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Everything posted by Modesty

  1. lol Join the club! We should do something about this lack.
  2. lol Join the club! We should do something about this lack.
  3. NoooO! I think the Somalis finished it off by eating bananas with everythang
  4. Asalaamu Calaykum, I don't know any Somali that can draw a house! Not even a straight line :rolleyes: Including me However, this could change, we need artists in the Somali community. I heard of only one older Somali guy who is a professional artist. So I recommend taking art classes, because I think it's the most ignored academic subject among us folks. Remember as an artist you'll make the world a bit prettier.
  5. Asalaamu Calaykum, I don't know any Somali that can draw a house! Not even a straight line :rolleyes: Including me However, this could change, we need artists in the Somali community. I heard of only one older Somali guy who is a professional artist. So I recommend taking art classes, because I think it's the most ignored academic subject among us folks. Remember as an artist you'll make the world a bit prettier.
  6. I would also recommend : Maana-faay (don't kno author) but I loved it, this could be a movie. If there are any hollywood wannabe somali movie directors this would be a hit among us nomads. P.S. I think we need more Somali writers, I just know one guy who is working on his degree to become a writer, ONE Guy... this should increase!!
  7. I would also recommend : Maana-faay (don't kno author) but I loved it, this could be a movie. If there are any hollywood wannabe somali movie directors this would be a hit among us nomads. P.S. I think we need more Somali writers, I just know one guy who is working on his degree to become a writer, ONE Guy... this should increase!!
  8. Why is it not the best place to live? :confused:
  9. Freedom and Justice is non-existent in this world! There is no justice, puuf out the door. I've seen so many pictures of tortured Palestinians it's just unspeakable. Alot of people all over the world see the unjustices, humiliations, and cruelties that the Palestinians face everyday. But inshallah this is just Dunya, the killer will be killed, and all will face Allah.Victory will be acheived in this life and the next. Palestine will be free,inshallah.
  10. Northener- Muslims aren't members of Masajids such that Christains are members of so and so church. We don't have priests telling us what to do, we are independent. P.S. Khayr I don't think that Islam(also Islam is more disciplined) will have the same issues as Chirstian churches b/c we have almost nothing in common in the way of life of Christians.
  11. lol walaahi Liqayi I'm not that new to this club.
  12. Sister what do you mean in moderation? Well if you mean in the area of clothing this is what I have to say: I have some friends who don't dress what is considered to be 'perfect' women dress, however, they are good people, they pray, fast, and they are always god-conscious, but these so-called "wadaado" ladies with 50 layers of clothing are always scorning them. Why? I don't know, but although I don't know the intention of those women they need to learn how to tell people something,or just mind their own businesses! P.S. Sorry if I'm off topic, but I always wanted to discuss those 'self-acclaimed' perfect wadaado ladies wearing 50 layers of clothing talking down to our sisters instead of encouraging them to do better.
  13. opinionated I agree with you, there are infact alot of girls I know that don't wear the scarf but have a high level of adab than the some who wear it. The hijab is wajib, but we shouldn't spend all our time preaching just to wear it above other things such as salaat. Peace and Blessings
  14. Hey Nomads, I was watching the news today and I heard a British bank got bombed in Turkey supposedly by an "extremist group." Now if you analyze this it doesn't make sense at all. Think about it, Bush is now in London and his stay there is not welcome by the public. So I think in order to turn the British people from Bush, the Brits were bombed in Turkey. Now the answer to who did it is and always will be: who benefits the most?
  15. I just want to say I LOVE THE BRISTISH!!!!!!! You people know how to protest, you know the truth of the real current world situation. P.S. DON't WELCOME THE KILLER BUSH TO LONDON!!
  16. Rudy you crack me up!! P.S typos are not our friends
  17. P.S Rudy it's pronounced MUSLIM not MOSLEM!
  18. Val. I am going to agree with ya on that. Ever since I started practicing Islam I've never been happier, all the anoying guys quit trying to mess with me. I feel that whether your a gal or guy if Allah wants to guide you, all of the haraam things in this world will go the other way.So next time an unwanted guy tries to bother you, just tell him 'I'm reading the Quran' -that should work!
  19. Although I do agree with the Marxist ideology of the proletariat- and bourgouis(sp?), I don't think it will answer the Int. relations maining because he was a promoter of communism(i think?).
  20. I don't really see myself getting hitched to a an uncompromising 'wadaad' I just have this deep deep deep deep subconcious notion that wadaad guys are just too boring, they don't like to go anywhere fun. When you marry someone, most likely you go for someone with your same likes or interests. Khayr: Do muslim men have islamic dress? Because what I see most of the time is that the girls are the only ones who when walking outside are viewed immediately as being muslims.
  21. What I mostly liked about this article is that it's things so obvious yet overlooked.What mostly scares me is that most of us went through this kuffar digestive system(I'm just glad I decided to learn more about Islam, Alhamdullilah!), you see some teens raised by muslim parents asking their parents why don't they drink wine during celebrations(I actually blame the parents for not teaching them early). Thats what the kuffar want, to eliminate the muslim threat.