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Posts posted by Recovering-Romantics

  1. Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka:



    What issues do you have as a somali with Eritrea that will cause problems for you if Eritrea goes for a search for a hegemony?? Do you share border?


    In fact, what you said is what those who wanted to justify ethiopia's aggression used to utter. I have agreed that Eritrea is getting at Ethiopia (specifically at Meles's regime), but I also happen to know beyong that, they have no issues with Somalia. Can you prove they have one? Or can you say Ethiopia's issue with us is temporary? Focus on the big picture.


    Speaking of ethinc relations, sheikh sharif is the cousin of Hassen D. Aweys. It is naive to bring that into the discussion.

    Bro, I am surprised by your political innocence.


    Eritrea wants to become an East African "mini-superpower" at the cost of the Somali people, using our people to do its bidding. Have we sunk to this low that we reduce ourselves as prostitutes to Eritrea and Ethiopia's power-plays?


    Eritrea HAS issues with the Somali people. It aggressive posture towards the people of Djibouti last year is a case-in-point. It continues to arm and finance the conflict in Somalia and is in essence investing in Somalia's anarchy to accomplish her goals of regional dominance.


    The Same is true for Ethiopia.


    You need to look deeper and beyond the usual emotional interpretations of the regional foreign policy and analyze it more analytical.




    Sh Shaerif and Sh Hassan Dahir Aweys are "cousins," but they are not leaders of sovereign states with divergent political agenda.

  2. Madaxweyne Shiikh Shariif oo kashifay sababta ay Eritrea ugu lug leedahay Soomaaliya


    Talaado, May 26, 2009(HOL): Madaxweynaha Dowladda Midnimada Qaran ee Soomaaliya Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed oo u warramayay Laanta Afka Soomaaliga ee VOA-d ayaa shaaca ka qaaday asbaabaha ay Dowladda Eritrea ugu lug leedahay Arrimaha Soomaaliya.


    Waxaa uu sheegay Madaxweynaha in Dowladda Eritrea ay faragelinta Soomaaliya isaga mashquulineyso Dowladda Ethiopia oo colaad kala dhaxeyso, wuxuuna sheegay in aaney dan ugu jirin Soomaaliya oo degta, “haddii Soomaaliya xasilooni ka dhalato waxay ogtahay Dowladda Eritrea in aysan kala badbaadeynin iyada iyo Ethiopia”ayuu yiri Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya.


    Waxaa uu sheegay madaxweyne Shiikh Shariif in Dowladda Eritrea ay muddo dheer Soomaaliya hub iyo dagaalyahnno shisheeye soo gelineysay, “Sanadkii 1998-kii ilaa hadda waxay Dowladda Eritrea hub soo gelineysay Soomaaliya, waxaana jirtay in ay mar dagaalyahanno keentay Soomaaliya kaddibna ay dhinaca Soomaaliya ka gelisay Ethiopia, sidaasna ay Ciidamada Ethiopia ku qabsadeen dhul Soomaaliyeed”ayuu mar kale yiri Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed.


    Waxaa uu intaas ku daray Madaxweyne Shariif in Eritrea ay mar kale xiligii maxkamadaha Islaamka (2006) ay soo faragelisay Soomaaliya, iyadoo Dowladda Ethiopia wada hadallo u socdaanna ay dagaal ku furtay, sidaasna ay isugu dhaceen Xoogaggii Maxkamadaha Islaamka iyo Ciidamada Ethiopia.


    Hadalka uu sii daayay madaxweynaha Soomaaliya ayaa wuxuu ku soo beegmayaa iyadoo Ururrada IGAD iyo Midowga Afrika ay dhawaan go’aamiyeen in cunaqabateyn lagu soo rogo Dowladda Eritrea oo ay sheegeen in ay hubeyso kooxaha ka soo horjeeda Dowladda Soomaaliya.


    Salaad Iidow (Xiis), Hiiraan Online

    Muqdisho, Soomaaliya

  ews/2009/May/wararka _maanta26-6578.htm

  3. Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka:

    Eritrea's agenda is clear to everbody. It is to get at Ethiopia. But that doesn't shadow the general good-will and love Eritreans have towards the Somali's. I think that too needs to be understood. This is in contrast to the hatred and disgust many 'main-stream' Ethiopians (amhara, Tigres, Gurage etc) have for Somali's.

    You have agreed with my first point that Eritrea wants to "get back at Ethiopia," and use Somalia as a proxy ground.




    BOTH Eritrea and Ethiopia have hegemonic intentions in the Horn of Africa Region, and it reeks of innocence and naivete if you think that your perceived notions of a "hospitable and good-intentioned" Eritreans extends to the political front.


    Somalis are dying as a result of Eritrea's selfish agenda of using Somalis to die for her interests while she does everything to dismember and cripple our efforts to recover from a very long civil war.


    Eritrea and Ethiopia are one and the same. The President of Eritrea and the Prime Minister of Ethiopia belong to the same ethnic group.


    It is sad that you ask us to choose between two cousins.

  4. Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka:



    Before you throw a wobbly at Belial for disclosing what he knows, have you been following sheikh Sharif's public pronouncemnets? Or are you in any doubt that the Sheiks's patriotism doesn't go much beoyon Mahadaay and suuqa bakaaraha?????

    No sir, I am not throwing around a "wobbly" at our friend Belial. He made a claim and I asked him to put his money where his mouth is.


    Sh Sharif stated today that Eritrea wants to use Somalia as a proxy ground against Ethiopia.


    This is not a news to me nor to the many other people who are aware of Eritrea's agenda.


    Do you doubt the statement of the president?

  5. Originally posted by Dhubad.:

    quote:Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiy aar:

    Dhubad, isbishaal jihaad ku qaad kuwaas. Your hometown ayee ku amartaagleynoyaan. Jameecadii Baardheere aawey yaaqeey, wax ka nool ma joogaan miyaa.

    MMA wax jihaad lagu qaado way istaahilaan kuwaan.


    I have always said that these Al-shabaab guys have some Takfiiri elements in them, it looks like they are provoking the people of Baardhere to take up arms and fight them. Since they have been in Baardhere they have introduced some strict rules:


    1 - No Qat in the town

    2 - Closing shops during the prayer times

    3 – Flogging people in the streets during the prayer times

    4 - Destroying graves

    5 - No Mowliid

    6 - And now banning sports of all kind


    They have done all these in a manor of months what is the rush ? why can't they educate people and take it slowly?
    Hopefully, now even you will wake up to the fraudulent schemes of these pseudo-religious groups! smile.gif

  6. Originally posted by Belial:

    The one he signed with Ethiopia after Melez took back his troops. Man every move is recorded.



    Sh Sharif has only been to Ethiopia once for a meeting of AFRICAN HEADS OF STATES. He had a meeting with Meles Zenawi that took less than 15 minutes. Nothing more.


    So why don't you add a little armour to your brave face and tell us what you have been "recording." :D

  7. Originally posted by Somali Pirate:

    the greatest danger to somalia are not the kuffar foreigners.


    its the munafiq calling himself muslim.

    Who are you to call a fellow Muslim a "Kafir?"


    Let's stay away from this excommunication trade. Only Allah SWT can decide who is Muslim and who is not. Not some loony "sheikh" with a political agenda.

  8. Originally posted by Peace Action:

    Where's Mr. Ghelle T?? He believes it was Cade admin that brought the piracy but everyone knows who are the pirates and the epic center is Eyl. It is upto to Faroole to shut it down before it brings him down.

    Faroole's campaign was financed through Piracy money. Unless something is done against the individuals in the higher-ups in the Puntland administration, piracy will continue to wreck havoc on International Trade and Commerce.

  9. Originally posted by IsseRiyole:

    RR, what are you talking about, have you been reading or seeing the News from Somalia lately, Alshabaab is causing another Genocide, and all you have to write for us is Piracy and who is behind. War Puntland ha ku waalan ee shaqo yeelo,ka soco meesha.

    I am just reporting the news bro. Piracy is an important in threat that poses dangers to not only Somalia and the region but also to International Commerce.


    We should fight this menace before it is too late.

  10. Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka:

    RR sxb loool if Turki should fight over there because of his 'clan' then sxb Shariif can pack his back bags because he doesnt represent the majority of Somalis including he PM. Stof infusing clan into this

    It is true bro. Turki's "Jihad" is needed over in the occupied territories than wrecking havoc in peaceful lands like Jowhar and Hiiraan.


    Just as the Prophet SCW warned us in the Hadith:


    They will murder the people of Islam while ignoring the people of idol-worship

  11. Originally posted by Al Zeylaci:

    quote:Originally posted by Recovering-Romantics :

    Al Zeylaci,


    It is precisely this specific mentality of completely ignoring the wrongs being done by one group while at the same time exaggerating the ones done by the other party.


    AL Shabab and its partner in anarchy Hizb-Ul-Islam have admitted to receiving arms and financing from Eritrea. Al Shabab openly parades Wanted International Jihadists and invites many more to come to Somalai with the promise of Somali concubines and rich farmlands.


    They openly state that their agenda is to bring Islam to Japan and Alaska and "liberate" Palestine.


    Suicide bombers are blowing themselves in crowded residential areas. Wars are being waged from residential neighborhoods and former accomplices to murder such as former advisers to Abdullahi Yusuf are being added to their ranks.


    When are you going to criticize the behavior of Al Shabab and HUI and OBJECTIVELY look at the mess we are in?

    SXB, I find it ironic that, you, someone who can't bring it upon himself to make the slightest criticism of Saint Shariff, should lecture others about being objective. FYI, I condemn some of Alshabab and XI policies and tactics. However, their tactics are not an excuse for Amnisoms purpose shelling of Somali civilians. Their tactics are not an excuse that Xabashis should reenter SOmalia; that Ahmed Walad Abullah and Shariff should sell Somalia's sea; that IGAD should try to colonise Somalia; and, that IGAD should call to economically starve Somalis like they did in Ciraq.



    Shariff wrote a letter to the UN when he was in Asmara, condemning the shelling of Amnisom as gross crimes against Somalis. I find it disgraceful that he, you, or any others should today refer to it with such names like " self defense". Again, I see no difference between this shelling by the cowardly amnsiom and the one during Yusufs reign. SXB, I was the biggest defender of SHariff on this forum when duke and co use to diss and call him snich/clan courts, etc. But I can't defend this man when he is reading from the same, foreign written script as his predeccesor.


    good day, and don't take it personal, SXB.
    Nothing personal sxb.


    But the thing is your post is ridden with many inconsistencies and unfounded assumptions/unsubsta ntiated claims.


    Sharif was attacked the very first day he landed in Villa Somalia. He ORDERED that no response should be given. He was attacked many other times and his order was fulfilled and no response was given to the provokers. There is no argument here. The record is there for all to see. Obviously, in a time of war like the current scenario, AMISOM is justified in answering the routine shelling that are done against it by AL Shabab and Hizb-ul-Islam anarchists who hide behind residential areas. 99% of the mortar fires come from Bakhara Market. FACT.


    In addition, if you are going to make accusations, please get your facts correct. Despite the fake cries of nationalism that are routinely exhibited by the anti-peace camp, NO-ONE HAS SOLD SOMALI SEAS.


    Majority of the countries with sea-lines are required to submit proposals for maritime extension by the end of May. This is done every 20 years. The last one was done in 1989 and signed by the then regime. The area in contention is not even the Somali maritime boundary but the area that lies BEYOND it called " International Waters," and countries are allowed to claim additional territory WITH THE CONSENT of its neighbors. For Somalia to acquire this land, it has to sign a deal of no contention with KENYA, YEMEN AND Djibouti. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THIS. But of course some would rather in engage in propaganda instead of seeking the truth.


    Besides, Sharif is not reading any script, He has invited the anti-peace camp to come to the table to solve all the misunderstandings, WHY DID THEY REFUSE?


    Their argument is based on a fraudulent notions and agenda and it is plainly obvious if you study their moves.


    Finally, I am not a supporter of Sharif,but that doesn't mean that we should spread misinformation around hoping that no-one will catch. This is a discussion forum and members have the right to rise their hands when falsehood is being spread around.

  12. Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka:

    RR the only conlusion from your argument is that when you call the ethiopian shelling of positions from which they where attacked massacres is because the president is from D clan but when the president is of the H clan the amison shellings are self defense. This reasoning is why i dont talk to ciyaal with no knowledge of politics nor history

    Abdullahi Yusuf used to order shellings of Bakaraha Market and even bragged of destroying it to damage the economic interests of specific clan. He did so unprovoked.


    Sharif has order AMISOM not to retaliate against those that fire mortars against it, they have done so till the shellings became unbearable and they were forced to take defensive measures.


    AMISOM only fires at those that fire mortars against it. This is documented.


    Comparing to the criminal behavior of Abdullahi Yusuf to Sh Sharif is simply stated ludicrous and unfounded.


    Throughout this thread, it is you who is fixated on clan. It is helpful to put down the clan-lenses every now and then for objective view of the world.

  13. Al Zeylaci,


    It is precisely this specific mentality of completely ignoring the wrongs being done by one group while at the same time exaggerating the ones done by the other party.


    AL Shabab and its partner in anarchy Hizb-Ul-Islam have admitted to receiving arms and financing from Eritrea. Al Shabab openly parades Wanted International Jihadists and invites many more to come to Somalai with the promise of Somali concubines and rich farmlands.


    They openly state that their agenda is to bring Islam to Japan and Alaska and "liberate" Palestine.


    Suicide bombers are blowing themselves in crowded residential areas. Wars are being waged from residential neighborhoods and former accomplices to murder such as former advisers to Abdullahi Yusuf are being added to their ranks.


    When are you going to criticize the behavior of Al Shabab and HUI and OBJECTIVELY look at the mess we are in?

  14. Originally posted by Al Zeylaci:

    Proposal to starve Somalis by blocking of Somali airports and ports by the foreign Igad( Ethiopia and Kenya)= good

    foreign Ethiopians rentering= no comment

    foreign Amnisom bombarding SOmalis= extremely good


    three Arabs fighting alongside Shababs= a foreign invasion.


    inalilah- :confused:

    AMISOM Bombarding "innocent" Somalis= Self-Defense is understandable


    Foreign Ethiopians "re-enter"= unsubstantiated


    Blocking Ports that serve as entry points for International Terrorist and weapons=Exceedingly Good


    Arabs fighting in Somalia massacring fellow Muslims while their Palestine cries for help= Hypocrisy and greed-motivated

  15. Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka:

    Meiji I sincerly have forgotten and ilaahey baana igu og inaan iska cafiyey cid walba dambi aniga ama familkeyga ka galey. Laakin when someone calls that tragedy a defeat brother thats the limit of it. He'd probably expect me to curse a specific lan o something but god but I know the real muqdishawi's are the one hostages of warlords and fake religious fanatics with their own political agendas

    Who is this person who has called that "tragedy" a "defeat?"

  16. Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka:

    To tell me sxb that Abdullahi caused all the misery or ethiopians in Muqdishu is plain bullshit... The truth is and will always be that the 91 'defeat' you earlier called was the biggest and most brutal uprooting and ethnic cleansing of all time.... And when those people left, the 6 months war brought Xamar Cadey to total destruction. So please sxb when you call people suffering in 1991 as a defeat of Abdullahi who wasnt even present in Somalia then dont espect any support



    Juje sxb nin asalkiisa la aqoon waa kee bal ii jeex jeexi warka aan cantuugee

    Bro, No-one is talking about what happened in 91. People have different feelings about that chapter in our history. Obviously, you have strong feelings about that incident and so does every-one else.


    My post was in reference to the inability of Abdullahi Yusuf to "tame" Mogadishu even with the help of 30 thousand Ethiopian Troops who have committed some of the most gruesome massacres in recent memory as evinced by the Human Rights Watch Documents. My response was also in respect to your cheering for the massacres done by the Ethiopians on behalf of Abdullahi Yusuf, while at the very same time criticizing and defaming the current president simply because he is sitting in the seat that you believe "belongs," to Abdullahi Yusuf. For whatever it is worth, Abdullahu Yusuf is history and will spend his last days as a refugee in Yemen.


    Let's discuss the present and move away from the sad events of 1991. It serves no purpose!

  17. Originally posted by Juje:

    quote:Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka:

    Hakugu Taagnaato Shariifow... Ceel Baraf oo macalin dugsi ka aheyd baad sharaf iyo shariif ku ahayd ee ku laabo duqa

    Asaba asalkiisa la yaqan.


    Supporters of the former quisling Abdullahi Yusuf believe that being a stooge for Ethiopia and a propensity for greed and clan-politicking is a prerequisite for the Presidency :D