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Posts posted by Recovering-Romantics

  1. Originally posted by me:

    ^Spoken like a true collaborator.

    Opposing the agenda of these anarchist groups doesn’t make one a fan of Ethiopia. Again your lack of logic is coming to light.


    Originally posted by me:

    Trying to muddy the water in order to cover the Ethiopian tracks.

    No-one needs to cover the tracks for Ethiopia. The anarchists attempts to do everything to destabilize and provide opportunities for Ethiopia and the World to intervene will themselves create situation where Ethiopia in the final analysis will be justified in securing its “borders,” and disbanding these anarchists as it has done so in the past. For every Jowhar and Baletwayne that they capture, the Ethiopians will continue to receive the moral and diplomatic support necessary to crush these gangs not only in the World Stage but in Somalia itself. The Somali people have already waken up to the true intentions of these anarchists and thus the path is already paved the way for the eventual destruction of these Khawariji groups.


    To expect Ethiopia to sit back and watch these gangs threaten its security, right or wrong, is as deluded as the belief that these same cavemen have the capability to liberate Jerusalem, Alaska and Japan.


    Originally posted by Farancab :

    Therefore you can't conclude that Ethiopia is not supporting the Ahlusunnas when both of them have common interst of fighting against the Alshabab-HIS

    Of course we can conclude so because there is no evidence to suggest otherwise. Despite the repeated tantrum by kasha, me and other like-minded deluded teenagers, there is no credible evidence to suggest that Ahlu Sunnah receives support from the Ethiopian regime. Why? Because it is not true.


    Originally posted by Farancab :

    I do agree however with the general premise that there is no evidence in our hands right now, but give it time and every thing will come out, why not?

    In the mean-time, we should displace innocent families and kill our way through in order to further a very perverted ideology and engage in a fraudulent blood-thirsty orgy of displacement and massacre. It would be comical if it wasn’t so sad.

  2. Originally posted by me:

    Answer this RR,


    6. If Erireas goal is to irritate Ethiopia and the side effect of Eritreas goal is that Somalia is liberated, then I see no problem with that, do you?

    Nothing will be liberated. It will be an eternal war and Somalis will be the causalities.


    Just like Afghanistan isn't better off today because " the merciful Americans" have come to arm the Mujahideen against the Soviets only to create a religious monster that rules through a very perverted interpretations of the Quran.


    And who are you going to liberate the country from? From this weakling president that has never bunched some-one? Pray to God that you have Sharif as your "enemy."


    Soon a hard rain will pour over these anarchists and you will reap what you sow.

  3. Originally posted by me:

    quote:Originally posted by Recovering-Romantics :

    I was expecting you to say something like this.


    If you have the slightest understanding of international politics you would understand that “there are no permanent friends bur rather only permanent interests.” Eritrea is following its agenda of keeping Ethiopia busy and occupied in Somalia so that it doesn’t have to deal with it directly. There is a cold-war raging on in Somalia today. Ethiopia and Eritrea are playing the role of USSR and USA and poor Somalia is 1980s Afghanistan. In the final analysis, it will be the Somalis who will suffer and continue their path of self-destruction simply to further a foreign agenda.


    Despite Sharif’s eternal shortcomings, one thing you have to respect him is for the fact that for the first time in many decades, Ethiopia has been forced to disengage itself from Somalia and there is a litany of evidence for this. On the other hand, Eritrea has increased its involvement of Somalia and ships weapons and trainers into our country for the simply goal of irritating Ethiopia.



    1. Che the SOL nomad had a signiture that said, there are no eternal national allies only eternal national interest or something I that line and I believe that.

    2. Eritreas and Somalias alliance today is a natutal one, our interest do not conflict at the moment.

    3. Do not insult the inteligence of SOL nomads by claiming Ethiopia has been forced to disengage itself from Somalia due to Sharifs actions.

    4. Sharif cant force anyone to do anything, he doesn’t event control the capital of the country he is supposed to govern.

    5. Ethiopia is very much active in meddling in the Somali affairs today.

    6. If Erireas goal is to irritate Ethiopia and the side effect of Eritreas goal is that Somalia is liberated, then I see no problem with that, do you?
    In what world are Somalia and Eritrea “natural allies.” Please tell me this. The end doesn’t have to justify the means.


    And yes, it is true that Sharif doesn’t control anything for 2 main reasons:


    1) The mad-man of Eritrea is not happy with him since he ditched him and thus is using his allies in the Hizb-ul-Islam to cause trouble in Somalia to further a very selfish agenda


    2) The inherent incompetence of Sh Sharif and his inability to use force to dislodge these religious thugs. The poor man believes that peace is still possible


    Ethiopia is active in Somalia. There is no denying that. But its involvement is limited to supporting warlords like Hiiraale and others. It has NO role in the Central Government.


    About insulting intelligence. You and your fellow anarchist-sympathize rs have already insulted our intelligence when you expect us to believe in your perverted concepts of “good kafir” vs. “bad kafir.”

  4. Originally posted by me:

    Somalia and Eritreas interests are not in conflict today, so why are you comparing Eritreas help with Ethiopias meddling?


    I agree with you Eritrea is after its national interest, but Eritreas national interest and Somalias national interest are not in conflict today and when there is a conflict of interest…then we will cross that bridge when we get there.


    The issue at hand is that Ethiopia the enemy of Somali people everywhere is helping the Ahlu Sunnah pretenders. It is arming them and paying them so that the conflict in Somalia does not end.


    Ahlu Sunnah is not a pure and authentic Somali faction, it is an Ethiopian proxy.


    I think we agree that Ahlu Sunnah is no different then the warlords that Ethiopia armed in 2006 and we remmeber how that story ended.

    Of course Eritrea and Somali interests don’t conflict now because Somalia is weak and divided. Nevertheless, Eritrea is a predatory neighbor much like Ethiopia and this is evinced by its aggression against the Somali people of Djibouti. So your arguments that “ we will cross the bridge when we get there” doesn’t hold. We have already crossed it.


    So, once again, Eritrea and its mad-man are in the same mold as Ethiopia and its despot. Both are predatory groups that use poor and weaker peoples to advance their interests. One is not holier than the other.


    As of now, there is no shred of evidence to suggest that the Ahlu Sunnah guys are being supported by Ethiopia despite the foul cries of Al Shabab and Hizb-ul-Islam.

  5. Originally posted by me:

    Meiji are you comparing Ethiopia and Eritrea?


    Eritrea our natural ally and Ethiopia our eternal foe?


    Was it Eritrea that occupied Somalia? Is it Eritrea that occupies Somali lands and kills, rapes, starves millions of Somalis?


    If Eritrea helps us today, just like we helped them before in their hour of need then its true friendship. Eritrea is staying loyal to the pact of friendship between our two nations.


    Eritrea does not need Somalia today, it is Somalia that needs Eritrea. Furthermore Eritrea understands Somalia may be weak today but it is in the strategic interest of Eritrea to see a strong Somalia. Isn’t a strong Somalia what we also want?


    Eritreas help is no foreign meddling in our affairs, Eritreas help is the help of friendship.


    Ethiopia’s actions that is meddling in our internal affairs. Ethiopia arms warlords, kidnaps Somali citizens, holds thousands in prisons and tortures them.


    Let us respect the Eritrean people and thank them for helping us in this hour of darkness.

    I was expecting you to say something like this.


    If you have the slightest understanding of international politics you would understand that “there are no permanent friends bur rather only permanent interests.” Eritrea is following its agenda of keeping Ethiopia busy and occupied in Somalia so that it doesn’t have to deal with it directly. There is a cold-war raging on in Somalia today. Ethiopia and Eritrea are playing the role of USSR and USA and poor Somalia is 1980s Afghanistan. In the final analysis, it will be the Somalis who will suffer and continue their path of self-destruction simply to further a foreign agenda.


    Despite Sharif’s eternal shortcomings, one thing you have to respect him is for the fact that for the first time in many decades, Ethiopia has been forced to disengage itself from Somalia and there is a litany of evidence for this. On the other hand, Eritrea has increased its involvement of Somalia and ships weapons and trainers into our country for the simply goal of irritating Ethiopia.

  6. Originally posted by Meiji:

    quote:Originally posted by me:

    It is no secret.


    Ahlu Sunnah works for Ethiopia, Ethiopia arms them and they are the enemy of Somalia.


    The timoweyns, xers and other house ****** snitch on the ONLF all the time.

    Ahlu Sunna are clean fighters.


    But, what about those factions (Alshabab & Xisbi Islam) that have admitted themselves that they are backed by foreign powers?


    Alshabab admitted themselves that foreign fighters assist them, and Xisbi Islam have admitted that Eritrea is backing them and arming their soldiers.


    So, following the same logical reasoning would lead to the declaration of those two entities as the enemy of Somalia.
    You don't get it. Whoever supports Al Shabab and their partners in anrchy the Al Shabab thugs is a "good kafir" meanwhile anyone else who opposes them is the "bad kafir."


    This explains perfectly well why some on this forum continue to shut their eyes and ignore the stupidty of their arguments.


    A person's gaalnimo and goodness depends on Aweys' and Al Shabab's opinions. They are the final litmus test.

  7. Originally posted by Al Zeylaci:

    So if the Ethiopian soldiers crossed back into border and happen to rape, say your cousin or female relative, would it be sensible? Would it be the lesser of the two evil? Would you look check if sheih Machiavelli, and sheikh Edmund Burke, and sheikh Emmanuel Kant permit such things? How low are you willing to go( to achieve your aims) for what is considered to be the lesser of the two evil?






    I love this. After making all sorts of rants, he finally produces a doctored document as an evidence that the Ahlu Sunna is being supported by Ethiopia.


    Hizb-ul-Islam is under the payroll of Eritrea and its entire existence is to keep Ethiopia busy on its Eastern borders instead of dealing with Eritrea. In this regard, Hizb-ul-Islam is actually worse than this government that depends on AMISOM troops, because it fulfills the interests and goals of foreign governments who want to use Somalia as a proxy playground.

  8. As cities and towns continue to fall to the anarchists, Sh Sharif continues to believe in the false hope that the armed opposition can be tamed through talks and diplomacy. A heavily armed militia that took from Mogadishu to liberate the city of Jowhar from the ill-armed and few hundred Al Shabab and Hizb-ul-Islam thugs have been ordered back to Mogadishu by Sh Sharif in order " to save the people." One wonders that if Sharif's illogical cries of peace and not escalating the conflict are true, then how come he hasn't resigned and save the Somali people from the mayhem of the continued conflict? Or is Sharif in a secret relationship with his former anarchist buddies and thus his silence to the continued expansion of the anarchists just a ploy of a further Islamist agenda? This though far-fetched once is slow becoming the only credible explanation of Sharif's silence and incompetence as a leader.



    Madexweyne Shariif oo ku amaray ciidamadii gurmadka ahaa ee ku baxay magaalada Jowhar inay dib u soo noqdaaan.


    Warar lagu kalsoonyahay oo aanu ka helnay Madaxtooyada ayaa tibaaxaya in amar ka soo baxay xafiiska Madexweynaha uu amray in dhamaan ciidamo iyo gadiid dagaal oo dhawan ka ambabaxay magaalada Muqdisho oo ku jeeday maagaalada Jowhar kuwaas uu hogaaminaay C/llaahi Macallin Mukhtaar oo ah sarkaal sare oo ka tirsan ciidamada maxkamadaha garabka dowlada ku biiray ay sida ugu haboon ku soo galaan muqdisho.


    Sarkaal ku dhaw xafiiska madexweynaha oo diiday in magaciisa la shaaciyo ayaa u sheegay shabakada caalamiga ah ee in madexweyne shariif oo ka duulaayo dhibaatada ka soo gaari karto dagaal lagu qaado jowhar shacabka beeraleyda ah ee abaaruhu daashadeen sheegay in aaney suuro gal aheyn dagaal xillgaan ay dowladu ku qaado jowhar sababo uu ku sheegay madexweynuhu in daadinta dhiiga shacabka aan waxba galabsan ay keeni karto alle ka fogaasho cad.


    Taalaabooyinka uu madaxweynuhu kaga baaqsanayo dagaalo uu la galo kooxaha mucaardaka is biirsaday ee doonaya in ay dowlada majaxaabiyaan ayaa waxa ay soo dadajinkartaa burburka dowlada federalka soomaaliya.


    Dadka u dhuundaloola arimaha siyaasada ayaa waxa ay qabaan hadii anan dowladu la imaan istaraatiijiyo dagaal oo ay kaga hortageyso is faafinta kooxaha mayalka adag ay soo dadajin karto fashil ku yimaada hanaanka dowlada isla markaana ay keeni karto niyad jab shacabka soo wajaha maadaama ay gacan u galayaan kooxo mayal adag .


    Kuwa kale ayaa qaba in hadii ay dowlada aamusnaantaan ay ku sii socoto ay weyndoonta taageerada caalamiga ah badalkeedana horseedo faragelin toos ah oo ay kooxo ay ugu horeeyaan mareykanka iyo itoobiya ku soo galaan dalka si ay u wiiqaan awooda kooxaha islaamiyiinta ah kuwaasoo ay aaminsanyihiin inay gabaad siiyaan kooxo uu mareykanku baadi goob xoogan ugu jiro


    Madaxweyne shariif oo ku socdo wadadiisii ay aheyd dowlad dib u heshiissin ayaan nahay ayaa iminka waxa hortaal xikmada ah (when the diplomacy fail force must be applied ) taa oo micnaheedu yahay hadii wada xaajood wax lagu waayo waa in goobta dagaalka la tagaa .


    Hadaladaan ka soo yeeraya madexweyne shariif ee ku aadan ka baaqsiga dagaalka ayaa waxa ay ku soo beegmayaan xilli uu shalay shir jaraaid uu qabtay wasiirka wasaarada warfaafinta xukuumada midnimada qaran mudane farxaan cali maxamuud uu ku sheegay in aanay jirin wax dagaalo u qorsheysan dowlada uu garwadeenka ka yahay wadaadka qunyaro socodka ah ee sheikh shariif sheikh axmed.


    Dagaalada u muuqda kuwa siyaasadeysan ee ka soconaya gayiga soomaaliya isla markaana ay dadka horboodaya sheeganayaan difaacida diinta iyo dalka ayaa waxa ay sababeen barakaca kumanaan qoys yo geerida boqolaal soomaali ah .


    Isku soo wada duuboo talabada uu madexweyne shariif ku diiday weerar lagu qaado magaalada dhacda 90 km waqooyiga muqdisho ee jowhar ayaa waxa ay horseedi kartaa damaca ay ku taamayaan kooxaha diidan hananka jabuuti waxayna soo dadajin kartaa in ay si fudud ula wareegaan magaalooyinka jalalaqsi iyo baledweyn oo ah magaalooyinka kali ah ee ay ka taliyaan kooxo raacsan dowlada shariif.


    Abdirizak Mohamed mohamuud

    nabadjaceyl@hotmail. com


    Hooyga wararka Somaliyed m

  m/main/news.php?read more=2801

  9. Originally posted by Resistance:

    could it be that DR Ilamaan was misquates here. I think hr is basically saying that they are fighting the doctrine and system of this govemernment and not Shariif as an indivual , hence he is saying that even if he resigns the fight will continue against this government.


    Notice how the article deliberetly mis-quated him.

    Not being misquoted here.


    Aweys said the same thing too today. It is all political.

  10. Originally posted by General Duke:

    Sharif Ahmed knows how effective his old boss is and has called him for support to save the clan.

    Actually, Mohamed Dheere was forced on Sh Sharif. The situation is now almost out of Sharif's hands. Thus, any help will be appreciated.

  11. It is ON!


    Muqdisho: Maliishiyooyin beeleedyo ku biiraya dagaalada Muqdisho


    Muqdisho(AllPuntland )- Siyaasiyiin, Ganacsato iyo waxgarad kale oo ka soo jeeda Beesha Mudulood ayaa shir ay ku yeesheen degmada Kaaraan waxay ku go’aansadeen in ay si cad ugu biiraan maliishiyooyin ka tirsan beeshaasi dagaalada maalmahan ka socday Muqdisho kuwaasi oo soo gaaray deegaano aan horay looga baran rabshado.


    Maliishiyooyin saacadihii u danbeeyay soo galay Muqdisho oo ka yimid baadiyaha iyo kuwo taageersan Xildhibaan Muuse Suudi Yalaxow iyo Salaad Cali Jeelle ayaa si rasmi ah jiida hore ee dagaalada ka socdaan goordhow galay si ay difaac u noqdaan deegaanada ay Maliishiyooyinka Al-Shabaab doonayaan in ay soo galaan.


    Ganacsatada beesha Mudulood ayaa iyaguna hubkoodii dibada soo dhigay, kuwaasi oo ku biiray dagaalada, waxaana degmooyinka Shibis, Kaaraan iyo Yaaqshiid laga dareemayaa hub aruursi aan horay looga arag deegaanadaasi.


    Dagaalka oo barqanimadii maanta u soo dhowaaday Isgoyska Sanca ee degmada Kaaraan ayaa iminka wararku sheegayaan in uu ka yara durgay, uuna u dhaqaaqay dhinaca Afarta Jardiino iyo Siinaay markii ay maliishiyooyinkaasi ku soo biireen.


    Xaalada ayaa iminka ka duwan sidii hore ee dagaaladu ay ku bilowdeen, waxaana socda shirar kala duwan oo waxgaradka beesha Mudulood ay ku leedahay degmada Kaaraan iyo Shibis, kuwaasi oo looga hadlayo dagaalada socda iyo sidii ay isku difaafi lahaayeen.


    Cali Muxiyaddiin Cali

    muxiyaddiin@hotmail. com


    http://www.allpuntla ewer.asp?a=5155&z=2

  12. Originally posted by Kashafa:

    quote: As long as these terrorist groups continue to receive weapons and money from Eritrea

    You know, talking wild and reckless is pretty much standard operating procedure on SOL. But I'm gonna arrest you on this one.


    Prove it. Prove that Eritrea is sending weapons and money to the Mujahideen. Waxaa-la-yiri and Adeerkay-aa-ii-sheeg ay will not be accepted as sources.
    Prove what?


    Are you denying that Eritrea supports these cavemen simply to keep Ethiopia busy on its Eastern borders?


    Don't insult our intelligence.

  13. Originally posted by Kashafa:

    ^^ You need to
    , abti. Superficial assessment of international events is unbecoming of you.


    After you finish reading the article, come back and answer these questions.


    1- In the Somali political landscape, which side is being supported by the Western imperial powers ? Who is being sheltered and protected by Western-funded mercenaries ?


    2- Which side is being denounced as barbaric-terrorists ? Which side has the support the masses ? Which side has withstood the scheming and machinations of the entire Antarnashal Kamoonity ?


    3- Did Fatah not cheer on the destruction of Gaza ? Did Mubarak of Egypt not assist the Israeli onslaught by sealing of the Rafah border ?



    Again, once you fully digest the article and ponder on the questions above, you'll find my analogy very accurate, and then some. I could dedicate a whole thread to it, laakin short on time.

    Al Shabab has the support of the people? :confused:


    As long as these terrorist groups continue to receive weapons and money from Eritrea this government is justified in asking for international support.


    Al Shabab has stated just yesterday that its main goal is to liberate Palestine and bring the light of Islam to Alaska and Japan. Only a delusional person would support these anarchists.

  14. Is this the final piece of a missing puzzle?


    War deg deg ah: Maxamed Dheere oo goor dhow ka soo degay Garoonka Diyaaradaha Muqdisho, kadib markii loo yeeray.


    Gudoomiyihii hore ee Gobolka Banaadir Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb (M/Dheere) ayaa goor dhow ka soo degay Garoonka Diyaaradaha Muqdisho, iyadoona dib ugu soo laabashada Maxamed Dheere ee Magaalada Muqdisho ay warar is khilaafsan ka soo baxayaan, xilli dagaalo ay Mucaaradka ku dhow yihiin in guud ahaan Muqdisho kula wareegaan uu ka socdo qeybo ka tirsan Magalaada.


    Wararka ayaa sheegaya in Maxamed Dheere oo muddo shan bilood ka maqnaa Muqdisho tan iyo markii Ciidamada Ethiopia xabsi ku yaal Magaalada Baydhabo u taxaabeen ayaa la sheegayaa in imaanshihiisa ay ka dambeysay u yeerid ay Dowladda Federaalka u yeertay.


    Maxamed Dheere oo ku caan ah abaabulida dagaal, ayaa ka mid ah Hogaamiye kooxeedyadii dalka, ee loo tirinayo inay galeen dambiyo dagaal, waxaase la ogeyn waxa xilligan ku soo beegay imaanshihiisa.


    Wararka qaar ayaa sheegaya in Maxamed Dheere sababta loogu yeeray ay tahay inuu hogaamiyo Ciidamada Dowladda oo haatan laga itaal roonaanayo, inkastoo wararkaas aan si dhab ah loo cadeyn Karin.


    Laakiin dad qaar oo filan waa ku noqotay soo laabashada Maxamed Dheere, maadaama isaga iyo Madaxweynaha hada xilka haaya Shariif aanay wax xiriir ah ka dhaxeyn, hadana waxaa laga yaabaa inay dani isugu keentay, waxaase arrinta aadka looga digayo ay tahay ayaa ka digaya in dagaalka uu noqdo mid waji beeleed yeesho, bacdamaa la la xusuusto in Maxamed Dheere uu qeyb ka ahaa dagaaladii sokeeye.


    Wixii warar ee ku soo kordha socdaalka Maxamed Dheere kala soco Isha koowaad ee wararka xaqiiqda ah

  m/main/news.php?read more=2726



    Recovering siyad bare secularism nostalgia, sxb the days of Ataturk are over. Don't kill yourself. [/QB]

    Siyad Barre did it wrong.


    First step is behead these clerics and spare the innocent of their fitnah. Religion is for home use.

  16. Originally posted by Al Zeylaci:

    ^^yeah and you will pray in Somali somaha?
    Ataturk was a not a muslim btw.


    No Sir. Bob Dylan album comes out in few days.


    Atta Turk was a visionary. Look what he turned Turkey into and what the Cavemen turned Afghanistan into?

  17. Originally posted by Al Zeylaci:

    well, If I am keligis muslims then Sheikh Shariff was one in 2006. And so were you. Remember he was the one that sent thousands of SOmali men to war to fight "Ashahado la dirir, Ethiopians and Amnisom". Here are his precise words

    You haven't answered my question still: why are Ashahado la dirir, Amnisom and Ethiopia good today, but they were bad in 2006?



    Secondly, if Islam is a way of life it should govern every aspect of life. On the contrary, For you, Islam is merely reduced to private rituals, hence you even suggest "Somalis should forget about Sharica" and you are willing to support African mecenaries to bombard Muqdisho. This all supposedly for the sake of "peace" and "Maslaxa". I wouldn't be suprised if you start cheering for Ethiopia if the warlords call upon them again.


    That is the same predicament that has hit your friend Thierry. He was a good lad, who used to show wala and bara when the Ethiopians invaded. But, now, all of a sudden he says that he is willing to call on Israelis and Xabashis. If only he know how much of a kufr statement he committed.



    Thierry, at least I never pretended to support Islam and Muslims- but then suddenly became an over night apologist for Amnisom, Israel and their ilk.








    AL Shabab and their anarchists friends are not Muslims. Sorry to inform you. The only language these cavemen understand is the power of the gun. Sh Sharif has made every effort to accommodate them, yet they arrogantly refused to even meet them and refused to accept the meditation of the Islamic Courts.


    So, the end justifies the means.


    The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) asked the Jews for assistance against the invading Maccan Armies.


    So Uncle Sam should pay a quick visit to Somalia and discipline these teenagers.

  18. Originally posted by Al Zeylaci:

    quote:Originally posted by xiinfaniin:


    Originally posted by Al Zeylaci:

    @Meiji,I support the resistance groups in Somalia over any African gaalo colonisers, Xabashis and ashahado la dirir moryans.



    Sharif has become ashahado la dirir, eh?


    Caqlow ba'a
    I still have good opinions of that brother. And I let myself believe that he is being used and doesn't know what he is doing.
    But you know his government and the military is full of the same Ashahado la dirir that he fought in 2006. The same guys that used to kidnap and sell Ulema. The same guys that sent him packing to the Kenyan forest.The same guys that helped the Ethiopian occupation, murdered, imprisoned and raped thousands of SOmalis. Moreover, the government is controlled by Igad which is the Ashahado al dirir central of Africa. Unless you are saying warlords, African Union, Ethiopia et al( who control this government) came to help Islam.
    What are your opinions of Eritrea sending weapons and money to Al Shabab as part of its grand Jihad?

  19. Originally posted by Malika:

    quote:Originally posted by Recovering-Romantics :


    Originally posted by Paragon:

    The men are coming to the battle-ground, and the kids will flee.



    I am waiting for Uncle Sam's coordinated aerial strikes on these anarchists.
    ^Your Uncle Sam,better stay away!..He is not invited to this party,better yet he can also take his puppets the AU with him and leave the matters to the waryas [skinies]to finish it off.


    The good Sheikh, need to call upon the peace loving Somali people for support and help..Ninkuu muu dadkaa lahadhloo, or speech isn't his strongest point? He needs to win peoples mind, we can only over come this madness if there is a merging of minds.


    Alshabaab, also need to ditch the foreigners,lets see hadaa laa isku haaro maxaa diici doona!


    This bloody unnecessary whirlwind of violence on already pressed people is an absolute tragedy!
    The problem-solver in Somalia is this






    This will be Abu Mansur and Aweys' Personal Alarm clocks inshallah :D

  20. Originally posted by General Duke:

    ^^^If you read the post from it does not bode well, they are deep supporters of the Sharif and they seem to have given up..

    It is at most 1200 Pro-Sharif fighters vs the entire hordes of the anarchists. It is only a matter of time before they retreat to Villa Somalia and join their besieged leader.


    Moral is a key component of war. One legion after another is attacking these handful fighters. They need reinforcements from what-ever section, and they need it fast.