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Asalaamu Caleykum Waraxmatulaahi Wabarakaatuh CARTAN Helpful as usual.. Halkaas aan ku ekeeyo wanaag sheegaaga hadii kale marka xiga ee lees aadinayo "reer Nomad" waxa laga yaabaa aqayaarta goobtan isugu yimada in ay u qaataan in aan ill gaar ah kuugu eeganayo, midaas oo albaabo badan kaa xiri doonto! Nomadman Soo dhawoow walaal...mininka minankaaga waaye, weliba marti ayaad la iman kartaa hadii aad afkeenii hooyo nagu madadaalisid Jamaal-11 Gabadha Baas ee Jewishka ah ee lagugu sheegayo maxay aheyd?!Subxaanulaahiyeeee! :eek: :eek: Ma aniga iyo Kaamila ayaad dooni in aan budkeenii la soo cararno? :mad: :mad: ooooooooops! May bad! I meant sis Hibo
DRAGON Quote: _________________________________________________ Your question has been answered by knowledgeable brothers and sisters {Jaazakallahu}. I think the question is appropriate and the brother who questioned your ADAB was out of line. __________________________________________________ I think what u said above was correct. With all due respect walaal, why do u have to keep going N mention the rest?! :confused: I'm sure most of US know non-muslim ppl either from school, work or even as a neighbour whether they r black or white N it's possible that some of them might ask Questions regarding our faith..... The fact s our sis came here looking 4 answers, N that's what we have to focus on n help her with instead of putting her behaviour in Question. My point s , N this goes 4 everyone, if u know the right answer be kind n reply, just the way Buubto, Xamdiya N Xafsa did, otherwise stop assuming n leave the judgment to the one n only Subxaanahu Watacaalaa. "Irxamu Min Fil Ardi, Yarxamakum Min Fil Samaa'i"
Asalaamu Caleykum Waraxamatulaahi Wabaraakaatuh Xafsa, wonderful poem...Maasha'allah. Mujahid, I know what u mean. I c every day mothers asking their daughters to wear the hijab when they take them to Dugsi where the mothers themselves r un-covered :eek: :eek: Tarbiyah starts @ home, by both parents... I really blv that the first step toward United Umah s teaching the kids the importance of practising Islam in a daily basis N insisting to be part of the houshold roles; like waking them up 4 salaatul-subxi...etc, just the way our parents used to do with US. Being a true muslim parent s the answer to avoid the tragic faith of seeing the up-coming generation become Muslim by Name N on paper. May Allah Help US Help Ourselves
Abdinuur Aad ayaan ugu riyaaqay gabeygaas aad inoo soo gudbisay. Waxaan rajeynayaa in aad halkaa ka sii wadi doontid howshaa wacan insha'allah Malaga yaabaa in aad war u heysid meel xadidan ee laga heli karo suugaanta soomalida? CARTAN waxaan aad ugaga xumahay in aanan welli faro ku heyn dhameystirkii gabeygaa wacan ee Abwaan Afyare, waase ku maqanahay ee la soco. Nabad ayaan kaaga tagay.
Thank u bro 4 ur reply. Yes, it was useful indeed. Jazakulaahu Kheyrun.
I meant through the NET....looool PheeeeeeeeeeW! That was close
I meant through the NET....looool PheeeeeeeeeeW! That was close
Gabdhaha Beautiful Waaye Laakin Dabeecad Aaway!...loool What that has to do with Zoom's problem? :confused: :confused: LooL @ Nuune....I hope ur advice 'll stop ppl from seeking solutions 4 their problems
Gabdhaha Beautiful Waaye Laakin Dabeecad Aaway!...loool What that has to do with Zoom's problem? :confused: :confused: LooL @ Nuune....I hope ur advice 'll stop ppl from seeking solutions 4 their problems
Asalaamu Caleykum Waraxmatulaahi Wabarakaatuh DrRomantic There s nothing wrong 4 been the son of a southern Man N a Northern Woman, last time I checked they both were somali, miyeysan aheyn? Nevertheless, some of US always find a reason to out cast one another, so don't expect that to change anytime time soon... As far as I'm concern, the only thing that could distinguish a bro/sis from the rest of the crowd s how strong his/her FAITH s..... As Allah said in his Kitaab... "Inna Aqqrabakum Cindullaahi Atqqaakum" Wanacmu Bilaah
Asalaamu Caleykum Waraxmatulaahi Wabrakaatuh Mujahid, good topic bro.... It's a beautiful Surah indeed N ful of lessons that last 4 ever. One of the lessons that I learned from s.... There's always light @ the end of the tunnel, so don't give up when things got tough. When I feel like everything's going wrong 4 me, I learned from this surah to always remember that Allah tests those whom he loves in order to c how strong their IMAN s. These 2 particular lessons definitely made me a better person in the sense of been able to take whatever challenge life throws on my way. Bro, what u think of Surat Al-Cimran? -------------------------- "Innal-laaha Yarzuqu Man Yashaa'u Bikheyri Xisaabin"
Mujahid N this s 4 U.......
Asalaamu Caleykum Waraxmatulaahi Wabarakaatuh I read somewhere that if u want to c changes around u, U should strat with urself....... What I'm trying to say here s, it's so obvios that bashing each other, putting down one another N taking sides won't take us anywhere...Y don't we instead look @ our own actions, be truthful n honest with ourselves individually n try to treat the onse that r involved in our lives the way we like to be treated.... If we really want to c a pretty picture of our society, there s no use to take the easy way out by looking around, pointing fingers n blaming the opposite GENDER.......RATHER LET US START WITH OUR-SELVES........... Analyze our actions, Make changes where we c necessary, Learn from our mistakes N most of all Be Positive..... Only by doing that we could achieve what we all r looking 4, which s a very strong n stable community, with it's own values, ethics n tradition..... To make a long story short....... U WON'T GET WHAT U WANT UNLESS U GIVE IT FIRST..simple as that.... I hope I'm making sense..... My Allah Listen To Our Prayer N Always Be With US.....(Ameen)
I know it's a long one, but bare with me til the END.......looool Once upon a time there lived a woman in Brampton who had a maddening passion for baked beans. She loved them, but unfortunately they always gave her a very embarrassing, and somewhat lively reaction. When it became apparent that she and her boyfriend would marry she thought to herself, ''He is such a sweet and gentle man but I don't think he can live with my problems.'' So she decided to make the supreme sacrifice and give up beans. A year later her car broke down on the way home from work. Since she lived in the country, she called her husband and told him she would be late because she had to walk home. On her way, she passed a small diner and the odor of the baked beans was more than she could stand. Since she still had miles to walk, she figured that she could walk off any ill effect by the time she reached home. So she stopped at the diner, and before she knew it she had consumed three large orders of baked beans. All the way home she putt-putted. Upon arriving home she felt reasonably sure she could control it. Her husband seemed excited to see her, exclaming delightedly, ''Darling I have a surprise for dinner tonight.'' He then blindfolded her then led her to a chair at the table. Just as he was about to remove the blindfold the phone rang. He made her promise not to touch the blindfold till he came back. Then he went to answer the phone. The baked beans she had consumed were still affecting her and the pressure was becoming almost unbearable, so while her husband was out of the room she seized the opportunity, shifted the weight to one leg, and let it go. It was not only loud, but it smelt like a fertilizer truck running over a skunk coming froma pulp mill. She took a napkin and fanned the air around her vigorously. Then she shifted to the other cheek and ripped three more, which reminded her of cabbage cooking. Keeping her ears turned to the conversation in the other room, she went on like this for another ten minutes. When the phone farewells signed the end of her freedom, she fanned the air a few more times with the napkin, placed it on her lap and folded her hands upon it, smiling contently to herself, she was the picture of innocence when her husband returned. Apologizing for taking so long, he asked her if she peeked and she assured him that she had not. At this point, he removes the blindfold to reveal twelve dinner guests seated around the table to wish her a First Happy Anniversary!
what about hadii aad xaad badan leedahay?! At the moment mine r smooth n silky, N I'm affraid I might end up having them rough n long if I start shaving..... Anyone with useful tip 'll be appreciate it
One of my favorite.... Abwaan Cali Cilmi Afyare! Maciishada maanta taala, waa mid maanka ka fogo, macluul nagu haaysa Meeshii aan moodno maclumaad inaan ka qaadano, waan ku murgooney Maasha alle markii aan muraad yeelo meel aan murugo lahayn ma aadno Manaas iyo mahadeey waa meelo aay maangaabyada maanta aay ka talliyaan Markaan ka soo qaxaneey oo aan is moodnay inaan meelo rag maskaxgal ah u martiyaan, ma anagaay naga raacin mushkilo Ma anagoo qaran guurayo, qoysba qoys dhacayo, qabta la isku haayo sida qoonka fircoon, qaraadada u taagneeyd Nimankii na qaribey, qollo qollo noo kala soocey intaan qodobada u aasi lahayn, ayaan qolkooda u qamaamudnay Qaadirka ilaahey, qolooyinka maanta jiro, qasaaraha wata, qulubtooda iyo qalbigooda alle ha ka qabto qoonka somaliyeed Qaruumaha aduunka markaan u soo qaxnay, qaxba, qurun, qamri, qaad iyo quursi gaaleed ayaan qeylo dhaan ka dhiganay. -------------------------------- CARTAN, waxaan kaa codsanayaa in aad ii dhameystirtid Murtiddan xusidda mudan ee Abwaankeena Afyare uu ku gacan yareysatay. Mahadsanid walaalkeey
predicament u said??!!!! NONSENSE Allow me to copy UR style n say..... CARTANOW SXB, HA QOOMAMEYN HANA QUUSAN QALBIGAAD IIGA TAAL QAALIYOW QOWLKA HALKAA KA SII QADAANQADI....LOOOOOL OOOh boy! what have I got myself into :confused: :confused:
Asalaamu Caleykum Wr Wb With all due respect, I think Mujahid N Ameenah said it all. Jazaakulaahu Kheyrun 4 the method u chose to address this delicate issue. Said that, I blv it's wise to stop the debate at this point since it's clear that there 's nothing else to add N let everyone make their own path; hopefully the right one. (my humble opinion) May Allah guide all of US to the right path insha'allah..... (Amiin)
lool@MaandeeQ n Cushtic_Cutie! U c now what kind of trouble I'm talking about dear Cushtic_C!!!! I just hope that u learned ur lesson
lool@Butac Baana-Ooliyo! Adi fiiri MMA, waa laguugu soo korii BAANA OOLIYO maahinooo?! Ka waranhee hadii tan hilmaantayhee..... Ma iska ooheeylee adine, yaa dhintay ma dhaheysidoooo (mahmaah, 4 real)
lool @ Indhadeeq It's all good as long u come. Enjoy it dear Jamaal-11, don't let me catch ya while u r undermining ur ability to excel in our lovely language, aight? :mad: Petite, the more u do it the easier it gets, blv me sis. Keep it up walaalo Cartan, soo wad hee sxb, qoortaada xor ma ahaneeee
Aboo Aboo Cushtic_C! Abaayo,I c u 4got to mention the 1-lady!!!! :eek: :eek: Girl,if u only knew what kind of trouble u r in! Just ask Indhadeeq what happen when she dared to call her MINYARO...... Shaqsii, bro...what can I say to u now that u blew away my cover with ur post?? :confused: I can't find anything else better than Allah ha ku cafiyo
Indhadeeq.....BEAUTIFUL indeed Yaa Allah! Look what we had N what we did with it?! Allow noo naxriiso (AmiN) Thnx abaayo 4 sharing
lol @ Indhadeeq N I thought u were coming coz of ME wlc back Kamila Cadeey