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Everything posted by Wisdom_Seeker

  1. Isn’t he making the same mistake the ICU is accused of making, not negotiating? The man is getting hopeful for no apparent reason.
  2. Americas interests in Somalia is quite unknown, do they know something we don’t know. They hide behind humanitarian or terrorist justifications every time their head is found buried deep down in Somalia affairs.
  3. They seem to be intelligent and more aware of what is hiding behind the curtains than our blind-followers who are full of unintelligent remarks. They can’t think nor see beyond their tribal limits.
  4. Yusuf’s present in Mogadishu will not change a single thing, he hasn’t changed the fate that is awaiting the Ethiopian troops who if they stay longer will not like what they will encounter.
  5. ^^ Pacifying the streets from blockades, opening up the seaport and airport, cleaning the streets, banning Drugs, chasing out the warlords, and uniting the common people is not called Anarchy. Bring Ethiopian troops, killing thousands of Somali people, bombing cities, bring back warlords, new blockades being set-up and dividing the common people is called bring back Anarchy.
  6. Originally posted by Captain Xalane: quote:Originally posted by Brown: Anarchy was replaced with peace & progress when the glorious IUC kicked the men who were responsible for that anarchy True,The ICU kicked the men,robbed them off,both their men and arms and replaced the previously existed Anarchy with an other Anarchy.Well said Brown.I couldn't agree more with ur statement. You my friend must not know the meaning of anarchy. What anarchy was there when the ICU was controlling Mogadishu, a peace never seen before in Mogadishu emerged from the shadows when the ICU was controlling there. The TFGoons are in Mogadishu and it is far from being peaceful.
  7. Originally posted by Taako Man: Of course isn't that why they are a state? The rules in the state apply to the state and only the state LOOOOL. I could have sworn that I have explained to you what a Constitution was. A ‘nation’ has a Constitution a ‘State’ doesn’t. Do you see any States in America who have their own Constitution? SO THIS WAS ALL ABOUT MAKING THE PEOPLE OF PUNTLAND....... SMALLL TRIBES? What is their political unity? Democracy? Please. What is Puntland . The are an autonomous state. When the Government gets 100% authority inshallah they will be a state in a federalized somalia. They are still a STATE within a NATION. What apart of that don’t you understand. There can’t only be one state in Somalia, there must be more than one so they could equalize the field. They call him the Madaxweynaha. Which translates as 'THE BIG HEAD'. He is numero uno in Puntland. Is there anything to argue? I didn’t ask for the Somali phrase for president. The political system you cited was written in English not in Somali and the term ‘President was used to describe Cadde Muuse, not Somali term Madaxweynaha. So don’t try to twist things around, you are doing a poor job at it. Calling him the president of his region is like calling the former British Columbia head, PRIME MINISTER. You are not making sense dear sister/brother. I believe they no longer call the head of British Columbia Prime Minister. Do they? The word Premier is used instead. Tell the old man to change it and inform himself about how Western Democracy and State functions. It is you who is trying to compare a province in Canada with a nonexisting State in Somalia. Do you know that a province is a region which is occupied by one of the constituent governmental district of a nation? Again catch up and educated yourself sxb. Besides try to differentiate Canada from Somalia who doesn’t have a central government which certainly can’t have any states within its boundaries. Maybe then you will understand where I am coming from. Your argument to verify Puntland as a state is ludicrous. I am sure if there was a Galmudug or banadirland headed by a Kemiko or GABOOW, with Abdiqasim Salad Hassan as Il Presidente you would hail them as PRESIDENT THIS GUY AND PRESIDENT THAT GUY AND THE BIG PRES respectively EH? Sorry to disappoint you, but I am all for Greater-Somalia. So how sure are you about your bias assumptions? That is correct. However the Province/State virtually the same, just named a Province in Canada and a State in the US. The head of British Columbia was called the Prime Minister. The head of Canada is/was called the Prime Minister. Oaaaaaah THAT MUST MEAN BRITISH COLUMBIA IS A FARCE AND NOT REALLY A PROVINCE/STATE IN A FEDERAL CANADA EH? You must not know what the word ‘was’ means. You make no sense. Contradicting yourself won’t help your already baseless argument. Peace anyways, at the end of the day, no and I mean no recognizes Puntland as a State within Somalia.
  8. Start with Abdullahi Yusuf. He could for once, even for a visit come to Mogadishu. He let the invading troops to enter the capital before him….
  9. I wonder just why American qualms about Somalia having a strong functioning government. I assume, they don’t want a strong African Muslim nation rising from the ashes anytime soon.
  10. Listen sxb, I will start from the top and go to the bottom slowly. Initially the Constitution of America is the keystone of American Government. Each State upholds the Constitution, for it is a document that is not only limited to one state or a group of states, but the entire nation. It illustrates the diplomacy of the government and the rights of the people. The political organization of Puntland is totally different than that of the States of America or any state I am aware of. I can’t comment on Canada because I never been to Canada and I am not familiar with their laws and government instructions. The Constitution of Puntland is only limited to that of the region they control, they are nothing like a State and are more similar to small tribes who came together to bring order and peace to their region. They can’t claim to be an independent state in a nation that has no central government. I went along with what the political organization of Puntland has stated , which was that Cadde Muuse was the “President” of Puntland, not the governor of the state, but rather the President. I shall remind you again that a State within a nation doesn’t have a president. He is the federal leader in his region that is why he has the title “President”. Besides if a nation has no functioning government there could hardly be any functioning ‘State’ in that nation. No hard feelings to this so called Puntland state, I merely disagree with their title that is all. Don't take it to the heart. And I believe that British Columbia is a province, since most of the regional parts of Canada are called provinces.
  11. If Puntland is a State, then it can't have a president. Do any of the States in America have a president of their own? The answer is no, the state has mayors and governors, and state representatives, which will represent their State in the capital, Washington D.C. Apparently Puntland doesn’t have any representatives in Mogadishu. So don't confuse this so called Puntland with Texas.
  12. Originally posted by KEYNAN22: quote:Originally posted by mystic: I don’t remember stating that Somaliland is a country. Answer the question, or you are no longer qualified to assert that Puntland is a state. You are the one making the claim, not me. Do remember that. Actually puntland exists more than somaliland, because puntland functions exactly as it claims which is as an autonomous region of somalia. But what is somaliland? You can only find it on old colonial maps, puntland doesn't claim itself as an independent state which somaliland does. Somaliland only exists in the mind of one clan that tries to reseruct old British colonial borders, no one else in the world accepts this fantasy land. Puntland however is part of somalia thus exists while somaliland thinks its a country of its own thus doesn't exist. Puntland is not a self-governing region. They don’t even have a set of written laws. You just can’t be alleging that Puntland is an autonomous region in Somalia when it isn’t acknowledged as such. Puntland and Somaliland are both negative images, like Hezbollah Puntland wants to be a state within a state, while Somaliland wants to be recognized as a nation of its own. Both won’t work out.
  13. Originally posted by Taako Man: We can play games of semantics all day. Saying Puntland is not a state is like saying Mogadishu is not a city. A non starter. Back and forth we go like a merry go round. Frankly a city and a state are not the same. This so called Puntland state can’t be a state if other states don’t recognize it as a state. It doesn’t have governing institutions which govern the state and it isn’t politically organized. So stop saying there is a state called Puntland because it doesn’t exist nor did it ever exist.
  14. I thought Yeey was in Baidio. And if they aren't in the country i doubt they will be happy to return any time soon.
  15. I don’t remember stating that Somaliland is a country. Answer the question, or you are no longer qualified to assert that Puntland is a state. You are the one making the claim, not me. Do remember that.
  16. ^^ Lol, you need help yourself, what help could you offer?
  17. Shiekh I don’t remember commenting on what is being discussed, i simple pointed out that warlord muuse suudi should be in prison and that whatever he has to state is not something that will change what he has done to the innocent people of Mogadishu. I can’t afford to listen to a warlord, i doubt that he had listened to the poor innocent people he has terrorized.
  18. Banadir is not a made-up name. What is Puntland? I never heard of it. Bossaso yes, gaalkacyo yes, but Puntland, never heard of it. Don’t hide behind that foolish laughter. Reality, there is no Puntland. Somaliland has more chance of being accepting than this so called Puntland.
  19. Sorry, but i didn't waste my time listen to what he has to say. The word of a traitorous warlord is not one which is worth heeding, for it is inefficient.
  20. ^^^What is your point other than pure nonsense??????
  21. Again there is no such thing as Puntland, a made up states that is all. Ha, trying to mimic Somaliland that is all. Besides they are telling the truth, the Ethiopians did come with their soldier, tanks and MIGS. It wasn’t a false claim to scare of the people. You just don’t want the truth to be told. You actually think people will believe you, the same person who kept on insisting there were no Ethiopian troops in Somalia. You people are only capable of deceiving yourselves.
  22. Warlord supporters have no sanity left in them. The traitorous warlord needs to be in prison. He could crack his jokes in there.
  23. Why speak of somalia-weyne, when southern Somalia is in more chaos than ever before.
  24. It is soon going to be out of hand, the warlord government isn't fooling anyone.