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Everything posted by Bashiir

  1. Ask the mods, to take it away,.... *goes to read the other thread*
  3. Good stuff,, keep it coming....
  4. Too late to save the baby ,,....sad is it not?
  5. Qarax sababay labba dhaawac ah ayaa ka dhacay galbeedka magaaladda Addiss Ababa sida ay u sheegeen saraakiisha Police wakaaladda wararka ee Reuters. Qaraxan oo ahaa Bomb gacanta laga tuuro ayaa lala beegtay goob u dhow maxkamadda magaaladda Addiss Ababa, waxaana ku dhaawacmay labba qof oo haatan la geeyay Hospitalka magaaladda Addiss Ababa. Police ayaa sheegay inay waddan baaritaano ay ku dabba jiraan balse maysan cadayn cida dhabta ah ee ka danbaysay qarraxan. Isbuucyadii la soo dhaafay ayaa Waxaa ka taagnaa dalka Itoobiya kacdoon u dhaxeeya Muslimiinta Iyo Masiixiyiinta, lama garan karo in arrintani tahay mid la xiriirta xaaladdahaas... Source :
  6. ^You can shiil it by using heparin or warfarin, which keeps the dhiig fresh and dareere form.... JB don't hate me man ,,,, just hate the game...
  7. The new hit which says ,,,..... : Somaalay ha dhigan, lacagta ha dhigan ,,,,, dhiigshiil ha dhigan...ha dhigan ..
  8. Kuwani ma soo goosan, ama waa sirdoon ,,,, ama waa ciyaalkii xaafada.....
  9. Wasiirkii ugu horreeyey ee ka tirsan xukuumadda ra,iisul wasaare Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa si cad u sheegay in ay muhiim tahay qabashada doorashooyinka dowladda Soomaaliya isagoo sheegay in baarlamaanku xaq buuxa u leeyahay qabashada doorashooyinkaas. Wasiirka ku-xigeenka wasaaradda shaqada, shaqaalaha iyo dhalinyarada dalka Soomaaliya Mr. Cabdirashiid Xiddig ayaa yiri ma jiro khilaaf u dhaxeeya Madaxweynaha iyo guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Soomaaliya, doorashada Madaxweynahana waxaa ka horeeya doorashada guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka, waxaana loo baahan yahay in baarlamaanku marka hore doorto guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka kadibna madaxweyanaha. Wasiir ku xigeenku wuxuu baarlamaanka ka codsaday in doorashooyinkaas dowladda xilligooda la qabto.
  10. Wararka ka imanaya deegaanka Dhoobleey waxay sheegayaan in dadkii halkaasi ku noolaa intooda badan ay u qaxeen deegaannada ku dhow dhow Magaalada Dhoobleey oo iyadu hadda noqotay goob dagaal SII AKHRI/DHAGEYSO Source: VOA Afsomali
  11. Mid kamid ah wargeysyada kasoo baxa dalka Kenya oo soo xiganaya Booliska Kenya ayaa qoray in ciidamada Alshabaab ay gantaalo ku garaaceen saldhig ciidamada militariga Kenya ay kuleeyihiin xuduuda Kenya ay la wadaagto Somalia gaar ahaan deegaanada u dhaxeeya Libooyo iyo Dhoobley. Ciidamada Kenya ayaa sheegay in madaaficdii ay soo tuureen Alshabaab ay burburisay keydkii biyaha ee saldhiga.Wargeysku wuxuu intaas raaciyay in ciidamadii Kenya ay katalaabeen xadka kadibna ay soo dileen 11 kamid ah ciidamadii Alshabaab. Waa markii ugu horaysay ee ciidamada Kenya qirtaan in hawlgal ay kasameeyeen gudaha Kenya.Xarakada Alshabab ayaan iyadu kahadal warkan lagu daabacay wargeyska The standard ee kasoo baxa magaalada Nairobi.
  12. Ugu yaraan 7 askari oo Shabaabka ka tirsan ayaa ku dhintey xalay saldhig ku yaala Ceelasha Biyaha oo ay Shabaabka leeyihiin kadib markii lagu weeraray garneelo aanan la ogeyn cidda tuurtey. Alshabaab ayaa horey looga bartay in ay ciidamadeedu weeraro kaasi oo kale ah ku qaadaan saldhigyada ciidamada DKMG ah iyo kuwa Afrikaanka ee AMISON, balse hadda waxa ay u egtahay inuu xaalku yahay laga barayba laga badi. Weerarka waxa uu ahaa qasaaro baaxad weyn marka laga hadlayo Shabaabka oo aanan horey ugu baran in cid ay kusoo dhiirato in weerarkaasi oo kale ay ku qaado. Ma jirto cid sheegatay mas’uuliyada qaraxaasi
  13. JB badly wanted know if the tapes are genuine, but didn't have the time to meet' face to face. So JB decided to ask Faysal Ali Warabe on the telephone. 'Dear uncle,' he blurted out, 'is it true?' 'Of course, it is, you silly boy,' Warabe replied, 'but first, who's calling please?'
  14. Ps. It's not only Saado's articles, songs. But it's all over the place....more to come...
  15. Duke, I was referring to Salax and co. I have some realistic exceptions and I consider you a man who understands the war business of the horn. I wouldn't have given you the link of Dr.warsame's timely article if I thought you are as simpleton as Salax. My bad awoowe...
  16. Don't undermind the intelligence service of the Somali Secret Center, .ie...SSC. In next level it will be through Iley, and Imam Farole, if notGelle, Riyale and co. It's too easy , but they must taking lessons....
  17. Aaliyyah;705377 wrote: humored hw all the Sl crew are trying to avoid the real topic ...keep being silly..ilaa sadexda magalod lugugu imanayo.. Duke xaabsade is no different than any other person who works for personal gain and there are many to name....tan kale puntland ku ekow puntland uun taqaana sidaad ugu heestide. Lol. I think Duke and other simpletons need to pull themselves outside the box, and get enlightened how pure competition is done around circle of business.
  18. Xaaji, you know both Sado and the Dr. have valid points when it comes DS. What you defending is not development, but destruction. It's just matter of time till the sane customers mistrust and withdraw their asset from the company. Keep chewing to death...
  19. General Duke;705354 wrote: Again not sure how this helps? To attack Siilanyo and his goons is one thing. The secessionists are a fair target, but Saado needs to make a song about Xabsade & other traitors before attacking these institutions.. It's just the initial phase I guess, Saado and other singers might do it again. But the region needs a more initiative steps to make a more stable and peace haven. Have you read this article yet? ,,,,
  20. Cambaro;705343 wrote: ...and theres no doubt that dahabshiil plays an important role in the economy of Somaliland... So does Daalo Airline, indha deero, ina oomar , and countless others when are gonna cry after them? Cambaro, why the countless others? The song effectively targets the customers that have the ability to control their own pockets. Like you said since there is no doubt that DS company has magnitude influence on the economy of the regime, Saado's message is, use fast money transfer companies like Kaah, Qaran, Amano and Olympic etc which are lesser evil till peace prevails in the dispute area. The song is meant for creating awareness among Somalis that have soft spot for the cause of SSC. It's a voice that is against aggression policy of Silanyo's regime. Beside that, there is no pure competitions among local companies, to have a good image of this scenario read this article as it might helps you : Peace, and justice for all.....
  21. Dhiig shiil & SSC kid: [sado Ali : Dhaqalaha aynu siinano dhasheeni bu ku laynayaa]
  22. D minded, ....caadi maahan yaah...
  23. I need to study, but I don't have the feeling yet.
  24. Thanks, complicated. The officer put him self in a complicated situation. I wonder if she went back to him, and still are family? ,,,,