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“There is no God but Allah and Mohammed (PUBH) is His messenger.”
Uthman1 replied to Wisdom_Seeker's topic in General
The statement "There is no God but Allah and Mohammed(pbuh) is His messenger" is not the correct translation of the arabic term La ilaha ilalah muhamadan rasululah Correct translation is "None has the right to be worshipped except Allaah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah." This site: http://www.salafipublications.com/sps/ Describes the basics of tawheed. -
I think there is a lot of confusion here. First of all islam is not about picking and choosing to suit ones desires. Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) said the ummah will be broken into 73 sects and only one will go jannah and 72 in the fire. Prophet(peace be upon him) further said the saved sect are those who are upon his sunnah and the sunnah of his companions Clearly from this understanding it is clear that sufis have diverted away from the manhaj of the Prophet(peace be upon him) and his companions when they do grave worshipping and calling upon their dead imams or saints. The Prophet(peace be upon him) and Allah warned of this shirk and other forms of associations. As for one holding on to Hanafi, Shaafi, Malaki and Hanbali, then they should know that none of these great shiekhs asked their followers to hold on to their methods infact all of them said clearly in their books that their way is that of the Prophet(peace be upon him) and his companions and if their work proves to be wrong then go back to the Quran and Sunnah and reject their mistakes. So from this it is clear that they didnt ask their students and followers to blindly follow their way. The Prophet(peace be upon him) never said for us to follow everything that these imams said. So what is the correct manhaj? It is that of the Prophet(peace be upon him) and his companions and that is the manhaj of salafu salih.
^^ Victory is always with Allah and our trust is with Him the majestic. Let the TFG claim victory at the expence of occupation but inshallah the shababs will will drive them and the kaffirs out of the lands they occupy
May the victory of Allah be with you and those that want to establish shariah. As the enemies of Allah, amongsts the kafiroon and the munafiquun gather around plotting against you and Allah, may Allah instill patience and steadfastness in your hearts. Umar Ibn Khattab(radiyallahu-anhu) once gave an advice to Saad Ibn Waqqas ........... UMAR IBN AL-KHATTAB'S ADVICE TO SAAD "Causes of Victory" Umar bin Al Khattab sent an army under Sa'ad bin Abi Waqqas for the conquest of Persia. Umar wrote him a convention as follows: I command you and your army to fear Allah at all times because piety is the best weapon against the enemy and the best strategy in the battle. And I command you and your soldiers to fear disobedience to Allah more than you fear the enemy. If an army fears sins more than the enemy, Allah brings them victory. Muslim victory is the outcome of the disbelievers' disobedience of Allah. There is no power except with Allah for they always outnumber us and have better weapons and tools. If we become equal in disobedience, they will conquer us due to more power; and unless we defeat them by righteousness, we cannot defeat them by power. You must learn that you have some angels with you to protect you and your deeds. So be careful and do not commit any sins while you are fighting in the way of Allah. And never say our enemy is worse than us and that they cannot win even if we commit sins. Many nations have suffered at the hands of others who were less faithful as the magian who won over the Children of Israel when they committed sins. You have to ask Allah victory over your own selves in the same way you ask victory over the enemy. Ask it from Allah for us and you. (Ibn Katheer in Al Bidayah wan -Nihayah)
peacenow use ur head if ur a professional ikhwan. Why do u generalize and insult a whole region.
peacenow then dont you understand the love muslim brothers and sisters have for eachother. Allah has sent deen of islam in arabic, His Messenger Muhammad ibn Abdullah(peace be upon him) who is the best of His creation as an arab. His wives and most of his companions were all arabs. We love them for islam and all good that comes from them.
peacenow are you a muslim
Lets not get confused mate. It was Geedi who said Baidao was surrounded not the UIC, so the noise today came from Geedi. Your smear tactics on the courts wont help TFG cause
General Duke keep your dreams going mate. Nearly 3 years and Yusuf has yet to hold a city in Somalia under his control. It took the UIC less than 6months to hold the most important cities in the country and its expansion continues. Arrogance wont move the TFG further by an inch.
Duke Barre Hirrale tasted Jihad, and if TFG dnt play their cards wisely soon, they too will taste it. Sabr soon we will find out what the TFG is really made up of.
We will see soon the fate of TFG inshallah,
"the TFG has yet to release its war on anyone" What happend to TFG Defence minister Barre Hirrale in Kismayo and thumping he got when he tried to retake it. Was he not the defence minister of TFG or am I mistaken? "M Geedi is the legitimate leader of Somalia and has more support in Mogadishu than IndaCade , Xasan Dahir or any of their lackeys." Geedi has support in Mogadishu? Is this a joke. show me your sources. Because I can show you sources that over 70% of his selected MPs have left him. Never mind Mogadishu, he is even hated within the TFG. As for IndaCade , Xasan Dahir, fact is they are the leaders Mogadishu follow and so does, Kismayo and all other cities that call for their assistance. What has Geedi done besides calling his fellow Somalis as members of Alqaeda and lead by bin Laden so that America and others can throw rockets at them. Shame on him and others that call him the leader of Somalia
General Duke you doubt the UIC even if munafiq Geedi admits himself the situation the TFG is in a number of western media before you even enter forums in this same site. Saxib who controls the Moqadishu, Kismayo, Burhakaba, Dinsoor, and all the small places surrounding these cities. Yet you doubt the UIC cannot take Baidao. Geedi just few weeks ago arrogantly said he can step inside xamar, my challange to him is try to step out of Baidao
General Duke TFG regime's time is ending soon inshallah and soon will your endless propaganda.
So called Somali PM Gedi is no more than a puppet and has planned to sell Somalia to Meles if succesfull against UIC. Read below. May Allah bring destruction to such an evil plan and make the mujahideen victorious. Ameen. Somali MPs: A leak paper map shows that Somalia was wiped off the African map Aweys Osman Yusuf Mogadishu 10, Dec.06 ( Sh.M.Network) – Members of parliament in the capital Mogadishu have presented a map allegedly stolen from premier Gedi’s office. The map drawn in African continent countries shows that no Somalia on it, instead the Ethiopia is written on the part of Somalia on the map The MPs indicated that the piece of paper map was secretly taken from prime minister’s office in Baidoa, a temporary seat for the government. Abdalla Haji, an MP, said all African states are drawn on the found piece of paper map except Somalia, stressing that its position was occupied by Ethiopia. “Ethiopia plans to fight with Union of Islamic Courts and then destroy the transitional government to capture Somalia in whole,” Haji said. The MPs alleged they would try to find and present to the press the documents signed by Ethiopian premier Meles Zenawi and premier Gedi. The news came as the MPs issued a press release on Sunday, condemning the prime minister Ali mohammed Gedi and indicating that they were not satisfied with his work for the Somali people. The transitional government was formed with the help of UN and international community in neighboring Kenya in 2004 after protracted negotiations, but ever since it moved to Somalia, it did not have the military might to control the country. It is seated in the small town of Baidoa where it is protected by Ethiopian forces.
PM Geedi: The TFG will take Mogadishu back from Clan courts.....
Uthman1 replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Duke dnt forget what happend to the mighty USA in Xamar. If I was Gedi, i be more worried about holding on to Baidao and stop dreaming. -
Sharif Ahmed: we want to talk to Ethiopia how things change..
Uthman1 replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Duke your so low, you should be ashamed of yourself. -
TFG say they care for the interest of ordinary somalis yet disagree with the UIC ban on khad when its a rule that benifit the peoples health and economy, more importantly its a command by Allah to abstain from any form of intoxicants. To make himself sound even more silly, the minister says its a good thing that the warlords are gone but he and others from TFG welcome these same warlords with open arms to other towns under their control. ................... MOGADISHU, Nov 18 (Reuters) - Somalia's interim government criticised the rival Islamic movement on Saturday for formally outlawing the popular stimulant leaf khat in Mogadishu and other parts of the country that are under its control. "The people of Mogadishu played a crucial role in removing warlords who led a reign of terror for the last 15 years, so they deserve better treatment from the Islamic courts," Information Minister Ali Ahmed Jama said. Initially praised for bringing order to Mogadishu, the Council of Somali Islamic Courts, as the religious movement is formally known, is now facing increasing popular disquiet. As well as the khat ban, which was formalised this week, other hardline practices such as closing cinemas, prohibiting smoking and some music and enforcing dress codes have worried many Somalis, who are traditionally moderate Muslims. Born out of sharia courts, the Islamic movement defeated Mogadishu's warlords in June after months of fighting, and proceeded to take control of much of southern Somalia. Its rise has challenged the aspirations of the government of President Abdullahi Yusuf to restore central rule for the first time since 1991. Some of the warlords were, in fact, ministers in the interim government until they were forced out. Khat chewing has a central place in Somali social gatherings, and gives a livelihood to traders and importers. "Many Somalis depend on it. It is not good for people to be mistreated now by being stopped from trading freely," Jama said. But Islamic courts council spokesman Abdirahim Ali Mudey said: "If the government really cares for the people as they say, then they should not have welcomed the warlords... "We know what the people want ... Khat is a health hazard and an anti-social drug that is bringing about poverty." Normally chewed in the afternoons and evenings, the leaf releases a mild stimulant, but then leaves users feeling down. It is widely chewed by young men in Somalia's many militias. Critics say the Islamic courts are a Taliban-like movement intent on imposing radical Islam on Somalia's 10 million people. Islamic leaders acknowledge wishing to see Somalia ruled by Islamic sharia law, but say their principal aim is to restore law and order after 15 years of anarchy. A new report to the U.N. Security Council says Eritrea is one of several countries providing arms to the Islamic movement, and that an estimated 2,000 Eritrean troops are in Somalia. An editorial in the government-owned Eritrea Profile on Saturday said the allegations were aimed at "tarnishing and changing the countenance of the movement created out of Somalis' internal political dynamism". http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/L18352265.htm
Wasnt it only yesterday that the TFG arrogantly rejected a peace deal agreed by Parlimentary speaker and UIC officials. Its clear UIC want to solve the problem by means of negotiations but this is not going to happen. Instead we know the leaders in Baidao and Puntland are more than happy to invite Ethiopian troops. Such act is unacceptable and UIC have every right to extend their rule over Puntland and unite the People under Islamic legislations
raadamiir speak like a man, no need for insults. Regional war, isnt that what the some people in the Kismaayo predicted as well. UIC has no problems against the people of Puntland and it is in their interest to not resist as the unfortunate Barre Hirrale did.
Where are those men from TFG who refused to settle the problem in a peacefull manner. Now watch as UIC spread their power to central Somalia. --------------------------------- At least 13 people have been killed as Islamist gunmen stormed a new town in central Somalia, seizing it from a warlord allied with the weak government after fierce fighting. . A day after the government rejected a new peace initiative aimed at averting all-out war, the powerful Somali Islamist movement pushed to their furthest north, taking the town of Bandiradley in central Mudug region, they said Sunday. . The seizure, certain to exacerbate already sky-high tensions with the government, brings the Islamists to less than 100 kilometers (60 miles) of the semi-autonomous enclave of Puntland, which has vowed to resist their advance. . "We have taken control of Bandiradley after heavy fighting," said Mohamed Mohamud Jama, the Islamist spokesman in Mudug, where the town, about 700 kilometers (440 miles) north of Mogadishu, is located. . He told AFP by phone from Bandiradley that the Islamists would now march on Galkayo, a major Puntland town about 70 kilometers north. . Such a move would be a major escalation in the deterioriating situation in Somalia that diplomats and analysts fear could erupt in all-out war and again engulf the Horn of Africa region in bloody conflict. . Bandiradley residents said at least 13 fighters were killed in the fighting for the town, five Islamists and eight loyal to ex-Mogadishu warlord Abdi Hassan Awale Qeybdiid. . Local residents said Qeybdiid's men had lost seven machine gun-mounted pick-ups and two aging tanks in the battle, adding the Islamists had lost three armored vehicles. . A commander for Qeybdiid's militia admitted a retreat, but maintained it was tactical and not a defeat. . "They attacked our bases around Bandiradley airfield and we had retreated a bit from the zone although we did not lose the fight," commander Said Dhegoweyne told AFP. He said his side lost some men but did not have a figure. . Qeybdiid, a former member of a now-defunct US-backed warlord alliance ousted from Mogadishu by the Islamists in June, is supported by the interim government, Puntland's regional administration and neighboring Ethiopia. . Sporadic fighting began around Bandiradley on Monday, when Qeybdiid's forces launched attacks on Islamists massing in the area. . "They attacked us and we retaliated," Jama, the Islamist commander said Sunday. "The result is clear, they are losers and the Islamic courts will win day-by-day until Sharia law is implemented all over the country." . The Islamists have declared holy war on Ethiopian troops sent to support the government, which Addis Ababa maintains number only a few hundred military advisers. . Mainly Christian Ethiopia has vowed to defend itself and the transitional administration from attacks by the Islamists, some of whom are accused of links with international terrorism and Al-Qaeda. . The presence of their forces in Somalia is a major sticking point in urgent efforts to avert full-on war that many fear could draw in Ethiopia and its arch-foe neighbor Eritrea, which denies reports of having 2,000 troops there. . The Islamists have rapidly expanded their territory since taking Mogadishu and now control nearly all of southern and central Somalia. They are demanding the withdrawal of the Ethiopians to resume peace talks. . The last round of negotiations collapsed earlier this month in Sudan over that issue and Islamist demands for the removal as co-mediator of Kenya, which along with Ethiopia backs a government call for regional peacekeepers. . Somalia has been without a functioning central authority since the 1991 ousting of strongman Mohamed Siad Barre and the two-year-old transitional government has been unable to assert control. — AFP At least 13 people have been killed as Islamist gunmen stormed a new town in central Somalia, seizing it from a warlord allied with the weak government after fierce fighting. . A day after the government rejected a new peace initiative aimed at averting all-out war, the powerful Somali Islamist movement pushed to their furthest north, taking the town of Bandiradley in central Mudug region, they said Sunday. . The seizure, certain to exacerbate already sky-high tensions with the government, brings the Islamists to less than 100 kilometers (60 miles) of the semi-autonomous enclave of Puntland, which has vowed to resist their advance. . "We have taken control of Bandiradley after heavy fighting," said Mohamed Mohamud Jama, the Islamist spokesman in Mudug, where the town, about 700 kilometers (440 miles) north of Mogadishu, is located. . He told AFP by phone from Bandiradley that the Islamists would now march on Galkayo, a major Puntland town about 70 kilometers north. . Such a move would be a major escalation in the deterioriating situation in Somalia that diplomats and analysts fear could erupt in all-out war and again engulf the Horn of Africa region in bloody conflict. . Bandiradley residents said at least 13 fighters were killed in the fighting for the town, five Islamists and eight loyal to ex-Mogadishu warlord Abdi Hassan Awale Qeybdiid. . Local residents said Qeybdiid's men had lost seven machine gun-mounted pick-ups and two aging tanks in the battle, adding the Islamists had lost three armored vehicles. . A commander for Qeybdiid's militia admitted a retreat, but maintained it was tactical and not a defeat. . "They attacked our bases around Bandiradley airfield and we had retreated a bit from the zone although we did not lose the fight," commander Said Dhegoweyne told AFP. He said his side lost some men but did not have a figure. . Qeybdiid, a former member of a now-defunct US-backed warlord alliance ousted from Mogadishu by the Islamists in June, is supported by the interim government, Puntland's regional administration and neighboring Ethiopia. . Sporadic fighting began around Bandiradley on Monday, when Qeybdiid's forces launched attacks on Islamists massing in the area. . "They attacked us and we retaliated," Jama, the Islamist commander said Sunday. "The result is clear, they are losers and the Islamic courts will win day-by-day until Sharia law is implemented all over the country." . The Islamists have declared holy war on Ethiopian troops sent to support the government, which Addis Ababa maintains number only a few hundred military advisers. . Mainly Christian Ethiopia has vowed to defend itself and the transitional administration from attacks by the Islamists, some of whom are accused of links with international terrorism and Al-Qaeda. . The presence of their forces in Somalia is a major sticking point in urgent efforts to avert full-on war that many fear could draw in Ethiopia and its arch-foe neighbor Eritrea, which denies reports of having 2,000 troops there. . The Islamists have rapidly expanded their territory since taking Mogadishu and now control nearly all of southern and central Somalia. They are demanding the withdrawal of the Ethiopians to resume peace talks. . The last round of negotiations collapsed earlier this month in Sudan over that issue and Islamist demands for the removal as co-mediator of Kenya, which along with Ethiopia backs a government call for regional peacekeepers. . Somalia has been without a functioning central authority since the 1991 ousting of strongman Mohamed Siad Barre and the two-year-old transitional government has been unable to assert control. — AFP At least 13 people have been killed as Islamist gunmen stormed a new town in central Somalia, seizing it from a warlord allied with the weak government after fierce fighting. . A day after the government rejected a new peace initiative aimed at averting all-out war, the powerful Somali Islamist movement pushed to their furthest north, taking the town of Bandiradley in central Mudug region, they said Sunday. . The seizure, certain to exacerbate already sky-high tensions with the government, brings the Islamists to less than 100 kilometers (60 miles) of the semi-autonomous enclave of Puntland, which has vowed to resist their advance. . "We have taken control of Bandiradley after heavy fighting," said Mohamed Mohamud Jama, the Islamist spokesman in Mudug, where the town, about 700 kilometers (440 miles) north of Mogadishu, is located. . He told AFP by phone from Bandiradley that the Islamists would now march on Galkayo, a major Puntland town about 70 kilometers north. . Such a move would be a major escalation in the deterioriating situation in Somalia that diplomats and analysts fear could erupt in all-out war and again engulf the Horn of Africa region in bloody conflict. . Bandiradley residents said at least 13 fighters were killed in the fighting for the town, five Islamists and eight loyal to ex-Mogadishu warlord Abdi Hassan Awale Qeybdiid. . Local residents said Qeybdiid's men had lost seven machine gun-mounted pick-ups and two aging tanks in the battle, adding the Islamists had lost three armored vehicles. . A commander for Qeybdiid's militia admitted a retreat, but maintained it was tactical and not a defeat. . "They attacked our bases around Bandiradley airfield and we had retreated a bit from the zone although we did not lose the fight," commander Said Dhegoweyne told AFP. He said his side lost some men but did not have a figure. . Qeybdiid, a former member of a now-defunct US-backed warlord alliance ousted from Mogadishu by the Islamists in June, is supported by the interim government, Puntland's regional administration and neighboring Ethiopia. . Sporadic fighting began around Bandiradley on Monday, when Qeybdiid's forces launched attacks on Islamists massing in the area. . "They attacked us and we retaliated," Jama, the Islamist commander said Sunday. "The result is clear, they are losers and the Islamic courts will win day-by-day until Sharia law is implemented all over the country." . The Islamists have declared holy war on Ethiopian troops sent to support the government, which Addis Ababa maintains number only a few hundred military advisers. . Mainly Christian Ethiopia has vowed to defend itself and the transitional administration from attacks by the Islamists, some of whom are accused of links with international terrorism and Al-Qaeda. . The presence of their forces in Somalia is a major sticking point in urgent efforts to avert full-on war that many fear could draw in Ethiopia and its arch-foe neighbor Eritrea, which denies reports of having 2,000 troops there. . The Islamists have rapidly expanded their territory since taking Mogadishu and now control nearly all of southern and central Somalia. They are demanding the withdrawal of the Ethiopians to resume peace talks. . The last round of negotiations collapsed earlier this month in Sudan over that issue and Islamist demands for the removal as co-mediator of Kenya, which along with Ethiopia backs a government call for regional peacekeepers. . Somalia has been without a functioning central authority since the 1991 ousting of strongman Mohamed Siad Barre and the two-year-old transitional government has been unable to assert control. — AFP
Arent the courts traking down those men who done the killing in hospital and judge them according the principles laid down by Allah and His Messenger. The matter of fact is judge the actions of the UIC based on Shariah, if you think prisoners are not killed in the west then I suggest you visit texas and witness deathrow prisoners, who are sentenced for 20years in death row and then killed. You all can bark about the UIC as much as you like, but it was only yesterday that your hero and defence minister Barre Hirrale got a taste of UIC and if you think TFG is going to control Somalia with the assistance of Ethiopia then I suggest you switch back 14 years ago remember the images of those americans being dragged in the streets of Xamar and the dozens of Pakistani soldiers getting killed. Even if the UIC is tribalistic which they are not, lets face it they are the strong group so either you can obey and swallow your qabil proud or stay in the west and keep dreaming one day somalia will be they way you want it.
Pressure finally gets too much for the TFG. Its about time they come to Khartoum and stopped talking bigger than their shoes. ---------------------- MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Somalia's government said on Saturday it had decided to attend a third round of peace talks in Sudan with rival Islamists. The dominance of the Islamists, who control much of the south after seizing Mogadishu from U.S.-backed warlords in June, threatens the Western-backed interim government's attempts to impose central rule on a country in chaos since 1991. In September, the two sides agreed in principle to create joint military forces and reconvene on October 30 for power-sharing talks on political and security issues. "We are ready to implement any agreements reached ... We are ready to play our role in achieving a solution to the Somali problem," Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi told a news conference in the government's seat Baidoa, monitored by Reuters by phone. An Islamist official said the Islamists were hoping to leave for Khartoum on Sunday. The talks will be co-mediated by the Arab League and Kenya, chair of regional body IGAD. The two sides have met twice in the Sudanese capital for talks that have produced little other than a promise to recognize each other and not make any military moves. Negotiations stalled after government allegations the Islamists had broken the pact against military expansion by seizing more territory, and Islamist claims of foreign interference in Somalia. http://today.reuters.com/news/articlenews.aspx?type=topNews&storyid=2006-10-28T173540Z_01_L28892939_RTRUKOC_0_US-SOMALIA.xml
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