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Everything posted by osman_nz

  1. miskiin oh ok bro..i didn't knpw that..
  2. War sxb...800 women graduated in gaalkacyo the other week to become civil servants for puntland government...Gaalkac yo is moving ahead...strategicall y it's located in troublesome spot but puntland has mudug back 100%
  3. Laaska is in riot mode against sland administration. Sool historically was never apart of somaliland anyways, they never ratified or signed a treaty with the british. So how can they be considered sland border when infact historically they have no right there anyways. ***** is also not historically apart of sland because when the ***** signed the treaty they were considered not "subjects" like the **** and **** and ****" but **** was considered "territories" on their own. Infact the british even build foreign embassy and had an ambassador in *****land to signify them as different region all together. Lastly even somaliland historically has no real claim that is legemitate. When they recieved indepedence from the british they were free only for 5 days before they made the union with somalia. When that union was made the african union only recognized that border. Now their saying they wan't to go back to old colonial borders, how silly because african union constitution article 6 states "they only recognize the indepedence borders of africa" not colonial borders...So constitutionally african union can never give them recogntion even if they wanted and if they did legally they could be sued for breaking the African union constitution. Lastly to be considered a country, u need to have flag, government, currency, president, etc..when sland got it's indepedence from the british they never had any of these basic criterias and legally can not even be viewed as historic country. Wallahi i feel sorry for them, they keep running around the west thinking that will help their cause when the west keeps telling them "we only will listen to the african union" because african union is region boss not the west. And if they go to the african union their hand's are tied and can't do anything for them.. Truly sad situation..historica lly n even neighbourng countries wise like djibouti, ethiopia, egypt, sudan...none of them want to see indepedent somaliland and they have their reasons for that also.. Sad Situation after 17 years u'd think they get it through their heads, but nope...thick as bricks.. Anyways check out the article regarding las canod uprising.. Check it out http://www.riinji.co m/full.php?id=4965 [ June 04, 2009, 12:53 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  4. Bossaso business men recieve tax rise http://allsanaag.com /Details.asp?id=4503
  5. Brussel conference was only held due to the piracy, and those funds were directed at combating piracy, now the question is this the money puntland got for the nation where is the funding from the federal government to give puntland it's share? If it wasn't for puntland, let's be honest sheikh sharif would be travelling around getting scrap change here and there, it was the piracy that gave him this life-line. I still do not see him providing any funding to puntland was apart of the deal that was reached in brussels? Accountability is required to watch these people.. anyways read the story here somalia is getting tanks and jet fighters and stuff like old military.. http://www.radiowidh widh.com/html/module s.php?name=News&file =article&sid=74
  6. Somaliland miltia killed an innocent ethiopian. http://www.radiowidh widh.com/html/module s.php?name=News&file =article&sid=69
  7. This one has baffled me, apparently the piracy that is occuring in puntland are being recruited from idp camps in bosasso.. Read this investigative reporter for the bbc uk. http://news.bbc.co.u k/2/hi/africa/807218 8.stm
  8. According to the united nation puntland is the most healthiest in the horn of africa. Most food is in the greate state of puntland. Read research done by united nation food agency. http://fsausomali.or g/fileadmin/uploads/ 1372.pdf