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Everything posted by Jabarjaan

  1. The fuzz is that we are muslims and this is unislamic!
  2. lol@war waa intee? suaal madaxweyne la weydiiyo meysan weydiin dee ninka
  3. You guys are haters maxaa la habaartameysaan dadka dalka wax idiinku qabanaya ama wax ka qabsanaya ha habaarina ee iska aamusa ama orda oo idinka wax qabsada forumka saas u ha usoo taagnaanine
  4. Kamalu Diin ma waxaa leeedahay Ayan xirsi baa ka fiican Maxakamadahii? Ka fiirso hadalkaas gaalnimo buu keeni karaa, hadii aad marki hore aheyd muslim
  5. who is AbdiKasim Salad? oh the ex ex ex president? kuwii current-ga ahaa baaba rajadoodu xun tahay ku hore xuu sheegaa
  6. I think Yusuf Garad and the entire BBC crew are doing great job as always! Warlord gartay lakin warlord dabadhilifkii baa aduunka u xun. BBC-da hadey runta ka sheegto dhibka Yey iyo asxaabtiisa u geystaan waddanka mala qarinaa! jeez
  7. Isn't this the politics section? Just reminder.. There is Sports section in SOL.
  8. Isn't this the politics section? Just reminder.. There is Sports section in SOL.
  9. Well said Shucayb and Well done MMMA. Ciil qabow cadaabkii gal
  10. Where is Riyale? oops but that's not president. Just governor!
  11. Diinaari Xaqii baa soo qabtoo shil intuu galay waa kaas gacanta laad-laadinayo, that is the least u would get for being ethio-**********
  12. uu yemen maxa geeyee decented of abraha de de Ethiopian any ways u got 2 know so is abdilahay yusuf jeberti soo he is related 2 tigrinya ----------------------------------------------- Which is fine because Tigray rules east africa!
  13. I hope this people are not from Puntland as the people in Kismayo won't accept it.
  14. ahaha I like how good the oday looks on the khamiis. I think it is that time of his life uu toobad keeni lahaa. tusbaxna gacantey ugu xidheen
  15. Enough is Enough ICU should vacate Juba?? could you tell why? back your opinions up or don't post them.
  16. Tolnimada iyo Somalinimada in lakala bartaa fiican. Magaalo kastoo somali ah oo la gumeysto waa inaad atleast ka danqataa
  17. Xamarna waanu ka saari, Hargeysana waanu ka saari waa laba magaalo oo Somalia kamid ah. Heysashada u Wayaanuhu heysto xamar kama duwana tan uu heysto hargeysaa.
  18. how about this... Yes its his government, he fought for it, he leads it, and now moving it forward!
  19. lol coz they are unarmed and uneducated and therefore don't deserve any thing.