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Everything posted by Recovering-Romantics

  1. Jacaylbaro;805355 wrote: They are killing him ,,, and he is still calling them "'xarakt shabab al mujaahideen" ?? ,,,,, something fishy Could be. But hopefully, the next few days clears this whole confusion.
  2. Cambuulo iyo bun;805352 wrote: RR, lool it was meant for timur Waan gartay
  3. Cambuulo iyo bun;805348 wrote: ^^ listen at 40 sec, What am I suppose to be watching for?
  4. Timur;805346 wrote: It's an Arabic video, does anyone here speak Arabic? Otherwise this topic is a joke. Are you saying the video is fabricated?
  5. Cambuulo iyo bun;805340 wrote: ^^ naah i dont believe it, this is propoganda, they wanna trick u guys and make u really believe that al shabaab is defeated then when u least expect it something big gonna happen.. hech they even managed to do a suicide attack this week in Villa somalia Thats highly unlikely and goes against basic logic. Al Shabab is facing multiple battles and most importantly a vicious internal war for control. The consistent assassinations of key Al Shabab foreign mercenaries is believed to widened the divide between Ina Godane and the foreigners who suspect he might have a hand. It's a real battle and the fact that key foreign mercenaries like Abu Mansur Al-Amriki is making a public video whining about his own safety shows that it's time's up within Al Shabab. That and the recent surge by Al Shabab fighters to migrate to Yemen for shelter. For those of us, who have been fundamentally opposed to these troglodytes even when they had massive public support, it is a sweet melodious moment. With regards to the the Villa Somalia bombing, it was a very desperate act. In fact, if you have ever been to the area, you will notice that it is a very public area complete with bars and residential areas. I was there hundreds of times last month and I havent been for a minute searched or questioned. The only time you will be questioned is after you cross the checkpoint right next to National Theater. So, if you want do some criminal act, its a very soft spot. But even then, its encouraging that the security forces stopped the bomber and prevented the death of dozens of more innocent people.
  6. Cambuulo iyo bun;805337 wrote: Abwaan i believe they up to something if that was truth the guy would have left the country long time ago Bro, dozens of foreign Shababists and some Somali ideologies have already been leaving Somalia for the past month and heading for Yemen. If this trend continues, pretty soon there will remain the opportunistic elements within Al Shabab and it will be much easier to deal with them.
  7. Abwaan;805333 wrote: Do you beleive that this story is true? Have you read the Triple Agent Book, based on Dr Al-Balawi, a Young Jordanian Dr. who became a suicide bomber? If you did read that book you will question this guy's story. Can you give a summery for those of us not familiar with that story?
  8. Gaacuur;805330 wrote: WOW! Sheekadaan way cusub tahay. Alshabaab qaar ka mid ah ayaa qaba in Ajaanibta ka dhinac dagaalanta ay dhibaato wayn oo xagga taageerada Dadka ah u keeneen, laakiin video gaan ayaa si fiican u cadaynaya in uu khilaaf wayn jiro. Waa isbadal lagu farxi karo. It has more to do with internal power struggle than any remorse for the suffering Somali people. Ina Godane has masterfully used the foreigners to isolate and eliminate his Somali opponents and now consolidating his grip by going after key Al Shabab Foreign mercenaries in his attempt to position himself as the Osama Bin Ladin of Africa. The killings of Fazul Rehman kick started this new power struggle and is now in full swing. Its time to grab a popcorn or two and enjoy the movie! This is epic!
  10. It seems Ethiopia is still playing the spoiler's role. A much wiser move would have been to go after Kismayo and dismantling the support infrastructure of the extreme Arabists within Al Shabab like Godane and his foreign fighters while politically pressuring the Baydabo group led by Abu Mansur and Aweys to the negotiating table. This would have gone a very long way in curtailing the spread of radical ideology in Somalia and disrupting the terrorist infrastructure that oppresses the Somali people. With Baydabo gone, Abu Mansur and his group will become more beholden to Godane and the Arabists and the chances of bringing this bloody war to a more positive conclusion ever more elusive.
  11. kingofkings;791611 wrote: silly troll get lost. Hahaha calling everyone a troll now? Admit it, kid. You have been beaten
  12. kingofkings;791603 wrote: look outside of your window and see if pigs are flying or is that difficult task for you? Go to school & learn how to construct a coherent sentence. I am not going to waste my time dealing with a social reject like you.
  13. kingofkings;791601 wrote: again, look outside of the window and see if pigs are flying. I rest my case! Good night, troll
  14. Carafaat;791594 wrote: Donyt understand how one can be for Federalism and at the same time deny Moqdisho folks same Federal rights. Some really thing Somalia is like the American land and one can simply colonize another like Cali Beesteen. Talk about having your cake & eating it too. Farole will find it the hard way.
  15. kingofkings;791591 wrote: troll take your empty threats else where. Lol, did this birdbrained loser just call me a troll?
  16. kingofkings;791595 wrote: sure, why you are at it, look outside of the window and see if pigs are flying. Right now, my political view of Mogadishu is a reality while yours is simply a worthless sentence on some document. Its you who needs to check the windows here. Not me.
  17. Somalia;791586 wrote: Empty threats. What will you use to fight the government this time? Sticks? Same way Abdullahi Yusuf was defeated & made a refugee in Yemen!
  18. There's a world of difference between what some gang leaders worried about their term write on some worthless documents & trying to implement. Mogadishu is the capital city of Somalia but its not an empty land where every ***** can lay claim to it. It belongs to a specific group. That same group that dismantled the Siyad Barre Regime & Abdullahi Yusuf & have left a psychological dent on the minds of Faroole & his gang. If you think the people of Mogadishu will give away their ancestral homeland without a nasty fight, you are utterly messed up in the brain. Faroole & the gang he comes from are guests in Mogadishu & they will have to obey the local rules & mandates of the city-state or get forcefully get evicted like in '91.
  19. Very valid points by MP Salaad Ali Jaale. Thousands of people have died to bring down the communist regime of Siyad Barre which had the same views of Mogadishu as the current gang in Garowe & we are prepared to fight nail & teeth to bring down that criminal enterprise in Puntland if it attempts to enforce its clan agenda on the people of Banadir. What happened in '91 will be a walk in the park. Mark my words
  20. For the most part, it is a good document but things will go nasty when they try to get involved or attempt to change the status quo in Mogadishu & the greater Banadir Region. I don't think any sane or credible person will try to reduce Mogadishu the ancestral homeland of 1.5 million people into an equal ownership land where all sorts of weird & random people from Somalia lay claim to it. The people of Mogadishu have waged a bloody & vicious campaign that led to the ultimate demise of the former clan-rooted communist regime & placed it in the very abyss of history's dustpin. Any attempt to dust of the 70-80s none sense of free-for-all Mogadidhu will face a similar fate.
  21. xiinfaniin;757549 wrote: Question is who pushed this unprepared country to war? The common misconception is the West especially the US but the driving force behind Kenya's failed Jubba Valley was its ego & petty attempt to project its power across East Africa & augment its economic growth with a fitting geo-political & military presence in the region. It's threats of bombing randomly chosen 10 town/cities in the Jubba Valley ( later switched to random targets in Central Somalia) & it's announcement that it would take military action against Eritrea is meant for public consumption. It has neither the political capital nor the military clout to translate its increasingly shenanigan slogans to action.It's finding out the hard way!
  22. They never had the military capability to carry out precision strikes against Shabab targets & the fact they so loudly advertised their military targets & objectives not only made them lose the element of surprise but actually proved their entire excercise was a big ugly joke. The Ugandan President was right all along when he stated that the Kenyan Military was a career one that was ill-equipped & ill-prepared to fight any real war. This failed adventure will certainly affect the morale & integrity of the Kenyan Armed Forces & it is entirely the making of its government led by its ape-like Prime Minister Odinga.
  23. There seems to be a wisdom behind the old adage that barking dogs seldom bite. Kenya has huffed & puffed but 3 weeks into their grand adventure they have neither captured a single meaningful town nor weakened Al Shabab significantly to warrant a dignified exit. Kenya's phony exercise of attempted regime change in the Jubba Valley ought to rank among the most humiliating military operations in Modern times. But considering the groups they were leading, it was a classic example of the blind leading the deaf & with that in mind who is really surprised it failed so utterly?