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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. What was autocorrected? War ii sheeg aniga, anaa qashinkaan kala yaacineyee.
  2. Ha ha ha... Saaxiib, Deni has great faith in his daily Yoga session.
  3. The are refered to on SOL as sewage dwellers for a very good reason. In every thread they rush out at you like the grotesque gang of cockroaches, maggots, flies, rats and all manner of other ilthy vermin, who live in the accumulated cesspool of their own shit. However, this is SOMALIA-ONLINE and we shall never allow a few spiteful hapless, helpless and hopeless h@bros from ever silencing our debates and discussions on this forum. So Che don’t let these pathetic creatures derail your topic: Tell me the history of the above character? What’s the back story and why was the late President riling against in that audio?
  4. That they have no plans pertaining to the holding of acceptable elections nor never did is not the question. The question is, what achievements of N&N’s ever made you a supporter of theirs in the first place?
  5. So are you now in favor of the elections taking place on time and in a manner and place all stakeholders can agree upon? I thought you were a water boy for N&N who in this very thread was promoting N&N’s silly idea of postponing the elections because of the COVID-19 pandemic? What has changed? Are you too trying to abandon the sinking ship, Saaxiib? Warka caddee...
  6. Kheyre thinks he is a smart ass. The guy just got back from Qatar, having replenished the N&N coffers and now wants to act as if he is opposed to Farmaajo’s term extension attempts. Doesn’t he know that we’re Hollywood buffs and have watched way too many good-cop-bad-cop movies to buy this sophomoric act that he is trying to pull off. Dear Prime Minister: Don’t become like the rats that always abandon a sinking ship. You are as useless as Farmaajo is, and deserve to share Farmaajo’s political fate in the next election.
  7. Khayre: Ma Dhici Doonto Muddo Kordhin Doorasho Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Jamhuuriyadda federaalka Soomaaliya mudane Xasan Cali Khayre oo maanta guddoomiyay shirka golaha wasiirrada oo looga hadlay doorashada 2020-2021, ayaa caddeeyay inay dhici doonin muddo kordhin ayna muhiim tahay in doorashadu waqtigeeda ku dhacdo. “Waa in doorashadu ay ku dhacdo waqtigii loogu tala galay, lagana fogaadaa in lagu shaqeeyo fikir ku saleysan mudo kordhin sababtoo ah mudo kordhintu waxay horseedi kartaa qalaase siyaasadeed, mid amni iyo mid dastuur” ayuu yiri; Ra’isul wasaare Khayre. Mudane Xasan Cali Khayre ayaa kulanka ka sheegay muhiimadda ay leedahay in doorashadu ku dhacdo jawi midnimo iyo wadatashi ku saleysan, si loo xaqiijiyo rabitaanka shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Wasiirrada ka qeyb galay shirka ayaa isku raacay in goluhu ay si joogta ah uga shaqeeyaan dadar gelinta fududeynta sidii ay dalka uga dhici laheyd doorasho ummadda Soomaaliyeed ay isla ogoshahay oo xukuumadduna ay qaadato dowrka ay ku leedahay si ummadda Soomaaliyeed looga gudbiyo marxaladdaan. Hoos ka daawo khudbadda: Khayre: Ma Dhici Doonto Muddo Kordhin Doorasho - Horseed Media • Somali News HORSEEDMEDIA.NET Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Jamhuuriyadda federaalka Soomaaliya mudane Xasan Cali Khayre oo maanta guddoomiyay shirka...
  8. Ina Cawil Mucjiso reminds me of a beautiful passage by Hornug who wrote, “ He was that terrible type, the Silly Cynic, his aim a caustic commentary on all things and all men, his achievement mere vulgar irreverence and unintelligent scorn.” Saaxiib, Oodweyne, learn to cheer up and live a little.
  9. You, sir, are one helluva pessimist.
  10. This is a good first start. I think with a few tweaks, most of Somalia’s political stakeholders will accept this. Moving the nation the hell away from the defunct 4.5 system and basing political representation on geographic boundaries is the first democratic step that most progressive Somalis have been yearning for. This way gobol gobol baa la isku kaashanayaa instead of qabiil, which in the long run will hasten the unity and equality within the country. May the next 4 years be better for Somalia than the last 40 years.
  11. Are you sure? Also is this being done under the pretext of preventing COVID-19, or is this a deliberate policy of limiting the Khat trade throughout Somalia?
  12. Tsk tsk tsk... you feel empowered huh? That you drag the name of a woman into this here exchange? That makes you feel equal, huh? Ina-gumeed, Ina-gummed dhalay.
  13. Timacadde, you are very kind hearted to cajole our daft plebeian fellow Somali. Lord knows Amigos needs all the encouragement in the world.
  14. Which statement? That you are pathetic laangaab who hides his base and ignoble pedigree.
  15. 4 pages, and you are yet to convince us you are not a pitiable laangaab who doesn’t deserve our derision and laughter.
  16. Mastermind, hadaad tiraahdid beenta Suldaanku uu SOL ku qoro baan beeninayaa wacade howl baa ku sugayso.
  17. See, when a lowborn creature finds itself cornered like the little sewer rat that it is, it strikes out to deflect by dragging others who have nothing to do with their miserable lowborn predicament. But then again that isn’t new. Plebs have always despised royalty and the upper classes.
  18. ...and a Laangaab ‘s day of reckoning is when asked “Yaad tahay?” Lol
  19. Warbixin ku saabsan shirka Dhusamareeb Waxaa magaalada Dhuusamareeb ee xarunta Dowlad goboleedka Galmudug ku qul-qulaya wufuud kala geddisan oo ka socda Dowlad goboleedyada dalka ka jira. Madaxda Dowlad goboleedyada ayaa iska hor mariyey ciidamadii amnigooda sugi lahaa, kuwaas oo gaarayya boqolaal askeri, waxaana Galmudug isu diyaarineysaa martigelinta dad ku dhaw kun qof. Ajandaha shirka ayaa diirada lagu saari doonaa: •Doorashooyinka dalka, •Dastuurka •iyo amniga. Waxaa horey u burburey Golihii Iskaashiga ee ka dhexeeyey Dowlad goboleedyada oo ay ku mideysnaayeen. Dadka ka faallooda arrimaha siyaasadda ayaa sheegaya in shirkan uu yahay mid bilow ah oo aan noqon karin mid ay ka soo baxaan arrimo masiiri ah, waxa keliya ee ka soo bixi karaa uu yahay, sida Dowlad goboleedyada oo wada jira iyo Dowladda federaalka ah ay wada hadal u geli lahaayeen oo shirkoodu u furmi lahaa. Xafiiska Qaramada Midoobey ee Soomaaliya ayaa shirka Dhuusamareeb soo dhaweeyey, waxaana ay sheegeen in uu hordhac u yahay shirka la filaayo in ay isugu yimaadaan DOwladda federaalka ah iyo Dowlad goboleedyu. Horseed Media Warbixin ku saabsan shirka Dhusamareeb - Horseed Media • Somali News HORSEEDMEDIA.NET Waxaa magaalada Dhuusamareeb ee xarunta Dowlad goboleedka Galmudug ku qul-qulaya wufuud kala geddisan oo ka...
  20. Ha ha ha... Sorry my daft lowborn Amigo, you are beneath my spit on the ground. C’mon now, don’t expect your betters to stoop to your level. Lol