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Posts posted by Recovering-Romantics

  1. Originally posted by General Duke:

    ^^^Nicely put. The solution seems to be do everything worse and then blame the Duke.


    The city is being shelled and destroyed and there are no Ethiopians, or Yusuf.


    Just Sharif and the AMISOM he declared Jihad on.



    Just ask for it Duke, and I will sink you in sea of your own quotes defending these same acts that you currently abhor.


    Always amusing to see people at war with their own words icon_razz.gif

  2. Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka:

    This happens when ciyaal kusoo biiraan Sol and try to talk to you about their records. Where did you get from that I supported the indescriminate shellings of civilian area during Abdullahi's time?


    Your childish reasoning summons up to that if Abdullahi shelled areas then we can too? War ciyaal baad tahay ee odayaashu ka dhex bax

    You have to come to terms that this is a discussion forum and members will point out the discrepancies in your arguments and views. Your views are conflicting and it is pertinent that we point out these discrepancies. You rather have us not point the differences between the current arguments of Gen. Duke, Emperor and yours and the ones your defended just 3 months back. Therefore, it hurts that we point those discrepancies.


    Too bad, we will do it any-way smile.gif

  3. Originally posted by Abwaan:

    lol...cakuye qaraarka...both men adeerkaa bay 2-0 ku direen ee meeshaan baroor la taagnoow!


    Duke if I were you SOL ma soo galeen ceebtaada ama magacaanba iska bedeli waxaad la dig iyo dam lahayd odaygii maskiinka ahaa ee 90 jirka ah bay ahayd isagiina waa lugeeyey adna kama hareysid oo wax kasta oo ka soo hara waad mucaaradaysaa!

    Bro, soon you will tire from this game of arguing with parrots.

  4. Originally posted by General Duke:

    Ugandans are reer Yaqshid defending their police station from the maruading mad men from Bay & Kudha.


    The shelling has gone on non stop since Sharif arrived.

    You should be applying the same standard on Abdullahi Yusuf. Not selectively choose when to apply your humanitarianism.

  5. Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka:

    Do you know what shelling means ya saqiir. At least they know what their doing then making hit and runs in a street here and there,,, Adeer koristaada soo dhameyso intaad halkaan ka bood boodi lahayd.... Mise Kashafa ayaa kuu diidey kubadii aad ciyaari jirtey

    Do you know how far Yaqshiid is from the nearest AMISOM base in the city? The war is being waged by Government troops. AMISOM only responds when its bases are attacked. But you would dismiss these basic facts, because your whole argument is fraudulent.


    As for the "AMISOM SHELLING" the same could have been said of it when Abdullahi Yusuf was the president and the Ethiopians were committing acts of war crimes. Applying the same standards on Abdullahi Yusuf would be useful here.


    Kasfha?hahaha who told you, you were interesting?

  6. Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka:

    So what you classified the ugandans as a member of the somali clans now
    as id the ugandan fighters arent doing the shelling for your poor Sheikh Sakiin


    Bal waayahay ee, yeey ku abtirsadaan ugandeska ee somalida noqday

    Since your arguments are inherently flawed, it is expected that you would lie and construct your alternatives to reality.


    Tell me genius, what sections of Yaqshiid, Dharkenley and Hodan are the Ugandan troops fighting?


    The facts make a mincemeat of your claims, everytime you write something

  7. Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka:

    You call over 300 dead people higly organised and concerted efforts when they cant even keep and hold the control of few roads and xaafado... I hope Ilaahey inuu reer Muqdishu ka badbaadiyo adiga iyo qolooyinka kula fikir ah.

    Minus your ingenuous rants, the government is not only holding captured territories but making progress. Today's center of conflict is good illustration.


    It is unfortunate that innocent people have to pay for the lack of peace, but, this government is determined to get Somalia rid of International Jihadist and the war will hopefully be concluded soon.


    Civilian deaths are expected in urban theaters of war. The government has the responsibility of securing the peace of the land and defending the people it is tasked to defend. This is a mandate that it should and must fulfill.

  8. Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka:

    You still havent dealt with what i asked you to evaluate.


    Is hit and runs the tactic in which Sheikh HOtel Sakiin is going to win the fight with Shabaab and you define that as progress?


    Lets see if you can refrain from reverting the issue to adressing me personally

    There are no "hit and run" in Mogadishu. The war today is organized and highly concerted pitting the government troops and the public against some very dangerous anarchists. The fact that the war is progressing to areas of save territories for the anarchists is a real example.


    And no-one is addressing you. Just pointing out your character flaws. Nothing more.

  9. Originally posted by NGONGE:

    This is not true, Duke. Stop spreading lies. I just read RR deny it on another thread. He's from M city and knows more about it than you. You sellout Puntlander.



    Originally posted by Recovering-Romantics :


    The amazing thing is this government is making PROGRESS without any support from ANY-ONE while Al Shabab and Hizb-ul-Islam have foreigners fighting in its ranks.


    Inshallah, they will be history pretty soon.


    The only nightmare is reserved for people who want the continuation of the conflict in Mogadishu and the South for whatever reason.

    I expect fireworks very soon. I advise all innocent bystandrs to seek cover.
    Why am I surprised that the person who's entire wold-view is based on "clan is everything," is once again making clan insinuations?


    The war is in full swing in Mogadishu, the government is making concrete progress, and there an no Ethiopians fighting along-side it. These are undeniable facts.

  10. Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka:

    quote:Originally posted by RR Bro,the only flip flopper here is the person who was supporting the government under Abdullahi Yusuf but opposes it today.

    Thats summons up your ability to discuss anything. A tendency of personal attacks instead of dealing with the issues put to you not only shows the flaws of those you support but most importantly your age.
    It is a legitimate point. There is no point in discussing anything with some-one who changes their views faster than a baby changes its diapers.


    It is a never ending circle,hence, you should be reminded of your history and previous views. The ones you were vehemently defending 3 months back.


    I argue with members with concrete views and principles. Not flip floppers smile.gif

  11. Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka:

    RR how do you define progress? Flip flopping and makin hit and runs... Walle sheikh hotel reer muqdishu wuxuu ugu maawelinayaa laamiga baan qabsaney iyo Yaaqshid baan gaadhney. I suggest sheikh hotel inuu xukuumada uu raro Mahadaay

    Bro,the only flip flopper here is the person who was supporting the government under Abdullahi Yusuf but opposes it today.

  12. Originally posted by Emperor:

    ^Have anything to say about the topic, you look too much into what I am or not, what I should be talking about or not


    Noah, Adeer I am not a victim, I feel like I am bully that pushes some nerves, the more you dwell on my person the more I am in control Adeer, say again what is my name? say it, Emperor
    , joke... Saaxib iska naso marka

    Al Shabab has reached it maximum endpoint and from here it is only down. The opposite is true for the government.


    The armed insurgency is crumbing in Mogadishu. And the real counter-attack hasn't even YET begun.


    As for you, I think the less said the better. Your hypocrisy and what shapes your world-view is well-known here. Scolding is the response your evoke, not fear.

  13. Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka:

    Is hiding in villa Somalia and travelling in Ugandan tank an independent government working... I wonder how you define progress?

    Capturing new ground in Mogadishu, raising a standing armed forces that work without Ethiopian troops, breaking the back of the armed opposition and spreading government control to new areas are all signs of Progress. The Sharif government has been able to do in 3 months what the former quisling failed to do in 4 years.


    I think credit is due here.

  14. Originally posted by Emperor:

    ^Adeer, do I have to defend and clear myself now or the topic, why does every topic we meet have to turn into your are 'this or that' and you expect me to come back and say I am not 'this or that', Adeer move on and learn how to debate ninyahow that's all I can tell you... If you think I am a hypocrite so be it, but move on and comment on the topic...

    No-one is attacking you, so stop playing the victim. I am just saying that you are not the one to be making such statements given your track-record on SOL.


    Nothing else.

  15. Originally posted by Emperor:

    RR: Again you are still talking about my person, the Emp must be getting your nerves for you have all the time and dedication to focus on him and not the message...


    Adeer, why ignore the perfect order and peace that Alshabaab created in one of the most dangerious areas of Somalia... You wrong again, Alshabaab haven't always controlled one of this regions... They have taken all of them in past 8 months or so... They kicked Hiiraale out of the Jubba, Mansuur is in Boaido about six months now and they kicked Inda'ade out about the same time.. so don't lie, we have the reports and can present it here...

    I am just pointing out your hypocrisy. You should have been supporting them when the defeated quisling was in power.


    You are dishonest, my friend. And a very bad one at that too.

  16. Originally posted by General Duke:

    ^^^"Always" they only took over Kismayu around a year or so, and Baidoa a few months ago.


    Emperor, you are spot on adeer. Al Shabaab hough confused as hell are quite effective, and today thay have shown how naked and happless the Sharif is, the clan arguments of Ahmed Diiriye & Co are and the whole thing is becoming a nightmare.

    Today your new buddies Al Shabab are on the RUN. They are losing ground faster than you can count. One district at a time.


    The amazing thing is this government is making PROGRESS without any support from ANY-ONE while Al Shabab and Hizb-ul-Islam have foreigners fighting in its ranks.


    Inshallah, they will be history pretty soon.


    The only nightmare is reserved for people who want the continuation of the conflict in Mogadishu and the South for whatever reason.

  17. Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

    Xiin-If history is anything to go by, no one alone can secure Xamar. Only political settlement can pull the curtains on this stalemate. The demands of Al-Shabaab are simple and within reason. AU forces must leave the country, Sharif must stop pretending that he leds the legitimate government of Somalia, and the Sharia law must be implemented.

    Bro, there is nothing "reasonable" about claiming to capture and liberate Alaska, Japan and the Solomon Islands. Nothing "reasonable" about banning smoking, women traveling in the same buses as men and certainly nothing reasonable about offering our lands to foreigner and our women as concubines of International Jihadist.


    I can live with Hizb-ul-Islam. Al Shabab is a different breed.

  18. Originally posted by Emperor:

    ^Adeer, I don't support Alshabaab, but it is of my nature not to shy away from the truth, call spade a spade... I credited the UIC six month, similarly I respect Alshabaab for their peace and the perfect introduction to 50% of Somalia...

    AL Shabab has always controlled Both Jubboyinka, Bay and Bakool and Sh/Hoose. Nothing much has changed, except the guy on the top. Hence, your change of loyalties since you don't support ideas or principles but rather individuals, specifically, individuals from your clan.


    In other words, you are a dishonest character. The only surprise here is at the speed your rhetoric and loyalties change.

  19. Originally posted by Emperor:

    Remember how the media covered the six month peace that was brought to Mogadishu by the ICU, how we discussed, praised and credited Sheick Hotel and Hassan Dahir's ICU for that wonderful work despite their murderious and destructive behaviours....


    Why no one is talking about the peace that Alshabaab introducted to one of the most dangerious areas of Somalia, places where war was daily occurance, warlord domination/subjugati on and isbaaro was constant, where humans lost their lives because of who they were born to rather than what they did, places like Kismayo, Marka and Baidoa...


    Over six months now, Alshabaab control from Afgoi all the way to the Kenyan border, almost 50% of Somalia which are the regions of Lower Juba, Upper Juba, Middle Shabelle, Bay, Bakool and Gedo, 6 in total... Inspite of their Hash rule, all this regions are sound and safe, brutal warlord rule days are over, clan domination is over, security is at all time high, the most volnurable can walk freely and peacefully with the most highly valued item in the markets of Kismayo, Merca and Baidoa at midnight without a robber making an attempt...


    This all is due to Alshabaab, yet I haven't seen anyone, media or politician or common comentators credit them for their effort while on the other hand, the six month of UIC peace in Mogadishu was highly covered in the web portals and other media streams, highly exeggerated and I will even add to say that it was highly politicised...


    Now again Alshabaab's goodwork is ignored or hardly mentioned, is it coincidence or again highly political, which poses the question of whether the whole thing is a show and not genuine....

    This is rich coming from some-one who was blind-supporter of the government just 3 months back and a criticizer of Al Shabab.