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Everything posted by Recovering-Romantics

  1. Originally posted by Hannibal: lol@RR...trus t me I got it(: Emperor it doesn't matter who is better and who is the truth teller. They're manning the same ship saaxib. It's like saying Cheney was better speaker than Bush(which he was) but still their policy and their convictions were the same. For Some-one who is as passionate as emperor, you would expect him to polish his arguments. Sad tale to witness him spew the same over-milked-out arguments on daily basis. It is pathetic
  2. Originally posted by Hannibal: Emperor and Duke, Obesity is not an insult, after all he is bit overweight right. Nonetheless he will be as effective as his Boss.If Sh. Hotel is non starter, than same can be said about him."Awrka danbe, Awrka hore socodkiisuu yeeshaa" says the somali maah maah. And as ever you give too much credit. He has to prove himself first. Few words he said behind AMISOM hardware isn't strategy to speak of. We have to see progress and a sign that they are regaining momentum. So far, they've done all the talking and Alshabab has done all the damage. You don't get it, do you? Ina AbdiRashid Sharmarke is better because he IS from the Right clan background
  3. Originally posted by Emperor: ^The crowd of Sheikh hotel is getting beggier and the newbies are falling in the line... Adeer let's not deviate the topic, we past Yusuf Yey's time, it is Sheikh hotel that's on the spot, I presented facts that's reported everywhere in the news and I am only using that in this topic, his Marya-Calas militia have attacked the city and then run away from Alshabaab... Hit-run style, what have you got to say about that s.t.u.p.i.d.i.t.y and utter failure yaa macshara Sheikh Hotel... You still haven't answered the question: Were Abdullahi Yusuf's militia's "marya calas?"
  4. Originally posted by Sherban Shabeel: Sheekh Shariif is the President of Somalia. You are some guy posting on an internet forum. Hahaha No. He is someone who can't get over the fact that Abdullahi Yusuf is a refugee in Yemen
  5. Originally posted by Emperor: quote:do not target him as a person And you are? His personal bodygourd/defender? Adeer Sheikh hotel is a public figure and as such is open to any personal criticism, discredit and attacks... but if you think I shouldn't then I will certainly not take any PR lessons from you... In simple terms, Sheikh Shariif is a fool, silly and weak individual, and there is nothing wrong with saying that, live with it... Point taken. Sharif is a public figure and thus open to criticism. But people don't have problems with your criticism. They have problem with your history on SOL and how you defended to the bitter end the Somali quisling and painted him as The Greatest Man Under the Blue Sky while hypocritically defaming and criticizing Sharif who inherited the mess from Abdullahi Yusuf. Remember, Abdullahi Yusuf had 30 thousand Ethiopian Troops. Sharif has 4000 AU troops. You do the math.
  6. Originally posted by Emperor: ^Hehe, now we have the champion of Sheikh hotel, come out of the smoke screen, we knew you will one day! Defend your novice Adeero Shiekh hotel has lost it, and no, all Somali news media report the city is still in the hands of Alshabaab.... we present FACTS while you talk of your opinions... Shiekh hotel's government is doing hit and run... Dowlad magaceedi ayuu iga ceebeeyay, so now the Somali government is using hit and run tactic .... Waa umalaynaaayay magac Dowlad inuu halkaas ku dhiman doono Sharif is HUGE improvement from the former quisling who got repeatedly slapped around in Villa Somalia by Ethiopian Generals. At least Sharif has his self-dignity intact unlike the defeated quisling. ps Your clanish propensities are becoming clear. To you Abdullahi Yusuf's rag-tag militias were "Government Security Forces," and pro-Sharif Militia become " Marya Calas." And you expect us to take you seirous.
  7. Originally posted by Abwaan: quote:Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiy aar: Mudane Awmaar is a soft speaker, oo waxgarad u eg. What is wrong with that? I guess xaley Aljasiira fiirsaneysay, on Inside Story . Koo la dhaho Sakariye Max'uud Xaaji in uu qeyliyo camal maa rabtay. That guy, waa Sakariye, was ranting and lived, according to Md. Awmaar's words, "in the past." Lost the respect I had for Sakariye. I beleive you are right bro. Oomaar = A Gentleman, Zakariya = Qaylo-bande as usual! [/QB]He is actually much more than that. Zakariya provides an excellent exhibition of the meaning of hypocrite, opportunist, double-facenimo, traitor, deceitful and much more.
  8. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Sorry to burst your bubbles lads, but Zakaria Mohamoud was never an advisor for Presidfent Yusuf nor an "Islamist" nor anything else. Also lads, Mr Sharif Ahmed was a worker of Mohamed Dheere of Jowhar, thus lets not get it all twisted. Quislings are those who don’t know their own interest and for 20 years have been jumping from one excuse to another. Headless and blind. Hahahaha As expected, Duke comes to the defense of another person simply out of clan affiliations. How predictable! Zalariya himself makes the revelation in the video ( if you cared to watch) when he says " I represent both the President and the London Community" How clearer can you get? Zakariya was an adviser to Abdullahi Yusuf before he was booted out only to be hired by Aweys. Quisling is some-one who brings enemies to his country. Abdullahi Yusuf is a quisling going by the dictionary definition. Despite your juvenile rants, there is NO proof that Sharif ever worked with Mohamed Dheere. It is an accusation you have manufactured in your head like all the delusional theories your spew on SOL on daily basis.
  9. Originally posted by Hannibal: Group A: Sh.Shariif Ahmed(Softie) Mohamed dheere,(not part of the government) Muuse Suudi Yalaxow,(not part of the government) Col. Abdi khayrdiid, Mohamed qanyare Afrax ( not part of the government) Yusuf Indhacade ( not part of the government) Sh. Janaqow(The truth teller) or Group B: Sh. Xasan Dahir Aweys(ARS/Misguided Old Man Sh. Ahmed aw maxamoud Godane(Terrorist) Col. Xasan Turki(Misguided Old Man) Sh. Mukhtar roobow abu mansuur(Terrorist) Which group would you trust to better serve their country? The correct grouping should be Sh Sharif ( President Naive) Prime Minister Ina Abdirashid Sharmarke Foreign Minister Mohamed Abdullahi Omar Minister for Higher Education Prof Ibrahim Addow Defense Minister Prof Gandhi Interior Minister Sh AbdulKadir Ali Omar Justice Minister Sh Janaqow Vs Sh Hassan Dahir Aweys (ARS-Chairman) Zakaria Mohamud Abdi Haji (Deputy ARS Chairman/Former Abdullahi Yusuf adviser) Sh Hassan Turki (Delusional Old Man) Ahmed Godane ( known Terrorist) Abu Mansur ( Known Terrorist) The sensible choice is clear
  10. Excellent points meiji and me[/b. One of the most meaningful discussions on SOL since my arrival. We may not agree always but the arguments you have presented are well-thought-out and rational reasonings. Keep up the fine work.
  11. This is the same Zakariya hailing Abdullahi Yusuf. The ARS is nothing but an opportunist gang that hides behind religion. om/watch?v=kGRoaLuyY GI
  12. Originally posted by Johnny B: ^Ehem ehem.. The line of reasoning that demands ' Any political position you take today MUST(should )always remain your position ', otherwise your integrity/consistenc y is measured below zero is but a flawy line of reasoning. It is however understandable that Kashafa and the Duke (due to lack of a batter argument) resort to it because both simply share the sentiment of seeing this (now Islamic) National Unity Government fail (for substance one may refer to their late posts). To use this measure properly requires an awareness of the details hidden behind the position-change which none of them possess or displays,therefore, it namely is the wrong measure for the quality in question, hence,to answer this thread and the mantra of our 'anaa idhi' analysts, let us just point to the ever changing political positions of their respectively favoured political entities and enjoy the irony that glares. Aweys/Turkey(Turki)/ Robow, etc..etc had president Sharif as their 'Amir', and look at them today, firing at their commander in chief,displacing more people that the Ethiopians displaced. hypocrisy here we come. That a given Somali politician is in Adisabeba doesn't necessarily mean the outcome is bad for Somalia, and with that i mean Somalia the republic not the 'Talibatic'( all rights reserved). They measure political relevancy by how one remains stagnant politically no matter how the situation changes. They believe that one should believe on Wednesday what he/she believed on Monday NO-MATTER what happened on Tuesday. Talk about delusional.
  13. Kasfha, me and other pro-anarchists: These are your heroes.
  14. On one hand he continues to criticize the Sharif government because it is "controlled by out-side forces" yet on the other hand, his right hand man Zakaria Mohamud Abdi Haji, was a former adviser to Abdullahi Yusuf, the man who has taken quisling to a different level. This shows the fraudulent roots of the anti-peace gang which is manned by left-overs of the Abdullahi Yusuf band and other opportunists whose only basis is to further a very selfish agenda of anarchy and greed. Here the man gives speech in a function in honor of Abdullahi Yusuf @ 3:50 om/watch?v=kGRoaLuyY GI Yet, yesterday, he was debating perhaps one of the most decent Somali men remaining today- the Somali Foreign Minister. It is clear that it is Aweys who has surrounded himself thugs and political prostitutes and in the process has lost the respect and years of good work. You be the judge
  15. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^No shame in calling for anyone lad, its just you cant utter the truth and thats the problem. What Puntland or its Mafia, has anything to do with the question I do not undertsand. Again is Umar Hashi calling for Ethiopian troops to defend his Beledweyne town for him? I don't have to answer your question. You are perfectly capable of manufacturing fantasies in your head and presenting them as facts till kingdom come.
  16. Originally posted by me: Meiji, I await the arrival of the Al Shabab – Xiz Islam supporters and their answers to your questions. On the question of receiving foreign help to defeat an occupation let us look at history. 1. In the American War of Independence the revolutionaries received arms, funding, training, and event officers from France. France wanted to diminish the British role in the American colonies. Lafayette . The American interests and the French interests were aligned. 2. The Cuban war of independence. The US helped Cuba against Spain. 3. Vietnam received support from China during the Vietnam War. Should Vietnam have said no no thanks, we will just use sticks and stones to liberate our country or was it morally justified to accept help? I can name another 50 examples of countries under occupation accepting foreign help to liberate them selves from tyranny. Somalia’s case is no different. We should understand that Ethiopian occupation and Ethiopian meddling is the reason why Somalia accepts outside help. If Ethiopia was not attacking Somalia there would be no need for Eritrean help. It is morally justified to accept help when threatened by mortal danger. Somalia’s acceptance of Eritrean help is justified. Going by the same reasoning, then you should have no problem with the Somalia government asking AU and the Ethiopians to dislodge the anarchists. See how simplistic and narrow-minded your views really are?
  17. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^Ok change the subject why dont you thanks for the concern Galkacyu people will defend it when the time comes insha ALLAH. However answer the question is Omar Hashi stopping the Ethiopians or requesting their support? Col Omar Hashi is the Minister for National Security and there is nothing stopping him from going to Ethiopia and meeting officials of the African Union to discuss topics of mutual concerns. If some-one is going to call for the Ethiopians, it will be the Puntland mafia-gang. They always have done and will do.
  18. Originally posted by me: RR, The Somali people are fighting for their right to live peacefully and free in their corner of the world. We are where we are because of foreign meddling. Foreign actors have been trying to manipulate the situation in Somalia for a while now. The Ethiopia that you are trying to defend in this thread has armed and trained the warlords (death merchants) that have thrown the Somali people in anarchy for 20 years. These warlords have inflicted countless pains on the Somali people. That same Ethiopia is today supplying and arming a shady group called Ahlu Sunnah an amalgamation of ex-warlords, clannist groups and religious pretenders. Freedom, peace and unity are not Arab ideas nor Eritrean goals. They are human ideals that all men should strive for. The Somali people are today fighting for their right to live free and peacefully in their corner in the world and Eritreas help is more then welcome. Since you have admitted that you have no alternatives for the Somali people, that you have no ideas to share and no plans to bring peace then why are you trying to stand in the way of those that have a vision and that can make that vision a reality? The Somali people are not party to the mayhem that is unfolding in Somalia. They are the victims of international manipulators who are using their Somali proxies to further their own selfish agendas. These International Manipulators are Eritrea, and the Arabian death merchants. Despite your denials, the fact remains that Eritrea poses more immediate threat to Somalia’s attempts to recover from years of anarchy and civil war. The entire legion of Islamic Scholars have criticized the anarchists and their campaign of anarchy and destruction. The Somali people have spoken up against them. So, the idea that the Somali people are party to Al Shabab and Hizb-ul-Islam’s carnage is deluded at best. You try to project Al Shabab anarchists and their partners in anarchy the hizb-ul-Islam as people-movement because you are fundamentally flawed. Your attempts to label anyone who exposes your crude understandings of the world as “Ethiopia-supporter’ only shows what a fan of falsehood you really are. The alshabab and their fellow anarchists are common criminals and luckily the Somali people understand this today. They will never be able to achieve victory because the brutality and inherent ideological flows and the methods they employ will create its own opposition. It has happened to them then and it happen to them now. And plz save the pseudo-nationalist cries. No-one died and made you a spokesman for the Somali people
  19. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^What nonsense, so is Umar Hashi telling the Ethiopians to enter or not to enter Beledweyne his hometown? You should be more worried about Galgacayo which will be the next town in line and less worried about whether Col Omar Hashi asked the Ethiopians any favors.
  20. Originally posted by Garyaqaan*: well i thought cumar xaashi was ani-eothopian, what happen did he change. i remembar when he was in ertaia he was calling cadawga wadanka in ay ka baxaan wadanka. well time has change. Nothing has changed. The Somali Resistance Movement has been hijacked by people who want to liberate Alaska and Japan. Despite Kashfa's demonization of Col Omar Hashi, the fact remains that this man has done more for the liberation of Somalia in the past 2 years than the entire history of Kashfa's rants on SOL. Simple facts in life.
  21. Originally posted by Kashafa: Two of the most opportunistic weasels Somalia has ever seen, Cumar Xaashi and Shariif Xasan, are, at this very moment, in Addis begging the Ethiopians to come to the rescue...... just as they did in 2006. Source Responding to the plea of the Tigray Founded Government(TFG), Ethiopian troops crossed over into Hiiraan and advanced to Kala-Beyr, a town only 30 kilometers away from Balad-wayne. Source . If you had an ounce of logic and common-sense, you would realize that the African Union has 4500 troops in Mogadishu, you would also realize that the HQ of the African Union is located in Adis Ababa. The Ethiopians would have made their incursions into Hiiraan whether Col Omar Hashi has gone to Ethiopia or not. Whether we like it or not, Ethiopia will protect its interests. Instead, blame the anarchists that you seem to love so much for making it possible for Ethiopia to massacre and maime innocent Somalis in the name of fighting terrorists.
  22. Originally posted by me: quote:Originally posted by Recovering-Romantics : quote: Originally posted by me: RR, Since my lack of logic has come to light. Why don't you explain to us how you see the way out of this mess? I am willing to listen to your ideas. So go ahead and share with us what you think is the way out. In the short-term, give the Somali people the right of self-determination. Let them chart their own destinies. In the long-run, disband these religious-gangs and anarchists and work towards a peaceful,democratic Somali that is free from all outside influence and manipulation whether from Ethiopia, Erirea, or the Arabian world. A goal without a plan is just a wish. Antoine de Saint-Exupery So how do you see this happening? what is the path towards a peacefull democratic Somalia free from outside influence. A goal without a plan is just a wish It would be highly fruitful if you applied this wisdom on your fixations with the anarchists and your hope that they can bring salvation to Somalia. It would be a welcome development. On the question, the Somali people are capable of chart-ing their destinies. Don't shove Arabian ideas and Eritrean goals down on their throats.
  23. Originally posted by me: quote:Originally posted by Recovering-Romantics : quote: Originally posted by me: Are you implying that Soviet occupation was better then accepting help from a third party? And if we expand on your thought does this mean that you rather had that Ethiopian occupied Somalia then Eritrea helping Somalia? At what cost? Foreign interventions are never good and the blow-back effects are not only dangerous in the sense they led to perpetual conflict and anarchy, but because they pose an existential threat to the victim country. When the Soviets were defeated in Afghanistan, the Afghani people became victims of religious-gangs who’s only intention was to suck the lifeline of the innocent people It is interesting how you use the word ‘intervension’ and not occupation which is the correct term for what happened when Ethiopia attacked Somalia. I did not ask you to tell me about the effects and side effects of invsaions so why don’t you answer my question directly. Are you saying that the Soviet occupation should not have been resisted? Ok. Occupation we shall call if it makes you happy. The Afghani people were right in resisting the Soviets, but America and the Arabian death merchants manipulated the situation to create the quandary that Afghanistan finds itself in. As I said earlier, Ethiopia= USSR Eritrea= USA Somalia= 1980s Afghanistan Arabian Death Merchants= The so-called "arabian mujahideen" One can imagine the effects this will have in Somalia if it is not corrected. ps, If you are in college, please take a political theory class. The world will become less black and white then. You won't have to deal in absolute terms.
  24. Originally posted by me: RR, Since my lack of logic has come to light. Why don't you explain to us how you see the way out of this mess? I am willing to listen to your ideas. So go ahead and share with us what you think is the way out. In the short-term, give the Somali people the right of self-determination. Let them chart their own destinies. In the long-run, disband these religious-gangs and anarchists and work towards a peaceful,democratic Somali that is free from all outside influence and manipulation whether from Ethiopia, Erirea, or the Arabian world.
  25. Originally posted by me: Are you implying that Soviet occupation was better then accepting help from a third party? And if we expand on your thought does this mean that you rather had that Ethiopian occupied Somalia then Eritrea helping Somalia? At what cost? Foreign interventions are never good and the blow-back effects are not only dangerous in the sense they led to perpetual conflict and anarchy, but because they pose an existential threat to the victim country. When the Soviets were defeated in Afghanistan, the Afghani people became victims of religious-gangs who’s only intention was to suck the lifeline of the innocent people and which eventually paved the way for the arrival of the Arabian gangs led by Osama Bin Laden who used Afghanistan as a playground for their world destabilization plans. Today Somalia has Arabian and Asian jihadists who want to use our country as a lunching vehicle for regional and international destabilization. The war in Somalia is financed and blessed by wealthy Arabian shiekhs vacationing in Dubai and Beirut. How one can disconnect themselves from the obvious long-term damage to our national identity is beyond me. Your Abu Mansur continues to promise his Arabian handlers Somali concubines and rich farmland. It is interesting, don’t you think how Arabian death merchants party with Westerns in Dubai and yet incite massacres and genocide in Somalia against fellow Muslims. The same Arabian death merchants present themselves as friends and allies of Somalia when it suits them. My friend, a stable and peaceful Somalia is a threat to Ethiopia, Eritrea and the Arab Word. The sooner you understand this the better. Originally posted by me: The glorious path of Somalia is clear and all Somalis who love their country see it shine. The time for divisions are over, Somalia will be united and the anarchists and their days of tyranny are over. With all due respect, your delusions here is pathetically laughable. If these anarchists were interested in nation-building and human-development, the Somali people would have supported them. Instead, these anarchists want to liberate Alaska, Japan and Jerusalem. As I said, a hard rain will pour down on Somalia and when it does the anarchists will only have themselves to blame. It is quite frustrating to see uninformed teenagers running around as if these anarchists are the salvation Somalia needs.