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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. Madasha Xisbiyada Qaran oo soo saartay Mowqifkeeda Doorashoyinka Qaran. Madasha Xisbiyada Qaran ay ku midaysan-yihii ayaa warsaxafadeed ay soo saartay kana kooban 14 qodob waxaa loogaga hadlay mowqifka madasha ee qabashada doorashooyinka qaran. Qoraalkan ayaa lagu sheegay in Dawlada Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya ay ka gaabinayso habsami u socodka doorashada waxaana lagu cadeeyay talooyin ku aadan qabashada doorashada qaran ee la qorsheeyay in dhamaadka sanadkan ama horaanta sanadka soo socda ay ka dhacdo Soomaaliya. Source: Horseed Media
  2. Lol, Saaxiib ha dacaroon. Just because I did not oblige your offer of partaking in Marfahsland’s finest cesspools of ill repute, does not mean you should feel slighted, and vengeful thus, to stoop to insulting your Somali sisters, in here. But then again, waa horaa la yidhi, “1idoor Marduuf Jaada Helay Waa Majnuun Falane" or in this particular case “1idoor Marduuf Jaada waayey (because of Coronavirus) Waa Majnuun dharka dhigtay oo futada qaawistey!” By the by, has Muse Handraab ordered the closure of all Marfashes in Hargaysa to fight the spread of Coronavirus or is that asking for too much from the president? Lol
  3. Lol... Ceel Afweyn taking social distancing to a whole new level. Ceel Afweyn practices tribal distancing just to be safe.
  4. Ha ha ha... I always wondered why Maskiin Macruuf Aqayaar( a.k.a gudhuu boy) would refer to you lot as sewage dwelling creatures. It now makes all the sense in the world. Look here at Suldaanka, who suddenly uncovered as an habitual frequenter of these sewage like Marfashes comes to lay down the law to Mudane Tillamook about the wonders and virtues of these distasteful houses of ill repute. Saaxiib, get your garash on! P..S Sunbathing and getting fresh air is precisely what the Doctors have ordered in the age of Coronavirus. I strongly urge you to inform Mudane Muse Bidix (a.k.a Muse Handaraab) to go for some long walks and take a break from the Marfash he is constantly sequestered in.
  5. Looking good Mr President: Get that fresh air, while haters hate I know for some of our resident hapless secessionists of SOL—their only idea of kicking back is to remain cooped up in the pungent atmosphere of a very dark and dingy marfash.
  6. OO, don’t worry yourself with Aw Galbeedi’s sponsors. Just try to do a better job of bandying about the wonders of the Chinese in here, ok?
  7. OO, the feigned innocence of your deprecatory tone is duly noted. However, the fact remains that I did “contribute” a question to this discussion. I wonder why are you unable to share with us how your Tigray countrymen and women are dealing/ coping with COVID19 pandemic?
  8. Lol... Tigray fella, tell us how you guys are coping?
  9. I disagree. President Deni finally got what he wanted. A full mandate to collectively represent the different and competing groups within Puntland’s politicians. Now, sink or swim... Deni will own his own legacy without ever having to blame anyone.
  10. Ha ha ha... Niic.com, ii waran saaxiib? Bal warka aan si fiican kaaga guree, iigu soo celi, maxaad tiri? Puntland si aan yeelno baan garan la’nahay miyaad tiri? Lol
  11. Old Observer, your wisdom is finally shining through today. That old saying by Bill Clinton’s election advisor, “It’s the economy, stupid!” comes to mind.
  12. This is a load crap. This purported ban is at best an ambitious propaganda and at worst the pointless shenanigans of a toothless administration. In any case this has nothing to do with what’s best for the Somali people.
  13. Suldaanka, I know of the reer waqooyi folks on SOL, you are the most pragmatic of them all and don’t have your head up your ass like Ina Cawil Mucjiso and Xaaji Maalaayacni. So I don’t take too seriously nor begrudge your hit pieces on Puntland on this forum. It only confirms Puntland’s unequaled Mastodon status in Somali affairs. As for the upcoming consultative meeting you enquired about: Nothing to worry yourself about. The mother of Federalism only wants to correct some of the aberrant behaviors of her wayward child in Villa Somalia. So stay tuned
  14. Lol Clearly the upcoming meeting in a few days is causing many a sleepless night.
  15. Matsanga is the Kenyan Gooni. A.k.a Aabihii niic-da.
  16. Lol... Your silly mentality and churlish rebuttal is no different from the silliness exhibited by an estranged wife, who—because she is mad with her significant other—locks herself away in one small bedroom of her husband’s spacious mansion, often shouts threateningly that, he dare not come near her nor even bother to come close to his billiard room—which just so happens to be adjacent to the small room she is cooped up within. I do grant you this, Oodka....Las Canood does find itself in the unfortunate predicament of being in a similar situation as that Billiard room mentioned heretofore. However what is even sadder are the hapless, helpless and hopeless secessionist who act and think like that estranged and disaffected wife mentioned in the above scenario. Just as she fails to see the futility of her madness—after all, in actuality, the whole damn mansion belongs to her and there is no need to only sequester herself in one wing of the house—you, too, Oodweyne, fail to see that the whole of Somalia belongs to you and your progeny. So, as I charitably look down you all as objects of pity, I wish to urge you guys to overcome your effeminate insecurities and Laangaabnimo; and bring that blessed “calan” of yours, oo aad Tawxiidka barakeysan ku masawirteen to fly over the whole of Somalia, just as some of your estimable grandparents had done previously with the glorious Bluugle, , instead of miserably and endlessly sulking about and locking yourselves away in one small corner of the country. I know that this does entail some high risk for your lot, but I’m sure the inexhaustible audacity of our Somali forbearers still runs in your veins. Let Somalia and other Somalis once again become proud of their Northern sons and daughters. With that, I think I have said enough for today to cajole you to do the right thing. But if that fails by way, of carrots and then I gots plenty of stick to you lay upon you for the useless secessionists you are, so habrayahow aanu saddex-da ku qabno... ordaha aqalkiina maamusha oo dadkiina dhinac ka raaca.
  17. UK is home to some of the biggest Pharmaceutical companies in the world. Pharmaceutical companies that are vital in this fight against this virus.
  18. There’s definitely something eerie about those photos. Meesha ma lagu kala guuray? Reminds me of that old western, High Noon.
  19. Lol... Gooni, waxaad soo niic tiraahdidba maanta ayaa soo qortay hadal macquul ah. Tollow ma Quule fresh ah baad kusoo quraacatay saaka, waa iga su’aale? Calaaya kuli xaal, anigu walaale, Ina Cawil Mucjiso kumaan sheegi lahayn xag jir. Waayo waa bakhti qurbaha ku gaboobey oo kombiyuutar wax lagu qoro moodey inuu Soomaaliya ku kala goayn karo. Shiid, fooqul shiid, iga dheh!
  20. MMA, they’re just like rats abandoning a sinking ship. I can’t say I blame them one bit. After all, the relentless quashing of these dimwitted secessionist pipe-dreams are unfurling against a background of a resurgent and confident Mother Somalia. Most sensible northerners don’t want to miss out.
  21. Doing something... anything... looks better than doing nothing, politically speaking of course. Which is why Democrat led states and local governments are taking the lead on this issue. Trump, on the other hand, who has called the virus outbreak “Fake news” will have to answer for those words with the electorate later this year, if more fatal cases and loss of lives are reported.
  22. At this rate, Biixi & Co will be singing a different tune sooner than I thought.