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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. Only in your warped imagination. The Gambia will not recognize Marfashlland so quit wasting your time, saaxiib. Maybe try the Cape Verde Islands next, or even better yet, São Tomé and Príncipe. I’m sure you will find better luck in those even smaller African island nations. I dare say, if there’s one possible silver lining to Muuse Handaraab’s hapless desperation in pursuing this new policy of bribing politicians in small obscure African nations, it is that the gullible folks back in Hargaysa Marfashes don’t know any better and will get to learn about the names and geography of exotic places on the map. Muuse can then justly claim this obvious waste of money as a legitimate ministry of Education expense and thereby avoid getting stigmatized for having gone on a fool’s errand.
  2. President Axmad Islam of Jubaland points out the ridiculousness of Farmaajo’s plan of appointing Benadir Senators through presidential decrees instead of first securing Benadir’s constitutional status and rights as the nation’s capital.
  3. Things will change, my foot! Somaliland oo ictiraaf ka codsatay dalka Gambia! - Horseed Media • Somali News HORSEEDMEDIA.NET Wasiirka Arrimaha dibada ee dalka Gambia ayaa si adag u cambaareeyey xildhibaano doonayey inay u ololeeyaan ictiraafka... Wasiirka Arrimaha dibada ee dalka Gambia ayaa si adag u cambaareeyey xildhibaano doonayey inay u ololeeyaan ictiraafka Somaliland, xildhibaanadaasi oo la sheegay inaysan waxna kala socon siyaasada iyo xaalada dalka Soomaaliya. Somaliland oo in muddo ah baadi-goob aan lagu guuleysan ugu jirtay inay hesho hal dal oo ictiraafa ayaa muuqata inay xiligan bedashay qaabkii ay u wajihi jirtay ictiraaf raadinta iyadoo wakhtigan xooga saartay inay xiriir la sameyso siyaasiyiinta iyo xildhibaanada kasoo jeeda dalalka Galbeedka Afrika oo intooda badan aan wax xog ah u heyn xaalada Soomaaliya. Sanadkii lasoo dhaafay ayey ahayd mar uu safar dalka Jamhuuriyadda Guinea ku tagay Madaxweynaha Somaliland Muse Biixi, isagoo sheegay inuu casumaad ka helay Madaxweynaha dalkaasi, walow aan saxaafada loo soo bandhigin kulankii ay wafdiga Somaliland sheegeen inay la yeesheen Madaxweynaha dalkaasi. Safarkan ayaa la sheegay inay kasoo shaqeeyeen ganacsato kasoo jeeda Somaliland. Dalka Gambia oo isaguna ah dal aad u yar oo ku yaal galbeedka Afrika xaduudna laleh dhulka Senegal oo ku hareeraysan, ayaa waxaa muuqata inuu gaaray ololihii Somaliland ee ictiraaf-raadinta, dalkan ayaan sidoo kale ka fogeyn wadankii uu sanadkii hore booqday Muuse Biixi ee Guniea. Dhowr xildhibaan oo ka tirsan Golaha Wakiilada ayaa isku dayey inay Baarlamaanka dalkaasi horgeeyaan su’aalo ku aadan in dalkooda uu ictiraafo Somaliland, hase yeeshee waxaa su’aalahan soo afjaray Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibada ee dalkaasi Dr. Momodou Tangara. Wasiir Tangara ayaa la yaab ku tilmaamay in xildhibaanadan oo aan wax xog ah u hayn xaalada dalka Soomaaliya ay faraha la galaan arrimo xasaasi ah oo uu sheegay inuu caalamka ka mideysan yahay. “…Marka u horeysa xildhibaanadiinan waa inaad soo akhrisataan taariikhda dalka Soomaliya, isla markaana booqataan warbaahinta ka hadasha xaalada Soomaaliya, intaydan faraha la gelin arrimo xasaasi ah oo aydan wax xog ah u hayn…” ayuu yiri Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibada Momodou Tangara oo ka jawaabayey su’aalaha Xildhibaanada. Xildhibaanadan ay Somaliland xiriirka la sameysay ayaa ka tirsan Xisbiga [ United Democratic Party (UDP)] kuwaasi oo hada kahor sidan oo kale isku dayey inay u ololeeyaan ictiraafka dowlada Taiwan. Wasiirka Arrimaha dibada ee Gambia ayaa xasuusiyey xildhibaanadan in ay hada kahor khatar usoo jiideen dalka Gambia kadib markii ay sidan oo kale u ololeeyeen ictiraafka dalka Taiwan, arrintaasi oo uu sheegay inay dalkooda gelisay go’adoon siyaasadeed. “…Caalamka oo dhan iyo Midowga Afrika waxay aqoonsan yihiin oo kaliya hal dowlad oo Soomaaliya ka jirta waana Dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya…” ayuu yiri Wasiirka oo talo kusiiyey Xildhibaanadan inay faraha kala baxaan hawshan sida ay baahiyeen warbaahinta dalkaasi. Waxaa xusid muddan in safarkii sanadkii hore Muuse Biixi ku tagay Guinea lagu soo beegay sidan oo kale bisha Luulyo oo uu dalka Soomaaliya u dabaaldego Maalmaha xoriyada, xiligaasi oo sida muuqata Somaliland uga faa’iideysato in markale ay kiiskooda geeyaan dalalka Galbeedka Afrika oo intooda badan ku hadla luuqa Faransiiska kuwaasi oo aan wax badan kala socon xaalada wadanka Soomaaliya. Keyse Adam Horseed Media
  4. Always knew you were not the sharpest tool in the shed. You have the audacity and gall to come in here and try to spin this unfortunate blunder by Muuse Handaraab. Newsflash: China is a veto wielding security council member. Kiss your hopeless Ictiraaf aspirations goodbye.
  5. Surely, this isn’t the first dumb thing our hapless, helpless and hopeless h@bros have ever stooped to.... I bet if you looked up the word “Dumb” on the dictionary you will see a smiling photo of a deranged Iid00r miscreant.
  6. Ha ha It seems Mudane Tillamook, the pirate king of SOL, has once more proven beyond a shadow of doubt that he lives rent free in the heads of the secessionist idiots of SOL. Lol Ina Bucur Bacayr, Amigos, my dear daft hombre, are you here to take the side of Mudane El Presidente Farmocheesy on the issue of Benadir? Did the red carpet treatment the president recently give the hapless, helpless and hopeless secessionist administration in Djibouti turn you all into Farmaajo supporters?
  7. Lol Timacadde, ever thought of looking into becoming a standup comic?
  8. What a foolish rebuttal. Trying to compare the number of senators that federal member states have to the stillborn attempts of N&N to muddy things up with these proposed 13 seats. Every astute observer understands that that shit ain’t gonna fly, —but what baffles the mind is why you would advocate for such a dead on arrival N&N political gambit that totally goes against the Federal constitution? Oh wait! I know... you think the Digir&Muufo community might get few extra scraps of representation from Benadir, right? That’s just wishful thinking on your part, because Looter’s inc will never share any ill fated largess from Farmaajo with the gudhuu community—and besides, the 4.5 power sharing agreements in Somalia are on their last legs. So don’t become the little pigly who made his home out of straws only for the big bad wolf to come huff and puff it away into smithereens. D&M should resist the temptation to build their political future on a foundation based on the 4.5 system. It was merely a gentleman’s agreement that has always had an expiry date. Representation based on districts and provinces is the final destination. So plan accordingly!
  9. Madaxweynaha Puntland oo aan ka qaybgalayn shirka Muqdisho? Madaxweynaha Puntland oo caawa ka qaybgalay xaflad lagu xusaayey 60 guuradii ka soo wareegtey maalintii xornimada iyo midowga ee 01-da Luuliyo oo lagu qabtey magaalada Gaalkacyo, ayaa sheegay in uu taageersan yahay baaqii ka soo baxay Aqalka Goalaha Wakiilada ee Puntland. Qodobada kamid ahaa baaqa ka soo baxay Aqalka Golaha Wakiilada waxaa kamid ahaa in Madaxweynaha Puntland ka baaqsado shirka Madaxweyne Farmaajo ku baaqey 05 Luuliyo ee ka dhici lahaa Muqdisho, kadib markii Golaha Shacabka ee baarlamaanka federaalku uu is dhexgeliyiyey doorashada 2020 iyo metelaada gobolka Banaadir, iyaga oo aan dastuurka furin sheegtay in ay kordhiyeen tirada Aqalka Sare. Madaxwetyne Deni kama hadlin shirka loo ballan sanaa, waxaana uu si cad u sheegay in uu taageersan yahay baaqa Golahaaas dastuuriga ah ee Puntland, waxaana uu ku celiyey laba jeer si loo fahmo. Geeddi socodka isbeddelka dowladnimi ee Soomaaliya iyo doorashooyinka ayaa u muuqda kuwo mugdi geliyey xaaladda dalka, Dowladda Maxamed Cabdullaahi farmaajo ayaa u muuqata in ay dooneyso in ay talada dalka isku koobto oo ay injineer ka noqoto doorashada iyada oo aan lala tashan dhamaan cidda ay khuseyso. Horseed Media Madaxweynaha Puntland oo aan ka qaybgalayn shirka Muqdisho? - Horseed Media • Somali News HORSEEDMEDIA.NET Madaxweynaha Puntland oo caawa ka qaybgalay xaflad lagu xusaayey 60 guuradii ka soo wareegtey maalintii xornimada iyo...
  10. Ha ha, nice comeback. Especially since I wholeheartedly welcome the red carpet treatment our estranged hapless, helpless and hopeless h@bros are now formally getting. It’s about damn time the ceaseless graveyard digging has stopped in Hargaysa in pursuit of that much coveted yet impossible international political recognition.
  11. Boowe, moryaanimo iyo bililiqo loo samri ma. If you’d like Benadir to become a federal member state and have the same representation like the other federal member states, then the folks advocating for that should form a government for the people of Benadir, by the people of Benadir and of the people of Benadir. A government that is independent from the Influences and gubernatorial appointments of Villa Somalia, then proceed to seek its rightful representation in both Houses of Parliament. But oh no, you want a useless Farmaajo, who has not accomplished anything substantial or beneficial for the Somali people in his tenure so far, to have the power to dispense 13 senatorial seats like some royal largess. That’s just insane.
  12. War heedhe, anigu kuma af fahmayo. Weligaa boor isku qadhi— Farmaajo laga ma yeeli doono inuu dastuurka dalka jabiyo.
  13. I agree. It’s foolish to think that Farmaajo and the parliamentarians that work for him, can undermine the very constitution that is the source of the little political power they have without suffering adverse consequences.
  14. Suldaanka, the nuclear option should by no means be likened to the futile secessionist policy of our erstwhile hapless h@bros in the north. The nuclear option that the hawks in Garowe are advocating to put on the table is simply the act of showing the little puppy residing in Villa Somalia the dexterous fingers that hold the federalism leash that he finds himself straining under.
  15. The Puntland Hawks want to swoop down hard on the 4.5 laangaab wheelers and dealers holding Somalia’s political process hostage. I wonder if Mudane Deni will give them the leeway they deserve? Gooni, Saaxiib, sidaad tidhi, Puntland waa hooyo...laakiin mar marka qaarkood hooyooyinku furka ayee tuuran karaan ee bal waxaad malmaluuqeysaan si fiican uga fiirsada!
  16. Iga gambiso maad ileedahay. Adaa Xariif xariif dhalay ah. Maalin wanaagsan sxb.
  17. Waad mahadsantahay. Waa dambe ha lasoo shir tagin “Puntland should do this and Puntland should do that” adoo Puntland naceyb iyo cuqdad u qabo. Puntland Eebe idinkiis hormarka iyo wanaaga umadda Soomaaliyeed qofna marti ugama ahaanayso. Wabilaahi Tawfiiq.
  18. This is precisely the type of laangaab mentality that prevents Somalia from moving forward and finalizing the federal constitution. Our old and wise sage, Galbeedi, who hails from the province of Awdal wants to get representation in Benadir hiding under the cloak of the soon to be defunct 4.5 power sharing agreement. This is the travesty Puntland has to deal with, day in and day out.A bunch of people who feel they deserve what is rightfully not theirs. Saaxiib, Awdal haku deeqdo!
  19. Ninkii tuur leh asagaa yaqaan siduu u seexdo. Puntland will just be fine, so don’t worry your self. Keep analyzing the politics from the viewpoint of single individuals such as Dhoobo-Dareed and Karaash, whilst Puntland keeps doing what it does best... running circles around it’s detractors and in the process baffling them endlessly. In short, my dear friend, you will forever watch with incredulous and fascinating awe the political machinations of the pirates—on the sidelines, twiddling your thumbs, and sadly that the most you will ever amount to.
  20. Don’t be daft Tallaabo: Puntland will never stoop to secession like the hapless, helpless and hopeless lot you hail from, who have nothing to show for it after a generation of digging up graves and the bones and sinews of their deceased Remember, Puntland is Somalia and Somalia is Puntland. Puntland cleaned the riffraff from Villa Somalia, and Puntland will forever champion, cajole and promote the Federal government of Somalia so as to achieve a united and prosperous Somalia, which —love it or loath— does include your endlessly dilutional secessionist behind. Now take that to the bank!
  21. Yes, Galbeedi, in your eyes and the eyes of many others Puntland has always been losing. So kickback and enjoy the sunshine..
  22. Maakhir, you are evidently a disingenuous and clueless individual, who lacks any principle to guide him besides maligning Puntland. I hate to rain on your parade but the Somali Federal constitution will get finalized sooner or later, and all the laangaabs in Somali politics who hide behind the 4.5 power sharing agreements will soon realize the true number of their respective constituencies. In the meantime, sxb, keep spouting your fallacious assumptions and misinformation about Puntland, but know this...Puntland will forever champion the rule of law and equality of representation for all Somalis.