Jiiroow Bakaal

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Everything posted by Jiiroow Bakaal

  1. Baree Huraalena Amxaaru la.aan beledxaawo kama soo dhaqaaqi karo Gaandina Kenyan la.aan Dhobley kama soo dhaqaaqi karaan waa laba kondom cant fuction without their men
  2. Somaliland 24 saac ha ku heynine wax baro si aad shaqo ka fiican tan Securitiga waardiyanimada aad u hesho
  3. ONLF Kismaayo kuma badna laakin gobolada Jubooyinka waa majority laakin magalada ahaan hal oday Santuur Gooloo la dhaha ayaaba daar ku lahaa inta kale askar bey iska ahaayeen Cali Sokorna Afmadow maba so dhaafi jirin
  4. Bisinka iyo Yaasiinka Waax iyo Wadaan ma ku filnaan waaye
  5. oba hiloowlow;709754 wrote: ^^ reer caliyaalaha kooytada ku sheegeysid jilib ayeey idin la leeyahiin Jilibtaan aqaaney hadaa sheegeyso ee Maana Moofa iyo Margharetta u dhaweyd eeboow H dhan waxaa ka jooga Sheekhaloos waxaaba idinkaga badnaa reer SSC ee uu Siyaad Barre u keeney Mashruuci sokorta Jubba Mareereey
  6. Kismayo asal ahaan waa degmo Bajuun ey leedahay Ceydiid aa is waalay waa la ceyriyey.Ina Jees iyo reer dhagax buur waa la ceyriyey. Moorgan aa is waalay waa la ceyriyey Barre Ileey aa is waalay waa la ceyriyey hadda saarkii Gaandi aa mar dhaw laga tumaaya :D:D:D:D:D
  7. Waxaa la yaab leh kooyto Aliyaale ka timaade oo reer Gubada kala saaraay Badhaadhe Kulbiyoow Qooqaani Karaseey- kuusa Halima-Cadey Buula-Xaaji Qod-Qod ABdalla-Biroole Sacmoojo Eganeey dhulkii xageen ka tagay -- Intuba waxey aamin sanyihiin Kitaabka Alle iyo Sunada Rasuulka CSW No to TFG No to Zaani wa Zaaniyah One Nation One Ummmah Allahu AKbar
  8. Wednesday, April 06, 2011 Nairobi, Kenya (HOL) - The United Nations Envoy to Somalia, ambassador Augustine Mahiga, has told the media that the high level consultative meeting due in Nairobi on 12th and 13th of this month can take place even without Somali government participation. ‘The agenda of the Nairobi conference include creating a good working relationship between the government and the parliament because there is no cooperation between these two institutions right now’, said ambassador Mahiga, adding that the conference was not intended to make decisions. The UN envoy said that the conference had been postponed twice in March and early April on the request of the Somali government. ‘If the Somali President wants another conference to be held in Mogadishu, we will do that, but we will not cancel this meeting even if the government does not attend ’, said Mahiga. Ambassador Mahiga also said that the arbitrary extensions of the parliament’s own term of office and similar action by the government caused the dispute between the two institutions, saying the government did not consult with the parliament on the extension of its mandate. ‘The parliament has the constitutional right to extend the government’s mandate, so the government should first get the blessing of the parliament to extend its term of office’, said Dr. Mahiga. Meanwhile, the UN envoy to Somalia said the decision by the Somali Prime Minister’s office to have all UN agencies working for Somalia to relocate to Mogadishu was right but the time limit of 90 days is unrealistic. ‘We work on the ground in Somalia, even in Mogadishu, but we mainly operate in Puntland and Somalland and our workers go to Mogadishu daily’, said ambassador Mahiga. The envoy said that there were 22 aid agencies with 1500 employees of which 750 are Somali citizens in Mogadishu, adding that his organization will increase the number of Somali UN staff, adding that there was a green zone in Iraq where aid agencies operate peacefully and that there is a need to similar arrangement in Mogadishu so that all UN workers can operate in the country peacefully.
  9. Gaagaab is behind it. Faroole ayuu ku xumeenayaa .reer Gaagaab waxey u heystaan iney xaq u leeyihiin hogaaminta Puntland;)
  10. Ku qabso ku qadi meyside.. Talaabadii ugu horeysey ey Kenya dooneyso iney dhulka Soomaliyeed qaar ka mid ah sheegato iyadoo cuskaneyso magac waayo waayo lagu magacaabi jirey qeyb ka mid ah Somaliya illa iyo Tanzania? Suaasha waxey tahay ONLF maxey kaga dagaalamayaan Ethiopia hadeyba dhulka intii ugu barwaaqsaneyd sidaa looga sasabanaya iyagoo NFD hore looga xalaaleystey!!!!
  11. Hadhwanaag should focus on meat prices in Hargeisa markets
  12. Iloowsho dhawaa ma umul baa;);) Madoowe iyo Gaandhiga u eg Zuluga ama Kikuyu hasoo wataan ama reer Aliyaale ha u gacan haadiyaan NEVER ever ay xaduudka Kenya soo dhaafayaan
  13. Sow adigii kii yaraa bedelay .. Intadan wax soo qorin eeg fiiri dhugo daawo akhri warkaan soo hore looma soo khorin
  14. SSC arinkaan weyba caawisey...Fox CNN Guardian etc iyo kuwa kaleba ayaa hadda qoraya magacood iyo waxey u dagaalamayaan ..Somaliland waa NABAD goitaankana waa loo dhan yahay meesha ka saartey free PR....
  15. The question is why now Faroole marku wafti british ah uu arkey buu iska dhigaya nin ka war haya Buhoodle weldone kick the so called suldaans azz
  16. ;);)Iyadoo maanta ay ku egtahay waqtigii Xukuumadda KMG ah ee Soomaliya ay Cafiska ugu fidisay;);) War waqtiga waa idinka dhamaade meesha ku kala taga Fantashiruu fil ar6i:o:o:o:o
  17. Hooyada ninkii qabo-------------ii wad sheekada oo asagana ku dhalin ------------ii wad sheekada Maxaas ku yahay ------------adeer Maxaas kuu yaha----------adeer I dheh I dheh Waryaa ADEER INGIRIIS I DHEH
  18. Kii yara wey canaanteen looooooooooooooooooool
  19. Sheykh Caliyaale ka yimid u ekaa war Ethiopia dhul bey naga heysataa waana laga saaraya dhulkaas Gaashaamo Harshin waxey ka heystaa reer SLAND Bokh Geladi xaey ka haysta reer Pland Mustahil Ferfer waxey ka heysata reer USC etc etc etc
  20. Inadhoolo needs some lessons from Al sheikh Amiin Sheikh Camir
  21. Who cares Ummad iyaga doorbadey iney second class citizen ku nooladaan wadankoodana gubaan wey istaahilaan darxumo
  22. Amxaar baan kula jihaadaya Killinka Shanaad markey qabsadaan Beled Xawana wa ku farxayaa waxaas buu la so shir tagaya Xaarka qori dheer ba la iskaga tiraa Amxaarka wuuba iska baxayaa laakin daba******yada waa in la nadiifiyaa