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Everything posted by Wisdom_Seeker

  1. What are you talking about? The only terrorists I know of eat raw meat and are fool-smelling pests. You have captured nothing to start with, for there were no arabs or pakistanis you have captured!
  2. SF You are hallucinating, there is no such thing as AQ. You sound like the typical Islamophobic western.
  3. What does what you said have to do with anything i have said. I don't care how holy they are. But they sure are holier than A/Y and his master five-fore-headed beast.
  4. Bualenews was the first to report this, but who is the reporter?
  5. Originally posted by Somali_Friend: . ICU of course has special powers. They can make a dead american helicopter in Iraq fly to somalia and shoot it.lol Silly you mustn’t know that American navy ships are right out in the Indian Ocean and they also have a base in Djibouti.
  6. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: of what relevence is your response, do u ever ask yourself. Saying ethiopian can do this or that only wastes your time and website space. And you shouldn’t waste your time and website space by concerning yourself about what I have to state.
  7. Northerne, we called home and they said the TFG and ET's still hold the town captive. Sad news i know. So yes there are conflicting news coming out of Somalia
  8. The war isn’t over till they have captured Xamer and till then we should wait and see. But I doubt they will ever captured Xamer, even if they use air force and ground force at the same time. Besides Yeey is a warlord himself, he is lending a hand to his fellow warlords.
  9. You speak too much nonsense, what are you saying. We somalis should take out the white flag and wave it with pride. Dream on Xabashi!
  10. Naxar, were your ancestries by any chance slaves of the ET’s, you have the mentality of the house-neg*o.
  11. The man is putting his nation before his religion. We have no choice but to render him mentally ill.
  12. LOL, They all sound like they have a gun to their head or were chewing on that Qaad. Apparantly those ET muslims should know that they were under christain rule their whole life. Sad really sad. We can't take them serious!
  13. We need to to get anti-tank missiles and anti-aircraft missiles too from Hezbollah
  14. The man has gone wacky, his silence speaks for itself. Duke let’s hear it old man. You have questions to answer. No zigzag straight forth answers are needed. His heart is only meant to bump blood through his veins, no emotional connections. Salaam
  15. Castro this so called 'somali friend' is a ethiopian muslim, more reason why we should never trust them.
  16. People in Hiiraan never accepted this man nor should they now. He shall be expelled once again. This time he will taste death. He will govern no one, at least not a living breathing hiiraanian.
  17. Aren’t you doing what you accuse of others of doing? What kind of a hypocrite are you duke? Your nonsense has gone on too far, more than it should never have. I read patiently what you wrote, but tonight you crossed the line. Anyone who knows about Somali affairs and reads the nonsense you write will come to the conclusion that you are first a tribalist, second a traitor and third a hate-spewing individual who knows no shame. Someone who is without a doubt trapped in the mentality of the old qabilist goons. If anyone is to be exposed it is you.
  18. Originally posted by Castro: quote:Originally posted by mystic: That liver missing uncle of yours is a roasted rooster he shall be brought to justice in due time. The good general should donate his liver to his uncle. Throw in the heart too for he has no use for it. Duke can be an ungrateful nephew sometimes. I reckon he will share any of his living organs with anyone other than his Ethiopian masters.
  19. Duke Ethiopia has being talking about how they are the second most strongest nation in Africa army-wise constantly and yet they couldn’t defeat men with nothing more than Ak-47’s? They had to use M-16’s instead? That is a shame is it not. I was expecting that the mighty ET’s will conquer Somalia in a single day. They thought they could defeat the ICU by using ground force, their tanks have being blown to piece and their men slaughter. That is when reality hit them. They can never walk through Somali soil and expect to win! They could both flee to where ever they want I am neither for both men Somalia doesn’t belong to them. I am for my country. You sadly are on the other side of the fence, nothing more than a tribalistic loony
  20. A person who preaches nothing but the destruction of innocent Somalis shouldn't called some else a clan-killer.
  21. Duke Yes an invitation has being sent, but truth be told there were none who came to aid. And that is of little significant now, the Ethiopians have bombed Somali towns and you have not yet to object or criticize their heinous acts. That obviously proves that you indeed approve of their attacks on innocent Somali people. It has being proven that there are Ethiopian troops in my land, can you prove with some solid evidence that there certainly are foreign fighters?... I am afraid not.
  22. Duke Use what little force you have. On the ground you have lost and can’t face the ICU, that is why you have resulted to air strikes. But as I have said before you do not conquer land through air, sooner or later you would have to come down and then you will surely lose. That liver missing uncle of yours is a roasted rooster he shall be brought to justice in due time.