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Everything posted by Recovering-Romantics

  1. Che -Guevara;814128 wrote: Xenophobia is not healthy. Get over your hatred. This is the kind of deluded thinking that made kilinki-5aad part of Ethiopia. No thanks, being xenophobic is healthy in this context.
  2. General Duke;814127 wrote: Abu Mansuur Al Amriki is a criminal and thus his actions bars him from becoming a Citizen. However this article itself will benefit Somali's born in the Diaspora who's parents were also born in the Diaspora as is becoming the norm now with our generation... Under the current constitution, the simple fact that a person is ethically a Somali qualifies them a Somali citizenship no matter where they are their parents were born. There's no reason why it should be changed.
  3. General Duke;814124 wrote: Again you are all over the place, where in the constitution does it mention Puntland & Faroole not sharing anything with the people of Banadir? Also is it not hypocritical for us Somali's to deny people Citizenship rights when we have over the last 21 years become Citizens of the world? Again you need to do more explaining and less shouting... Currently, the tax collected from the people of Mogadishu, Mogadishu Port & Adan Abdulle Airport in Mogadishu is what sustains this government. Puntland contributes exactly ZERO Dollars to the current central Government.Farole wants to legalize this theft and present it as Somalia's new constitution. & Even though this so-called new constitution has not been presented publicly, those us of that actually spoke with members of the drafting committee know what is going to be in it, and it's not going to go down well with the Somali people. Ahmed Dirie knows what's coming & hence his outrage that's share by the people of Mogadishu. This thing will get ugly & the sooner it's killed, the better. Only certain Western countries give citizenship; almost no country in the developing world does that & for the obvious reasons. Somalia is one of the poorest countries in the world, if not the poorest, & it's very limited resources should go to the Somali people.*
  4. Che -Guevara;814120 wrote: Granting citizenship to non-Somalis ain't bad idea! Only xenophobes will object to that. Yea, granting citizenship to non-Somalis is such a bright idea for a nation of 10 million. But then I forgot, you are the internationalist Jihadi that sees Abu Mansur Al-Amriki as a fellow Somali.
  5. General Duke;814109 wrote: Exactly, if someone can kindly show me how it disadvantages any Somali group it would be most welcome. It's not a matter of what's wrong with this so-called constitution but rather what's not wrong with it. Specifically, this idea that Farole & Puntland will unilaterally rule their regions enriching themselves of their ports & airports while asking the people of Mogadishu to share their revenues with Puntland is a lousy selfish attempt that will never see the light of day. Mogadishu will be ruled by its people & its revenue will be spent in Banadir & not Puntland. It seems folks that are asking us to read this pathetic collection of clan ambitions have themselves not fully read it. Under this so-called constitution all one has to do to be classified as Somali is to live in Somalia for 5 years or be born in Somalia. It's a joke & an insult to the Somali people.*
  6. General Duke;814083 wrote: Ahmed Diiriye does not speak for the people of Banadir, Bay, Bakool, Lower Shabeele, Upper Shabbelle, Juba's and Gedo. This man speaks for his own interest and that of those who pay him... Even the clan he claims to speak for did not elect or appoint him and he should stop using their name. Who appointed you to approve or disqualify Ahmed Dirie's clan leadership role? & when were clan leaders elected? This so-called new constitution is an unacceptable infringement upon the rights & representation of the people of Mogadishu & Ahmed Dirie & others have the moral & social legitimacy to speak up against this pathetic clan agenda that masquerades as "constitution" *
  7. This new constitution is meant to distort the clan balance in Somalia & advance a particular clan agenda. The people of Mogadishu & others must reject it & stand up for justice & equal representation as they have always done. Farole & his agent PM Humpty Dumpty can not be allowed to hijack the future of the Somali People.* The statements by the clan elders & public intellectuals in Banadir/Mogadishu Region could not have come at a better time.
  8. So from now on, to be a Somali, one simply has to be born in Somalia? Or be married to a Somali person for 5 years? This draft constitution is a joke & it never ceases to disappoint
  9. Qandalawi;813514 wrote: ^Traditional clan balance? What is that? Care to elaborate. Well, Somalia is composed up of many different clan groups & traditionally & specially since the fall of the communist regime, power has been distributed based on clan dynamics & demographics. As was clear in the failed clan agenda by Puntland at Garowe Conference, an attempt was made to build a parliament based on a dubious & criminally formulated "regional entities" whereby a sub-clan that has neither the demographic nor geographic significance aspired to get 1/3 of all the incoming MPs. It's these sorts of childish play & the recurring talk of creating federal states whereby one clan gets significantly more states than the rest when again it has neither the geographic not demographic significance; that's seen as a clear provocation & an unacceptable agenda of manipulating the clan dynamics & power-balance. Power must be distributed based on the accepted & traditional clan balance until we reach a position were people can vote democratically. Anything less is a call for bloodshed & will do no one a favor.
  10. Where's the rest of the Draft? This thing has the potential of sparking a major crisis. I hope the individuals drafting it don't fall for the clan pressure & their agenda & instead present to the Somali people a judicious, representative & comprehensive frame-work that satisfies all groups without disturbing the traditional clan balance in Somalia.
  11. The troops in Dharkenley & Madina have always been my favorite in all of Banadir. Good job to District Commissioners Haleey Ahmed Daaci, Macalin Cabdulle & their deputy Yusuf Ibrahim Afrax for securing the peace & security of Wadajir Districts. May it continue to be the graveyard of the terrorists.
  12. This is a good indication that the back-door talks between the TFG & Abu Mansur/Aweys are going good. Inshallah, it will end with the political & military destruction of Shabab so peace can finally be restored. I expect Abu Mansur to also come forward & make similar pronouncements
  13. Shabaab denies top leader granted interview Shabaab has denied that one of its top leaders granted an interview with Somalia Report, a news website that focuses on events in Somalia. The denial takes place just two days after Somalia Report retracted a fictitious interview with Somalia's prime minister, and months after the website published false reports of US drone strikes in the country. Al Qaeda's affiliate in East Africa said that a purported interview with Sheikh Abu Mansur Robow that was published two days ago by Somalia Report is "entirely fictitious." In statements made today on its Twitter account, HSM Press Office (or Harakat Al-Shabaab Al Mujahideen), Shabaab denied the authenticity of the purported interview. The Long War Journal had inquired with HSM Press Office about the validity of the interview on March 27. "Renowned for fabricating news, SomaliaReport now alleges to have 'obtained a rare, exclusive telephone interview' with Sh. Robow 2 days ago," Shabaab said in its first tweet about the interview. "Neither has Sheikh Abu Mansur Robow nor anyone from HSM, at any point in time, given an interview or spoken to anyone from SomaliaReport," Shabaab continued. "All interviews allegedly conducted with Sh. Robow are entirely fictitious & do not in any way represent the views and opinions of the Sheikh," Shabaab concluded. The suspect interview with Robow claimed to cover a variety of areas, including Shabaab's recent withdrawal from several cities, the controversy over a statement by American Shabaab commander Omar Hammami and his alleged arrest, negotiations with the government, and Robow's disagreements with Shabaab's emir, Sheikh Muktar Abu Zubayr Godane. Several Somali officials contacted by The Long War Journal had expressed skepticism over the validity of the interview. "I strongly believe that this is yet another bogus interview claimed usually by foreign media outlets to have conducted with top Shabaab leaders including their Amir Sheikh Muqtar Abu Zubayr," one Somali intelligence official told The Long War Journal the day the interview was published. Mr. Abdulkadir Wa'ays, the former Somali researcher for the United Nation's Security Council and a leading authority on Shabaab, told The Long War Journal that many media outlets are often manipulated by factions inside Somalia. "I believe that the founder of Somalia Report "Over the past years there has been a misleading campaign of bogus reports alleging that Shabaab has been teetering on the brink of a major split because of a rift between its top two leaders into two camps of hard-line Islamists from Somalia's North led by Leader Sheikh Mukhtar Abu Zubayr and nationalist Islamists from Somalia's South led by the group's deputy, Sheikh Mukhtar Robow," he continued. "This campaign is being waged by groups with vested interests who want to use this fabricated classification of Shabaab as a means to protect their criminal clansmen in Shabaab from being held responsible for their crimes. I believe that Somalia Report's alleged interviews with Shabaab's leaders, including Sheikh Robow, are just part of that campaign. Somalia Report was forced to retract a "fabricated" interview with Somali Prime Minister Abdiweli Ali the very same day it published the interview with Robow. "On March 23, Somalia Report published an interview by Shukria Abdi purportedly with Prime Minister Abdiweli Mohamed Ali of the Somali Transitional Federal Government, entitled 'PM Abdiweli Mohamed Ali Speaks,'" Jaay Bahadur, the managing editor, admitted in a statement released on its website. "It has since been revealed that Ms. Abdi had never contacted Prime Minister Ali, and her interview was entirely fabricated." Also, last year, Somalia Report published dozens of false reports of purported US drone strikes against Shabaab in Somalia. These reports were also published by PressTV, an Iranian news outlet.
  14. Abu Mansur was always a realist. This is the same man that threw a grand reception & a feast for Xaabsade when Al Shabab captured Baidoba. His struggles are motivated single-handedly by a desire to correct historical injustices against his clan group. The departure of Al Shabab from Mogadishu coincided with Ina Godane & Afghani's mistreatment & oppression of wounded fighters from Abu Mansur's clan which led to the current decay & on-goining collapse of Al Shabab. We need to understand the bigger picture to get the true internal dynamics regarding Al Shabab. Abu Mansur Al Amriki's frantic video message was not born out of a vacuum. Real events led to it.
  15. Somalia;810049 wrote: No major changes. We move forward. I don't know whether you are mentally handicapped or it's in your troll nature to write none sense everywhere but today's agreement reverses previous attempt to have Puntland, Galmudug, TFG & ASWJ to solely hand-pick the constitutional Approval Committee & relegates that power to the clan elders based on 4.5 in order to protect the clan balance in Somalia. It's very significant change & more revisions will follow to make this unilateral process more acceptable to the Somali people*
  16. Are you guys doubting the authenticity of the interview or the fact that there's an informal negotiations between Abu Mansur/ Hassan Aweys & TFG? If its the former, then that's open to debate but there's no doubt there's an informal discussions between Abu Mansur/Aweys & the TFG. The TFG Parliament Speaker Sharif Hassan has reportedly spoken with Abu Mansur who he shares familial relations with when the speaker went to Baidoba recently. This plus the recent meetings in Villa Somalia between president Sh Sharif & representatives on behalf of Abu Mansur & Aweys makes the SomaliaReport quite plausible & credible. Give it sometime, more news will follow in the weeks to come, inshallah
  17. About a month ago, I reveled that Abu Mansur & Hassan Dahir Aweys are in negotiations with President Sh Sharif Sh Ahmed led TFG Government.*In what is the first public admittance & a landmark candid interview Abu Mansur a senior ranking Al Shabab official has confirmed in an interview with SomaliaReport that he's in fact in negotiations with members of the government & has presented a reasonable & modest pre-conditions and openly criticized Al Shabab's union with Al Qaida. He also confirms his conflict with Ina Godane- The Shabab leader Would you ever be willing to negotiate with the TFG?* Yes, this is my expectation. The possibility of negotiating with the TFG is promising, but there are some pre-conditions that would make it possible for me to come to the negotiation table and solve our differences. What are these conditions?* There are various conditions, but the main ones are:* 1. Foreign troops must withdraw from Somalia 2. The TFG must allow the building of a coalition government in which each and every Somali participates to elect their choice of leader 3. The constitution of Somalia must be based on Islamic Sharia law Are there any TFG officials you contact regularly?* Yes, because although people can have different beliefs and roles in different organizations, at the same time we are brothers and sisters who come from one big Somali family. So I communicate them and also we also meet if and when possible. *Please give us the names of those people?* Absolutely not, I won't reveal the names of the specific people. What is the current status of your relationship with (al-Shabaab transnationalist leader) Ahmed Godane? Is it true that you argued with him in Kismayo recently about al-Shabaab joining al-Qaeda last month? Yes, it is true that we disagree reasonably and it is normal that leaders argue in one way or another. Personally, I did not support the idea of joining al-Qaeda, and everything has a natural process. We have to solve what is going on in Somalia first, before we proceed as an international organization. According to the information I have, a formal talks will begin in Doha in the month of April, 2012. For the sake of the suffering Somali people, let's hope Al Shabab compromises & renounces violence*
  18. This & similar revisions will make the unilateral Garowe Accords more representative & acceptable to the Somali People. Kulankii maanta Magaalada Galkacyo uga socday saxiixayaashii Heshiiskii Road Map-ka ayaa goor dhow la soo gaba gabeeyay, iyadoo la isku raacay in wax laga bedelo qodobadii horay loogu heshiiyay shirka Garowe 2. Shirkan oo ay ka qeyb galeen Madaxda ugu sareysa dowladda, Ahlusuna, Galmudug, Puntland iyo Qaramada Midoobey, waxaana looga hadlayay waxyaabihii ka qabsoomay heshiisyadii hore Warar horu dhac ah oo la helayo ayaa sheegaya in dhinacyada ka qeyb galaya shirka ay isku raaceen 11-qodob oo loogu magac daro Galkacyo Principle (Mabaa'diida Galkacyo) oo la mid ah kii Garowe Principle. Wararka qaar ayaa sheegaya in heshiiskii Garowe 2 wax laga bedelayo, iyadoo haatan la isku raacay qodobada horu dhaca ah Qodobadan horu dhaca ayaa waxaa ka mid ahaa:- 1-In la dhimo tirada dadkii ka qeybgali lahaa ansixinta dastuurka taasi oo heshiiskii Garoowe uu dhigayey in tiradu noqoto 1,000qofood waxaana hada la isku raacay in laga dhigo 825 xubnood dadka ansixinaya dastuurka uu dalku yeelanayo ayadoo arintaasina ay ku timid qaabka lagusoo xulayo oo ah qaabka 4.5. 2- In 135 oday dhaqameed ay soo xulaan ergada ansixinta iyo xildhibaannada cusub wuxuuna qodobkaasi bedelayaa qodob ka mid ah qodobada heshiisyadii Garoowe oo ahaa in ergadu ay soo xuli doonaan oo qura saxiixayaasha heshiisyadii Garoowe iyo Road-Mapka. 3-In 25 April lagu qabto Muqdisho gaar ahaan xarunta Gaadiidka Booliiska oo ah madasha loo asteeyey in dastuurka loogu qabto shir odayaasha dhaqanka kaasi oo saxiixayaasha heshiisyada garoowe iyo gaalkacyo ay kala tashan doonaan qaabka looso xulayo ergada dastuurka ansixin doonta. 4-In 15-May in la qabto shirkii ugu horeeyey ee ansixinta dastuurka kaasi oo isna lagu qabanayo isla xarunta Gaadiidka Booliiska ee magaalada Muqdisho. 5-Qodobada kale ee heshiiska ku jira ayaa waxaa kamid ah in beel walba ay soo xulato laba qofood oo u metesha xildhibaannimada iyadoo labadaasi qofoodna midkood la qaadanayo amaba uu xildhibaan noqonayo hadii uu sharuudaha buuxiyo ayadoo sharuudahana ay ku xusanyihiin heshiisyadii Garoowe. Qodobada rasmiga ah ee lagu heshiinayo ayaa la filayaa in goor dhow dhinacyada ay saxiixaan saxaafadana loo soo bandhigo, ha yeeshee waxaa soconaya kulamo gaar gaar ah oo ay leeyihiin ergooyinka ka qeyb galeysa. Hoyga wararka Somaliyeed
  19. Odayaasha, waxgaradka, Siyaasiyiinta, Xildhibaanada Beelaha Mudullood oo dhambaal tacsi ah soo gaarsiiyay Bogga ayaa tacsi u diray qoyskii, qaraabadii iyo Umadii Soomaaliyed uu ka geeriyooday Allaha u naxariistee Madaxweynihii hore Soomaaliya Col. C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed. Dhambaalka Tacsida ayaa waxaa eebbe looga baryay Madaxweynihii hore, inuu Janadii Fardowso eebbe ka waraabiyo, waxaa loogu baaqay dadka Soomaaliyed inay cafiyaan. Tacsida ayaa waxaa diraya:- Imaamka Beelaha Hiraab Islow Maxamed Yuusuf Cali Ugaas Cabdulle Madaxweynihii hore Cali Mahdi Maxamed Ra'iisul Wasaarihii hore Prof. Cali Maxamed Geeddi iyo Xaaskiisa Ra'iisul Wasaarihii hore Amb. Nuur Xasan Xuseen (Nuur Cadde) Xildhibaan Muuse Suudi Xildhibaan Salaad Cali Jeelle Xildhibaan Cumar Finish Xildhibaan C/llaahi Geeddi Shadoor Xildhibaan Xuseen Caraale Cadaan Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb Amb. Maxamed Cali Ameerika Ugaas Maxamuud Cali Ugaas Dr. Cusmaan Maxamed Gacal Ciise Axmed Cumar Yuusuf Xasan Maxamed (Yuusuf Yare) Sheekh Axmadey Fooley Xildhibaan Prof. C/llaahi Afrax Xildhibaan Muuse Cali Cumar Cadde Xasan Cali Gaabow Maxamed Cismaan Cali Dhagaxtuur Cabdi Jiinow Calasow Shariif Xuseen Jilacow Dhamaan Jaaliyadaha Beelaha Mudullood ee dibadaha, ganacsatada, dhalinyarada iyo Haweenka waxay tacsi qaran u dirayaan Umada Soomaaliyed iyo qoyskii uu ka baxay Marxuum C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed Madaxweynihii hore Soomaaliya oo saaka salaadii subax ka hor ku geeriyooday Isbitaalka Sheekh Zaa'id ee Magaalada Abuu Dubai ee dalka isu taga Imaaraadka Carabta. Hoyga wararka Somaliyeed****
  20. On personal issues the role of advisors is quite limited & in any case the overwhelming majority of his advisors are also folks from the Islamic Courts. The question of Abdullahi Yusuf Allahu Naxareesto was a personal question to both President Sh Sharif Sh Ahmed & the people of Mogadishu & yet they have transcended petty politics & animosity & did what's right. History will remember their gobnimo
  21. President Sh Sharif Sh Ahmed is a gracious victor. Hosting a state burial for a political rival & such a divisive figure as Abdullahi Yusuf AUN takes courage & statesmanship. Hats off to him!
  22. Great debate! People should be left free to hold personal views on historical events & groups. If the doctor thinks the SYL were criminals and opportunists, he has every right to question their motives. As Somalis we need these sorts of arguments in order to gain better understanding of each other. The cartoonish none sense understanding of history, the kind which some are propagating here is specifically counter-productive.
  23. Sensei;805514 wrote: Sounds little sinister. I agree, they will soon probably grant him the privilege of getting shot in the back of the head. The Shabab Tweet basically confirms there's a rift between Al Shabab.
  24. Maaddeey;805480 wrote: ولست أبالي حين أقتل مسلما* على أي جنب كان في الله مصرعي وذلك في ذات الاله وان يشأ*** يبارك على أوصال شلو ممزّع Af Carabiga si fiican buu u bartay! Look! The "Mujahideen" are deserting you!