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Everything posted by Recovering-Romantics

  1. Samsung;814481 wrote: Somalia: Suicide blast 'will not deter TFG from fighting Al Shabaab' says PM Gaas 4 Apr 4, 2012 - 8:45:04 AM MOGADISHU, Somalia Apr 4 2012 (Garowe Online) - Prime Minister Abdiweli Mohamed Gaas says that TFG will not deter from its course of fighting Al Shabaab following a suicide bomb blast at an event in the capital, Radio Garowe reports. At an event celebrating the one year anniversary of Somalia National Television after of being off the air after the collapse of the government. An Al Shabaab agent reportedly a woman strapped herself with explosives and targeted ministers, MPs and various officials at the event. But the main target was Prime Minister Gaas who at the time was giving a speech at the event, he escaped unharmed. Scores were injured in the blast although it is still unclear how many died, two top sports officials Aden Yabarow Wiish head of Somalia's Olympic Committee and Saeed Mohamed Nuur head of Somali Football Federation are confirmed dead. Prime Minister Gaas held a press conference a few hours after the blast stating that the attack was a failed attempt to deter government officials from ridding Somalia of Al Shabaab. "This will not scare us nor will it deter us from our path. Al Shabaab is facing defeat that is why they are reverting to weak and despicable tactics such as these. Innocent civilians were killed in the blast and the TFG government is working improve our security so such attacks like these do not happen," said PM Gaas. The Prime Minister sent condolences to the family of the 4 people who were killed in the blast and the many more injured including Minister of Planning Abdullahi Barre was injured in the blast but his injuries are not severe. Prime Minister Gaas thanked the security officials, troops and policemen who have been successful in stopping Al Shabaab from committing attacks like these in Mogadishu countless times. Although security has been tightened attacks in Mogadishu have been commonplace, attacks by the Al Shabaab have usually been at night and with few casualties. Analysts who spoke to GO say that this bold attack by the terrorist group was another failed attempt in regaining steam and will result in momentum for the TFG who have been gaining much ground from the Al Shabaab. GAROWE ONLINE Tough talk for a man that is not even willing to pay the salary of the troops doing the fighting. We need to see more action & less threats.
  2. All this Humpty Dumpty Prime Minister needs to show that he's serious about security & safety of not just the people of Mogadishu but of even his own cabinet is to pay the salary of the TFG Troops. For months, the brave men & women battling Al Shabab have seen not a single penny & time & again had been betrayed by this prime minister.*
  3. The perverted idea that the President will assassinate his prime minister in a hall filled with the President's own relatives is beyond sickening. But it just goes to show that appeasement doesn't work.*
  4. Shinbir Majabe;814359 wrote: R-R, wali wax news ah lagama hayo Qarax ka dhacay Madaxtooyada maanta. Sorry for the confusion. Fortunately, this report has proven to be false. I was on the phone with Mogadishu when I made this thread & I was told that text messages ( SMS) were being spread alleging a second attack at Villa Somalia. I should have double checked.* *Sincere apologies
  5. Peacedoon;814292 wrote: I said it before and iam going to repeat: the problems started when people from Ceelasha Biyaha and bay & bakool moved in the city after 6 august. Terrorist owned websited announced that "mujahidiin" were part of the 300.000 refugees back from ceelasha biyaha & bay bakool. The government should deal atmost extreme against any suspect, shoot to kill must be applied. The last thing we need is to discriminate against the Somali people & enact laws that determine who can or can not enter Mogadishu.
  6. Shinbir Majabe;814297 wrote: Source? Its still incoming reports. You have to wait few hours or minutes for the media to report
  7. Shinbir Majabe;814284 wrote: at Villa Somalia? mise kan Tiyaatarka ayaad sheegeysaa.. Another one at Villa Somalia
  8. Inaa Lilaah wa Inaa Ileyhi Raajicuun Today is devastatingly sad day for the Somali people.
  9. Ina lilahi wa Ina ileeyhi raajicuun So many relatives in the martyred list. Subhanallah
  10. Shinbir Majabe;814186 wrote: Mid cusub ma jiro, wali waa qabyo-qoraal. haddii aad heyso mid cusub Fadlan inoo sheeg. It will be presented on April 15th as per the drafting committee
  11. General Duke;814181 wrote: Again, the TFG does not give a single penny to Puntland and has never done so. If you believe the Turkish Scholarships and International assistance comes from the revenues of Mogadishu ports revenue is another matter. As for the second point, Galmudug and Hiiraan should get assistance. The problem here is that they dont have any assets to collect revenue from and thats the major difference between them and Puntland, which is much larger and has a number assets including the Bosaso port, Galkacyu, Garowe aiports and efficient tax collection service in place The Galgacayo Accords by PM Omar Abdirashid Sharmarke clearly call for TFG financial assistance to Puntland. The TFG should be financing the Hobyo Port & Baladweyne's Airport, this is a better investment than rewarding Farole's shenanigans.
  12. General Duke;814182 wrote: Ahh interesting. Who are his people? Be specific. Read his title.
  13. General Duke;814172 wrote: Ahmed Diiriey is a clan old man, he is not a constitutional expert and thus his views dont carry weight when it comes to this delicate issue. Again, he's a clan elder & the constitution has a negative impact on his people.
  14. General Duke;814171 wrote: This is quite interesting. So the Galkacyu agreement stated that revenue from Mogadishu port & airport should be given to Puntland? This is news to me adeer, I need clarification from you. As for PM Abdiweli I dont think you can blame him for the results of the Istanbul conference and the success of Faroole in getting attention for the State. Next you might blame him for the Oil exploration in Dharoor. Galmudug, Hiiraan and other regions need to build a credible State the likes of Puntland or Somaliland, one can not take thse half regions seriously, when they have built their States then it will be easier for them to get support and revenue from their sea/air ports. The entire budget of the TFG is derived from the tax collected from Mogadishu ( as stated even by the President himself in the Universal TV Debate in London); hence when the TFG makes financial contribution to Puntland, it is money coming directly from the pockets of the people of Mogadishu. With regards to lack of TFG Contributions to Galmudug & Hiiraan State, they can not make progress without the active support & assistance from the TFG. This is why they need more focus & assistance in their formative stages than Puntland. But it seems the PM is only concerned with Puntland.*
  15. Shinbir Majabe;814088 wrote: Haddii aad u baahato Dastuurka oo dhamaystiran waxaad ka eegtaa boggaan: That's not the new one but a draft made in 2010.
  16. General Duke;814158 wrote: Again you have brought no valid argument what so ever aside from old confused Ahmed Diiriye is seeing a certain clan in his nightmares. Ahmed Dirie is a clan elder & his views hold weight, maybe not to you, but to the people he represents.
  17. Qandalawi;814155 wrote: Same old story, same old crocodile tear and some old tactics to keep hostage the Somali capital and derail the progress has been made thus far. People attack Garowe for clanish reasons, but Garowe Somaali ayay isku keentay inay iyagu iskood ugu wada doodaan waxna kuheshiiyaan. Dastuurku waxba maqabo haday wax jiraana wax wayn and certainly not things that would favor Faroole or his region over others but Garowe ayaa cuqdad dadka kahaysaa but it is a Somali city. Don't fool yourself. The progress made in Mogadishu has been made by its people & they have every right to determine their destiny. The Garowe Gathering was a unilateral coup by Farole to impose a thinly veiled clan agenda on the people of Mogadishu.
  18. General Duke;814153 wrote: Hold your horses adeer. What has the International Communities scholarships and assistance got to do with Mogadishu's port & aiport revenue? You seem to be jumping from one issue to the next at will. Puntland does not receive a single penny from tax revenue outside of the State. Thus now are you saying they should not get any scholarships from the Turks, or any forms of international community assistance? Can you kindly clarify this for me? Thanks Part of the tax money collected in Mogadishu finds its way to Puntland & deals signed between the TFG & Puntland such as the ones signed Galgacayo in 2010 clearly stipulate financial contribution to Puntland. In return, Puntland contributes nothing except creating one artificial political crisis after another. Puntland has the right to receive international aid & scholarships. But why is the current Prime Minister only interested in Puntland & not other regions such as Galmudug, Hiiraan State, & other regions? As I said, It's a clan agenda; and Farole & Co. are attempting to legalize this theft and present it as a constitution. Its quite laughable, really.
  19. Naxar, I don't know where they make folks like you, but revenue sharing is part & parcel of the constitution. You need to educate yourself.
  20. General Duke;814141 wrote: Again, the laughable notion Ahmed Diiriye is a constitutional expert. You do not have to be a constitutional expert to know that this so-called constitution is a big joke.
  21. Che -Guevara;814143 wrote: Somaligalbeed is under occupation!! But decision of sovereign State to grant citizenship is within reason. I bet you hold Western Passport. Naxar....Parliament will codify the laws and provide mechanisms to implement them. You bet right that I hold a Western Passport from a nation built from the ground up by immigrants. Yes, a gradual occupation that manifested itself ultimately. You can limit your citizenship for all scheme to kilinka-5aad. Don't share your fetish with us because we are not interested.
  22. Naxar Nugaaleed;814140 wrote: all those angry posts romantic and not a single thing pointed as what is wrong with the constitution? I have an issue though, lol, the source of the law is to be the Quran and Hadith. What is the need for lawmakers or a parliament if that is so. I have already pointed out that the issue of Mogadishu & granting citizenship to non-ethnic Somalis is not going to be acceptable to the Somali people. Let's wait till April 15th, for more preposterous laughable suggestions. I am surprised they didn't present this thing on April 1st as an elaborate April Fool's Joke.*
  23. General Duke;814138 wrote: I agree, you also know the flip side of this is that the current government in Mogadishu does not pay anything towards the running of Puntland admin, does not provide public service to the people of Puntland. Yet it claims to be the national government and Puntland recognize it. Thus why are you upset? If Mogadishu does not pay anything to Puntland yet Puntland State recognize Mogadishu as the capital and this benefits Mogadishu in terms of international attention, embassies, schools being built, airport reconstruction as is the Turkish case. Why are you upset? That's not true. Puntland gets a percentage of the international aid given to the Somali government ( in fact, more than anyone else), it's students are being sent to Turkey & other countries for scholarship & infrastructure *developments that is given to the Somali Government also are shared with Puntland. Yet Puntland adds nothing of value to the government in Mogadishu except manufacturing one artificial political crisis after another. Just today, the salaries of TFG Troops in the Jubba & Gedo Region were paid...with tax money levied on the people of Mogadishu. Under the upcoming so-called Constitution, this robbery will be legalized & the people of Mogadishu will gain almost nothing in return. It's an unprecedented immoral act & it should be fought.*