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Everything posted by Recovering-Romantics

  1. If Goobale "deserted" "switched" sides because "Al Shabab was able to destroy his armies," can supporters of the troglodytic camp tell me, how come the entire legion of Al Shabab and their partners in carnage the Hizb-ul-Islam have been able to win the entire southern regions of Mogadishu yet not cross a single block in Northern Mogadishu? Despite your high spirited cries of " Islam and Muslims and Dalka" the war in Mogadishu is purely a clan war. No amount of propoganda can erase that.
  2. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: quote: the first President to come close to unifying the country Apparently to him, hiding around in Villa Somalia being slapped around by an Ethiopian general equals "unifying Somalia," simple because the old quisling was able to enter Mogadishu at last
  3. It is sad when we have to celebrate and congratulate one another over a charter plane landing on a dirt.
  4. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^lool. If you are going to make up stories then at least get the timelines correct. Yusuf fought as a comander of Somali armies in 1964 & 1977. He also fought Siyad barre, and was arrested for 6 years in solitary for insulting Menghestu attempt on balan bale. Yusuf fought Aydeed and the mauaruding USC, was the founder of Puntland, the first President to come close to unifying the country. Who resigned went into retirement oversaw an open election in Puntland for health reasons resides in Yemen as a Guest of HE Ali Abdala Salah. Keep telling yourself these endless fantasies that Abdullahi Yusuf was a nationalist, that he never came to Mogadishu in the 90s to beg Aideed to join his Salbalaar government and that he resigned for the sake of Somalia after killing thousands of women and children. The facts won't go away. It is almost as pathetic as going to Yemen for "health reasons"
  5. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^loool. Adeer insulting Yusuf [who founded Puntland which is peacefull and progressing] will not cover up the weaknesses of your argument. Yusuf a nationalist fought and defeated these clowns when they attacked him. Then they started a clan wailing and madness in the city which resulted in the deaths of thousands. Now the same madness continues and there is no Yusuf to blame, no Ethiopia to blame. Also Yusuf never sold the rich sea of Somalia. If those wars were rightous then this one is also rightous right? You do not get it, and thats the real tragedy. Abdullahi Yusuf the great nationalist fought on the side of the Ethiopians in 1977 and flew the Ethiopian flag over Balanbaale in the 1980s. He didn't have time to sell Somali seas because he was busying curving up the LAND for Meles
  6. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^nah adeer the blame should lie with those who for 19 years have been using the city as a battle ground. Every time a new excuse, "Ethiopia" was the biggest and Sharif Ahmed was a tool used to destroy the last government so he could sell the sea basin full of oil to poor little Kenya. It is time for a rethink and a big one. Some of the wars fought in this city were righteous. For example the one against the late dictator in 1991 and the one that dislodged the warlords in 2006. Besides, Abdullahi Yusuf was a petty quisling who is rotting in a Yemeni house-arrest. Keep your deranged fantasies of a patriotic Abdullahi Yusuf to yourself. Despite the eternal propagandization of the maritime deal, the fact remains that no-one has sold Somalia's maritime territory. You will go along way in educating yourself if you read the facts on more analytical basis instead of fantasying about the reality.
  7. Blame it on this incompetent imbecile president who believes that these troglodytic gangs will accept peace negotiations and join the peace process. He is an accomplice to a massacre. If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.
  8. Residential development in Ceel Dheere Hospital in Ceel Dheere
  9. It is such a shame that a foreigner has more hope in Somalia than Somalis themselves. Just goes to show the poor state of affairs in this cursed country.
  10. The anti-peace forces are embolden as a result of Sh Hassan Dahir Aweys' arrival coupled with the sheer incompetence of this Sharif government in protecting the innocent women and children that it was created to serve. For every innocent person that dies as a result of the reckless and genocidal attacks waged by these Takfiri groups, the Sharif government shares a considerable amount of blame for doing absolutely nothing. Every interview he gives, Sh Sharif says " the talks are progressing very well," meanwhile, the Takfiri groups never miss a chance to denounce and claim " there will be no talks with this government till A,B,C.....X, Y Z,1, 2 3 ... are accomplished." Unless this incompetent government grows 2 nuts, nothing will change, people will continue to die, hopes will continue to be shattered and these heaven-bound teenagers manipulated by conniving evil individuals will continue to wreck hell in Mogadishu. Sad reality of Mogadishu today.
  11. Originally posted by Kashafa: @ the hubris of Xiin. Otay, Xiin. Let's do a quick situation analysis, shall we ? As of April 23, 2009, the confederation of Islamists(as they are not yet centralised) directly control and govern: Gedo, Jubada Hoose, Jubaada Dexe, Shabeelada Hoose, Shabeelada Dhexe, Bay, Bakool, Afgooye, and some other gobols a novice like myself wouldn't know. They control the strategic seaports of Kismaayo and Merka. They control the seat of TFG where the Ethiopian invasion and occupation was directed from, Baido. They control a little bit over 50% of Mogadisho. More importantly and speaking in purely strategic and military terms, they control the critical breadbaskets of Jubba and Shabbele. History has shown any army that controls the food supplies/resources always wins. In short, they control over 300,000 square kilometers of the most strategic terroritry in the South Somalia. As of April 23, 2009: Sharif Ahmed's militia rabble control the other 50% of Mogadisho, aided and abbeted by their African Union guests and brothers. They control parts of Hiiraan, including cities like Jowhar and Beled-weyne. That's about it. If you think there's more, please enlighten me. Now, abti, faced with the data above, you can do one of two things: Resort to hubris, is-yeel-yeel, Is-Qancis as a coping mechanism to mask your desperate situation......or accept the reality on the ground and deal with it as such. Every credible analyst has conceded that Political Islam, represented on the ground by men like Al-Aweys, Al-Turki, Al-Mansoor, is the victor in Somalia, and that it's only a matter of weeks/months before it sweeps all the other competing entities(SL, PL, Islaax/Ikhwaan, Suufi, etc) Uptil now you've chosen the former. No problem. Coping mechanism mar mar waa loo baahanyahay. But don't make the mistake of confusing your wishes with the facts. I know you dearly wish to see a Somali government, even if it surpasses the despotic regime you grew up under in sheer dhulinimo. Dagahaaga waxaa ka yeeraayo the Somali anthem that used to be sung every morning in Jamaal Cabdi-Nasser High School. And you are willing to do anything, including sacrificing morals, deen, and dhaqan, in order to get that semblance of peace and stability back. And so, just like an junkie compelled to get his fix for the day, you jump in bed with Ethiopia. And Cabdi-Qaybdiid. And Cumar Xaashi. And Ban Kii Moon. And Jendaayi Frazer. And Seyoumo Mesfin. And so, you turn your guns, your hatred, your enmity against the very same men and women who shed their blood in the battles of Araare, Luuq, Istaadiyum Muqdisho, and Idaale so that you could live in honour, in peace, as Somali-Muslim of the Horn of Africa. No problem, abti. This your life, you choose how to live it. Laakin hal mid ogow: When you make your bed, you best sleep in it. Hadootee waxba ma tarayso: "Alaaaayaaay waanala xasooqay, naga soo gaaraaa. This is BARBARIC. THIS IS EVIL. THIS SAVAGERY. AGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH H" I heard that wailing from your boy Jimcaale and I sincerly hope you don't have to utter those wails of lamentation and despair yourself. Your boy Jimcaale said Ethiopia was a better choice, I hope you I don't hear you say Secularism is a better choice(rationalising that u'll get that military aid from your foriegn sponsors.) But it's a choice you're going to have to make. Choose well. Sleep well. No hard feelings. What is even more sadder than the fairy-tales you want us to belief is the fact that you are willing to take criminal gangs such as Al Shabab as your guides to a better future.
  12. Cusbitaal Cusub oo la magac baxay Macaani Voluntary Hospital oo maanta laga furay Deegaanka Garasbaalay ee duleedka Magaalada Muqdisho
  13. Originally posted by Kashafa: quote: His tentacles stretch as far as Puntland and even further into Somaliland. While he doesn't have the ability to overthrow the governing entities up North, he does have significant capacity to destabilize them. Thank you for stating the obvious. Typified in the response of the poster below you, you'll see that many folks are in acute denial of the reality on the ground. It strikes fear in their hearts that Al-Turki, Al-Aweys, and Al-Godane wield immense influence and power all across the Horn of Africa. Well, to them I say, ciil iyo caro la dhimo. But you're mistaken on one regard: The only thing preventing the Islamists from dismantling the Ethiopian protectorates of Pissland and is the turbelent situation down Souf. As soon aa Koonfurta lagu kala baxo, and a centralised Islamic admin is set-up from Moga-Dish to Kismaayo, I think we both know it's only a matter of a sustained campaign before the SL/PL militia are sent packing into Ethiopia.(where they will be re-armed and re-trained and re-christened as the New SNM and the New SSDF). Good thing for the Islamists, SL/PL hate each other guts so bad that a temporary alliance of convenience is out of question. You have really hit the nail right on the head on this post. The ideologies of Sh Dahir Aweys and the other crooked characters in his movement goes beyond correcting the situation of Somalia and murks into a some perverted notion of bringing the entire world under the swords of Islam. He has flatly refused to even entertain the idea of meeting his own clan elders few days ago in Sudan. One would be foolish to expect him to have had a sudden change of heart during his plane ride to Somalia. The Sharif government has failed miserably failed to seize the initiative from the very onset when the entire population of Mogadishu was firmly behind his government and at a time when the terror groups operating in Mogadishu and throughout the South were very weak and disorganized. They have now bought time, organized themselves and are going for the home-run. All because of Sh Sharif's utter incompetence and senseless thinking that he could some-how reason with these heaven-bound gangs. Lord have mercy. Regards, Twisted_Logic
  14. Originally posted by Captain Warya: Who's the guy with the cimama? I am guessing Pro.Ibrahim Caddow