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Everything posted by Recovering-Romantics

  1. Originally posted by General Duke: Godane’s five day ultimatum as well as the military build up in Mogadishu indicates that there might be a massive offensive on the way. Does Al Shabaab have the capability to take a well fortified area such as Villa Somalia & the port? If they were capable of taking Villa Somalia, The Port and the Air-port, do you think they would be reduced to giving empty ultimatums and crying foul about the expected arrival of more AU troops? It is a desperate call, besides, don't we all know what happened the last the gave an ultimatum?
  2. Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka: Kashafa, I totally condemn this latest move by Sheikh Hotel and a foreign invasion of Somalia by any army, but I also strongly think the so-called Alshababs have lost the respect of the people and are only ready to perpetuate a reign of confusion and mayhem. They need to be stopped. Not by foriegn forces, but the collective might of Somali's. That is not very difficult to do. But, can you tell me you plans for Somalia? There is no plan for AL Shabab and its "hip hop Islamist" fans based in the West, as General-Duke describes them. Listening to a video of Abu Mansur and his ilk goes a long way in showing the narrow-minded nature of these religious freaks.
  3. Originally posted by General Duke: Madaxweyne Shariif oo xalay kulan xasaasi ah la yeeshay Madax iyo saraakiil Itoobiyaan ah. Madaxweynaha dawladda KMG ah ee Somaliya Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa xalay kulan xasaasi ah kula yeeshay hotel ku yaalla magaalada Adis Abababa madaxda dalkaasi iyo Saraakiil Milatari ah. Kulankaasi oo la sheegay in uu saacado qaadanayay ayaa la sheegayaa in labada dhinac ay kaga wada xaajoodeen taxaddiga dawladda KMG ah ee Somaliya ku heysta gudaha dalka Somaliya gaar ahaan midka kaga imaanaya xoogaga Islaamiga ah kula dagaalamaya Muqdisho. Madaxweyne Shariif ayay si wadajir ah isku arkeen R/Wasare Zenawi, wasiirka Arrimaha dibadda Seyoum Mesfin iyo Generalada Milatariga ee dalkaasi gaar ahaan kuwi kasoo howlgalay gudaha dalka Somaliya ee dumiyay Maamulkii Maxaakimta Islaamka ee Shariif-ku madaxda ka ahaa. Ilo wareedyadu waxay sheegayaan in kulamada diiradda lagu saarayay dowrka ay Itoobiya ku yeelan karto arrimaha hadda cakiran ee Somaliya iyo sida ay kaga qeyb ka noqon karto dadaalka lagu badbaadinayo xukuumadda Somaliya. This is a fabrication. Sharif hasn't met with Meles yet. He will meet with the Ethiopian FM and then with the Ethiopian PM. ps By the way, what is the source of the story? Thanks in advance
  4. Originally posted by rudy-Diiriye: I think the proof is in the pudding! just ask yourself where is at tonite and why! Unfortunately, the Master which is usa, had said no to Amxaar help. So hes outta of luck there. Next. Hahaha Your views look as goofy as the guy on your avatar. Ethiopia is the headquarters of the African Union and Sharif is there to take part in a hearing that is meant to change the mandate of the AMISOM troops in Somalia. There is nothing out of the ordinary there really, but some people will grab to every straw to support their hollow lies.
  5. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiy aar: Once again another deceptive title. Once again, another blatant lie. Once again, another conjured war ku sheeg. Give us links. Sources. Anything credible that substantiates what is being reported on the article. I don't see anything on this site that article quotes about Shariif requesting Xabashi army or Xabashi foreign minister Seyoum Mesfin discussing about that fact. General-Duke has made it habit to distort facts and create his own news. Shariif Xasan "Anaga Ethiopia uma tagin inaan Ciidamo weydiisano Ra'iisul Wasaare Kuxigeenka ahna Wasiirka Maaliyada Dowladda Soomaaliya Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan ayaa beeniyay in socdaalka ay ku joogaan Magaalada Addis Ababa uu ujeedadiisa yahay sidii ay Dowladda Ethiopia u weydiisan lahaayeen Ciidamo. Shariif Xasan oo ka mid ah Wafdiga Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Shariif Sheekh Axmed shalay ku gaareen Magaalada Addis Ababa ayaa sheegay inuu qorshahooda yahay sidii ay Dowladaha IGAD u weydiisan lahaayeen taageero. "Anaga Ethiopia uma tagin inaan Ciidamo weydiisano, waxay ka mid tahay Dowladaha IGAD ee taageerada joogtada siiya Soomaaliya, waxay noo tababaraan ciidamo taageero siyaasiyan ayay na siiyaan"ayuu yiri Shariif Xasan. Wafdiga Madaxweyne Shariif ayaa la kulmay Wakiilo ka socday Beesha Caalamka sida Safiirka Shiinaha u fadhiya Addis Ababa iyo Safiirka Sweden kuwaasoo uu ka dalbaday taageero in la siiyo Dowladiisa. Madaxweyne Shariif oo ka qeyb galay kulankii Madaxda Afrika ku yeesheen Sirte ayaa horay u soo maray Jabuuti, iyadoona uu booqan doono Kenya iyo Uganda oo ka mid ah dalalka IGAD. Hoyga wararka Somaliyed m m/main/news.php?read more=512
  6. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiy aar: Kuwaas kor maka maamulaan, ee gudaha ka maamulaan. Hahaha! The convenient ploy of ignoring one foreign intervention while celebrating another foreign intervention (because they are deemed handy)makes a mockery out of their religious rhetoric.
  7. Originally posted by MoonLight1: If a pople should be secessionists it should've been the people of Bay & Bakool, they suffered the worst, 350,000 of their relatives and children perished, Baidoa become an international symbol of starvetion and suffering and yet you'll never see them calling to breakaway from the rest of Somalia, they never built a single memory status in their city centres, and they don't hate the blue flag, the s'land guys should learn from these people. That's a fair point to make. No other group in Somalia has suffered as much injustice and atrocities and the people of Bay and Bakool. As for the topic, the revisionist tendencies of the Somali people is quite annoying. There were documented cases of scorched earth and also attempts to stop humanitarian assistance from reaching those people. It is an affront to deny one side of the story while condemning the other. One day, justice will prevail!
  8. Originally posted by MoonLight1: I think they will try to thwart the tfg before its solders learn how to use the new american weapon. There is nothing new about what the Americans have given Somalia. It is really some old rusted Russian equipment.
  9. “From the progeny of this man,” or he said, “From the offspring of this man, there will come a people who will recite the Quran but it will not go beyond their throats. They will go through the religion like a arrow going through a target. They will murder the people of Islam while ignoring the people of idol-worship. If I were to reach them (their time), I would destroy them like the people of ‘Ād were destroyed Their Sign is Their Shaven Heads Imam Aḥmad, al-Bukhārī , and Muslim recorded a Ḥadīth from Sahl Ibn Ḥanīf who “A people will emerge from the East having shaven heads. They will recite the Quran with their tongues but it will not pass beyond their throats. They will pass through the religion just as an arrow passes through a target." It was asked, “What is their distinguishing sign?” He answered: “Their sign is shaven heads.” They are Mostly People of Talk, Not Action Abū Dāwūd, and al-Ḥākim recorded a Ḥadīth narrated by both Abū Sa’īd and Anas in which the messenger of Allah said: “There will appear within my nation differences and division – people who will perfect their speech and make evil their actions. They will recite the Quran but it will not pass beyond their throats. They will pass through the religion just as an arrow passes through a target and they will not return until it (the arrow) returns back to its bow. They are the worst of people, the worst of all creatures. Tūbá (a tree in paradise, success) is for whoever kills them or they kill him. They will call to the book of Allah yet they have nothing to do with it. Whoever fights against them has more right upon Allah than they do.” Their Religious Actions Amaze Some People al-Bukhārī , Muslim, and Ibn Mājah recorded a Ḥadīth from Abū Sa’īd al-Khudrī (RA) who said that he heard Allah’s messenger (SCW) saying: “There will emerge among you people whom you would belittle your prayer when compared to their prayer, your fasting compared to their fasting, and your deeds compared to theirs. They will recite the Quran but it will not reach beyond their throats. They will pass right through the religion just as an arrow may pass right through a target (game animal). One may look at such an arrowhead and see nothing remaining. He may look at the arrow rod and see nothing remaining. He may look at the feathers and see nothing. And he may look at the end-notch (to see if anything of blood stuck to it).” The Encouragement of Allah’s Messenger SCW to Defeat al-Bukhārī , Muslim, and Abū Dāwūd recorded a narration in which ‘Alī (RA) said: “When I speak to you, narrating to you something that Allah’s messenger (SCW) said, I would rather fall from the sky than to lie upon him. And if speak to you about what is happening between you and I, then surely in war there maybe misleading strategy. Yet, I heard the messenger of Allah (SCW) saying: “There will come towards the end of time a people who will be young in age, having reckless and deficient intellects. They will speak with the statements of the best of creation, yet they will pass through Islam just as an arrow passes through a target. Their faith will not even reach beyond their throats. Wherever you find them, kill them, for whoever kills them will have a reward on the Day of Resurrection. http://www.answering ader.aspx?file=ae_mn aa_2.pdf&CFID=113394 78&CFTOKEN=56620925
  10. Off the bat, I will state that I am not authority on Islam. The following Hadith have been forwarded to me by a dear friend, and I found them to be both pertinent to the general purpose of this discussion and insightful/meaningfu l, especially with the Al Shabab anarchism in the background. Imam Aḥmad, Ibn Mājah, and al-Ḥākim recorded a Ḥadīth from Ibn Abī Awfá, and Aḥmad and al-Ḥākim also recorded it from Abū Umāmah that the prophet (scw) said: “The Khawārij are the dogs of Hell.” The Khawārij are a sect of people who innovate and follow beliefs and practices foreign to Islam. They are called that (derived from the Arabic root verb: - meaning to exit or rebel against) for their leaving the religion and for their rebellion against the best Muslims (prophet Muhammad’s companions). The Khawārij used to renounce ‘Uthmān (the third Caliph of Islam) for several things and they declared themselves free of him announced their disassociation from him. The origin of that was that some of the citizens of Iraq criticized the behavior of some of ‘Uthmān’s relatives, so they blamed ‘Uthmān for that. Those people were known as “Reciters” for their diligence in reciting the Quran and for their worship. Yet, they used to twist and misinterpret the Quran from its intended meanings. They used to persist on their own personal opinions, and they used to appear very strict and devout in their humility, their renouncement of worldly things, and other things. After ‘Uthmān was killed, they fought alongside ‘Alī. They believed ‘Uthmān was a disbeliever and whoever follows him. They considered ‘Alī’s leadership to be legitimate and considered anyone who fought against him to be disbelievers – those who fought him during the Battle of the Camel when their leaders were Ṭalḥah and al-Zubayr. 2 Yet when ‘Alī made a peace agreement regarding the leadership with Mu’āwiyah, they then declared ‘Alī to be a disbeliever and revolted against him, so he fought them. They are the Worst of People, the Worst of All Aḥmad, Muslim, and Ibn Mājah recorded a Ḥadīth from Abū Dharr who narrated that Allah’s messenger (scw) said: “There will definitely be a people after me from my nation who recite the Quran Ibn al-Ṣāmit, who narrated the Ḥadīth from Abū Dharr, said, “I met Rāfi’ Ibn ‘Amr al- Ghifārī and asked him about this Ḥadīth of Abū Dharr. He said, “I (too) heard it from Allah’s messenger The Anti-Christ Will Emerge Among Them Ibn Mājah recorded a Ḥadīth from Ibn ‘Umar (RA) that the messenger of Allah “There will arise a group of people who will recite the Quran but it will not reach Ibn ‘Umar said, “I heard Allah’s messenger (SCW) say, ‘Every time a new generation of them rises, they will then disappear,’ more than twenty times and then said: “Until the Anti-Christ finally appears among them.” They are the Worst of People Killed; The Best are “(They are) the worst people killed under the sky, and the best people killed are those whom they kill. They are the dogs of Hell. These people used to be Muslims but they became disbelievers.” I (Abū Ghālib, one of the narrators) asked, “Abū Umāmah, is this something only you yourself are saying?” He replied, “No, rather I heard it from the messenger of Allah al-Bukhārī and Muslim both recorded a Ḥadīth from Abū Sa’īd al-Khudrī (RA) who said, “We were with Allah’s messenger (SCW) while he was distributing some wealth. Dhu al-Khuwaṣirah, a man from the Tamīm tribe, came to him and said, ‘Messenger of Allah, be fair!’ The prophet replied: “Beware. And who would be fair if I was not? You would be ruined if I were not just.” ‘Umar said, “Messenger of Allah, allow me to strike his neck.” He replied: “Leave him. He will certainly have companions (from his progeny) whom one of you would belittle his own prayer when compared to their prayer and his fasting compared to their fasting. They will recite the Quran but it will not go beyond their throats. They will pass through the religion as an arrow passes through a game animal. One could then look at the arrowhead and not see a thing remaining on it. He could look at the binding which attaches the arrowhead to the rod and not see a thing. He could look at the rod and not see a thing. He could look at the feathers and not see a thing. It would go straight through the bowels and blood. Their sign is that of a black man. One of his limbs will appear like a woman’s breast or a disfigured lump of flesh. They will emerge when the people are disunited.”
  11. Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: Ilaahay ha u naxariisto dhamaantood. The killing on both sides is nonsense and it needs to stop. The smart heads know this is a no win situation for everyone involved. I take this is the most spectacular act ever engineered by Al-Shabaab. It may or many not be a game changer, but it is just astonishing how these boys planned, measured and executed such precise bombing with minimum damage to their own. The important question is, how will the clans of Hiiran take the loss of three important politicians? There is nothing "spectacular" about ramming a car into a building. It just a mere sign of desperation. Allahu Naxareesto to the ones that died as a result of today's cowardly act.
  12. Originally posted by MoonLight1: if its true, I promise you the next war would be like this. Alshabab Vs TFG & HI . I always believed the shabab are more dangerouse than HI guys. You are totally right. These religious wars never stop.
  13. ina lilahi wa ina ilayhi rajioon. Allahu Naxareesto to the ones that died. It is beyond sickening that someone would rejoice at the death of this noble man.
  14. Top Somali warlord: willing to talk? The fiery Sheikh Dahir Aweys may be ready to hash out a peace deal, following weeks of fighting the moderate government of Sheikh Sharif Ahmed. ohannesburg, South Africa - After weeks of fighting, Somalia's moderate Islamist government and its militant rivals appear close to starting peace talks. This week, top militant Islamist leader Sheikh Dahir Aweys told reporters that he had submitted to the pressure of Somali clan elders to stop his punishing fight against the transitional government of Sheikh Sharif Ahmed and begin talks. "We took the correct step, which is to accept and to participate in the peace process," Sheikh Aweys told reporters in Mogadishu, according to Garowe news service. Another of Aweys's supporters, Malaaq Ali Malaaq Showri, also confirmed that Aweys and his Hizbul Islam militia were prepared to end the fighting and to start talking with the Sharif government. Fighting between the Sharif government and an alliance of radical Islamist militias has had a devastating effect on the wartorn country, killing hundreds and sending at least 122,000 Somali citizens from their homes, and making them reliant on aid agencies for their survival. Aid agencies have called Somalia the third largest humanitarian crisis in the world, but the continued fighting and collapse of effective government have caused ripples throughout the region and – because of rampant piracy – far out at sea as well. These talks could be the first positive sign that Somalia's conflict could be entering a more stable phase. Behind-the-scenes jockeying for power "What seems to be happening is that a lot of behind-the-scenes negotiation is taking place," says Paula Roque, a Horn of Africa specialist at the Institute for Security Studies in Tshwane (Pretoria). "Aweys may not have gotten the military successes he had been expecting and now he may be reassessing his political position." Despite the peace overtures, there has been no let up in fighting. The Islamist faction Al Shabab, which shares an alliance with Aweys's Hizbul Islam, announced yesterday that it had taken territory from government forces north of Mogadishu. Fighting in Mogadishu itself claimed the lives of 10 civilians, along with the government's police chief. Stalemate? Yet the weeks of fighting have reached something of a stalemate, and pressure from Aweys's financial backers in the Arab world appears to have pushed Aweys to the bargaining table. "He has been under great pressure from clan elders to stop the fighting," says Rashid Abdi, an expert on Somalia for the International Crisis Group in Nairobi. "He may also be realizing that the transitional government is not going to be a walkover. It is also possible that he may have been promised by the international community that his name may be removed from the terror watch list, if he begins talks with the Sharif government." Although Aweys is a key figure within the Islamist movement – and as one of the most respected Islamic scholars in the country, a man impossible to ignore – his inclusion in talks with Sharif does not guarantee that other Islamist militias, including Al-Shabab, will also put down their guns and talk, says Mr. Abdi. "We just have to give the process some time." http://www.csmonitor .com/2009/0617/p06s1 5-woaf.html
  15. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Sharif is performing astutely under the circumstances. He understands the nature of this conflict, he knows its disputants very well, and he has the full measure of all its parameters. Alshabaab, good Sharif understands, has lost the social support they once enjoyed. They have exhausted all the necessary resource to continue this war. Tactics that alshabaab once used with remarkable success have now lost its bite. That is why Sharif is firmly holding his ground. And in some areas, he is actually making progress. But to fully appreciate Sharif’s performance, one must look at how the relationship between Somalia and the outside world is changing albeit slowly. His foreign and defense ministers have done a superb job presenting a persuasive argument to the world making case not for more foreign troops but for rebuilding Somalia’s armed forces. Even in government’s hour of need, when alshabaab mortars were raining down on its crumbling seat, these two fine ministers insisted on the essentiality of rebuilding Somali army. On the public relations front, Sharif and his government remains recipient of public sympathy. It’s seen as a victim of alshabaab. It’s on the side of reason. Generally speaking, I am not fond of the propaganda rhetoric especially when utilized by government officials in a state of war. But Ina Oomaar’s words go beyond propaganda; they state the truth of the matter. The soft-spoken foreign minister once calmly told a BBC reporter: Somalia and Somalis do not need to continue this conflict. We have suffered two decades of relentless and costly civil war, and we are in dire need to settle this dispute. My government does no employ cheap tricks; we are genuine in our reconciliation initiatives. His counter part in that debate, a fellow called Zakiriyye, mumbled words that lacked assessable meaning. That dual strategy (fighting with all four legs in the struggel to survive while persuading the world to support Somalia stand its own feet, not by sending new foreign troops, but by arming its security forces) is working. If good NGONGE fails to see the brilliancy of such strategies it is only so because he is too close, and attuned to the goings of the secessionist world to realize the promising broader picture on the other side. He is hopeful and trusting when it comes to Riyaale and his admin. Yet he is cynic, sadly too cynic, to see any progress in Sharif’s world. The biases are so clearly palpable, the perspective so narrow, the truth so politically constructed and redefined, and the facts are so compromised… waa nabi baa bah Conflics are not static. They ar dynamic, and constantly changing. And this one is no different. This conflict is at a very ugly stage. But it will end, and the dispute will be settled. The details have no rhythm. It’s about Bakaaraha one day, the Presidential Seat itself another day, the shelling of Airport and AU troops in other days. It’s about Wabxo, and Jowhar one day, the Ceelasha Biyaha another day, and at a police station in Yaqshid in other days. That tedious cycle should not blind us to lose sight of the broader picture in this dispute however. This is about Somalia. Ultimately. And we are nearing the end…the hand of Somalia’s conflict clock is ticking close to midnight. The parties that started it are tired and looking for way out. It’s beyond stalemate now. De-escalation and fruitful mediation will be next insha Allah. Very Well put. You have said all that I needed to say. Little Correction: The interview in question is from the Al Jazeera Network and not from the BBC.
  16. Pakistan Al-Qaida show up in Somalia, Yemen By ERIC SCHMITT and DAVID E. SANGER updated 9:13 p.m. CT, Thurs., June 11, 2009 WASHINGTON - American officials say they are seeing the first evidence that dozens of fighters with Al Qaeda, and a small handful of the terrorist group’s leaders, are moving to Somalia and Yemen from their principal haven in Pakistan’s tribal areas. In communications that are being watched carefully at the Pentagon, the White House and the Central Intelligence Agency, the terrorist groups in all three locations are now communicating more frequently, and apparently trying to coordinate their actions, the officials said. Some aides to President Obama attribute the moves to pressure from intensified drone attacks against Qaeda operatives in Pakistan, after years of unsuccessful American efforts to dislodge the terrorist group from their haven there. But there are other possible explanations. Chief among them is the growth of the jihadist campaigns in both Somalia and Yemen, which may now have some of the same appeal for militants that Iraq did after the American military invasion there in 2003. Somalia is now a failed state that bears some resemblance to Afghanistan before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, while Yemen’s weak government is ineffectually trying to combat the militants, American officials say. Small numbers The shift of fighters is still small, perhaps a few dozen, and there is no evidence that the top leaders — Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahri — are considering a move from their refuge in the Pakistani tribal areas, according to more than half a dozen senior administration, military and counterterrorism officials interviewed in recent days. Most officials would not comment on the record about the details of what they are seeing, because of the sensitivity of the intelligence information they are gathering. Leon E. Panetta, the C.I.A. director, said in remarks here on Thursday that the United States must prevent Al Qaeda from creating a new sanctuary in Yemen or Somalia. The steady trickle of fighters from Pakistan could worsen the chaos in Somalia, where an Islamic militant group, the Shabab, has attracted hundreds of foreign jihadists in its quest to topple the weak moderate Islamist government in Mogadishu. It could also swell the ranks of a growing menace in Yemen, where militants now control large areas of the country outside the capital. “I am very worried about growing safe havens in both Somalia and Yemen, specifically because we have seen Al Qaeda leadership, some leaders, start to flow to Yemen,” Adm. Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said in remarks at the Brookings Institution here on May 18. Complicating American strategy For the United States, the movement creates opportunities as well as risks. With the Obama administration focusing its fight against the Taliban and Al Qaeda on the havens in Afghanistan and Pakistan, a shift of fighters and some leaders to new locations could complicate American efforts to strike a lasting blow. But in the tribal areas of Pakistan, Qaeda and Taliban forces have drawn for protection on Pashtun tribes with whom they have deep familial and tribal ties. A move away from those areas could expose Qaeda leaders to betrayal, while communications among militants in Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen have created a new opportunity for American intelligence to zero in on insurgents who gave up many electronic communication devices shortly after the Sept. 11 attacks to avoid detection. A senior Obama administration official attributed some of the movement to “the enormous heat we’ve been putting on the leadership and the mid-ranks” with Predator strikes, launched from both Pakistan and Afghanistan. Mr. Obama’s strategy so far has been to intensify many of the strikes begun under the Bush administration. “There are indications that some Al Qaeda terrorists are starting to see the tribal areas of Pakistan as a tough place to be,” said an American counterterrorism official. “It is likely that a small number have left the region as a result. Among these individuals, some have probably ended up in Somalia and Yemen, among other places. The Al Qaeda terrorists who are leaving the tribal areas of Pakistan are predominantly foot soldiers.” Movement a sign of U.S. success? Measuring the numbers of these movements is almost as difficult as assessing the motivations of those who are on their way out of the tribal areas. But American officials say there is evidence of a shift. One senior American military official who follows Africa closely said that more than 100 foreign fighters had trained in terrorism camps in Somalia alone in the past few years. Another senior military officer said that Qaeda operatives and confederates in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia had stepped up communications with one another. “What really has us worried is that they’re communicating with each other much more — Al Qaeda in Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen,” the senior military officer said. “They’re asking, ‘What do you need? Financing? Fighters?’ ” Mr. Obama’s strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan placed the defeat of Al Qaeda as the No. 1 objective, largely to make sure that the group could not plot new attacks against the United States. Thus, the movement of the fighters, and the disruption that causes, has been interpreted by some of the president’s top advisers as a sign of success. But the emergence of new havens, from which Al Qaeda and its affiliates could plot new attacks, raises difficult questions for the United States on how to combat the growing threat, and creates the possibility that increased missile strikes are in the offing in Yemen and Somalia. “Those are issues that I think the international community is going to have to address because Al Qaeda is not going away,” Admiral Mullen told a Senate committee on May 21. The C.I.A. says its drone attacks in Pakistan have disrupted Al Qaeda’s operations and damaged the group’s senior ranks. American officials say that strikes have killed 11 of the top 20 Qaeda leaders in the past year. “Al Qaeda has been hit by drones and it has generated a lot of insecurity among them,” said Talat Masood, a retired Pakistani general and military analyst in Islamabad. “Many among them are uneasy and it is possible that they are leaving for Somalia and other jihadi battle fronts,” he said. “The hard core, however, will like to stay on.” Without singling out any countries, Adm. Eric T. Olson, the head of the Special Operations Command, spoke in general terms last week about how the increased Pakistani military operations in the Swat Valley and early indications of a new Pakistani offensive in South Waziristan had put militants on the run. “As the Pakistanis are applying pressure,” Admiral Olson told a House panel, “it will shift some of the sanctuaries to other places.” Jack Styczynski contributed reporting from New York. http://www.msnbc.msn .com/id/31279976/ns/ world_news-the_new_y ork_times
  17. Kooxaha Islaamiyiinta Soomaaliya oo sheegay in wax walba uga dambeyn doonaan Usama Bin Laden iyo Ayman Al-Dawaahiri. Gudoomiye Kuxigeenka Maamulka Islaamiga Magaalada Kismaayo ee sida tooska u hoosa taga Xarakada Mujaahidiinta Alshabaab ayaa wax aan macno laheyn ku tilmaamay shirarkii Dibedaha lagu qabto oo lagu taageero waxa uu ugu yeeray Dowlad ku sheeg ah, isagoona sheegay in dhankoodana ay wax walba uga dambeyn doonaan Hogaamiyaha Al-Qaacida Usama Bin Laden iyo Kuxigeenkiisa Ayman Al-Dawaahiri. Gudoomiye Kuxigeenka Sheekh C/qani ayaa sheegay in aanay aqoonsaneyn Qaramada Midoobey iyo Kooxda Xiriirka Caalamiga (Somali Contact Group) isagoona dhanka kale sheegay in iyaga aqoonsan yihiin Usama Bin Laden iyo Ayman Al-Dawaahiri iyagana ay ugu dambeyn doonaan wax walba ayna Culumo iyo Hey'ado Caalami u yihiin sida uu hadalka u dhigay. "Anaga cid aan aqoonsanahay ma jirto Qaramada Midoobey ma aqoonsani, Somali Contact Group ma aqoonsano, Bal waxaa aqoonsanahay oo aan la dhacsanahay Sheekh Usama Bin Laden iyo Ayman Al-Dawaahiri, iyagaana inoo ah Culumo iyo Hey'addo"ayuu yiri Sheekh C/qani Maxamed Yuusuf oo intaa ku daray in hadii ay yihiin Mujaahidiinta ay wax walba uga dambeyn doonaan Hogaamiyashaas waa sida uu yiri. Sheekh C/qani Maxamed Yuusuf ayaa ku eedeeyay Dowladda Kenya inay abaabulo xoogan ka wado xadkeeda, kaasoo uu sheegay inay Ciidamo ku diyaarineyso, waxaana uu tilmaamay inay weerari doonaan sida uu hadalka u dhigay. Gudoomiye Kuxigeenka ayaa sheegay in Dowladda Kenya, gaar ahaan Xildhibaanada ka tirsan ee Soomaalida ah ay doonayaan inay Ciidamo ku abaabulayaan oo ay ku soo dagaal qaadi rabaan Gobolka Jubada Hoose, waxaana uu tilmaamay in Ciidamo ONLF ay soo abaabulayaan. "Waan weerari Kenya, waxaana gaari doonaan Magaalada Nairobi, waxayna diyaarinayaan Niman Murtadiin oo la yiraah ONLF"ayuu yiri Gudoomiye Kuxigeenka Maamulka Islaamiga Kismaayo, waxaana uu yahay digniintan tii u horeysay ee ka soo baxda Maamulka Islaamiga Kismaayo. Hadalkan Kulul ee ka soo yeeray Maamulka Islaamiga Kismaayo ayaa ku soo beegmaya xilli dagaalo iyo colaado ka jiraan Gobolada dalka, iyadoona ay soconayaan abaabulo iyo diyaar garow ciidan oo ay wado Dowladda KMG ee Soomaaliya. Abdi Mohamed garyaqaan77@hotmail. com Source: m/main/news.php?read more=270
  18. Originally posted by Sherban Shabeel: The government doesn't need tanks, it needs AIRPLANES. And you don't need F-15s either. Some Mig-21s will do. Cheap, more or less reliable, splendid plane. The AK47 of the sky. With a handful of Migs you can easily dismantle all of the rebels' technicals. A skilled pilot can do it even within city limits. Also, you can chase the rebels throughout the jungles, villages and grasslands. With airplanes, there's no hiding. Armed helicopters are what this government needs. They are easy to make operational and cost cheaper to maintain and in urban theaters of war, provide accuracy and firepower. Planes are useless in cities.
  19. Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka: Sayid the all time attention seeker. Duke any future government will need heavy military hardware but at this moment and at this fight, tans wont play a decisive role at all. Tanks destroy other tanks and military installations like bases and building not an ak47-wielding thug with a cimaamad To crush an armed insurgency, you need fire-power. Tanks give you that. Any-time, the government and the insurgency are using the same weapons, you create a quagmire, and an un-winnable situation. Tanks are game changers and one of the many reasons why the Islamic Courts Movement couldn't defeat the Ethiopian occupation.
  20. Originally posted by MoonLight1: quote: The tanks are a game changer. If its true, then Xasan dahir is in trouble A tank in a built up city is useless, ask the Russians in Chechniya, or the Israelis in Gaza. Its like trying to kill a fly with a hammer. If you think tanks don't win you wars just as the HAMAS. The tanks are the reason why the city of Grozny is booming today.
  21. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: It is politics ,, you have to live with it. His father has been sick for the lately and he never set a foot to visit him. Nothing special about the burrial, Raage, Raaqiya and all the others were here. It is amazing when people have to defend even the most irrational policies. No-one should be denied to take part in the funeral of a family member. Such callous and arrogant move by the Somaliland mafia-gang is not going to help their case on bit.
  22. "Peace means bankruptcy for us." This essentially sums the Somali conflict.
  23. Originally posted by osman_nz: Oh yeah and we must close our border's, so other clans can't get our water sources..let them suffer droughts on their own.. Hahahhaha! You must also program the rain-technology in such a way that the water doesn't fall on neighboring regions