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Everything posted by Jabarjaan

  1. Siyad Barre's Spies now rule somaliland so i dont see the point y'all are tryin' to make
  2. Meesha aad link-ga kasoo qaadday jawaabtanna maxaad uga soo qaadi weyday?? -bal ii macnee sida morgan ku yahay cunsuri, miyaad ogayd waxa caydiid ku hadli jiray, ama magool iyo kooxdii fanka ay ku heesi jireen marka ay soo boqqdaan magaalooyinka iyo dhulka ******, sidoo kale qawdhan miyaadan ogayn waxa siilaanyo iyo ragiisu idinku dagaal galin jireen, ceebtan soomaali oo dhn bay ku dhacday mana filayo in ay ku kooban tahay moorgan oo kaliya, walibana ilaa maanta baa jidkii lagu socdaa ,allow soomaali u naxariiso daalimiintana ka qabo *******Jabarjaan is banned from Somalia Online******** Admin [ April 14, 2007, 01:56 AM: Message edited by: Admin ]
  3. Dadkan waa dad la gatay sorry man they don't represent the clan of ******* [ April 10, 2007, 02:16 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  4. Jabarjaan

    The Plan

    lol@the biggest clan. That is what you believe and you are trying inaad marna dadka wacdisid. No clan is bigger than another clan. sorry dawg
  5. looooooooooooooool ehehe This is definetly in Columbus, OH. Qeylada iyo qajajacda ka garanayaa.
  6. Sign here please for more info go to Here
  7. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar, Do you have caddeyn in lacagta gurigaan ay tahay lacagta qaranka. Back your statements with facts please qiyaas ma soconeyso..
  8. Has this dude been bribed by Riyaale or something. Qabiilkeyga waxey somaliland ku sameesay ma aqaano kulahaa bbc ma qabiil baa leh. This dude is nuts
  9. Its true though 300 men defeated a million! good movie! I will see it tonight.
  10. Attack the message, not the messenger!!!!!!
  11. The dude ont the picture looks very xabashi has his Somalihood been verified?
  12. well tell us what is the answer
  13. Dadka qaar maxey sidii gaalada ugu hadlaan horta
  14. Could we send all these foreigners back to wherever they came from, so the Somalis could sit and talk it out? ? How come we couldn't sit and talk it out for the last 17 years?????? We are sick of being sick of it. Since we can't do it by ourselves let the foreigners do it for us!!!!
  15. why do guys hate Ethiopia horta? Koley naceyb kali ah oo meel fadhiyo wax ma qabtee, waxaa ila quman inaa ethiopia la saaxibno oo Africa la hogaamino, why not
  16. correction: Khat is, has always been legal in UK, not illegal.
  17. I know and agree that Somalilanders are also Somalis but a Somalilander Critizing somali politician or talking about Somalia’s internal politics is like that A** Australian Prime Minster criticizing Barack Obama, don’t you think so?
  18. why horta somalilanders-ka markasta ugu jiraan somali forums-ka oo arima aan ayaga khuseyn oo somalia ah ka hadlaan
  19. They are one clan and two cities and therefore can't be a nation. Sorry