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Everything posted by osman_nz

  1. Ibtisam, puntland is not doing as bad as the rest of somalis and are better of then others..eyl might be critical...but not severe...and bari is just alert...puntland doesn't leave the alert or critical zone.. It's not severe and disastrous like the rest of somalia...and like i said puntland level poverty is due to the high influx of idp's of oromo's, southern somalis, etc..who live in make shift camps. But the point is...puntland is doing better then ur state..even though it's not perfect but at least were not as malnutrioned as u r
  2. The dhahar people are holding a clan conference for all the ppl of certain sub-clan meet and discuss the development of the sanaag region. Read here http://www.dhahar.co m/article.php?articl eid=7251 These people are loyal puntlanders and it is about time puntland start's winning heart's and mind of the people in sool and sanaag and cayn. I am personally from qardho and i know i would prefer more development happening for sannag and sool ppl then for my own. It's time puntland authority invest in our brother's region because i know i am one puntlander that is furious at them for the neglect they have done over the years and continue to do with such loyal citizen's... Something must change and also the political representation of the sool and sanaag need's to be lifted greatly in ministry and parliament seating. It is not fair that they get seating based on their whole clan, why mjs get seating based on sub sub clans..it's totally unjust and a society that is unjust will never succeed. Faroole hasn't been doing much to fix these issues in sanaag and sool and i know i am totally disgusted with cade muse in that regard and starting to see the same thing with farole..Anyways this need's to be addressed as matter of urgency by farole and no more clan politics within puntland or divisions..we are all citizens of that state period anyone who says otherwise or want's to use qabil politics in our region must be fined or sued for such act. Anyway's we will see what farole does..he fixed the clan based politic by amending the constitution and allowing one man one vote system and multi party democracy. Let's hope that even's out the runners for leadership and balances out the ministry portfolio's and house of representative seats. But still more need's to be done.
  3. Puntland information minister has declared that puntland government doesn't recognize the government of sharif and nor is sharif adhering to the federal idealogy. Read here http://www.dhahar.co m/article.php?articl eid=7460 I guess that mean's we don't have to share our oil revenues with the federal government when the drilling begins at the end of the year and keep the revenue all in puntland. which is good thing more goes to puntland development..
  4. Xaaji can u prove with reference to historical records that sland had president, currency, parliament, flag, constitition. The basic criteria's of a country AFTER the colonial period. Can you prove also that any country recognized this indepedent state after colonial rule? If u can provide ur historical references that would be appreciated for the above issue's. Because from what i read none of that was ever fulfilled. Secondly sool and sanaag and i will refer to them as their region as qabil name's are not allowed. This regions are easy to take out sland COLONIAL borders because the sool ppl never ratified and signed any treaty with the british to be considered apart of sland..sure if some person from that region was in hargeisa talking crap doesn't mean that his clan elders ever made an official treaty acknowledging their OFFICIALLY apart of sland. In a court of law u can see that you have no leg's to stand on. Sanaag is dismissable because if u read the treaty they signed they were considered "terriotory" not a "subject" as the west slander tribes were considered. They were viewed as terriotory and in their treaty it says the british will open foreign embassy and send an ambassador of england to represent the queen in sanaag territories...this clearly proves that they are separate country. So sxb pls if u want to discuss this issue minus hate and clan goggles i am willing to and be prepared for the fight for your life.
  5. Romantics, The international community tried to help the early 90s but got burnt...i think they don't want to get burnt again. However this issue of piracy might have to force them to take a stance and provide long term solution to this crisis or the international trade will greatly be in jepordy. Before that when they intervened in somalia and left, they didn't really have anything to lose by just leaving and letting the crisis continue. However now they have billions of dollars at stake,in one of the busiest shipping lanes the gulf of aden at risk. To exemplify the importance of the gulf of aden. The saudi oil that reaches the west goes outside of jeddah passing somalia and going on from there. If the ships are always being hijacked how will they get their oil to their countries which many critical industries depend on and that is only one example of many more to signify the importance of this critical and strategic shipping lane..Soo as u can see the stakes are alot more higher for the world this time then it was in the early 90's.
  6. Shakirullah the pharoah called this place "Ta Nteru"...land of the god's but literally means land of the ancestors.. They viewed their ancestors as gods, hence that's why they translate it to be "land of gods"...now for example ppl till this day say if u see someone who is really famous like michael jackson u will say "oh he is god or he is my idol" doesn't mean he is literally is god...it just mean's he is so popular...same with the term he is my idol doesn't mean he is literally idol but means u want to act like him.. So i report on the facts, the pharoahs viewed punt as their ancestoral homeland...and that's why they had much admiration for it...doesn't literally mean "god"..but then again shabab losers like yourself love to question someone faith as if ur Allah himself and then try to make it appear the other isn't muslim..
  7. Moonlight puntland will remain the land of the god's according to the pharoahs...whether i change it or not..doesn't change the fact that pharoah called it that
  8. They hide their face's because they are cowards and know their wrong. Did the prophet and the sahaba when fighting mecca hide Their faces when fighting the meccans? no they didn't.. These ppl the shababs are khawarij and outlaws of islam
  9. I don't chew khat anyways. I find it disgusting, tasted it once and has no taste whatsoever for me. I now know why they drink alot of tea while chewing, so they can drink something a bit sweeter to wash out that disgusting bitter taste.
  10. Rudy diiriye...well how are u going to unite all different warring sides? are u just going to say let's set up a government and stop fighting and benefit the country..well that's all nice and dandy but it's not realistical All the interest groups in somalia be it warlords, clan elders, ulama, want to know what's in it for them to join such government? what will u tell them "so we can benefit the ppl" lol they will laugh straight in your face and say "what's in it for me and my clan or me and my religion" U need to appease all of them..that is why the transitional government is based on qabil to end the qabil wars which it has. Now it's religious wars. U just can't set up a government and say come and join us and not appease the ppl u want to join u..the first question they will ask is "can we be president" or "how many of my clan or sect is represented in the government" what will u say to all them "yes u can be president" of course not then we would have 1000 presidents. at the end of the day u need to bring them together and how the hell will u manage to do that whilst keeping all parties pleased?
  11. Merfish is khat eating place in london. When i went there for holiday and mind u i was there for 2 weeks..the men eat khat in the basements of a cafe...And they also eat it in public as it is legal in that country's law.
  12. Diiriye, infact it took puntland 10 years to phase into a fully fledged democracy. And the constitution was just amended to include multi party and one man one vote system. It's not overnight process, and southern somalia seeing much more war and killing then we have will take alot longer then 10 years.
  13. Diiriye, this is transitional government..the keyword being "transion" once peace law n order is set up and violent elements in the society are eliminated. Then get the transition to fully fledged democratic government of somalia take place. Or maybe what u are expecting is, somalis to take votes up whilst shabab is ringing bullets in every side of southern somalia. That would be excellent idea, get ppl to go to voting booth ducking ak 47's. Wallahi u need to think sometimes, before making such baseless statements. Now i personally am suspicious of sharif and believe he is closest extremist and only using this moderate version of islam as an excuse to get support for the west and help himself get eleced in the parliament. I personally don't like sharif's policies but i do respect the bases the transitional government was formed on. Sure it might be qabil politic's right now in the parliament but how else can u appease warring clans without at first using qabil based parliament to keep them happy. That is why all the warlords joined, and clan elders..only extremist psychopath's who haven't and wan't to completely topple the government. But again i reiterate qabil based parliament and the somalis not voting for it, is transitional momemnt..it's nothing permanent, it's phasing in law n order and getting the ppl set up for democracy... When u catch the flu or have cough, do u just drink the whole cough syrup in one go? of course not. U take a tea-spoon here and tea-spoon there and in slow stages u will find yourself recovering. If u drank it all in one go u'd probably pass out and die. That is the solution for somalia a transitional government applying law and order as the first teaspoon, bringing stability and confidence of the ppl as second tea-spoon, providing education, health, investment as the third teaspoon and then and gradually phasing the government into democracy as the final tea-spoon. It's about gradual change
  14. Rudy, what fact do you know? what u hear at merfish? your source for any claim can be debunked on the weakness of it's credibility. War baan meeshaas ku maqley socon meyso. U might fool the jahiil but not the well-informed.
  15. Diriye, Qaddafi is the head of the African Union, The African Union is internationally respected organization and with more then 50 members states. If u think noone will listen to him with that sort of position, your very sad. And The west always listen to the regional watch-dog organization's in most part's of the world and this is known fact. When America want's to make a decision on a country say for example thailand. They will look at APEC the regional watch-dog for their input first. See whenever u take measures in the international world u need to take into consideration the countries neighbour. America has to take into consideration what 52 nations will be drafting up in the African union because they have diplomatic, economical, strategical ties with member states of the A.U and wouldn't want to jepordize that. Diriye i am not a school instructor and going to teach u international politics.
  16. Dabshid..this is the research, the white house has done a congressional reports on the towns and clans responsible for piracy. This an expert report from the white house.. Read it here on the seattle times newspaper http://seattletimes. nwsource.com/html/po litics/2009015383_ap piracysomaliclans.ht ml As you can see puntland represent's only 2 towns of the 5 towns conducting in piracy. 2 out of 5 is 40%. Now that 40% of piracy in puntland's areas it has been revealed that idp's of puntland are being involved by bbc special investigaton report Read that here http://news.bbc.co.u k/2/hi/africa/807218 8.stm So the piracy that come's out piracy idp's are doing it and being recruited by native's. In other word's the native is providing the strategy and getting the idp to do the dirty work. So plz study the fact's and don't gone by what u hear the merfish.
  17. Rudy, and your totally correct. They are not harming somalis or killing and looting them. They are taking their fight out on the international ship's. Now the source of the piracy was illegal fishing and toxic waste dumping. Once Qadafi policy drafted by the african union and is put into effect and somalia water's are monitored im sure the piracy will end. Let's just hope the world take's notice and put's african union plan into effect. The illegal ship's toxic waste dumping before and the illegal fishing has stopped due to the multi-national ships monitoring the sea, the pirates are now just wanting a solution to be done that is long term not short-term like multi-national navies. Thank god african union has answered, Once a full-time A.U naval monitor take's over their role guarding somalia's and if this implemented and a coast guard set up, so those pirates can have a job after they give up the piracy which thousands have already. Then the piracy is over.
  18. Rudy, i never said i wasn't proud of them. Infact the African Union President Qaddafi lended their support for them. Verify here http://www.google.co m/hostednews/afp/art icle/ALeqM5gjcLix8M8 Q0Xx6bKZz_7t9unI4LA And hollywood has also by making a movie proving true that toxic waste and illegal fishing has occured in the area's of puntland coast and making the somalis be defender's of their water and environment protectors. Verify here http://www.guardian. co.uk/world/2009/may /15/somali-pirates-n egotiator-hollywood- movie It is not matter about who is doing it. Puntland piracy account's for 40% of the piracy occuring the horn of africa. The one's who are planning and coordinating are most likely to be natives, but the people who are doing the hijacking's in real-time is appearing to be idp's. I just research the fact's, the truth shall set you free. U can't follow propaganda and expect to solve something. U need to get to the bottom of it by researching the facts and not going by what u hear in the merfish or cafe.
  19. Kajdes this about puntland ministers meeting with range resources the petroleum consortium to let them know that they can continue with the drilling of puntland oil and natural gas fields. Puntland wanted to let them know that, that this region is peaceful region and that companies are welcome here to invest without feeling threatened of instability or war. So it was pretty much a meeting between the new government in puntland and range resources, and to re-enforce the policy of puntland is that government will support the oil company whereever it needs so that puntland can develop better for the future
  20. somaliland is just generic name which can be applied to every area inhabited by somali speaking people. From djibouti, ogedenia, somalia, northern kenya all these lands can be classified as "somaliland"... Puntland however is more historic place named by egpytian hatshepsut and the north-east of somalia was known as that land and therefore no somali can literally call themselves that name. So our name is alot more historic due our region and unique name given to that ppl. Now somaliland name is just generic name with no historical context except when they were subjectated..zimbabw e was called rhodesia by the colonizer, do u see the zimbabwe ppl calling themselves after what colonial man called his land...of course not, they changed their name to zimbabwe...however due to sland slave mentality they think the colonial is a master to them and they still use the name given to that area by colonialist...sad but it just shows u they are conquered mentally by europeans.. Puntland was called by egyptians as land of god, it is source of pride that we use that name, and the egyptians were not colonizers either but trade partners who honoured us with such title. So u can see the difference in the two ppl..the slander is boasting about a name given to him by someone who colonized him..whilsts the puntlander is calling himself a name given to him as a term of honor by egyptian trade partners NOT COLONIZERS.. We are better ppl always and u can see this in many aspects other then just the name of the areas...
  21. Rudy what prosperous time, they were crying their asses of because barakat was shut down..that was only one hawala. Imagine they shut down all the hawala which they would do if shabab was in government. And not to mention trade sanctions..where u think they will get medicine, technology, food, clothes, etc... U seriously are short sighted
  22. By the way, do u remember when the icu was in control of mogadishu in 2006-2007 and they slapped bank freeze on hamar and the ppl were all crying. Well that was just when shabab was ruling a city. If shabab became a government the world would not just do bank freeze but will do a complete trade sanction where they can't trade with anyone more. On top of the bank freezes, trade sanction, their would even be high possibility for another international war against somalia. That will be the future that shabab will bring if it ever becomes government. And don't be tricked by ppl saying "shabab is bringing law n order whereever they rule" therefore they are good. These ppl are very short-sighted in their judgements. Those ppl if u give them a fish they will say "wow your great person and i love u" but they will never ask themselves "how they can become fisher-man" and do it themselves rather then relying on that person. Those sorts of ppl are short-sighted and only think about the present who support shabab, and don't ever get trapped in their frame of mind. Thing about the future and see what a shabab government will do for somalis in 5 years time? think about how the world will react because this globalized world, we all depend on each other. Somalis need the world because without them who will they sell their livestocks to? where will they get medicine from? if trade sanction is imposed..nowhere..th ey will rot and die. That is what the shabab future is for somalis..and if u want that, then support them...but if u don't want that then get behind secular democratic somalia. Secular democratic somalia will please our neighbours who engage in stronger ties with us, it will free the ppl and make them not fear the government just because they don't like one of the government policy. So the benefits for secular somalia is way to many list but here are some. 1. The ppl will not feel fear when they open their mouth against government 2. Freedom and equality between all ppl and all clans. This may not happen at the social level but at the government level it will 3. The world will love us because we are adapting a sytem the majority of the world acknowledges. With that comes economic, military, commercial ties. 4. More advanced and robust future for the ppl and enjoying freedom in our country whilst keeping our neighbours and international community happy. There is many more, but i don't want to bore you..but secular somalia is the way forward and progress for our ppl and u should support that because the results will be alot better then shabab results.. If shabab gets in power the results will be. 1. The ppl living in fear 2. Masjid will become priority before public education 3. Harsh and brutal punishments for even the minor things. 4. The world displeased at us and cutting ties with us. 5. Trade sanctions at the u.n level and all member states of the united nation saying bye bye somalia we ain't doing import, or export with u. 6. We can't import any medicine, clothes, food, technology, etc into somalia we will live in a state of hopelessness. 7. Miltary action by the world because they feel shabab will start to attack them. Armies of the world coming to somalia and another 1 million ppl die The list will go on and on of the future that shabab will bring for us. They may bring peace and stability and law and order. But u forget to think about the world whom we live with and if they would like to be dealing with such ppl. The world doesn't want to deal with extremist and they don't want nothing to do with them. If the world cuts you off..where do u think somalis will progress to...they will not progress and will remain in the state of taliban afghanistan were.. That is the beautiful future of shabab...they might be good for law n order but thats it. Nothing else are they good for, and life depends on much more then law n order. Law n order is mandatory however life depends on other areas also which shabab will utterly fail as i stated. So that is education for u nomads, take it and learn before u look to shabab as friend of yours, when they are truly your worst enemy.
  23. Shabab has no place to dictate to anyone. They have no place in the government and should remain only in the mosque or their homes giving ppl personal fatwa's not asking to become leader of the country and giving national fatwa's Shabab will be fought and dismantled where-ever they are, untill they give up their ambition of wanting to lead the country. If they want to form a party and live under secular based democratic somalia then that is fine. But in no way can they ever be depended upon to write up constitution and give law n order to the people. They will send somalia back to the 7th century and that is the last thing we need. Sure they bring peace and stability in the area's they control, but they bring that peace and stability using terror and fear. ppl are so scared and that's why they respect them not because they like them but because they fear them. Every citizen of somalia should have the right to be free, and not feel fear and if they don't like the government they should have the right to criticize it without worrying what "cleric" will do to him. Lastly and not least, have u studied the taliban regime when they ruled for 10 years in afghanistan. Sure their was peace n stability but life was hopeless. The economy dead. No investments and no future Noone will invest in somalia if shabab is the government, the ppl's lives will only feel more safer and their will be peace but never will their be progress. Life will result back to backwardness just like the taliban and the world will just totally ignore us. Not to mention sanctions. The CIA will slap sanctions on somalia so they can't trade anymore, banks will be frozen and who knows they might even use military option. So all these losers who call for shabab and say their excellent, remember that shabab might bring peace and stability but life doesn't depend on just peace n stability you need progress. And with shabab in power can u foresee a bright future? i hardly think so, u will just see the taliban failures being implemented. and the ppl will suffer more because the whole world has cutt somalia off from trade. Somalis economy depends on trade. If u take that away it's over for the ppl. So think before u jump on the shabab bandwagon and support them. Because nothing good will come out of them leading the country except ppl living in fear and the whole world cutting somalia from business and making us starve for the rest of our lives or military assault like the one that happened to iraq. Do u seriously want that, if u do support shabab because all u can see is the present and how well law n order is whereever shabab is the authority....but if u gave one minute to thinking about shabab and the future it hold's then u would see the devastation it will bring to somalis. U think Abdullahi Yusuf fought these guys for nothing. He fought them for very good reason however to many dumb somalis only think about the present, while the wise man thinks about the future.
  24. rudy, that is united nation study go take it up with them if u have an issue with the facts. the only time puntland is shown is regarding the idp's and u think all puntlanders are like that then ur sadly mistaken. Puntland is alot better then where ur from and that what count's and the united nation food agency prove it.
  25. Inspector, well yes puntland is on alert for food shortages..but their not severe as hargeisa and mogadishu and that is totally undeniable. Puntland has 200 000 idp's mainly oromo's and southerners. Now the main bulk of poverty is in those area's and they are being addressed as we speak. Farole has introduced social welfare for every citizen of puntland and free health also. There is program that is occuring for idp's 2700 will graduate and become licensed self employed ppl of puntland and make a living. So inshallah the poverty is being addressed where it is occuring with our leader farole. And when it wasn't being addressed in august 2008 we were still alot better of then other somalis in hargeisa or hamar. Imagine if they do that study now with free health, and welfare payments. Puntland will be leap and bounds ahead again. Not to mention the child vaccination that is occuring across the whole state to keep our kid's idp's or natives from dying due to preventable diseases. Inspector puntland is addressing it's poverty issue. And the bulk of it is in idp camp's. Do you see other somalis addressing their poverty? nope. That is why puntland in 1 years time after all these reforms results are seen will double the nutritional levels of puntlanders, health wise and economically. At least we are doing something, what are the hargeisa and hamar ppl doing about their problem? nothing thats what...the hamar guy is to busy firing an ak 47 whilst the hargeisa guy is to busy gloating about law n order they established. So at least we are ahead of other somalis and u should praise that not condemn it. i doubt ur puntlander anyways.