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Everything posted by Wisdom_Seeker

  1. The Ugandans have their own problems, getting involved in Somalia is suicidal. Why bring in African peace keeping troops, Ethiopians are already in the country claiming to be bring peace to Somalia. They should stay and finish what they started.
  2. A few hours later, Ethiopian jets reportedly bombed at least one village in the south, killing three people, a traditional elder reported. Abdi Rashid Sheikh Ahmed told The Associated Press by phone from Af Madow that residents of the village of Bankajiiro came to his town with the bodies of three relatives they said died in the air strike. Lawmaker Abdulrashid Hidig, speaking from the port town of Kismayo, and Dinari, the government spokesman, said they had heard reports of air strikes but did not have any details. Ethiopian forces do not speak to journalists in Mogadishu. Some government, they don’t even know if parts of their country are being bombed. Who is responsible for the deaths of these innocent people? :mad: For how long will we ignore the deaths of these innocent people?
  3. The ones that appear harmless tend to say words that are harmful to my tolerant mind.
  4. The Ethiopians being in Somalia must have been a hunch as well.
  5. Raadamir, I didn’t see anyone welcoming the TFGoons and their Ethiopian masters, you must be seeing things. A government, who is welcomed by their people, won’t need foreign occupiers to protect them, unless they are being protected from their people. A traitor like you should drop dead.
  6. Did the AU by any chance helped the poor people in Durfar yet?
  7. Raadamir Enough with your gibberish. You don’t seem to be in good hands, I will call the animal control.
  8. Originally posted by General Duke: Somalia is moving forward, those who want to contribute can those who do not want to can at least stop wishing for the best. The government haven’t contributed anything to the Somalis living in Somalia. Yet you expect us to contribute to a government who allowed its people to be under occupation? Please.
  9. Those who have short-term memory shouldn’t be talking about the future of Somalia.
  10. I was reading the first few sentences, then mistakenly my eyes met the name of the author, and from that moment on i stopped reading the article.
  11. It is good to know that we still have Somalis who are criticizing the American assault which only left Somalis drowning in a pool of blood. Unlike some people who turned away as if they never heard of or know of the American and Ethiopian bombardment on their fellow Somalis.
  12. He should stay. He is the only one in the TFG regime who we could agree with and is against Ethiopian occupation. He shouldn’t quit, that will insure us that the TFG to some extend is not inclusive puppet regime. I would prefer if he tried compelling some of the parliament members to start condemning the Ethiopian occupation and speak out against the illegal invasion. TFG will be divided between the puppet warlord thugs and the genuine nationalistic individuals. And they can’t discredit their parliament members, like they did to the ICU. Sweet I tell you
  13. What exactly do they support, or should I rather say who. For Somalia a government is an indication of hope, but are we going to blind ourselves and ignore what this government is and what it is made of because of what we hope for. Can someone tell me just one single contribution the TFG has made to the Somalis in Somalia? Cleaning, food, medicine, safety, jobs? Chasing the ICU with their Ethiopian troops and American bombardments is out of the question, it brought more harm to the Somalia nation and people than good.
  14. Those people are quite embarrassing, supporting warlords that brought Ethiopian troops into Somalia, that permitted the US to bomb the poor nomads –NO none of the alleged al Qaida members were killed and those khat chewing goats have the audacity to have a sign which says Somalia has no place for terrorist. Mentally a slave of the western world. You can’t support a terrorist government and advocate against terrorism.
  15. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Any how now you are choosing selective quotations. The fact remains that all those regions combined are much larger than the population of Mogadishu and its suburbs. quote: So all those regions added together make the population of Mogadishu? No they dont and you have your facts.. Duke, I have asked you a question, not made a claim that Mogadishu has a larger population than all those regions added together. Even you could see the "question mark" at the end of my sentence. You quoted me so you could prove my point, well how should i thank you? I will assume that you know the difference between a claim and a question. Take care
  16. Tukaale It was only to get the point across to duke.
  17. Duke, I will quote myself, if you don’t mind. Two million people live in Mogadishu, i don’t know how many live in those other regions but they are regions which are under populated. I have proven that those regions which you have mentioned, and may I remind you Somaliland wasn’t one of them are in fact under populated, considering that those are regions and not cities. Tukaale, now you aren’t being neutral sxb. Duke went all nuts after I said those regions are under populated, as if they aren’t.
  18. Duke Mogadishu (capital of Benadir region with an estimated population of 1.5-2 million people) UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR THE COORDINATION OF HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS SOMALIA Do you still argue that Puntland is under populated?
  19. Tukaale Do you know why i doubt Portland’s population? It is because most people reside in Bossaso and gaalkacyo where business booms. I was well aware of the fact that Puntland is a whole region and not a city. While Mogadishu a city only, has 2 million people and Puntland has only 2.4 million people living in the whole region called Puntland. For a region it is in FACT under populated. But what I enjoyed the most was duke speaking without having any facts to back up his allegations.
  20. ^^^ The fact that there are Islamic militias hiding-out in Mogadishu and not in Bossaso or Gedo, refutes the fact that comparing those two cities with Mogadishu is not a precise one. My supposition comes from the reality that is on the ground today, a history that is being revealed as we speak. You are talking about past events, mine is that there are Islamic militias in Mogadishu today, while you speak of Hassan Dahir being chased out of Bossaso and Gedo. I asked you a simple question. Don’t you know what a question mark stands for? You insisted that Puntland alone has a higher population than Mogadishu as well as Somaliland, Bay, Bakool, and the Juba regions. I asked you where you get these facts from –you are still to answer that question. I was honest enough to admit that i don’t know how many people live in those regions, however those regions are under populated.
  21. Excellent article. We shouldn’t expect anything from this warlord government who had its share of committing monstrous atrocities against the innocent people of Somalia. These innocent bystanders have returned to their Lord, they have nothing to fear, but HIM alone. An ever-lasting justice only comes from Allah.
  22. Where are you getting this information from duke? Your opinion maybe yours but the facts aren’t so bring forth the facts that could proof your claims. Again, the ICU was stronger in 2006, than it was in Bosasso. A historice fact doesn’t reveal future facts, only assumptions like yours. The TFG is making argeements with some of its parliament members and you want me to believe that it has the support of the majority of the somalis living in Mogadishu. Clan/warlords leaders are not the majority of the people. You are full of assumptions and no facts.
  23. ^^^ So all those regions added together make the population of Mogadishu? I would love to see where you get your info. Hassan dahir, wasn’t the only one running the ICU. You are comparing a person with a group? Come’on now you were suppose to be smarter than this.
  24. ^^^ I just want to know how many people live in those regions, and the number should at least be accurate. I doubt that there is any site or person who has the accurate number of how many people live in those regions. And you assume that i didn’t know that they had depended on Eritrea and Oromo fighters. TFG and ICU on numerous occasions declined to negotiate. One just happened to have America the World Power and Ethiopia the puppet of the World Power as allies. You are as weak as your allies. Duke, don’t you know that when one returns they tend to return stronger, more skilled and determined.