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Everything posted by Modesty

  1. I haven't met one person, especially young people who practice the deen. In fact, I have concluded that people that practice the deen are rare. I see so many hijabs, but so much hypocrisy. I see muslim sister get togethers without any remembrance of Allah, just dunya.From muslims ( including me) I only hear about dunya related matters.I feel sad about that. I see so many people who say they practice the deen and judge others like they are devine. I see so many people who pray, who follow the "rules" but they don't have basic understanding and application of mercy of Islaam in their lives. I was talking with a revert guy the other day, and he was telling me how alot of women want him for marriage. I thought he was a bit conceited but he told me the reason is because not alot of men practice the deen. I looked around and his argument wss justified.We have the wisdom of the Quran, but we are seeking things that a revert told me are "kafir ways".
  2. Castro, I agree with the moving thing. I'm tired of my state,and God knows how I want to move. Insha'Allah. Oh yeah, I'm tired of living among so many Somalis as well. They are just let me say it...weird.
  3. Just make a blog to vent, I do that.
  4. Allah knows the right way. But you can judge the apparent. Firstly, let me ask you what is sufi? In english it means a muslim mystic, in arabic it translates into "wool". Do you know the history of sufism? Although I do notice somalis in general make the deen strict and harsh...personally I never seen a "wadaad" type person smile..and arabs don't usually smile. ANyways that's beside the point...From my understanding of sufis they commit minor forms of shirk b/c they call on dead scholars to intercede on their behalf. Am I wrong?
  5. No...the majority of Somalis are homogenous, but there are many minority groups that lived in somalia..examples include the Barawa, they spoke different language, also the Somali Bantu...they all are outside the clan system.Often times, people outside the clan system were discriminated against I heard.
  6. Newsflash! If you are can't ever be white. Women who bleach their faces look like they bleach themselves so who are they fooling? I can tell for a block a girl who bleaches her face from a natural girl. That stuff is toxic too, if you knew the chemicals they put in that, I don't think you would want that near you.
  7. Devilangle, "modest" id eh...I wouldn't be surprised if you are Crystal (no offense if your not her)...P.S. I don't flirt with women, I perfer men
  8. Living on your own doesn't make you a "bad" girl. I wouldn't recommend it though, because a muslim woman should live with her family in my opinion. But we don't live in an ideal islamic society, and if living on your own suits your circumstances, more power to you!
  9. Maybe you're not married b/c you spend your time on SOL talking about how you don't have a man, and not out there finding a man. LOL you should sing this: chea chea, I ain't got a man cuz I'm from da west and this is a test I'm mad cuz I bleach my face n my hands don't match my mug
  10. ^That's insane coming from a person who said that they don't like being black, and they rather marry a cadaan person. Obviously people who don't have any self-worth say that, and I don't demean anyone, you demean yourself.Get a life.
  11. ^and you should change your nick from devilangle to dumb.
  12. Nice topic. The reality is society reveres sins such as boyfriend/girlfriend, dating and such.Kissing your boyfriend is very normal know, even to some Somalis.Even Somali people will look at you weird for saying you don't like to date, people think you are a "weirdo" for being a virgin.Pathetic.You might even find a father driving his daughter to a hotel with her boyfriend knowing she'll get "deflowered". Sick. I think the best way to guard yourself is to be educated about the culture you live in. I'm always analyzing everything in this culture, sometimes I feel like I should write a book on my observations, lol. Some Somali guys actually say I will not marry a girl unless "I test drive her", as if the girl is a car. So this mentality is what we call freedom, the only thing freedom has done is make humans take one step backwards.
  13. Dating is useless and haraam. They only take you out to have sex with you.
  14. Devilangle, you aren't a woman mentally yet, so your comments really don't enlighten us as much.
  15. I see ibtisam has taking a liking to me Walaalay, if you have issues seek an expert, not this forum.
  16. The idea of a woman being 'independent' often hurts women. How many women are stalked, raped and assaulted every year...I'm sure they have brothers and other male relatives that could've stepped in. But, no often the woman is lead to believe she can handle the situation when she can't obviously.In general, I feel like this culture overall oppresses women and doesn't allow them to be women.So that is disasterous.I'm sure the term femme fatale is endearing, but fake. That's my two cents anyways.You don't have to agree.
  17. We are told to be femme fatale, or "disastrous woman". This woman is tough, strong and independent. She is equal to men, she is not a boring repressed housewife. She is a predator, not a victim. However, this view marginalizes the suffering of sexual victims of rape, because the woman is supposed to be equal to men, she is strong, right? Wrong! A man is physically stronger than a woman, and for this reason women are often the targets of rape.A woman isn't supposed to say a man caused her suffering, because that's how pathetic women think. It's like in our culture(assuming you live in the west), being a woman is a kind of handicap. We often hear...'just because you're a woman doesn't mean you can't be a doctor, or lawyer' being a woman a handicap, so that we have to be like men? I often held this believe, but since came to see the flaws in this view.Women can't be sensitive also, this is also seen as a handicap...a woman is naturally more sensitive than a man, yet a woman who shows that is seen as nuts and prescribed prozac. A "strong" woman is comfortable with her body, so she wears tighter shirts and tighter skirts to be respected, and see how many men you can attract. But does this lead to happiness? No, it only makes the woman more depressed because you're not being a real woman, you are being a mythical woman that is far beyond our grasp. You can only be happy if you embrace your true being, in this case being a woman...not a MAN. It's time to stop living a deception, a say we are women and we are not men...and it's not a crime.
  18. i think it's the food we eat, and the traditional views that being baruurilicious is segsi. I don't beleive in anorexic body images as well, we should aim for a healthier body weight. Being a woman in this society is hard b/c you can never really like your body b/c you are bombarded with airbrushed/flawless women in the media and told if you don't look like that, you shouldn't be happy. Women are naturally more prune to weight gain, especially around hips.
  19. Although it's haraam, lets not critize b/c we all have free will.
  20. How is having a girlfriend halaal if a man and woman can't be along together since shaytan is the third party. P.S. shaking hands with opposite gender that is not related to you is haraam as well.
  21. I find it to be one horrible show. They are just repeating stereotypes people already have, and the imam at the jum3ah prayer didn't even recite the Quran properly. This is just ******, as most muslims aren't that weird lol.
  22. sexual pervasion and homosexuality isn't rife in muslim countries.
  23. what alot of people don't understand is us muslims we have to behave like muslims whether you're a male or female.We have to put our trust in Allah, and not fear people.
  24. Allah rabiyow,this is the saddest day of my life. Why are some somali leaders idiotic...why did they bring our enemy into our land? They could've worked this out, but no they had to bring Ethiopian(the #1 enemy of Somalia) into our country. Ethiopia is the cause behind the fall of our government, they always wanted a way to infiltrate Somalia, to take access of our Ocean and our resources and today the enemy of all muslims George Bush supports their aggression with weapons and planes to attack our people. WHat have the somali people done to deserve this? I feel like somalia is cursed sometimes...why all this suffering? The African union(all christians) support Ethiopia coming to our land, they all want Ethiopia to take over our country, and insha'Allah that will never ever happen.