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Everything posted by osman_nz

  1. Poker, the truth hurts. They don't spend a cent in sland, and spend their money in other places. Infact dahabshil gave puntland hospital $250,000 funding. Because they know the future is puntland and when the oil is producing at the end of year, it will be singapore of east africa and the financial hub market of africa.
  2. Jacaylbaro, a slap is better then having 10 000 of my clan-men dying...like 88 in hargeisa and the mass-graves...give me a slap anyday
  3. Poker, no your saying just because these airlines have money and are from the region of sland. therefore they are going to benefit sland with their money? All i am saying is show me proof they ever spent 1 cent into sland...and u will see that they haven't and therefore their money will go into other region enriching and strengthing another clan territories..
  4. Why do you all criticize without providing an alternative? now i did see an alternative and that being the sayyidka..Now i wasn't talking about greatest military man in all somalia history. My question was the greatest modern military man after the 1960's till now. You choice must show success rate of your candidate. Now some people have said that abdullahi yusuf had to rely on onlf. No he didn't rely on them, he was forming a coalition of our clan's regions to attack sland back then all the way into hargeisa. However that was never fulfilled because he got called up to the top post in somalia presidency. Now why can't he rely on uniting a coalition of D-block. Besides it wasn't even all of them because gedo and jubba brothers weren't included in this coaliton aganinst hargeisa. Sland guys have awdal ppl, djibouti ppl, plus all the egal's clan. Only Abdullahi sub clan can't take them all on...hence the coaliton of d-block minus gedo n jubba was formed. So really if u assess it, not all d-block was even included to attack sland. It is strategical excellence not weakness. As for hamar incursion and payback time for 91, yes he used tigray why not? every other gangster in the south was using outside foreign support. In wars you must adapt to the battle field strategy, if the enemy is engaging in using foreign support, Abdullahi yusuf can also. Islamic courts were recieving their arms and also foreign arab troops in capturing the south. So the only strategical thing for abdullahi yusuf to do is also use foreign support to win the battle. So Really Abdullahi Yusuf was using strategy not cowardice...maybe u should blame the crazy southern ulama's who use foreigners in their armies whilst being funded their arms from eritrea and being funded financially from gulf arab states why they resorted to such cowardice before criticising abdullahi yusuf. Abdullahi yusuf only brought the ethiopians when he saw the enemies in the south were using foreign support tactics first. So sheekadas haa illa imaan aniga.
  5. Poker, that would be nice if they took outside region money to build somaliland. But the hard part is proving they do that...which u will find not to be case. Infact they give their money to other market region's because they see hope of profit where-as they find no business profitability in sland.
  6. Yes i respect our moderate ulama who respect the law of the land and administration of puntland. However their is shabab sympathisers among them who will be weeded out slowly from society or rehabilitated to learn to respect the administration of puntland.
  7. Abdullahi yusuf, Morgan, Sharmarke, Hassan Abshir, Jamac Ali Jamac, Faroole, Cade Muse...Which one you think will be a Future Somalia President..what u think of this all star line-up for future somalia president. Truly Puntland is only the heavyweight contender in somali affairs.
  8. Infact when yey captured sool n sanaag in 2003..he was planning for major incursion into somaliland...with mudug,sanag,sool, bari, nugal, and he recruited the onlf to join..it was going to get nasty for sland at that time...but thats when he got elected for the top job in somalia...and took it and get revenge on hamar for 91...infact only gedo and our other southern brothers weren't included in this attack...go read about it, its well known.. a huge assault on hargeisa...but all the rest of brothers were under his command at that time...hargeisa was very lucky..Yey was planning on completely destroying sland
  9. I would like to see YEY And Sharmarke come back to puntland politics especially since now multi-party began...imagine 2013 puntland election sharmarke-Yusuf meal ticket...u feel me boys...because i know somalis weyba isku xaareyan
  10. I think the greatest of all military men of somalia has to go to Abdullahi yusuf. I say this because he was in the game since the ssdf days, survived the war, and finally became president for 5 years. Some may say caydid but i doubt it because caydid never became president, he died as a failure and in war with other usc members. So when history look's back at the greatest military men and based on success mr abdullahi yusuf will definitely be the one who takes the cake. Even when ppl hear his name today, they quake and shiver in fear of the karbash that is about to come. He took sool n sanaag from sland and they couldn't do anything about it in 2003. He kept mudug safe from usc hands. He doesn't play around, he doesn't know games, he is all about taking names and kicking butts.
  11. Shabab will be destroyed sooner or later, it's best they just cutt their losses because their no place in the world for their brand of islam. Long live ahlul sunnah forces...and it's time to take islam back from these khawarij dogs of hell which they have stained with the religion so they can advance their own political agenda.
  12. Poker, u named sland citizen who own airlines..how is that going to help sland? I can name puntland multi millionaires doesn't mean that reflects upon our regional government. Those airlines u are talking about make their money outside of hargeisa, not from hargeisa. Infactt what that proves to us is they have no confidence in your sland they go other places to invest.
  13. Pilgrim, this is referring to how the oil companies divide their share of the oil in puntland. They are consortium of africa oil, range, and now raytec. This has nothing to do with puntland government share.
  14. Norf, yes thank's for noticing my sig..It's better you die first, then me...it's strategical move, but then again u don't understand strategy because your dummy..
  15. Garowe online is pro farole site, however it's true that farole didn't like range resources because he wanted to get behind the signing. See in Puntland everyone want's be remembered for their history and cade muse wanted to be remembered as the men who got puntland oil industry up. So farole rejected that and wanted that glory for himself and that is why he put range resources on hold while reviewing the benefits of it for puntland state in respect to production sharing agreement and what puntland get's out of it. Cade muse already made sure puntland benefits from it and get's its well deserved share, so when farole reviewed it he now supports it. That's why their setting up meetings with range so they can finalize on it. This article is talking about the past signing with cade that farole didn't like and i explained to u why he didnt like it. He says he didn't like it because he thought puntland was getting ripped of which is totally bogus what i say is he wanted the glory of signing and being remembered in history for bringing the oil and not have cade muse take that glory. Like i said i don't care who signs it even though my sub-clan is the same cade muse. I want it to to get it rolling, if farole want's to take the glory for it. go right ahead just make sure the time table isn't jepordized which sets the drilling to happen end of year, as this will be crucial sector to our economy apart of other sectors like livestock sector, fishery sector, remittance sector, and our financial sector etc. And inshallah the oil sector will open a wave of other sectors like tourism sector on our coastline, Turning bosasso and other major cites into financial market-place of east africa, Using our strategic gulf of aden passageway to set up bases for the international community in return for new big boy toys like jet fighters, helicopters, etc..setting up industry sector in all major towns and not to mention investing into security sector and purchasing latest jet fighters, navy technology,etc..It's reported our region onshore and offshore could hold the second biggest oilfield in africa. I hope that answers u, or maybe someone else can. But that is my take on it.
  16. Isseriyole..hold your geel for a moment. Puntland is seeking to build it's navy, that what the brussel conference was set up to do. It is setting up 3000 coast-guard to monitor the coastline of the region. As for the army, in 2007 we signed a deal with ethiopia to be provided our military toys and training for the daraawish from addis ababa and the toys are all around puntland military bases. So Ethiopia is still providing those tools and training to that sector. Watch here. And inshallah with the oil drig at the end of the year and with somalia arm's ban lifted by the united nation, the administration i am sure will further invest in upgrading the inventory to european and american standard. Right now our military tools are provided from ethiopia, or captured from the former somalia government during the early 90's war. But I do agree with you on that we further need to improve and never just give up. We will with god's help, and our history speak's for itself where the greatest civilization in the world egypt called our region "the land of gods"..marka keep proud, keep strong, stay puntland
  17. Hassan Puntland future is the hope that shine's from Africa. So much potential...Coastal tourism sector, oil and gas onshore and offshore, and a proud history of trade and civilization with egyptian empire. For example do you know that north-east of somalia is the only region in the horn of africa with most archaelogical sites and the most concentration area of fortresses and castles. Puntland is already gearing up for the future. With $270 million invested by the lootah firm to make bosasso airport the biggest and most advanced in east africa. It will modern facilities such as foyer with shops, luggage department, booking centers, taxi ranks, longest run away in east africa and also terminals for jumbo jets. Lootah group is also investing into bosasso port turning into deep sea port that will overtake berbera as the biggest port in somalia. It will have modern facilities also, like tower Facility equipped with the latest in technology like a radar technology, extended docking area to handle largest of ships possible. Africa oil is already invested into garowe airport to extend the run-away so larger equipments can land. The current government is already making way for good governance by setting up multi party democracy, state flag and state anthem, and has already provided health reforms so all puntlanders can enjoy free health, began massive child immunization program so puntland children are immunized from preventable diseases. free state run education for the children of puntland and even welfare payments for the poor people of people like idp's, unemployed, disabled, elderly, etc. The state government has invested into massive project for idp's and unemployed by providing training so they can become licensed self-employed business ppl of puntland. It is predicted 2700 ppl will graduate from this and become licensed business men and provide puntland services and industry for it's advancement. The oil project is keenly underway and the oil consortium are on track to begin drilling by the end of year, this will added needed boost to our regional economy and give us the capability to enhance puntland even further by investing into real multi million dollar projects like sewerage system so all houses have toilet, like water and air conditioning grids so all houses can be connected to have shower and air-conditioning in their homes. Providing broad band grid so all homes can connect to the internet, investing into cloud seeding technology which is excellent investment because puntland sky's always have clouds and therefore with the cloud seeding we can make sure it rains regularly and abudantly for our nomads and that our livestock sector remains strong and healthy. set up the coastal regions with hotels so that tourists can enjoy our beautiful coastal seaside and use our beautiful mountains and camel treks as in-land facilities. This will gain us more money from tourism and ppl in puntland will have more jobs in the sea towns especially our fisher-men who have been losing their fishing business to illegal toxic dumping and illegal fishing our coastal region. And finally setting up bossaso as financial hub city providing financial services in the horn of africa and bringing foreign investment to create an urban population that employed in service industry. However i must add we must not make the same mistakes of the past and invest only in 1 city, as we know from the war what happens when u focus all ur resources in 1 area. That means u neglected other areas and if that 1 area u did invest in is destroyed as what happened in hamar, that means we have to start all over again like we did in 98. So puntland knows this already and have made sure to invest in the tuulos so if bossaso, gets stuffed up at least we dont need to restart completely from scratch and can go to another city that is already set up I can't list all of the excellent things that happening for that beautiful state of puntland or i will be here all day. However what i do want to state is that puntland has not neglected the federal government and does consider itself apart of federal somalia. Puntland has been a critical life line for sharif, without puntland sharif would be recieving scrap change here and there as he was before the brussel conference which he was allocated by the western community $250 million to build his army to fight piracy..With-out the piracy reason this conference would never of been set up and sharif would've of been struggling in hamar. So thankfully puntland does play crucial role and is indeed the power-player of somali politics. The brussel conference did also state that sharif provide puntland it's allocated amount to further build regional puntland coast-guard to fight of the piracy issue. Sharif is to busy fighting islamist in the south, therefore it is in the interest of the nation whilst he is in the south fighting islamist, he gives puntland it's allocated budget of the brussell funds to continue building strong coastal-guard to keep piracy in check on our bay. If he doesn't then the piracy will forever continue. These ppl who are conducting piracy are former coastguards who lost their jobs, or fisherman who have lost their livlihood and are taking out their frustrations on the international ships..So the best solution is to give them a job apart of the coastal guard of puntland which is expected to be 3000 taskforce and to implement the african union policy of having african union naval powers monitoring somalia sea so those illegal ship activities be it the toxic dumping or illegal fishing is kept in check. This is the real solution and only solution and sharif rather then ignoring puntland which even hilary clinton referred to as "somalia and puntland" it's best he starts listening. After-all it was puntland who this brussel conference was set up for not for shabab. Yet u spend the money on buying new military technology to fight shabab when that was never the intention of the brussel conference to begin with but was set up for piracy alone. So sharif really needs to stop playing dumb and give puntland authority it's well earned share of the brussel contribution or else we will protest this government before the united nations and say sharif is being incompetent on the war on piracy and doing nothing and u will quickly find yourself fired out of the job. So it's up to sharif, does he want to continue being the leader of somalia, or does he want to be remembered as failure? God bless puntland state and nowhere else
  18. Naxar...the question of somalia reuniting can only happen through federation like the federation that exists in the uk. In the united kingdom they are seen as british first and the foremost nationality wise and use british passport..however they have 4 disolved national parliaments that handled their state level regions united under 1 federal parliament in london. This the system that puntland envisions for somalis. And can even include djibouti in such vision. Were there is puntland, sland, djibouti, and proper somalia in federal government whilst retaining their state level administrations.
  19. Naxar...the question of somalia reuniting can only happen through federation like the federation that exists in the uk. In the united kingdom they are seen as british first and the foremost nationality wise and use british passport..however they have 4 disolved national parliaments that handled their state level regions united under 1 federal parliament in london. This the system that puntland envisions for somalis. And can even include djibouti in such vision. Were there is puntland, sland, djibouti, and proper somalia in federal government whilst retaining their state level administrations.
  20. Puntland is already using solar energy as sector of our society. For example bendar beyla is the only town in all the world where everyone uses solar power for cooking and not charcoals. Solar power is definitely the future and puntland is already moving into that sector.
  21. Black sea was my area back in the day
  22. Naxar propellor planes? when did the somaliland administration ever invest making the run-way longer? u think the run-away was shoter then it is now..waryaa sxb the sland administration never invested into that airport but just took the way it was in 1988 from siyad. Not one extra km or mile did they add to the surface of that airport which siyad didn't leave behind. U r seriously kidding yourself if u think ur incompetent government can invest in an airport or port with such budget of 40 million...lol. See bossaso airport is being bankrolled by lootah investment group in dubai..who will invest 270 million dollars in bossaso port and airport to turn into biggest airport and port in east africa. Same with the garowe airport, it's being funded by the oil consortium to turn into massive airport itself. U see u need foreign investment to bank roll it not your state government, because they can't afford such infrastructure, and sland let's not kid ourselves only slanders invest there and noone else...even the ethiopians dont and just use berbera airport...where-as ethiopians invest in puntland have trade offices open so we can conduct in business and not just use our port. Sxb if u want to know the truth go to mamalink.org a hargeisa based organization and see the youth of your country dying in the mediterrenean sea or locked up in libya and sudanese jails. That state has law n order but other then that no future or progress other then what local and diaspora slanders provide..which lets not kid ourselves is NOT going to amount to much.
  23. Naxar propellor planes? when did the somaliland administration ever invest making the run-way longer? u think the run-away was shoter then it is now..waryaa sxb the sland administration never invested into that airport but just took the way it was in 1988 from siyad. Not one extra km or mile did they add to the surface of that airport which siyad didn't leave behind. U r seriously kidding yourself if u think ur incompetent government can invest in an airport or port with such budget of 40 million...lol. See bossaso airport is being bankrolled by lootah investment group in dubai..who will invest 270 million dollars in bossaso port and airport to turn into biggest airport and port in east africa. Same with the garowe airport, it's being funded by the oil consortium to turn into massive airport itself. U see u need foreign investment to bank roll it not your state government, because they can't afford such infrastructure, and sland let's not kid ourselves only slanders invest there and noone else...even the ethiopians dont and just use berbera airport...where-as ethiopians invest in puntland have trade offices open so we can conduct in business and not just use our port. Sxb if u want to know the truth go to mamalink.org a hargeisa based organization and see the youth of your country dying in the mediterrenean sea or locked up in libya and sudanese jails. That state has law n order but other then that no future or progress other then what local and diaspora slanders provide..which lets not kid ourselves is NOT going to amount to much.
  24. Moonlight, puntland is state that is governed by a certain clan however that doesn't mean other's are not welcome to live there in peace. We have Ethiopians, southern somalis, hargeisa..and all sort's of ppl who work n live there. Puntland state has introduced free health and welfare payments for unemployed ppl, idp's, etc regardless of clan origin. There is massive state-wide child health program that has begun to make sure that all children regardless of clan are cured from preventable diseases. This why united nations has said in many reports that this region is the healthiest and richest region of the horn of africa. The case of the tahribyal is being stopped and crucial services are being provided for them. These tahribyal from ethiopia and southern somalia who use our port as destination gate-way to yemen even state that they live and work in puntland to earn their money and then decide to go to yemen. The opportunities are their for them and the state government is investing in busines program for them so that 2700 idp's are trained to become licensed business ppl of puntland in many different field's of industry. So please don't twist what i say, we are the only state that are actually do something about our idp's who have caused any problems for our state such as a violent protest at the sheikh osman arrest, taking dangerous voyages to yemen of our coast, and even reported that among the pirates in puntland idp's are being recruited. So really the trouble they cause for us and the amount of the state is doing for them is just amazing. No-where in africa will u find a state government setting up such huge business projects, providing welfare payments and free health to their refugee's except puntland. That is why we are the power state of east africa and inshallah with the oil dig at the end of the year, well that will set us on course to advancement, education, health, and foreign investment, and who knows even building tourist sector of our wild mountains, and coast line. Like dukey says in his proverb "the future is bright, the future is puntland".