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Everything posted by osman_nz

  1. Egal International?...wa cajiib that is siyad investment and u hargeisawis are now boasting about it...slave mentality wale...
  2. LT Qalbi...if ppl start worshipping god when their getting older and near death, how does that reflect badly on Allah? This reflects badly on them, but has totally nothing to do with Allah. Maybe u need to stop judging the actions of people and putting on Allah because that is totally unfair. I am sure u wouldn't like if we judged you because of the action's of your father. So at least offer the same courtesy to the lord, sure their are hypocrit muslims, extreme muslims, alcoholic muslims, rapist muslims, murdering muslims, all sorts but that is because they decide that for themselves and shouldn't reflect on Allah because he never forces them to do it. Infact Allah send the quran as warning for us to reflect on it before we do something silly, because just becuz if someone gets away with murder on earth, doesn't mean Allah will let him get away with it. What sort of God would he be if he didn't punish ppl who did bad, he would be an unfair god if he didn't punish bad deeds and reward good deeds. Imagine this a murderer gets charged for 1st degree murder in America and he is taken before the court the judge can ignore the law of the land and let him free or he could punish him according to the law of the land. If the judge let the murderer get away free with the murder he would be very good merciful person to the person who was convicted because he spared his life...but would he be fair to the majority of ppl who are good law abiding citizens..of course not, he would be an unfair judge for not upholding the law. The second choice is the judge sentences the man to death penalty for taking the life of someone else, everyone in society now will respond and say "justice has been served" and the judge will be looked upon as fair person. The same goes for Allah, U think he enjoys sending ppl to hell, of course not he doesn't but he has to remain FAIR and uphold he's own law and punish that person. If Allah pardons him for his sins this means Allah doesn't follow his own law and therefore why should anyone else...and it will also show that he is not fair god because he is not punishing bad ppl...good ppl and bad ppl need to be rewarded for what they earn for themselves...this is the true justice and Allah says he will always uphold that in the quran.
  3. Lt Qalbi, and seeing that your most likely an atheist/agnostic I assume you would accept evidence, logic, and reasoning to prove or disprove a case which is totally understanable. Well you believe that nature created us as evolution states. But logically how can nature create something that will destroy it? Is it logical to create something that will destroy it? of course not.. Human beings are destroying the ozone layer, climate change, eco-system of animal widlife is being extinct, and many more examples of the damages human's are causing to nature. Infact with the capability of nuclear bombs, America has the capacity to destroy the whole world 8 times OVERS...that is 8 times over..nothing will grow on the earth, every living form will be dead...plants, animals, etc. So would nature create something that would destroy it..if it did then that surely is illogical...and atheist wouldn't accept an illogical reasoning. God may have used evolution and their strong arguments from that in the quran even, but to say god doesn't control the world, would suffice to mean that nature created something which would end up destroying her. And that my friend is totally unacceptable logic and no reasonable person can accept u would create something that will destroy you...this gives a good indication that it maybe nature who formed us...and the quran says that every living thing is created from water, we all go back to one source and the materalial used to create us was nature and the quran says that even that we are product of earth soil but it doesn't mean that nature is god, it just means nature was the substance god used to create us...that is the part atheists miss...they see nature the substance of life as god but forget that god says in his word that he uses nature to form everything..
  4. Qalbi, where u are born and religion go hand in hand your correct. The prophet was born in arabia from pagan parents and pagan society but he went out and seeked Allah and not just accept the way his society lived. So if u lived in kalahari it would be up to you to seek knowledge about the one who created you, and those who take 1 step towards Allah, He takes 2 steps towards them. So u need to put in the effort to seek the lord and not just accept the status quo of allowing your environment kill the need for u to seek knowledge about the creator. Don't fall into that trap of thinking environment determines everything, yes it plays a role but when it comes to god u must seek him for yourself and not just accept what u been born into or what ur society is. For example my family are salafis but i didn't accept that and seeked my lord and am sufi now. If i just accepted that i was born to salafi parents and i will follow their ways, then that would not be considered true belif but blind belief. Blind belief is no better then disbelief. The quran does mention that u should not rely upon just accepting your father traditions but must seek the truth yourself.. I hope that helps..
  5. Adnan it's a bit of humor with some history in it...my style
  6. Dabshid, yes in forest u can die of dehydration, but it would be scary stuff being stuck in the middle of the pacific ocean thousands of miles away from any known land and in the water. Can u imagine when it hit's night-time, how would you sleep? at least with forest u can go under a rock or tree and just go to bed. But in the ocean, i can't see that being possible without drowning yourself..
  7. Las Geel Cave Painting In hargeisa Now i am not trying to be rude or anything, but what has shocked me is that the people who live in that city used to worship cows :eek: . And this is very consistent with the stories of my ancestor who came from yemen and taught them about the religion of islam, and told their women to wear clothes rather then running around naked after those cows. Infact my ancestor was so shocked at the behaviour of these people in this area, he even climbed a tree to get away from it and then realized he had duty from Allah that he must teach these people civilization and that is when he came down from the tree and married a local woman from that area and began to spread the message of islam and civilization to them. The question i have is, do they still secretly do their traditional cow worship in secret, becuz sometimes i do wonder
  8. Miskiin, just out of curosity why did they ban clan-names? and what if their is report that is talking about clan war and mention their name. You know i can understand not to use qabil violence, but to totally not use clan name doesn't make sense to me, so if u can explain that would be appreciated..
  9. Poker, i am being serious...do u see farole harming any somali?...infact he benefits them, he got sharif $250 million pay-day from the brussels conference and the big boy's toys that he has recently purchased all thanks to our leader. Buddy we are not like you, shacabka kuma soo jeesano..we take care of our business, and if we do turn back to our land's we benefit it..not cause it harm.. But rayale is causing hell for your ilmaha adeero tell him to go face the international community not turn on his own citizens..
  10. Poker, our so called pirate leader, doesn't harm somalis bro at least he takes his beef to foreigners...but rayale is hurting somalis with this nonsense and causing alot of tension between factions in hargeisa. So to compare the two is totally illogical..
  11. I'll wait to see when it is confirmed 100% that he is dead..till then it could be just propaganda by tfg to distract the al shabab fighters..
  12. Poker, no i update my signature's with wise saying's because i am wise-man every couple of day's. But i personally don't care what rayale does, just am amazed noone in sland doesn't see he is dictator and i fear that every election that comes up it will be post-poned leading to a full-blown dictatorship era.
  13. Poker, are u blind? or dumb?...sxb rayale is killing somaliland from the inside and if u don't see that your very sad case. How many times did he hold off election already? your supposed to have an election 1 year ago sxb, and u still struggling just to set a date because rayale keeps extending his term. He is dictator and he wants to stay forever...sxb ur in big trouble..and u don't even see it
  14. Yeah qardho my sub clan region..however my sub sub clan all live in nugaal tulada shire..so i relate to both nugal n karkaar...nugaal culturally, karkaar ancestory.
  15. Poker these ppl are ngo's, not business..their helping the ppl...seriously very bad move by sland authority.
  16. Puntland the **** soldiers will be coming from from nugaal, mudug, ogadania (*****), bari, sanaag, sool,and the southern area's to converge onto hargeisa... Karbash weyn baa soo socoda, orood ilma adeeraha u sheeg beesha **** coming to town illa Hargeisa. [ June 07, 2009, 12:53 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  17. Poker..it's not waali...it's happening as we speak, las canood is in huge protest, puntland guddomiye for that region declared war on sland..
  18. Las Canood Is about to get Nasty...The Whole las canod is burning, bottles are being thrown, ministers are declaring state of emergency that will lead to war against sland. The whole town came out to support puntland and declare RAYALE IF HE COMES HERE HE WILL LEAVE DEAD MAN. Listen to the radio here http://www.radiodalj ir.com/audio/C/sabti .ram
  19. Somaliland Government Suspends NGOs Hargeisa, 6 June 2009 (Somalilandpress) - The Somaliland government said they temporary suspend nine NGOs operating in the country after they did not comply with the government’s efforts to streamline the humanitarian work in Somaliland. in a press release by the Minister of National Planning and Coordination, Mr. Ali, nine NGOs have been temporarily suspended after they did not comply with the government’s call to present their activities and financial reports of last year. The minister said those NGOs did not respond to the call as they have been informed many times. The NGOs that are suspended are: 1. Noolaynta Naruuradda Mustaqbalka. 2. GuteBorges Initiative. 3. Canadian African Indegenedus Development 4. Shelter Box. 5. International Islamic Relief Organization. 6. Mecy USA For Aid Development. 7. American Relief Agency For Horn Africa. 8. International Research And Exchanges. 9. Priemiere Urgency. Late last year, all the NGOs working in Somaliland presented their work to the Ministry indicating the activities they carried out, the financial costs and the plans for the next year. The Ministry of National Planning will then report to the parliament and compile all those presentations in order to evaluate the humanitarian assistance given to the country and the plans ahead for the coming years. This was part of a new approach to coordinate all the humanitarian actions in Somaliland so that the government will be able to follow them up and guide the NGOs according to the national priorities set by the government. A new NGO law was recently approved by the council of Minister and submitted to the Parliament for approval. More than 50 NGOs are believed to be operating in Somaliland carrying out different activities for different sectors. This is the first time the government takes strong measures against the NGOs to control, follow up and question about their activities in the country. Source: http://somalilandpre ss.com/6127/somalila nd-government-suspen ds-ngos Cajiib..their ppl are fleeing sland because of no job and gaajo and stuck in libyan and sudanese jails, whilst the women are being raped by sudanese solders at check-points while they do tahrib from their countries. And now they kick out the same people who are helping them solve the dire situation of poverty.. It's their loss..all i can say,
  20. Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: osman_nz, do you know how to post on other sections of the forum? MY BAD SXB
  21. Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: osman_nz, do you know how to post on other sections of the forum? MY BAD SXB
  22. Paragon, well yes he is peacelord, unlike all the other killing warlords who seek destruction always.Look at galkacayo, since 93 till now it has been peace, a few uprisings but generally stable. The obstacle to peace is not us, it's those usc elements in the south.
  23. Moorgan iyo Kenya Barre iyo Ethiopia Waxaa la sadaalinayaa iney dib u soo noqon doonaan maamuladii qab-qablayaashii hore kadib markey jaah iyo jiho yeelan waayeen qolooyinkey booska u baneyeen,Faderaal,mi dnimo,Al-shabaab.wax aana la filayaa iney soo dhoweyn kal iyo laab ah ay kala kulmi doonaan dadkey horey u dayaceen. Waxaa laga yabaa iney kugu adkaato inaad si sahal ah kaaga daadegto qab qable danbaa soo noqon doono.haddaan ka soo bilaabo Hiiraan waxa dib ugu soo noqdey Laqanyo iyo dabcan saaxiibkii ****-geed.Magaalada Mugadisho waxaa cid walboo dowlada qori u qaada wuxuu ka dhigan yahay Khaalid Binu Waliidkii Alle ha ka raali noqdee markuu gaalka ahaana wuxuu la dagaalami jirey Muslimiinta,markuu muslimeyna wuxuu noqdey xaley dhaley. sidaa si la’eg Goobaale.Mohamed Dheere,Salaad Cali jeele,Sheekh Musse Suudi, Qanyare, oo dhamaantood diyaar u ah iney ka shaqo bilaabaan xaafadihii ay ka talin jireyn haddey iska difaacaan Al-shabaab. Hoos u soo degaan deg oo waxaad timaadaa magaaladii Kismaayo Barre Hiiraale wuxuu kula doodayaa dowlada Ethiopia iney hub iyo saanad siiso si uu Al shabaab uga safeeyo gobolada Jubbooyinka halka Odogii Moorgan ahaana uu lee yahay Kenyeey shaley odogii adeer Abdullahi ahaa baad ii afduubteyn oo gobolkii laga soo dooran jirey waxaan ku waayey shirkii baas ee aad halkan ku qaban jirteyn intaan Kismaayo joogeyna wadaadada qori labo taro ah baan idiinka hayey, hadda iyo dan aniggu cibaadeysaan cindga ku hayey balse daniba weygu celin ciyaaraha intuu Barre buqcadeyda quud dareynayo ee waa idinkaa. Mushmiiwa hakuna waswasi. Mustafa Haji Source:http://codkawaamo.co m/?p=626 Islamist want to bring arabs and afghans iyo wax yaalo kala noc ah, the other warlord's are bringing ethiopia...Good on for Morgan and let's hope ethiopia get's behind him to re-capture kismayo..
  24. Sherban, yeah the ocean will tear up your skin with all that salt water after weeks in there...but one thing u must remember is that sharks don't eat humans...they sometimes mistake them for being a seal, but once taste u they immediately let go and see it is not the taste they were looking for. But the problem is where they taste u..if they taste u in the stomach area ur dead...but if they taste u in the leg, then u will lose a leg...but they will go away after that... Sharks rarely eat human and if they do it's by mistake because they think it is seal and once they realize it's not wey iskaga baxaan..however the damage is already caused.. Survival wise, u wouldn't have much mammals to do deal with in the ocean, except dehydration, and hunger...
  25. Sherban, yeah the ocean will tear up your skin with all that salt water after weeks in there...but one thing u must remember is that sharks don't eat humans...they sometimes mistake them for being a seal, but once taste u they immediately let go and see it is not the taste they were looking for. But the problem is where they taste u..if they taste u in the stomach area ur dead...but if they taste u in the leg, then u will lose a leg...but they will go away after that... Sharks rarely eat human and if they do it's by mistake because they think it is seal and once they realize it's not wey iskaga baxaan..however the damage is already caused.. Survival wise, u wouldn't have much mammals to do deal with in the ocean, except dehydration, and hunger...