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Everything posted by Recovering-Romantics

  1. Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka: Hakugu Taagnaato Shariifow... Ceel Baraf oo macalin dugsi ka aheyd baad sharaf iyo shariif ku ahayd ee ku laabo duqa Without the presence of 30 thousand Ethiopian Troop, Sh Sharif is doing his best correcting the sadistic situation he has inherited from the Abdullahi Yusuf regime. He has only been president for less than 4 months. Don't let your personal grudges get the best of you!
  2. Chasing the Somali piracy money trail Monday, May 25, 2009 Pic from Nato on 2 May 2009 shows detained pirates on Portuguese frigate Corte Real off Somalia a day earlier Hands up if you want ransom money - but the spoils spread further than pirates Piracy off the coast of Somalia has made many people very rich. A new economy has developed both within Somalia and further afield, as security companies, lawyers and negotiators reap huge profits from their involvement. But finding out what happens to the money delivered as ransom payments is doubly difficult, first because piracy is a transnational crime, and second because Somalia is a country without rules, regulations or a functioning government. There have been various reports that piracy in Somalia is attracting big-time criminals from all over the world; that it is being orchestrated from London; that the ship owners themselves are involved. But little evidence has been provided to back up these claims. It has also been reported that much of the estimated $80m (£50m) paid out in ransoms so far this year has been laundered by organised syndicates in Dubai and other Gulf states. US $100 dollar bills [The hijackers] are often teenagers, who certainly don't end up with all the money Andrew Mwangura Seafarers' Assistance Programme But this has been strenuously denied by officials in the Gulf, and people working in maritime intelligence say they have no real proof that the money laundering or any other large scale international crime is happening. "There's been a lot of inventive reporting on very slim evidence," says Christopher Ledger, chairman of the maritime security company Idarat. "What happens to the money is exceedingly opaque, partly because of the way Somalis communicate with each other, and also because of the impenetrable way their finance system works." Established security experts have also suggested that some of those cashing in on the new growth industry of Somali piracy are exaggerating its international criminal dimensions in order to drum up business for themselves. The experts say that with a decreasing demand for private security and intelligence in places like Iraq, some companies and newly-formed "piracy consultants" are trying to sell Somalia as the new frontier for their operations, basing much of their information on speculation rather than fact. In a sense, Somalis do not need to launder the money they make from piracy because their unique financial system operates on trust and honour, bypassing banks and other financial institutions. Verbal transactions As the system - known as "hawala" - often does not involve documentation, with most transactions done verbally, there is no paper trail. This makes it almost impossible to find out what happens to money made from ransom payments or any other transaction in Somalia. The fact that most ransoms are paid in cash means they simply disappear into the Somali community, rather than ending up in banks or other financial bodies. Although hawala companies in the West and the Arab world have become more regulated in recent years, it is very difficult to track the money once it gets to Somalia. It has been possible to find out something about how the ransom money is distributed. One thing is clear: the small groups of pirates who take to sea in speedboats to hijack huge ships do not get all the money. "They are the foot soldiers," says Andrew Mwangura, who heads the East African Seafarers' Assistance Programme and negotiates frequently with pirates. "They are young men, often teenagers, and they certainly don't end up with all the money." 'Compensation' scheme Pirates interviewed by the BBC have been reluctant to say exactly how much money they make from a successful hijacking, but reports indicate they make tens of thousands of dollars rather than millions. This is because piracy has developed into a mini-economy, employing hundreds of people in north-eastern and central Somalia, all of whom need their share of the ransom. Although there is no universal set of rules, a UN report based on information gathered from pirates based in the north-eastern village of Eyl, reveals some interesting information about how the ransom spoils are divided: • Maritime militia, pirates involved in actual hijacking - 30% • Ground militia (armed groups who control the territory where the pirates are based) - 10% • Local community (elders and local officials) - 10% • Financier - 20% • Sponsor - 30% The UN report found the payments are shared virtually equally between the maritime militia, although the first pirate to board the ship gets a double share or a vehicle. And compensation is paid to the family of any pirate killed during the operation. The breakdown shows how ransom money trickles down to many sections of Somali society. Government officials and the armed groups that control different parts of the country all get their share too. Yemen link Some analysts - such as the Kenyan-based security consultant Bruno Schiemsky - say pirates have given as much as 50% of their revenue to the Islamist al-Shabab militia in the areas it controls. However, al-Shabab has stated that it opposes piracy. There have been consistent reports that officials in the semi-autonomous region of Puntland - the heartland of Somali piracy - have been getting cuts. Several officials, including a deputy chief of police, have been sacked for involvement in piracy. With so many people receiving a share of the ransom payments - which average between $1m to $3m (£1.9m) - Graeme Gibbon-Brooks, of Dryad Maritime Intelligence, says Somali piracy is unlikely to attract the involvement of major international crime syndicates. "When you look at the way ransoms are distributed, there's simply not enough money for big time gangs to be interested," he says. However, if piracy continues to grow, there's a possibility that it will start to attract major criminal elements. Maritime security expert Christopher Ledger says: "It's similar to the South American drugs trade in the 1970s, which started off as a relatively small-time operation, and grew into a huge global crime." One country that does seem to be involved in Somali piracy is Yemen. Maritime security experts say the 'mother ships' from which pirate attacks are launched are often refuelled, resupplied and even armed in Yemen. A UN report said: "Members of the Harardhere pirate group have been linked to the trafficking of arms from Yemen to (the Somali towns of) Harardhere and Hobyo, which have long been two of the main points of entry for arms shipments destined for armed opposition groups in Somalia and Ethiopia." It's likely that the truth about all the money made from piracy will never be uncovered. What is clear is that several elements in Somali society are benefiting, and that piracy will remain an attractive career option as long as the country remains without central authority. But it is wrong to transfer theories about money laundering and international crime onto Somali piracy. The problem is unique, the country is unique, and speculation will lead to misguided policies which are likely to prolong the dangers facing any ship that sails along the long unruly coast of Somalia. k/2/hi/africa/806153 5.stm
  3. Originally posted by NASSIR: Oomar has spoken like a real concerned Somali statesman. The FM is not in the same caliber as these two anarchist charlatans and their too familiar, regressive views. Man, what an educated, extremely articulate person he is. Thanks Omar for defending Somalia. I am really impressed and inspired by his methodological, honest style of answering the questions and making our complex internal issues clear for outsiders to grasp. . Here is the same Zakariya Mohamed Abdi lauding and paying tribute to Abdullahi Yusuf came to London claiming that he represents both the "London Community" and Abdullahi Yusuf. Watch from 3:50 onwards. om/watch?v=kGRoaLuyY GI The fraudulent nature of the Hizb-ul-Islam/AL Shabab is plainly obvious
  4. General-Duke, How come you were not raising these questions when Abdullahi Yusuf was asking the Ethiopians to bomb residential areas in Mogadishu for him during his failed presidency? You insult the thousands who have lost their lives under Abdullahi Yusuf and the Millions who were displaced by the former quisling with your endless attempt to celebrate human sufferings and destruction in your pathetic attempt of 'vindicating" Abdullahi Yusuf.
  5. This really sums it up nicely. A Self-financed armed group defending their land against an Eritrean-armed and Osama Bin Laden brainwashed anarchists. "Men like Mr. Siyad became the backbone of the new Sufi militia, which got a crate of AK-47s from one set of clan elders or a sputtering armored truck from another. In December, the Sufis, whose organization is called Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama, which roughly translates as the followers of the Prophet Muhammad, drove the Shabab out of Dusa Marreb. Since then, the Sufis have defended their territory several times against Shabab incursions. There is so much the people of Dhuuso Mareeb and Galgaduud can teach us on how to defeat the anarchists and their supporters.
  6. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: quote:Originally posted by Recovering-Romantics : quote: Originally posted by Emperor: Seriously people, Duke is only a member of this site and a not major player in the Somali plitics, will you stop dwelling on his character and rather deal with the topic at hand, deal with the message and thepoint made in the thread... hadii kale, Duke kuwaasha... Duke, you made a great point and Hassan Dahir's crimes are more than you listed, start from the days he initiated conflict and spread fitnah in the early nineties in Kismaayo, Puntland, Gedo and all over Somalia... Oh really? The man you and Duke worship, has been committing massacres in Somalia since 1977. 16 thousand people died in Mogadishu as a result of Abdullahi Yusuf's war against the people of Mogadishu. In the history of Somalia, there was NO-Body who was more bloodthirsty and fanatical as Abdullahi Yusuf. We are reminded this every-time we see the sad state of affairs in our country. Good thing he is a refugee in Yemen but his legacy will haunt us for a long-time. RR, I see your delusions are not limited to Duke. A yusuf was not blood thirsty leader let alone the most... You raise a valid point= Equating Shariif with his aggressor and charging him with war crimes for defending himself, his government and the citizens he represents is an admission of supporting a war criminal on the part of a Yusufite because that is exactly what he did when he was in that position. Just don't kill it with hyperbole, its a derogation of your point. Abdullahi Yusuf has been engaged in destabilizing behavior since 1977 being a tool of Ethiopia to topple the Siyad Barre regime. This is the man who massacred many innocent women and children in Balanbale in the 1980 and hoist the Ethiopian Flag on Somali territory. The same man who spend years in Ethiopian jail after they used and abused him. The same man who is synonymous and brags about his ability to use the clan card more effectively than others. The same quisling who led the Ethiopian troops to Somalia massacring 16 thousand innocent women and children and displaced million others. The same man whose government was called out by Human Rights Watch and other reputable Human Rights Organizations for his crimes against humanity. The same man Duke, Emperor and You defend to the bitter end simply because he shares clan name with you. Not just Somalis understand Abdullahi Yusuf's criminal minded propensity. Even the International Community who placed him in Villa Somalia realized it; albeit too late. Hence, his current status as a refugee in Yemen.
  7. Originally posted by me: RR, Give it one more try to explain or at least prove you accusation. We cannot have it that you make an accusation that you can not back. It is interesting that you accuse Somali Mirror of being biased without any evidence. Stop being vague and come up with the evidence. What accusation are you talking about, friend? That Al Shabab is a terrorist organization and threat to Somalia? I will have field day proving this. Just ask!
  8. Originally posted by Captain Warya: I thought it was already common knowledge that Ahlusunna wal jinni are a bunch of ethiopian backed moryaans. Some of the posters here are getting more and more pathetic. Well, what is pathetic is supporting fanatical anarchists supplied and financed by foreign regimes like Eritrea and at the same-time dehumanizing local Somalis who are fighting these demonic powers. Despite, your ( and by your I mean you and the rest of the pack that is totally in love with Al Shabab for whatever perverted reason) there is no single evidence to prove that Ahlu Sunnah is supported by Ethiopia. NUDDA. It doesn't exisy. So, take your conspiracy theories to where you can sell them. Al Shabab is being SOUNDLY beaten by a determined group of LOCAL SOMALIS who have no interest in seeing their lands becoming a play-grounds for INTERNATIONAL JIHADISTS
  9. Originally posted by Emperor: Seriously people, Duke is only a member of this site and a not major player in the Somali plitics, will you stop dwelling on his character and rather deal with the topic at hand, deal with the message and thepoint made in the thread... hadii kale, Duke kuwaasha... Duke, you made a great point and Hassan Dahir's crimes are more than you listed, start from the days he initiated conflict and spread fitnah in the early nineties in Kismaayo, Puntland, Gedo and all over Somalia... Oh really? The man you and Duke worship, has been committing massacres in Somalia since 1977. 16 thousand people died in Mogadishu as a result of Abdullahi Yusuf's war against the people of Mogadishu. In the history of Somalia, there was NO-Body who was more bloodthirsty and fanatical as Abdullahi Yusuf. We are reminded this every-time we see the sad state of affairs in our country. Good thing he is a refugee in Yemen but his legacy will haunt us for a long-time.
  10. Originally posted by me: Bravo that you are against news sites that don't report the truth. That is one thing we have in common. So tell me which news site does report the truth? Other then Dayniile and Gedoweb? Bro, quit putting words in my mouth. I never said I read or I used them to show examples of "news-sites," that bend the truth and inject emotional rhetoric into their reports. Are some of the news-reports I read. I also clarify what I read with people on the ground to get a better picture.
  11. Originally posted by me: ^Like Dayniile right? I am against "news-sites" that report unsubstantiated news. Whether I agree with their story-line or not. Neutrality and accuracy in reporting is a journalistic requirement. Of course, some will flung to any story that substantiate their hollow view of the world. Thus your reliance on Somalimirror when every-body knows who it supports in the war in Somalia.
  12. me, It is not a matter of being biased on my part or not. Somalimirror has made a career of posting fake and divisive reports for quite some-time now. It is credibility has always been questioned. In the future, use sources that can be considered credible.
  13. Originally posted by me: ^On what evidence do you base that accusation RR? Look at their story-line and leanings. It is like saying FNN is not a Republican mouthpiece. Everyone knows FNN is a republican mouthpiece
  14. Originally posted by Belial: Its becoming more clear now. Alh Sunna is the enemy of somalis. I think the ethiopians wants to strengthen alh sunnah and make al-shabab fight them while the goverment makes perperations and build an army and then fight a weaker al-shabab. Ahlu Sunnah are local Somalis who are fighting against marauding, Godless hordes of foreign-trained, supplied, armed and brainwashed fanatics who use religion as a weapon of war. They are the only thing that stand between Somalia becoming another Afghanistan and preserving our way of life. Of course, you will ignore this because while enjoying the freedom and liberty of the Western Life, you hyprocritically wish fantics and terrorists to dictate the lives of innocent Somalis in Somalia.
  15. You should have quoted Dayniile and Gedoweb instead. Somalimirror is Al Shabab mouthpiece
  16. Talk about delusions. When Abdullahi Yusuf hangs Ethiopian flags in Balanbale and commits the carnal sin of bringing enemy troops to Mogadishu to avenge for the defeat of his clan in 91, he is a NATIONAL HERO to Duke. The insanity of this man and his perpetual attempt to turn SOL into a propaganda vessel for Pirateland is annoying and quite churlish.
  17. Originally posted by General Duke: Recovering romantic, You dont know who Zakaria is do you? He is a flip floper but was never an advisor to President Yusuf. Did you even bother to watch the video that I posted? You are either dumber than you seem or down-right delusional. Stop insulting my intelligence and that of fellow members.
  18. Originally posted by Daandurreey: dowladaan waxeey ka dhamaan ladahey road iyo building aa qabsaneey. aawey dowladii ummada developement u sameen laheed oo reconcilliation keeni laheed. if this goverment thinks they will keep capturing roads till yoomal qiyaame, then tan doolad maaho ee waa lagu qasaarey. ummadaan dhibaateesan wax ma u soo socdaan. Ilaahayoww. Try to be a bit objective. There is an armed anarchists in Somalia whose main job is to ensure that peace doesn't return to Somalia and that our country is turned into a Jihadist playground with visions of ruling Japan, Alaska and Jerusalem. The government has given them an ample time to reconsider their destructive ideology but to no avail. You can criticize this government for a lot of thing. You CAN NOT criticize for not giving peace a chance and trying to better the lives of its people. The blame squarely lies on the shoulders of the anarchists who want to turn our country into a jihadist playground
  19. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^lool. Adeer stop the nonsense, Zakaria Haji Mohamoud was a minister in Abdiqasin's Arta and an opposition twit from London. As for Xasan dahir he never cared for the people of Mogadishu only his Guriceel sub clan matter to him if anyone matters. As always the facts keep making a mockery out of your claims. om/watch?v=kGRoaLuyY GI
  20. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Adeer we wish the Presidnet has such support as of now he is only holed up in the areas controlled by the AU troops. Also note Yusuf Yey was in Jowhar for a year with his own troops. And they could do nothing to him. While Sharif with all "support" lost Jowhar to Al Shabaab in 30 minutes. Hahha What a sad reconstruction of history. Abdullahi Yusuf was a guest of Mohamed Dheere and when he engaged in his usual tricks was given 24 hours to leave town which he obliged within hours. Let's keep our feet on the ground and not fantasize about reality.
  21. Originally posted by somalipride: I remember in 2006, when the ethiopian army was coming to mogadishu the ICU led by Aweys quickly left the city and claimed they wanted to limit civilian deaths. I wont what changed now and why they don't have the same consideration. Very Valid point. Sh Hassan Dahir Aweys has really changed. It explains why his deputy is the former adviser to Abdullahi Yusuf, mr Zakariya Mohamed. The war in Somalia is based on fraud and the Islamic Scholars have said so.
  22. Let's hope that this offense is sustained and not a mere political gimmick. As Always our prayers are with the innocent civilians who have to suffer as a result of the reckless behavior of the anarchists.
  23. War deg deg ah: Dowlada Soomaaliya oo qabsatay dhul badan oo Muqdisho ah iyo Dagaalo hada socda. Wararka haatan naga soo gaaraya magaalada muqdisho ayaa sheegaya in dagaalo xoogan uu ka socda iyadoo dowlada Soomaaliya ay qabsatay dhul badan oo ka mid ah magaalada muqdisho. Inkastoo ay haatan tahay aroor hore ayaan la ogaan karin faahfahin rasmi ah oo ku saabsan dagaalkaasi socda lakiin wararka ayaa sheegaya in dhulka ay dowlada la wareegtay ay ka mid tahay jidka sodonka iyo suuqa bakaaraha. Lama oga sidoo kale qasaaraha uu dagaalkani geystay iyadoo la isku adeegsanyo hubka noocyadiisa kala duwan waxaana dowlada Soomaaliya ay haatan la soo baxday hab cusub oo dagaaleed kaasoo ay ku dooneyso inay muqdisho kaga saarto kooxaha ka soo horjeeda. arintan ayaa ku soo beegmeysa xilli ra'isal wasaaraha Soomaliya uu sheegay in uu san jirin xal danbe oo ay raadinayaan wadahadal lakiinse ay xalka ku raadin doonaan dagaal ay la galaan maleeshiyaadka dowlada ka soo horjeeda ee ku abtirsada islaamiyiinta Soomaliya. Wixii warar ah ee ku soo kordha kala soco m/main/news.php?read more=2835
  24. Originally posted by Emperor: ^Lool haa kacarar Sheikh hotel buu romatic kuyahayee Hahahah I was never a fan of Sharif. I support ideas and not individuals like you. But that doesn't mean I won't call out your delusions
  25. Originally posted by Hannibal: loool who Romantic guy though is he new?? I am Twisted_Logic. I was unbanned