a frog into a pot of boiling water, it jumps right out. But if you put it in a pot of nice comfortable water and then turn on the heat, the frog will complacently let himself be boiled.“ Dadka Soomaalileyn waxaa lagu mashquuliyey, “wey duushey, icriraafkii wuu dhowyahay iyo Dalka Gini ayaa na aqoonsanaya!” Meanwhile, all the national assets of the people are being illegally appropriated lock stock and barrel for personal gain, by the rapacious and venal administration of Colonel Biixi.
  2. https://images.app.goo.gl/XdohvyU8uEGjArri9https://images.app.goo.gl/XdohvyU8uEGjArri9
  3. It’s economics 101. If you want more of something, governments subsidize it; and if you want less of something, governments tax it...ceteris paribus(all things being equal). However, trade tariffs are a double edged sword, and must be used sparingly and strategically.
  4. First of all, Somalia belonging to Somalis is NOT a “notion”, it is an irrefutable FACT. Secondly, since Puntland is Somalia and Somalia is Puntland; I will let you, at your own leisure, infer the answer to the snide and unwarranted question you’ve raised in here. Thirdly, Bwana Haatu, in my opinion, the only viable political mechanism now underway for Somalia to help entrench political freedoms and build accountable political institutions— and in which, as you put it, you may fully protect your “existence and rights” is Federalism. Now it just might be that the term Federalism seems a bit “foreign” to your ears, but it is nothing more than that old adage of Somalis: “Geeljire, geela waa wada jirtaa, waana kala jirtaa”. The truth of which is recognized by the wisest as well as the simplest of Somalis. Federalism ensures the “others” you refer to above, never again get the opportunity to trample upon your rights; whilst, the strong Central state you call for risks the incipient revivification of mass injustices and human rights abuses, akin to those suffered by most Somalis under the previous Kacaan regime. By the by, wasn’t the Centralism enforced by the former Kacaan government not a “foreign” form of governance over the nomadic peoples of the Somali peninsula? Somalis, who had heretofore been a confederation of tribes and clans who were leading free and autonomous political associations codified under their own respective Xeer? In any case, Haatu, your intentions for wanting a strong state and government for our people is commendable. However, I do not believe Centralism will lead to such an outcome. Centralism, however well intentioned, in fact, almost always leads to some form of authoritarianism, which in turn almost always terminates with the collapse of a society, of one form or other. A prime example being the Somalia of the late 80’s among many other around the world. On the contrary, it is Federalism, instead, with all its checks and balances—and is tune with Somalis tribal culture—that will deliver the correct outcome we all yearn for: A Somalia that is prosperous and at peace with itself and that competes effectively in the global space.
  5. This thread has turned into the usual Somali nonsense of who came where and when; which, I believe, in the great scheme of things, is all irrelevant. Ultimately, Jubaland like the rest of Somalia, belongs to Somalis, and no matter how much one tries to claim sole ownership of the place over it vis-à-vis other Somalis, the fact will remain that NO single clan, family or individual will ever dominate Jubaland and for that matter the rest of Somalia.
  6. Oh so now it’s about his “brothers” eh? I can foresee Axmad Madoobe’s farewell speech include: “With friends like Caanoboore Apophis, who needs enemies.” Lol
  7. You don’t seem a confident baboon. Are you sure Axmad is coming back?
  8. I heard a rumor that a particular Gulf country which is NOT favored by Villa Somalia organized Biixi’s forlorn hope visit to Guinea-Conakry. I now hesitate to wholly discredit this rumor after seeing Somalia’s Foreign Ministry react the way it did.
  9. Waryaa Gooni Niic-badane: Adigu, horta, ma iska xanaaqaysaa hadii lagu dhaho “ku dayo Puntland, Ku dayo!” ?
  10. If he’s got any sense, he will make false promises to appease the Sidamo and buy a little more time. We will see if they fall for it.
  11. That may very well be the case, for me, as you said. But what about your responses to everyone else on SOL? C’mon, sxb, quit trying to legitimize your mental slowness and ineptitudes in penmanship, in here. Nobody is buying that bullshit.
  12. Lol Mr-2-Lines-Only, Apophis: You of all people are accusing others for not being able to write, huh? Don’t you think that that’s the bloody pot calling the bloody kettle black? Che, merely shared an article with us. So no need to get your knickers in twist in here. If you have anything intelligible to say about the contents of the posted article, then do so. If, however, you cannot, then I urge you to save your 2 lines for one of your Cheeseman bashing posts. After all, we wouldn’t want you to run out of your limited words, would we now?
  13. Waryaa Dalmar ***, wax kale oo aad sheegtid gortaa waydey baad lasoo shir tagtey waa nala caayey, miyaa? Maskax Canbuulo waaxid!
  14. He is a sitting duck who is only talking tough. The Southern region deserves full autonomy just like other ethnic regions. If Abiy tries to subjugate them... he will be inviting the chaos of South Sudan to move across the border.
  15. The Gulf market is the most lucrative and convenient for Somalis. It would cost way more to send our livestock to markets in Asia. The high cost of goat meat for the average Somali family in the local markets goes to show you that the demand by the local and export markets far exceeds the supply available. The potential is definitely there to modernize and expand the livestock industry in Somalia.
  16. There is so much misinformation being used by all sides to rile their supporters and undermine their enemies. And every ethnic group mistrusts all the other ethnic groups. Ethiopia, it appears, is facing the ominous threat of civil war. The unrest in Amhara region, the spread of unruly militias, and the sinister rise of anarchism, are ample signs that show the Abiy reforms have caused a power vacuum and many power hungry groups have now become emboldened to strike while the iron is hot to take advantage of the chaos and test Abiy’s resolve. In my opinion, if a disastrous civil war is to be avoided in Ethiopia , some immediate steps must be taken to bring all the regions under the control of Addis Ababa(including the heavily armed Tigray state), disarm the general public, and work on rebooting the economy of the nation. However, the likelihood of this happening is very slim, because Abiy currently does not appear to have the political and military clout necessary to secure the nation.
  17. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Well put, caanoboore Apophis. I too, don’t see the value of celebrating such an embarrassing epoch our long history as Somalis, when foreign powers had subjugated and colonized Somalia. If I had my way, I would go as far as having it remove from Somali history books.
  18. Just cuz you say summin, don’t make it so, son. I am, in fact, of the opinion that the Kacaan socialist regime was a disastrous plague that set Somalia back and the cause of our unending troubles. The coup that brought Afweyne to power in ‘69 was one of our darkest hours as Somalis. However, at the end of it all, that regime had reaped what it had sowed for itself and it is history. Somalis everywhere now are trying to pick up the pieces and slowly trying to come together under a Federal framework that ensures the freedoms and the dignity of all Somali people. I urge you to do your part.
  19. See here, the hardened shameless depravity of the whole moral composition of a simpleton secessionist. Witness the atrocious perversity of mind that dares to tarnish the majesty of Bluugle by picturing it next to the flags of the former colonial administrations. You, sir, spit on the graves of all our Somali heroes who fought for Somalia’s independence. And on this day of all days, when all Somalis around the world commemorate their lasting legacy. Shame on you.
  20. Saaxiib, Horta adiga ma doqon baad tahay? Here you are trying to justify the unjustifiable, defend the indefensible, and excuse the inexcusable. Somalia descended into civil war. Atrocious events have taken place, and every other Somali is trying to move forward while you’re forever trying to capitalize on the lives that were lost in the civil war. Bluugle was your essence and pride and dignity. But you chose to forsake it because rag baa waa xabad isku rideyn... That is just some sheer utter nonsense, mate. Quit the graveyard digging and let the dead Rest In Peace for once, and learn to celebrate your history and blue flag. Saaxiib, walanweyn ha uga cararin sharaftaada iyo calankaaga bluugle.
  21. Who needs water when we have an endless supply of fadhi ku dirir, eh? Saaxiib, jokes aside, what you seem to think of as a handicap of celebrating one’s own dusty village, I believe, is a necessary ingredient of taking pride in one’s own belongings. Somalia will do just fine.
  22. I don’t understand where all this misplaced confidence is emanating from with regards to this court dispute and my fellow Somalis. I don’t believe the powers that be will let Somalia win this case. In fact, I believe the opposite will happen and Kenya will win the case and accept the poisoned chalice of more Somali territory. Naturally this will further exacerbate the animosity between these two neighboring peoples, which is precisely the objective of the powers that be... Organized chaos, conflict and mistrust in Africa.
  23. I have always wondered why the secessionist morons had abandoned their sky blue and white star flag, which was first raised in Hargaysa in June 1960 and later embraced by the rest of Somalia. If I were them I would have challenged the konfurians for the rights over the sky blue flag. But the dimwits instead opted to steal the flag of some other place. Happy Independence Day.
  24. ^ If only supposed “own goals”—however silly it sounds—could bring about the much coveted ictiraaf for our hapless, hopeless, and helpless secessionist SOL clique, then by all means let koofurians learn to play without a goalie..
  25. Dalmar, Although I genuinely wish a consensual and permanent agreement to finally get galMudug going in the right direction, there are plenty of folks in this tussle who are only in it for the short term. Just like Damjadiid before them, Nabad&Nolol only want to have a say in the selection of the representatives to the federal parliament and senate. The current reps who are all mostly Damjadiid don’t want to loose their positions. Then you have Sheikh Sharif’ group still doing their thing. None of these guys genuinely care about the people of galMudug and actually providing services and progress. It’s only about the next federal elections in Xamar and who will be there to receive the monies that the presidential candidates will bribe them with. Unless galMudug folks take putting together a functional state that delivers for its people seriously, then I’m afraid they will always be at the mercy and whims of whoever is at Villa Somalia.