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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. Typical delusions of a brainwashed mooncalf. But then again, why would anyone be surprised by the wishful balderdash of a sordid by-blow of Bucur Bacayr.? Pendejo Amigos, it is never too late saaxiib. As I mentioned before, the SNM have left behind a shameful legacy that has neither the pride of ancestry nor hope for progeny. But, Saaxiib, its never too late. I say to you... End the senseless litigious paranoia that forces your kin to sue each and every Somali for having bombarded d you! End the mindless desecration of graves that forces to your kin to dig up your forebears, all in the hopes of eliciting some pity from foreign audiences! Quit your silly assertions of “waa nala xasuuqey” for no one is buying that bullshit! Willingly re-embrace the sacred unity of mother Somalia and stop all this nonsense of secessionism! That is my advice to you lot.
  2. You mean the cause of federalism? Anybody can fight for a cause but what matters in the end are the objectives achieved. Federalism is now the law of the land and no lowborn misbegotten SNM minion can ever change that. Now how goes your cause of secessionism? P.S Keep switching avatars...you just might agree with yourself to death
  3. By that desperate deflection, our resident cretin Amigos silly attempts at changing the subject of this thread has been found wanting, yet again. Ha ha ha .... The lowborn posterity of Bucur Beceyr dares to raise his voice in the midst of his betters. Amigos, pendejo, it is an irrefutable fact that the SNM have left behind a shameful legacy for the hapless, helpless and hopeless secessionists of northern Somalia. A legacy that has neither the pride of ancestry nor hope for progeny. So continue digging up graveyards, hiring lawyers and moaning “waa nala xasuuqey” year after year and let’s see how far that gets you.
  4. Yes. The SNM were merely a bunch of craven liars.
  5. One man’s war criminal is another man’s hero. It’s all a matter of perspective, so let’s all quit the disingenuous tribal hogwash, folks.
  6. Gooni, odeygu rag iska dhici intuu is dhahayey buu wax yaabo laga xishoodo ku dhaqaaqey, laakin sidaas oo ay tahay xaq buu u leehayay inuu wuxuu rabo ka sheego madaxweynaha iyo marwada dalkiisa. As the saying goes; I may not agree with what he says but I will fight for his right to say it. And I will fight every Kacaan tendency of yours that tries to silence people. This ain’t the 80’s no more, Jaalle!
  7. I , too, keep wondering why people like Gooni Niic-badane wastes his time trying to sensor folks for commenting on the actions of public figures. Suldaanka, ishaad ka tuurtey :”nin durbaan qaatay ilaaq dalbay. hadii ay doonayso in aan laga hadal, inay gurigeedii iska joogto sow maha?”
  8. Caqli Bur-saliid, Apophis, happy Friday my brother. Clearly you are still worried that if you don't say anything puerile in a thread that mentions Farmaajo, people will forget you exist? Why does Cheesy haunt you like this? Didn’t I tell you that both Axmad Madoobe and Farmaajo’s days are numbered? Saaxiib, you need to have yourself a large glass of caanoboore and chill out. There is no such thing as treachery in politics, for the two are synonymous terms.
  9. Amuuraha Eebe waxaa kamid ah inuu nin sidii adhigii bacaac leh, uu mar walba is moodo hadal qiimo leh inuu ku hadlayo. Saaxiib, cadaalada aad adigu garsoorka ka tahay uma malaynayo Deni iyo Puntlandba iney dheg jalaq u siin doonaan ee bal orod oo Farmaajo ka hubso inuu Hobyo dekad u dhiso doono waayo odeygu beentiisa iyo runtiisa lama kala yaqaanee...
  10. Gooni niic-badane, niic-da yaree oo hurdada ka kac ninyahow oo iskaa wax uqabso ina-Adeer! Puntland hadii ay wax qabsato waa alxamdulilaah, hadii dawllada Federaaalka wax u qabato-na waa Rabil Caalamiin. Puntland, like Jay Z said, got a million ways to get it... choose one!
  11. Indeed, some folks do find Somalia’s nascent Federalism a pretty hard morsel to swallow and does indeed bear something of the air of a baffling paradox, but in good time and Allah willing, jahwareekaan ba’an wuu idinka bi’i doonaa. Be patient; major achievements take time.
  12. Tillamook


    Lol@ Adeer Faroole Saaxiib, Faroole hadalkaas wuu ku saxsanyahay waana ku raacsanahay. Inkastoo markii dhinaca siyaasada laga fiiriyo snm-diiflayaal ey yihiin doqomo, waa dad Soomaali ah oo u leh xaq iney ku darsadaan fikirkooda iyo rabitaankooda dastuurka federaalka Soomaaliya. Laakin adigu su’aalsha meesha ku taal waxa weeye maxaa mar walba u rabtaa inaad u horjoogsitid ummad dalka kula leh oo aad u rabtaa xuquuqdooda inaad ku tumatid? Gormaad kaligii talisnimadii kacaankii ka waantoobi doontaa?
  13. Galbeedi, I respect your right to want whatever you like, but I don’t think you or the nabad& nolol party you support have the power or wherewithal to “manage” anything let alone Somalia’s nascent federalism. But leaving all that aside, tell us: Will the inauguration guests going to Kismaayo be forced to go to Xamar first, or not?
  14. Tillamook


    Horta wax dowlad “dhexe” oo ay Soomaaliya leedahay majirto ee qashinkii kacaanka maskaxdaada ka buuxiyey gollaha kala dhex bax! Hadii aad laakin ka wadid Dawllada Federalka Soomaaliya ee Xamar fadhidaa maxaa loo ogolyahay iney qabtaan... taasi waa su’aal fudud: Dowllada Federaalka waxaa howl-sheedu tahay wuxuu ku qoran yahay dastuurka Federaalka Soomaliya ee bal in yar soo indha-Indhee... copy-na u dir Farmaajo. Gooni, walaal, intaad isku mashquulinaysid siyaasadaha Puntland iyo xargaha ey maalin walba Xirxirayaan, waxaa kaaga fiican inaad ku dadaashid sida Caabudwaaq iyo Balanballe ay uga dhex muuqan lahaayeen maamulka cusub oo Galmudug loo dhisi doono. After all, charity begins at home.
  15. Lol @ Galbeedi Which is it sxb? Will the guests from Garoowe and Hargaysa get to Kismayo or will they be redirected to Xamar by the “flexed muscles” of Nabad & Nolol ?
  16. Tillamook


    Gooni niic-badan, allow me to sum up Puntland’s objectives in Kacaan terms you will understand: Puntland waa Horseed, adiguna (iyo kuwa kula mid ah) waxaad tihiin dib-u-socod. Fahamtu Jaalle Niic-badan.
  17. lol Saaxiib habaarka yaree and get busy with the Madame.
  18. Odeygii Galbeedi wuu isku dhexyaacay as usual. Saaxiib, get the hell out of the kitchen if ya can’t stand the heat! Calaacalka yaree, this is just politics.
  19. lol Xaajiga will always be Xaajiga. Saaxiib, maanta sheekaddii waxay maraysaa rag Somalilanders iney microfoonnada la soo istaaggaan midnimada Soomaaliya waa muqaddas. Marka xal maxaa ah, xaaji? Saalax, oo kula dhashey maalin walba wuxuu ka dhidhinayaa gooni goosadka Marfashland, oo dagaal ayuu Sanaag meel walba Jeegaantii ku wadaa. Marka hada maxaa xal ah, maanta oo beeshii Sheikh *** ay ka dhex taagan tahay?
  20. Even though it all seems cloak and dagger down there behind the scenes and there doesn't seem to be any direction, I believe Abtigis ultimate objective is to buy Somalis time by playing these competing forces in Ethiopia against one another. Che, however unlikely it may seem, but SomaliGalbeed, for better or worse, is emerging as the de facto king-makers of Ethiopia. And we should take full advantage of such an eventuality. Oromada hala taageero; Amxaarada carabka ha loo laadlaadsho; Tigraygana hoos ha loogu iljabiyo— and in the meantime, our resident Tigray bot Old Observer, iimaanka ha laga soo rido.
  21. This is turning into an ugly tribal war similar to those in the 90’s. Dad isku wada ciil qaba weeyaan; and I fear this nonsense will drag on for years to come. There is nothing the Puntland administration, nor for that matter the Somaliland administration, can do to stop this Somali tribal blood feud. Also, Che, your last comment about Puntland hosting Caare is incorrect. Don’t you know that Caare’s sub clan of Somaliland and the Qardho sub clan of Puntland have very close neighborly and familial links and never hesitate to aid one another in times of need.