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Everything posted by Wisdom_Seeker

  1. One U.S. official said Thursday that not a single civilian has been killed. Lying vermin, hundred Somalis dead aren’t called civilians. They are adding lies on top of their propaganda and killing extravaganza.
  2. That is the best idea Xiin, it must be Ethiopian Hunting season
  3. Xiin, we should call on our intellectuals to participate in Somali politics. They have to meet certain expectations thou, education being on top of the list. How and where we will find them, I don’t know. The hardest thing now is establishing an organization which could provide for the people, install security and bring peace. The ICU managed to do that, but it only lasted for six months. The idea that every tribe/clan should have their own court wasn’t a bad one. Maybe we should use the same tactics the ICU used, but this time we should be more careful and efficient. I still think that if Somalia is able to provide jobs to its people, the violence will decline and the economy will rise. A man who is working to earn money has no time to pick up a gun. We could have ideas, but making it into reality is complete another thing. Running for government and running a government is two different things.
  4. LOL, some certain people think that houses which don't have windows are stunningly beautiful
  5. Originally posted by Fanisha: ^^ Are you a homosexual who needs defending? LOL ouch, why are you doing the brother like that
  6. What is with every traitor putting the Somali flag as a signature? You should know that a colorful cloth won’t make you a nationalist and it sure doesn’t convince the people who already know your traitorous ways that you are certainly looking out for the people of Somalia and the nation. You want the TFG to be toppled? OKAY. So like the USC who might have had good intentions do you have a strategy or is the be all, end all "DOWN WITH THE TFG". Remember The TFG is a transitional gov't. Regardless of how you want to phrase it, deal with it, or deny it there are is a President and Prime minister operating out of Xamar Cadeey. Something which has not happened it 16 years. Is that some semblance of order? I think so adeer. Operating? I doubt that is the right term to use. They are what we call sitting ducks. The so called puppet/warlord president didn’t even know that his country was getting bombed back to the stone ages, and you call that operating. Holding meetings with inefficient people is not called operating. It has been 16 years and we are still lawless and governess. Now that my friend is reality, Mogadishu is a no mans land today. Even if the TFG gets toppled, it won’t have much affect on Somalia today, it hasn’t achieved peace, provided jobs, build infrastructure, aided the poor and didn’t brought law and order. So what is at stake if the TFG gets topped? Absolutely NOTHING.
  7. Abdullahi Yusuf, can’t rule Somalia. He doesn’t know what is going on in the country, but manages to justify the air strikes that are being carried out by the Ethiopians and US. He has no agenda to pacify the country, bringing Ethiopia troops and letting the Americans to drop bombs on innocent nomads is not pacifying the nation, but rather bring more chaos to a chaotic country. The man should have thought about what and how he wants to rule. If he was a truly a patriotic leader, he would have spread as the humiliation and started with negotiation with Somalis. He would have kindly dismissed the foreign opportunists. He would have came to Mogadishu the same year he was elected, gained the peoples trust and prove that he is not just a tribal loyalist like Siyad Barre. He failed to do that, but he did managed to bring Ethiopians into Somalia, bring back the warlords, watch as America bomb the country into the stone ages and didn’t said a word that could comfort a single Somali soul. He can neither to be trusted nor followed, the path he walks on leads to hell.
  8. What apology? An apology won’t bring back the dead people, and apology will not cure his incompetence and an apology will not justify is traitorous acts. They could keep any apologizes they have.
  9. LOL brown. You could tell it from his face. I hope he dies in the most horrific way possible
  10. He is holding futile meets while people in Somalia are getting bombed. How does he sleep at night. NO conscious whatsoever.
  11. Thanks Castro, i will read themm all insha'allah
  12. Mogadishu - Somali clan elders and residents of southern Somalia said Thursday that about 100 civilians were killed this week in US and Ethiopian air strikes on suspected Al-Qaeda targets in the region. There was no way to independently confirm the toll, and it was unclear if the sources were referring to the same areas hit by at least one US air raid on Monday, and others believed to have been launched by Ethiopian helicopters. Sheikh Abdullahi Ali Malabon, an elder in the Afmadow area, one of several said 100 bodies had been counted. "We have sent a team to assess the casualties there and they have confirmed more than 100 people killed," he told AFP by phone from the remote area. "Many others were wounded but we don't have exact number." Closer to the Kenyan border, in between the villages of Afmadow and Dhobley, residents and elders also spoke of at least 100 civilian deaths but stressed they had only yet accounted for 29 bodies, some burned beyond recognition. "I was with a team sent to the bombardment areas near Dhobley to bury the dead, what I have seen was really terrible," said Absuge Mohamed Weli, a Dhobley resident told AFP. "I counted 29 dead people, some of them burned so they could not be identified, and we have buried them," he said. "A lot of people were also wounded." "I have seen more dead bodies in the forest, I recognised some of them and they were local civilians," Weli said. "They were killed while keeping their animals. I have also seen animals, most of them cows, dead in villages." It was not immediately clear if the Dhobley and Afmadow estimates included the same reported deaths. "We estimate about 100 innocent civilians have been killed," said Dhobley elder Moalim Adan Osman. "Some are still missing and I think their bodies are somewhere in the forest." "The airplanes have bombed large areas and the whole zone is jungle and no one can classify what is inside," he said. "They have bombed the nomads in the area indiscriminately." :eek: Source: AFP, Jan 11, 2007 ============================================= This must be what we call justice today. :rolleyes:
  13. Where are our TFG cheerleaders...... They aren’t done bombing the innocent Somalis just yet, so the terrorists are still alive. That will give them more reason to still bomb the innocent Somalis. The airplanes that are carrying out these attacks have no symbol on them, no country flag no nothing. Cowards. The Somali puppet regime said he was killed, Zenawi said they have killed him, and an American general even said they have killed him. Now why all the sudden the denial. May the innocent rest in peace, because I know for a fact that every single person they have killed so far were innocent, the only terrorist I am aware of is America, Ethiopia and the traitorous vermin in Somalia.
  14. U.S. denies reports of new Somalia air strikes By Sahal Abdulle MOGADISHU (Reuters) - The United States, facing growing international criticism over an air strike targeting al Qaeda suspects in Somalia, denied reports on Wednesday it had carried out further strikes. A Somali government source and a local lawmaker said U.S. planes struck several sites on Wednesday after an assault on Monday against a village where the suspects were thought to be hiding. But an official in Washington said, "There have been no additional attacks." U.S. government sources said U.S. ally Ethiopia, which defeated Islamist forces in a lightning war last month, had conducted further air strikes since Monday. The Somali officials did not say how they distinguished between U.S. and Ethiopian planes operating in the remote southern area where Islamists were driven after their defeat. The government source said four new U.S. strikes hit areas near Ras Kamboni, a coastal village close to the Kenyan border long thought by Western and East African intelligence agencies to be a hide-out and training camp for Islamic militants. "As we speak now, the area is being bombarded by the American air force," said the source, talking to Reuters on condition of anonymity. Somali officials said many died in Monday's strike -- the first overt U.S. military action in Somalia since a disastrous humanitarian mission ended in 1994. Amnesty International said it had written to the U.S. government expressing concern, echoing U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon, France, the European Union, former colonial power Italy, Egypt and the Arab League. "We are concerned that civilians may have been killed as a result of a failure to comply with international humanitarian law," said Claudio Cordone, an Amnesty International official. At the United Nations, the Security Council raised no questions or objections on Wednesday after a U.S. diplomat told a closed-door meeting on Somalia that Washington's air strike on Monday targeted "a high-level al Qaeda leader." "There was no discussion of this particular issue and I have no comment on that," Russian U.N. Ambassador Vitaly Churkin, the council president for January, told reporters after the meeting. Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi said there had been just one U.S. air attack with no civilian casualties. "They knew where the target was and they suspected that the target would move and they would miss the opportunity unless they acted quickly," he said. Meles told a news conference in Addis Ababa that Ethiopian soldiers had gone to the site of the attack. Eight "terrorists" were killed, five captured and seven escaped, he said. ISLAMISTS HIDING Lawmaker Abdirashid Mohamed Hidig said after touring the region in an Ethiopian helicopter that at least 50 people were killed by U.S. and Ethiopian air strikes. Hidig told reporters: "Yesterday I personally saw the planes striking. The air strikes resumed this morning." He spoke in the port of Kismayu after returning from a tour of the area. "The worst loss has befallen civilians since the fleeing Islamists are hiding among the people there," he said. U.S. officials said Monday's strike targeted an al Qaeda cell that includes suspects in the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania and a 2002 attack on an Israeli-owned Kenyan hotel. The strike, by an AC-130 plane firing automatic cannons, was believed to have killed one of three al Qaeda suspects wanted for the embassy bombings, a U.S. intelligence official said. Washington is seeking a handful of al Qaeda members, including Comorian Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, indicted in a U.S. court for his suspected role in the embassy bombings. In Mohammed's hometown of Moroni, his family waited for news of his fate. "We had to keep a night vigil in the hope of getting a telephone call," one of Fazul's relatives said. Ethiopia sent thousands of troops across the border last month to oust Islamists who had held sway over most of the south, including the capital, Mogadishu, for six months and threatened to overrun the weak government in its base of Baidoa. Meles says Ethiopia wants to pull out its troops as soon as possible and make way for African peacekeepers. Mogadishu residents were awoken by gunfire before dawn on Wednesday in an area housing Ethiopian and Somali troops, who were targeted in a rocket attack on Tuesday. In another attack, at least one person was killed when Somali militiamen fired a rocket-propelled grenade at an Ethiopian truck, missing it but hitting a house, a government source said. (Additional reporting by Guled Mohamed in Mogadishu, David Morgan and Sue Pleming in Washington, Philip Pullella in Rome, Irwin Arieff in the United Nations, Andrew Cawthorne in Nairobi, Ahmed Ali Amir in Moroni and Noor Ali in Garissa) Ethiopia says more attacks while the U.S refutes the claim. But for some apparent reason, the Denver post took off the article which they confirmed that Zenawi has stated that the US air strikes Somalia again on Wednesday. Click on the site below and there will be a notice verifying the article is no longer available. I wonder why????? DenverPost'>http://www.denverpost.com/ci_4988626?source=rss]DenverPost[/url]
  15. My tribalist detector wasn’t able to detect your hidden clannish personality. Only your secessionist persona Geeshz how did I not detect your clannish persona :confused:
  16. Originally posted by Taako Man: The pot calling the kettle black OH MY. Where was the Arab League when South Lebanon was getting lighten up? Unlike Aisha Yeey, they were condemning it, and didn’t support the attacks against Lebanon. But Aisha Yeey can’t condemn the actions of America nor can he lift a finger, he is physically and vocally a puppet. LOL, even the Arabs see the liver-missing senile as the true incompetent puppet he is.
  17. Lol @ “Not even your daddy can, you worthless, good for nothing goat doctor.” Castro, lol, thanks for cracking me up abti. You are quite talented
  18. These warlords are nothing short of incompetent, they have no conscious to direct them to the right path, no concern for the wellbeing of the people and they don’t even have a functioning brain. They have sold their souls to the devil.
  19. ^^ Ooh, my uncle, can these fibs of theirs be worse than yours. I highly doubt that now.
  20. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^One must not take all this with a pinch of salt, we heard the propoganda from these sites before the fall of the CLAN COURTS. As for Godyenew, its a tabloid and now relaying on raw emotions. Stop showing off with you ignorance, I am starting to get jealous by the second
  21. I just love the way he has ended his article. for we perceive Ethiopia no less an enemy than Germany was to Britain, and we perceive ourselves no less human than the British.
  22. Keynaan, why oppose the Ethiopian troops when they were ‘invited’ to Somalia by the warlord government you support. Don’t be contradicting yourself. You only want the people of Mogadishu once again to stand up for the nation, and die by the thousands, while you were one of the ones who were at one point cheering for the invading oppressors. My last hope of Somalia and Somalis reclaiming their dignity and pride is in the hands of the Somali people in Somalia. Insha’allah these invading forces will regret ever coming to Somalia.
  23. And i bet they expect us to clean up the mess they made in Somalia. The bombs they dropped in 93' are still laying where they have fallen.
  24. The warmongers is the Government. How do you folks anticipate killers, warlords, and thieves to build a government based on justice and equality in Somalia? I have never seen people who have given up on what is morally right because of their tribal adoration.