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Everything posted by osman_nz

  1. Moonlight, puntland is state that is governed by a certain clan however that doesn't mean other's are not welcome to live there in peace. We have Ethiopians, southern somalis, hargeisa..and all sort's of ppl who work n live there. Puntland state has introduced free health and welfare payments for unemployed ppl, idp's, etc regardless of clan origin. There is massive state-wide child health program that has begun to make sure that all children regardless of clan are cured from preventable diseases. This why united nations has said in many reports that this region is the healthiest and richest region of the horn of africa. The case of the tahribyal is being stopped and crucial services are being provided for them. These tahribyal from ethiopia and southern somalia who use our port as destination gate-way to yemen even state that they live and work in puntland to earn their money and then decide to go to yemen. The opportunities are their for them and the state government is investing in busines program for them so that 2700 idp's are trained to become licensed business ppl of puntland in many different field's of industry. So please don't twist what i say, we are the only state that are actually do something about our idp's who have caused any problems for our state such as a violent protest at the sheikh osman arrest, taking dangerous voyages to yemen of our coast, and even reported that among the pirates in puntland idp's are being recruited. So really the trouble they cause for us and the amount of the state is doing for them is just amazing. No-where in africa will u find a state government setting up such huge business projects, providing welfare payments and free health to their refugee's except puntland. That is why we are the power state of east africa and inshallah with the oil dig at the end of the year, well that will set us on course to advancement, education, health, and foreign investment, and who knows even building tourist sector of our wild mountains, and coast line. Like dukey says in his proverb "the future is bright, the future is puntland".
  2. Nassir tax-payers? this is was socialist funded project by the russians...the ports and airports had nothing to do with tax-payers but it had all to do with siyad setting it up for somalia thru the russians. If it wasn't for him their wouldn't be an airport there, and they name it after egal. Wa totally a facking crime and it need to be questioned and it need's to be changed immediately. Secondly nassir hargeisa was destroyed? 5000 ppl at tops died in hargeisa, it wasn't holocaust as they would like u to believe and not only that the airport, ports were never touched. I just am totally against naming a nationally owned property of somalia after egal who hasn't got anything to do with it...it's at best theft. Somaliland is false state that is not recognized by anywhere in the world, it is ghost state and inshallah they will remain a ghost state forever, i promise you that 1.
  3. Nassir tax-payers? this is was socialist funded project by the russians...the ports and airports had nothing to do with tax-payers but it had all to do with siyad setting it up for somalia thru the russians. If it wasn't for him their wouldn't be an airport there, and they name it after egal. Wa totally a facking crime and it need to be questioned and it need's to be changed immediately. Secondly nassir hargeisa was destroyed? 5000 ppl at tops died in hargeisa, it wasn't holocaust as they would like u to believe and not only that the airport, ports were never touched. I just am totally against naming a nationally owned property of somalia after egal who hasn't got anything to do with it...it's at best theft. Somaliland is false state that is not recognized by anywhere in the world, it is ghost state and inshallah they will remain a ghost state forever, i promise you that 1.
  4. Garowe, June 07 | Wareegtooyin ka soo baxday madaxtooyada Puntland, uuna ku saxiisan yahay M/weynaha Puntland C/raxmaan M. Faroole, ayaa lagu magacaabay taliye ku xigeenka ciidanka bilayska Puntland, iyo la taliye M/weyne ee arrimaha ciidanka amniga. G/sare Cumar Saalax Maxamed 'Canjeex' ayaa loo magacaabay taliye ku xigeenka ciidanka bilayska Puntland, halka G/sare Yaasiin Cumar Dheere loo magacabaay la taliyaha M/weynaha ee arrimaha ciidanka amniga. Wareegtada lagu magacaabay taliye ku xigeenka ciidanka bilayska ayaa u dhignayd sidan: Xeer Mdaxweyne Lr43, ee June06, 2009, kuna saabsan Magacaabid Taliye ku xigeen Ciidanka Booliiska Puntland. Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland. Markuu arkay: Dastuurka DGPL Qodobkiisa 54aad faqaradiisa 19aad, Markuu Tixgeliyey: Talo soo jeedinta Taliyaha Ciidanka Booliiska DGPL, Markuu Tixgeliyey: Aqoonta iyo waaya aragnimada sare ee uu u leeyahay Ciidanka Booliiska aan looga maarmi Karin hawsha Ciidanka Booliiska. Wuxuu xeeriyey: a) Waxaa G/sare Cumar Saalax Maxamed (Canjeex) loo magacaabay taliye ku xigeenka ciidanka bilayska ee Puntland. Wareegtada lagu magacaabay la taliyaha M/weyne ee ciidanka bilayska ayaa u dhignayd sidan: Xeer Madaxweyne Lr44, ee June 7, 2009, kuna saabsan Magacaabid la Taliye Madaxweyne Xagga Ciidamada Amniga. Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland. Markuu arkay: Dastuurka DGPL Qodobkiisa 54aad faqradiisa 19aad, Markuu arkay: Aqoontiisa iyo waayo-aragnimadiisa Ciidan, Wuxuu xeeriyey: 1. Waxaa loo Magacaabey G/sare Yaasiin Cumar Dheere la taliyaha M/weynaha ee Arrimaha Ciidanka Amniga. Diiwaanka Wararka, Idaacada Daljir. Source: http://www.radiodalj ir.com/zview.php?id= 596
  5. By the way i would like to re-iterate that in puntland constitution we welcome all out southern clan brothers who want to join our state and become 1 state with their northern brothers in puntland..specifical ly kismayo, gedo region, parts of jubba, and area's inhabited by majority of our clan federation through peaceful way and cooperation.
  6. By the way i would like to re-iterate that in puntland constitution we welcome all out southern clan brothers who want to join our state and become 1 state with their northern brothers in puntland..specifical ly kismayo, gedo region, parts of jubba, and area's inhabited by majority of our clan federation through peaceful way and cooperation.
  7. This is the responsibility of the usc and snm rebel groups who destroyed somalia for their clan's greed. They weren't satisified with the power sharing arrangment at place. Siyad built hargeisa, berbera, mogadishu to be the biggest cities of somalia..In return he asked them to be wadani and allow the remaining biggest tribe of somalia who had no investment in their land's to lead the country. Even the government position's was shared throughout clans...but they wanted it all, they wanted the investment in their lands plus the leadership of government for clan greed where-as the true saviour's of somalia siyad barre and his larger tribe federation were willing to sacrifice investment in their land and allow for their regions not be developed for the sake of being wadani and sharing. Truly usc and snm rebel's destroyed our nation and make no hidden bone about it, wa total criminals..
  8. This is the responsibility of the usc and snm rebel groups who destroyed somalia for their clan's greed. They weren't satisified with the power sharing arrangment at place. Siyad built hargeisa, berbera, mogadishu to be the biggest cities of somalia..In return he asked them to be wadani and allow the remaining biggest tribe of somalia who had no investment in their land's to lead the country. Even the government position's was shared throughout clans...but they wanted it all, they wanted the investment in their lands plus the leadership of government for clan greed where-as the true saviour's of somalia siyad barre and his larger tribe federation were willing to sacrifice investment in their land and allow for their regions not be developed for the sake of being wadani and sharing. Truly usc and snm rebel's destroyed our nation and make no hidden bone about it, wa total criminals..
  9. Blind Somali refugee treks 90 km to safety By Frank Nyakairu Saturday, June 06, 2009 DADAAB, (Reuters) - After her 90 km (55 mile) trek over dusty scrubland from Somalia to Kenya, Habiba Ali is still exhausted, sickly and trembling with emotion. Days before, the blind, 53-year-old mother had set off from Kismayu in Somalia, for the first time in her life, to be reunited with her sole surviving son in Dadaab, the world's biggest refugee settlement. Ali's husband Ibrahim and three other sons died in Somalia's never-ending cycles of violence. "We used to be a big, happy family, but look where life has brought us now," she said, crouched under a tree at a U.N. refugee registration unit in the Dagahaley section of Dadaab, a settlement of three refugee camps in northern Kenya. Encouraged by her son, she and her 8-year-old granddaughter left Kismayu -- a port held since mid-2008 by the militant Islamist militia al Shabaab -- on May 25. Ali paid $100 for a truck to take her from Kismayu to the border, where her son Hussein Barre, 21, came to meet her. The border is officially closed for security reasons so they crossed illegally, then walked 90 km over the parched land to the gates of Dadaab, the mother holding her son's wrist. Her face wrapped in loose cotton cloth, Ali now waits with a group of other refugees for registration, one of 7,000 who arrive each month. Ali's story may seem remarkable, but it is depressingly familiar for the 275,000 refugees in Dadaab, a camp built for 90,000. THREE SONS MURDERED Somalia descended into anarchy when dictator Mohamed Siad Barre was overthrown by warlords in 1991. "When my husband was shot in the early days of the war in 1991, I was against leaving Somalia, so I told my sons to stay to protect our small piece of land and the animals," said Ali, who lost her eyesight at 18. Fighting blew up there again in 2007, when the Islamists controlling the area fought Ethiopian troops trying to shore up an internationally backed central Somali government. "My family had carried on with Ibrahim's charcoal-burning business, which helped us survive in Kismayu, but in 2007 horror struck again," Ali said. In the latest cycle of violence, al Shabaab and other allied Islamist rebels have regained control of large parts of south-central Somalia, including Kismayu. Somalia's civil war is compounded by clan fights and, being from Siyad Barre's Clan, Ali blames her family's woes on the rival usc clan. "The usc militia first killed my two sons in 2007. They had not harmed anyone, but they took them one evening and we found dead bodies outside our house in the morning," she said, tears welling up in her eyes. Hussein, her youngest son, took fright and fled to Dadaab. Then, in May of this year, her third born, Hassan, was killed, and she decided to head for Dadaab too. "I told Hassan to keep out of politics and avoid trouble, but that was not enough to save him," Ali said. "A gunman shot Hassan in the outskirts while he was watching the livestock grazing, and took our 20 cattle and 10 goats." Ali had vowed never to leave Kismayu but said she had no option in the end. Relatives helped raise the transport money. "Hussein was there on the border waiting for me, I have only him as my hope now," she said. "As you see, I have nothing -- no land and no wealth of any kind." Complaining of abdominal pains, Ali is unable to get proper medical attention until she is officially registered. Her new home is a 3-metre-square tarpaulin shelter that her son shares with three other friends. The camps are overcrowded, but Ali can neither return home nor go anywhere else. (Editing by Andrew Cawthorne and Kevin Liffey). Source: http://in.reuters.co m/article/worldNews/ idINIndia-4013082009 0606
  10. Blind Somali refugee treks 90 km to safety By Frank Nyakairu Saturday, June 06, 2009 DADAAB, (Reuters) - After her 90 km (55 mile) trek over dusty scrubland from Somalia to Kenya, Habiba Ali is still exhausted, sickly and trembling with emotion. Days before, the blind, 53-year-old mother had set off from Kismayu in Somalia, for the first time in her life, to be reunited with her sole surviving son in Dadaab, the world's biggest refugee settlement. Ali's husband Ibrahim and three other sons died in Somalia's never-ending cycles of violence. "We used to be a big, happy family, but look where life has brought us now," she said, crouched under a tree at a U.N. refugee registration unit in the Dagahaley section of Dadaab, a settlement of three refugee camps in northern Kenya. Encouraged by her son, she and her 8-year-old granddaughter left Kismayu -- a port held since mid-2008 by the militant Islamist militia al Shabaab -- on May 25. Ali paid $100 for a truck to take her from Kismayu to the border, where her son Hussein Barre, 21, came to meet her. The border is officially closed for security reasons so they crossed illegally, then walked 90 km over the parched land to the gates of Dadaab, the mother holding her son's wrist. Her face wrapped in loose cotton cloth, Ali now waits with a group of other refugees for registration, one of 7,000 who arrive each month. Ali's story may seem remarkable, but it is depressingly familiar for the 275,000 refugees in Dadaab, a camp built for 90,000. THREE SONS MURDERED Somalia descended into anarchy when dictator Mohamed Siad Barre was overthrown by warlords in 1991. "When my husband was shot in the early days of the war in 1991, I was against leaving Somalia, so I told my sons to stay to protect our small piece of land and the animals," said Ali, who lost her eyesight at 18. Fighting blew up there again in 2007, when the Islamists controlling the area fought Ethiopian troops trying to shore up an internationally backed central Somali government. "My family had carried on with Ibrahim's charcoal-burning business, which helped us survive in Kismayu, but in 2007 horror struck again," Ali said. In the latest cycle of violence, al Shabaab and other allied Islamist rebels have regained control of large parts of south-central Somalia, including Kismayu. Somalia's civil war is compounded by clan fights and, being from Siyad Barre's Clan, Ali blames her family's woes on the rival usc clan. "The usc militia first killed my two sons in 2007. They had not harmed anyone, but they took them one evening and we found dead bodies outside our house in the morning," she said, tears welling up in her eyes. Hussein, her youngest son, took fright and fled to Dadaab. Then, in May of this year, her third born, Hassan, was killed, and she decided to head for Dadaab too. "I told Hassan to keep out of politics and avoid trouble, but that was not enough to save him," Ali said. "A gunman shot Hassan in the outskirts while he was watching the livestock grazing, and took our 20 cattle and 10 goats." Ali had vowed never to leave Kismayu but said she had no option in the end. Relatives helped raise the transport money. "Hussein was there on the border waiting for me, I have only him as my hope now," she said. "As you see, I have nothing -- no land and no wealth of any kind." Complaining of abdominal pains, Ali is unable to get proper medical attention until she is officially registered. Her new home is a 3-metre-square tarpaulin shelter that her son shares with three other friends. The camps are overcrowded, but Ali can neither return home nor go anywhere else. (Editing by Andrew Cawthorne and Kevin Liffey). Source: http://in.reuters.co m/article/worldNews/ idINIndia-4013082009 0606
  11. insulting me doesn't answer the tough question at hand...if the ppl in hargeisa worshipped cows, and we have proof of this in the las geel cave painting. What makes u think their still not doing the odd cow worship part-time.. If anyone can answer that, it would be appreciated rather then just attacking the person who poses the question. Geel-jire maseer baa ku haayo, that your tuulo is starvation and my tuulo is the richest in east africa and i proved it through united nations food agency. Maseer wax ka xun ma jirto
  12. Sabriya...magdam allam converted from islam to catholicism infront of 10 000 ppl in the vatican. Their was many tears and he was on the pondium saying he found the quran doesn't make sense. This is exactly similiar to the example u gave regarding non muslim becoming muslim and then saying how he doesn't understand the bible. Sxb just because ppl convert to islam or christianity doesn't prove it's the truth...like i said the world was in consensus 100% belief that the earth is flat. Through those sheer numbers they were wrong and proven wrong through science. If everyone 100% because muslim in the world, u'd think that would prove islam truthfulness...the whole world believed 100% the earth is flat and it wasn't correct. My argument is not about islam sxb, but what u consider as proof is totally childish logic.
  13. Malcolm X never achieved anything with his violence...so his message failed and therefore i don't know how he can be viewed as hero.The African American were freed due to peaceful means of martin luther king not malcolm x violence. Infact malcolm x preached to use the sword and died by the sword. Total failure. Arafat also failed with his intifada message and use of terrorism and today he never freed palestine. Therefore he can't be viewed as hero. And the palestine question is still unanswered after 70 years. Hero's are proven by their success not their failures. Mandela and Ghandi though true hero's, got their objective done and proven to the world through peace can solution's be found and not violence. Their is 1 person i would like to add to list of hero's the dalai lama and his region tibet. Totally great man.
  14. Sabriya..just because someone converts to islam that doesn't prove that islam is the truth...because the reverse can be done and someone can show you magdam allam who was in tears as he took his baptism at the vatican... Conversion to a faith doesn't proof truthfulness..Nor does Numbers either...Some ppl i heard say "islam is the fastest growing religion" therefore their logic is that islam must be true. Well Cancer is fast growing doesn't mean it's good.. U see the problem with that logic of numbers... There was a time when the whole world believed that the earth is flat, there were no disputes and the numbers were 100% does that mean they were right? of course not...It's proven that the world is not flat. So to prove the existence of god u need to use infallible logic, concise evidence that point's to him only, etc.
  15. nuune ninkan runta baan u sheegay...siyad baa dhisay airportka hargeisa..maa been baan sheegay, wa wax somalidaa dhan wada og....marka inu iska amuuso ayaa u sharaf badan. Nuune, shacabka waxaa lagu karbasha runta iyo ayaga baa iska amuuseyo oo isku xishoonoeyo. The truth HURTS buddy..hargeisa airport was never built by hargeisawi idea but was siyad idea and he built it for them and paid for it... So u shouldn't talk about the airport or the port in berbera...those are government properties of somalia. Sheekadi snm haa illa imaan aniga, snm waxay yihin waan og ahay..
  16. nuune ninkan runta baan u sheegay...siyad baa dhisay airportka hargeisa..maa been baan sheegay, wa wax somalidaa dhan wada og....marka inu iska amuuso ayaa u sharaf badan. Nuune, shacabka waxaa lagu karbasha runta iyo ayaga baa iska amuuseyo oo isku xishoonoeyo. The truth HURTS buddy..hargeisa airport was never built by hargeisawi idea but was siyad idea and he built it for them and paid for it... So u shouldn't talk about the airport or the port in berbera...those are government properties of somalia. Sheekadi snm haa illa imaan aniga, snm waxay yihin waan og ahay..
  17. Valenteenah these paintings are like 70 000 years old...camels only came to existence 2000 years ago..thats probably why...somalia wasn't a desert before, it was all green jungle...
  18. You shouldn't be posting picture's of dead people. What is wrong with you? let them rest in peace.
  19. Ibti what wrong with sufi? all somalis were sufs before the 70's, and then some geel-jire's was sent to saudi arabia medina university brain-washed with salafi islam and it's political agenda not RELIGIOUS. And those geel-jire's after they finish their course on salafism and they all come back to somalia and start brainwashing the ppl with the lies they been taught by these political power seeking salafi's in saudi arabia and 30 years onwards your asking me about "sufi". Amazing how brain-washed u r..u don't even remember 30 years ago, let alone ppl worshipping stars and cow time..
  20. Sister, the divorce rate is up in the somali community because why would anyone want to waste their life in an unhappy marriage. The other contributing factors include somali men wasting their time chewing khat and neglecting their family. The women tend to waste to much time on weddings and gossip and all these un-neccesary thing in this one life time we get. So after awhile it reaches boiling point and u just got cut your losses and marry another lady. Preferrably it's better to marry white women because their more loyal and take care of their family and don't hassle their husbands much, then somali ladies and for that matter muslim women in general..
  21. Blessed the las geel cave painting is of people worshipping cows if u look closely u can see person standing below the cow worshipping,back then ppl use to draw on rocks and cave their worshipping of stars, cows, etc. Hargeisa history is on your walls. cow-worshippers and then my ancestor came to teach YOU guys islam and civilization.
  22. Excellent news..at least the balls rolling...now it's time to kick some shabab butt..
  23. Blessed...geography? ...naaso hablood...las geel...u want me to continue? If u doing the worship of cows still, just come out of the closest..
  24. Adnan...we all love humor, especially when it's not yourself on the recieving end..But i always do remember that las geel painting and I can't help to wonder that maybe they are still conducting cow ceremonies when ppl are not watching.
  25. Egal International?...wa cajiib that is siyad investment and u hargeisawis are now boasting about it...slave mentality wale...