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Posts posted by Recovering-Romantics

  1. WAR DEG DEG AH:Dagaal Xooggan oo goordhow ka qarxay degmada Hodon & barakac baahsan oo halkaasi ka socda.



    (04-06-2009)Xaafadah a Tarabuuka, Taleex, & Kasa pp., ayaa waxaa ka socda dagaal culus oo u dhexeeya Ciidamada dowladda & kooxaha ka soo horjeeda, waxaana leysku adeegsanayaa hub aad u culus iyadoo uu dagaalku ku soo siqayo dhinaca Afrikan Village.


    Ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa dowladda oo ku hubeysan gaadiidka dagaalka ayaa weerar dhowr jiho uga qaaday kooxaha ka soo horjeeda dowladda oo xarumo ku leh degaanada uu dagaalku ka dhacay.


    Wararka na soo gaaraya qaar ayaa sheegaya in ciidamada dowladdu ay la wareegeen Saldhigga degmadaas Hodon iyo dhowr goobood oo kale, waxaana dagaalku uu weli u socda si xowli ah iyadoo labada ay kala helayaan gurmadyo caabboon.


    Weli lama ogaan karo khasaaraha ka dhashay dagaalkaan ka socda degmada Hodon ee soo gaarey dadka rayidka ah, marka laga reebo laba ruux oo dhaawac iyagoo ah jidadka laga qaaday.


    Dadkii fara ku tiriska ahaa ee ku haray degaanada Hodon, ayaa bilaabay iney si dhuumaaleysi ah uga baxsadaan guryohoodii iyagoo is biimeynaya.


    Dagaallada ka socda Muqdisho ayaa u muuqda ii soo buur aan kuu soo buuree, welina lama hayo qolo intey meel qabsatay ku negaatey ilaa iyo intii ay dagaalladaani bilowdeen.

  /news.php?readmore=4 187

  2. Macalin Dahir "Ciidamadeena Jowhar iyo Mahadaay ayay ku hareereysan yihiin saacadaha soo socda ayaa la kala ogaanayaa cida Gobolka ka talisa"


    Gudoomiyihii Maxkamadaha Islaamka ee Gobolka Shabellaha oo dhowaan looga itaal roonaaday dagaalo ay la galeen Xoogaga Shabaab Al Mujaahidiin iyo Xisbul Islaam oo wada socda ayaa ayaa guul la taaban karo ka sheegtay dagaalkii saaka.


    Macali Dahir Caddow Calasow ayaa sheegay in dagaalkii saaka ka dhacay Mahadaay ay ku heleen Hub iyo saanado, isla markaana ay ka dileen xoogaga soo duulay tiro ka mid ah ciidamadooda.


    "Ciidamadeena waxay saaka qaadeen howl gal sifeyn ah oo kooxo islaam diid ah ku qaadeen, fariisimahoodii ayayna ku soo laabteen"ayuu yiri Macalin Dahir oo intaa ku daray in Ciidamadooda ay joogaan Gobolka, waqti kasta oo loo baahdana ay sameyn karaan howl galo sida uu hadalka u dhigay.


    Waxaa uu ku goodiyay in xoogag gacanta ku haaya Jowhar iyo Mahadaay aanay nabad ku joogeyn, isagoo ugala jeeday inay ku qaadayaan weeraro, waxaana uu tilmaamay in Ciidamadooda ku hareereysan yihiin deegaanada.


    "Ciidamadeena Jowhar iyo Mahadaay ayay ku hareereysan yihiin saacadaha soo socda ayaa la kala ogaanayaa cida Gobolka ka talisa, hadey is leeyihiin waa nabad galeysaan, taas ma dhici doonto ayaa leeyahay, waana ka sifeyn doonaa"

    ayuu mar kale ku celiyay Macalin Dahir oo diiday in weerarkooda uu yahay mid ku dhufo oo ka dhaqaaq ah.

    Macalin Dahir ayaa cadeeyay in mar alaala marka loo baahda ay ciidamadooda howl galayaan, amar kaliyana ay ku dhaqaaqayaan, isagoona sheegay in dhowaan la kala ogaan doono cida ka talisa Gobolka sida uu hadalka u dhigay.


    Ciidamada Maxkamadaha ee taabacsan Dowladda KMG kol horena qeyb ka ahaa halgankii iyo jabhadeynta ayaa u muuqda kuwo mar kale dib u qaaday wadadaas, iyadoona haatan loolan adag uu kala dhaxeeyo Xoogaga Shabaab iyo Xisbul Islaam oo berri ay qeyb ka wada ahaayeen halgankii Muqaawmaada ee Ciidamadii Ethiopianka xilligii ay joogeen.


    Mustaqbalka Gobolka Shabellaha Dhexe ayaan la ogeyn sida uu ku dambeyn doono, iyadoona uu galay xaalad kacsanaan ah oo ay isugu jirto dhiilo colaadeed iyo loolan ku aadan gacan ku heynteeda.

  m/main/news.php?read more=193

  3. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

    quote: About the borders and the management of Jerusalem should be left to the Israelis and the Palestinians to sort out.

    I said that has been the case for the last 10 years or so ........... everyone wanted this two state solution but the problem was drawing the borders and agreeing on Qaza situation.
    I am more interested in the status of the Palestinian refugees and whether they would be allowed to return back. Israel is adamant that they shouldn't.


    My idea is: Who says you can't go home?

  4. Ciidamada Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ah oo qabsaday Garoonka diyaaradaha iyo magaalada Jowhar oo ay kaabiga u saaran yihiin



    Magaalada Jowhar ee gobolka Sh/dhexe waxaa saakay ka bilowday dagaallo xoog leh, kuwaasi oo u dhaxeeya ciidamada Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ah iyo xoogagga Al-Shabaab, iyadoona gudaha magaalada ay isaga tageen dadweynaha Jowhar degan.


    Wararkii ugu dambeeyay ayaa sheegaya in ciidamada Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ah ay la wareegeen garoonka diyaaradaha Jowhar, iyadoona dhinaca kale gudaha magaalada ay ku sugan yihiin ciidamada Al-Shabaab, kuwaasi oo iyaguna difaacyo uga jira magaalada daafaheeda.


    Ilaa iyo haatan lama oga qasaaraha dhabta ah ee dagaaladaasi bacdamaa ay socdaan, oo haatan dhinacyada dagaalamaya ay isweydaarsanayaan hubka noocyadiisa kala duwan.


    http://www.somaliwey e_09/4June1.htm

  5. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

    I agree with you on the "Action" part but i'm telling you it was missing some important issues.


    When he was talking about Democracy he said he will support those countries who have democracy but never mentioned those who are not democratic. At least he should've said something even ... Read Moreif it is "to encourage them".


    He said there should be two states in Israel & Palestine conflict but never mentioned about the borders and who is going to manage Jeruselam. This has been the issue for the last 10 years and he knows that.

    I don't think he supports military intervention to force a political thought on other countries. This is a quote from his speech today.


    I know there has been controversy about the promotion of democracy in recent years, and much of this controversy is connected to the war in Iraq. So let me be clear: no system of government can or should be imposed upon one nation by any other.

    About the borders and the management of Jerusalem should be left to the Israelis and the Palestinians to sort out.

  6. Hahhah!


    The Title of the PDF Document you provided reads:




    There is no statement from the document that you posted that remotely even makes any of the conclusion you have reached.


    Day by Day, the quality of SOL seems to deteriorate :(

  7. Hub loogu deeqay Dowladda Somalia


    Ilo wareedyo lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa u sheegay Garowe Online in dowlada Somalia loogu deeqay hub casri ah iyo in ka badan 70-taangi, kuwaasoo loogu talogalay inay ka qaybqaataan dagaalada u dhexeeya dowlada iyo xoogaga kasoo horjeeda.


    Mas'uul sare oo diiday inuu magaciisa xuso ayaa sheegay in deeqdan ay ka timid dalalka Afrika qaarkood, isagoo xusay in sidoo kale ay dowladu heshay kaalmo lacageed oo loogu talogalay dagaalka.


    "Kaarayaasha lagu deeqay waxay qaarkood ku imaanayaan dhulka iyagoo kasoo galaya xuduudaha Kenya iyo Ethiopia, halka kuwo kalena laga dajinayo dekeda Muqdisho, si loo burburiyo mucaaradka" ayuu yiri wasiir ka tirsan dowlada Somalia.


    Sida ay sheegayaan wararkan, Markab wada hubkan loogu deeqay dowlada Somalia ayaa kusoo xiraya Khamiista [June 04] dekeda Muqdisho, iyadoo la sheegay in maalintaas la hakiyay howlihii dekeda.


    "Waxaa naloo sheegay in maalinta Khamiista ah aanan shaqo u imaan karin dekeda, iyadoo la diiday in la sheego sababta, balse waxaan maqlay in hub laga dajinayo" ayuu yiri mid ka mid ah xoogsatada dekeda Muqdisho oo la hadlay GO.


    Dowlada Somalia ayaa dhawaanahan waday hanjabaadyo ku aadan inay qaadayso dagaal culus, kaasoo ay kula wareegayso gacan ku haynta guud ee dalka, gaar ahaan Magaalada Muqdisho.


    Kooxaha Al-shabaab iyo Xisbul Islam oo ka horjeeda dowalda Somalia ayaa iyaguna wada diyaargarow ay kaga hortagayaan weeraro kaga yimaada dhinaca dowlada, iyagoo urursanaya dhalinyaro u dagaalama.


    Taliska Booliiska iyo Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir ayaa soo bandhigay maalin ka hor 9-wiil oo la sheegay in afduub ahaan looga soo watay degmooyin ka tirsan Gobolka Sh/hoose, kuwaasoo la damacsanaa in loo tababaro ismiidaamin qasab ah.




    http://www.garoweonl ish/Wararka_19/Hub_l oogu_deeqay_Dowladda _Somalia.shtml

  8. Originally posted by Paragon:

    X. D. Aweys is in search of Islamic validity for the harm he has caused Somalia from '93 to today, marka filo inuu doqonku doqon ku yiraahdo intaadan oran. He really is looking for a way to justice for all the carnage he has unleased with his arrival to Xamar. Kani Soomaalinimo ka dheer, he's a pseudo-religious mercenary, to say the least.


    Ahmed Ould Abdullah on the other hand, is a wise, peaceful man thinking of what becomes of Somalia 100 years from now. To be quite honest, the man has shown more Somaliness that any Somali in recent years. He, along with Nur Adde, should be awarded the highest medal of honour (and noble prize) for being genuine and truly wise.

    Very well said.


    It says a lot about our situation when a Non-Somali is more concerned about the welfare and well-being of Somalia than the Somalis themselves.


    Aweys is an ego-ridden arrogant man. He thinks the whole world revolves around him. Hence, "if I am not please, nothing will work talk."

  9. Originally posted by General Duke:

    ^^^Give us a break old man. This man was part of the group that allowed Kenya to get the Sea. The other was Sharif, Sharmarke & SHarif Xsaan,


    Xasan Dahir is an ***** but he did deliver a nice blow to this bigger clown...


    Nassir is right 2:0 to Aways..

    You are only mad at him because he engineered the Jabuti Deal that ousted your god-father Abdullahi Yusuf and paved the way for Sharif.

  10. Originally posted by General Duke:

    ^^^Though the latest clashes have been quite small compared to a week or so ago.

    Actually, yesterday's fight was the worst in a long time.


    Today's fight was not bad by Mogadishu standards.


    Let's pray for the lives of the innocent people and the defeat of the Khawariji groups.

  11. Originally posted by General Duke:

    Who to belive?

    It is confusing to follow the real news in times of heightened tensions with conflicting reporting flying around. There are 5-6 Somali News Sites that I surf and I average out the content to get a reasonable picture.


    So far only somalimirror and another site affiliated with Al Shabab is reporting this. We have to wait till more reports emerge

  12. Originally posted by Nephissa:

    quote: Why, according to Omar Hasho, your clanist hero has called Ethiopia the greatest enemy Somalia ever had from Asmara a year ago, and last week said that there is no enmity between us and Ethiopia at all... It is a simply question try answer without addressing my person...


    . Brother
    RR, aniga col buu ila yahay ilama hadlayee, but ask him this for me


    Why, according to [you know who
    ], your clanist hero has called Ethiopia the greatest enemy Somalia ever had and fought against them in '77, and last year said that there is no enmity between us and Ethiopia at all waa walaalaheen...? It is a simply question try answer without addressing my person...
    Sorry, My Somali is not very polished :(


    However, since you are repeating the same question Emperor asked me, see my reply above.


    Col. Omar Hashi is not a clannist and the name-tags being thrown on him say more about the accusers than who he is.

  13. Originally posted by Emperor:

    ^Lool, what an observation,


    RR: Again you skipped my question and talked about Eritrea which I never asked, you have not said anything relating to the question posed or Ethiopia, let me paraphrase it or this time ask you personally instead...


    Like Mr. Omar Hashi, did you believe Ethiopia was the greatest enemy of Somalia a year ago? If so, do you now believe that there is no enmity between the two countries at all? Like Mr. Hashi states and If so, why is that?


    Lets hope this time you will attempt to answer.

    Since you are eternally confused, let me try it again in plain English:


    Ethiopia was the enemy then, it is the enemy today and it will be the enemy as long as that artificial country is allowed to exist.

  14. Originally posted by me:



    No wonder your Dukeys lackey. You get into an argument between men, you make a claim you can't back and now you are desperately trying to get out of it.


    Let me sum up the situation for you incase you forgot.


    1. Ngonge claims that
    Clan is everything
    , with that he meant that
    a) all of Somalia’s problems can be attributed to clan
    ) the clan factor can explain the actions of various political actors.

    2. I had asked Ngonge to prove this and he couldn’t.

    3. You came along and also claimed that
    Clan is everything

    4. When I asked you to prove it, you said it’s a FACT and you don’t have to prove it.

    5. I am asking you now to prove this FACT


    Tell me why you believe that
    Clan is everything
    in Somali politics.

    Good luck dealing with parrots. Emperor will repeat 101 things that he has no means of defending if his life depended on it.


    You just have to see his posts. Everything is black and white.

  15. Originally posted by Emperor:

    ^You have yet to answer my quesiton, of course to you Mr. Hashi is not qabiilist, but what was the motive of changing his mind from the greatest enemy to no enmity between us at all in short period...

    In high school they taught me "politics makes strange bed-fellows."


    Eritrea was dumped once the old quisling was ousted and hopes of a resurgent Somalia became genuine. Afraid of losing its new gained sphere of influence, Eritrea started arming and financing anarchist groups in Somalia and the government has exposed them for what they are.


    Col. Omar Hashi is Somali government minister and so calling him qabilist only shows your tainted clannist mentality.

  16. Originally posted by Emperor:

    Adeer Ahlu-Sunna and Omar Hashi are no different, both qabiilis clowns, both funded and armed by Ethiopia that they use to call enemey a short while back, so my question still stands....


    Don't waffle around and answer my question, otherwise don't bother...

    Maybe, to you every-person who comes from Galgaduud, Hiiraan and Benadir is a qabilist.


    To the rest of us, Col. Omar Hashi is the Minister for National Security of the government while Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jameeca is a group of moderate Islamists protecting their way of life against the demonic Al Shabab extremist group.


    Equating both groups since they share a perceived clan-name just shows your world-view and how you judge events. Nothing more.