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Everything posted by Katrina

  1. Hola, You want me to "prove" it isn't true? That's a trick question, no? Next, you'll be asking me to prove the boundary conditions or Maxwell's equations, right? #2 has been proven by science...claimed by men Anywaz, it's a combination of both; the length of the vector determines the magnitude of the force. My disclaimer: Don't try at home!
  2. I'm also against the great white hope in the Packers' QB. Castro, why you gotta hurt me like that? I expect that comment from every old Farrax but not my buddy.
  3. I'm also against the great white hope in the Packers' QB. Castro, why you gotta hurt me like that? I expect that comment from every old Farrax but not my buddy.
  4. Doubt #2 is accurate and should have a disclaimer.
  5. TOP 10 REASONS TO DATE AN ENGINEER 10. The world does revolve around them... they choose the coordinate system 9. No "couple" enjoys a better "moment" 8. They know how to handle stress and strain in a relationship 7. They have significant figures 6. EK301: The motion of rigid bodies 5. Projectile motion: Do we need to say more? 4. Engineers do it to specification 3. According to Newton, if two bodies interact, their forces are equal and opposite 2. They know it's not the length of the vector that counts, but how you apply the force 1. THEY KNOW THE RIGHT HAND RULE Maybe you've all seen this before...a refresher never hurt. #1's my favorite, the product of many EM classes. :eek:
  6. Trust me, you don't need to pick up a book to argue with this gang. All you need is the arrogance to believe your always right. Ooh, Somali genetics might have something to do with it.
  7. Liibaan: Blah blah blah....Complain a little more please, that just wasn't enough for me. If you're just gonna accuse us of blaming women for everything and then turn around and blame everything on us, why do you even speak? At least say something of importance... Since you've perfected the art of important debate how about "blah blah blah..."? Does that meet your approval, ooh important one?
  8. Katrina


    Liibaan, what makes you think any woman has to give you or any male a valid reason?? It's halaal. A childish tantrum really says a lot about you. Why are you looking for opposing views, anways? Just do it!! Heck if any of the women in this cyber world cares. Peace
  9. Bishaaro, calm down. I'm just answering the man's question, don't kill the messenger. I never said I believed that crap but that is the attitude and underlying mentality of our ignoramous community, no? Preach on brother Castro.
  10. Don't those three represent 3/4th of the somali women? They obviously have low self-confidence and honestly I'd shoot myself if I had to be surrounded by that type of self-destructive behavior. Experiencing love has nothing to do with it, contrary to popular belief love isn't suppose to hurt. Yet, in all three of the above mentioned cases it's ruining lives. How is that a wonderful, fuzzy feeling?? These girls are inviting in the pain. It's the unrealistic hope of love that keeps them placing themselves in front of the firing squad but hey some ppl are into pain. It's sad but somali women in 'general' think their tough and hard as nails but the reality is for most it's all hot air.
  11. ^ I offer you the coveted and highly sought position of being Halimo #2 of senor Castro. It is an enviable position to be in. If you act now, you're assured there will be no #3 (for a while). This is a time limited offer. Act now! Whadya say, dahlin'? Fidel, For the umptheenth time, NO NO NO. Your not man enough for me, dahlin!
  12. That's an easy answer. With all the pressure on Somali girls to maintain their proof of virginity biking is a big NO NO! Like the FGM, tampon vs. pad, multiple wives issue weren't hard enough on girls they need ever edge to keep their eager to complain male counterparts complacent. In summary that's why biking for girls is frowned up/discouraged in our culture. Peace & Love...
  13. Now that we know it is culture..do we continue them ladies out of their senses..No man enough would aspire to beat his wife..a lovely wife that is...Some go honour killing for finding his sister going a 'WHORE'.. Flip, what about when her brother acts like the "whore" you mentioned?? I've yet to see honor killings for a man?? Or does Islam see it differerently for men and women, pray tell??
  14. Castro, Your fired!! Accept your arab side my @ss, traitor.
  15. No Nigerians or South Africans? LOL Castro, I don't differentiate among fellow Africans. Although, I can't say the same about Somali's.
  16. Right on,Rudy. I too had a memorable thxsgiving with my current uni friends and it was a night to remember. The food was super yummy and the memories were priceless. We too represented the world from Swedish, Columbians, Malaysians, Americans, Iranians, Africans, and New Zealanders. We plan to repeat it again and again in the coming years. It's worth the effort to keep in touch with college friends, especially reliving horrible classes, crushes, late night assigments in the labs etc. aaaaah
  17. Please, give the male SOL members their section. I'm sick and tired of reading their threads about women this women that!! Our honorable Nur and his followers will then have all the space to spout hypotheticals, get ideas on how to sucessful acquire multiple wives while retain the original version and support each other in manly causes etc. If ever there has been a topic that's overly recycled it's the multiple wife desire! Really there is more to life, I'm strongly disappointed in SOL posts lately.
  18. Katrina

    Somali Women

    PHD in physics, mashaalah to anyone who gets those abstact concepts. Tukaale, you have heard of somali female (biomedical,electrical and mechanical for sure that I know of) engineers, I hope?
  19. Katrina

    Somali Women

    Yep, I'm sure they exist. I know one of 'em.
  20. LOL, care to expand on the above mentioned relaxing technique? I ain't being defensive. If men expect women to respect their decision then it should be visa versa, no? Honestly, it doesn't bother me if men marry more than one. After all the prophet did and it's allowed in the religion but I do have the choice to accept or reject the situation. Is that asking for much? So, what's the weather like?
  21. Katrina

    Its a Girl!

    LOL, you love me & you know it,Castro...somewhere deep in the abyss of the dictator lies a fragile moving foreign object aka heart. My comments are for all but male species in particular!! PS. Haven't you heard hurricanes are here to stay!
  22. Subhanallah, Sharmarkee There is Hysteria going on here! Marriage is LOve and Mercy between the couple ... not Ka Jajabis,and broken hearts, iyo ku xumee ... so cool down girls you dont need Cover like an old cars. all what you need is be the happy Lady of the house, and read the advice of Walaasheen "Xaqa ninkaagu kugu leeyahay then you don't see [Gabadh kale InShaaAllah].if you cannot win your man's heart what you gonna win ... nothing!!! Subhanallah, now men want to talk about "love and mercy" pleeezeee!! When it's convenient for u'all. When it comes to marrying many men have no problem defending the idea even if they wouldn't/couldn't handle more than one (at a time lol). They start roaring about their Islamic rights. Then why the hell do you care if a sister exercises the Islamic rights bestowed upon her by Allah!!! "Win your man's heart", Where's the man's love and mercy when he's hurting his wife? STOP FLIP-FLOPPING!! Simply_I I personally dont think it is a wise decision to make the contract b4 you even begin your life together, since we can not predict the future what if problems arise? for example in your fertility (God forbid). Or issues of similar nature arise(dont want to go into details). Your right one should think hard about such a contract as we all should anytime we sign the dotted line. Yet as it was mentioned by another SOL member each woman knows her tolerance level. Yes, most women say they would never accept it but when everything’s at stake their prior stand becomes a front while others would never deter regardless of the issue (kids or no kids). Our fate is pre-determined and for sure some of us won't be able to conceive. I understand the need for men to spread their seed and a woman's need to play mommy. I think adoption is a great and honorable option. We have so many Muslim/Somali children being raised by non-believers and what is each one of doing about it? Why don't we try and help them instead? What an honorable yet often ignored issue!! I think we should respect everyone regardless of their decision...marriage contracts after all are allowed by ISLAM, right? Intuition, ditto.
  23. Katrina

    Its a Girl!

    How many of us (internally) challenge our prejudices and misconceptions? All I know is talk is cheap (dirt cheap) but when it comes down to a situation close to home. How quickly we shed our open-minded views.We all know of stories like the one mentioned above but the million dollar question is has it changed the way our culture (you and I) perceive a woman or man's role??? Highly doubt it!! Cheers to hypocrisy & flip-flopping...
  24. Katrina

    Where they At?

    Mudug, If you can't find a xalimo in mpls then throw in the towel and make a U-turn! I used to live there and it was raining women everywhere...either your oblivious to them or your pre-judging 'em. PS. If no neighbourhood gals, school gals or at parties (don't recommend attending) then where brother would you meet a woman (not a girl)?? You might have a diamond right under your nose but maybe your to blind...bet you Ray Charles would have sniffed her out eons ago.lol