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Everything posted by Recovering-Romantics

  1. Originally posted by [Waranle]: quote:Originally posted by Meiji: quote: Originally posted by [Waranle]: Meiji, What corner am I coming from bro? If you want lasting peace in somalia, you should recognise past mistakes, past crimes and past wrongs. Otherwise you risk becoming intellectually bankrupt, a tribalistic bigot who is willing to defend past ills. If you are a son of Muqdisho (I have read that you wrote "muqdisho society") who wants a new dawn, you should condemn the actions of warlords and tribalists who have held Muqdisho hostage for decades. Defending atrocities e.g. the confistication of properties, the occupation of homes and the murder and rape of our nation by warlords does not do you good. Qanyare, Sudi et al have become rich at the behest of our people, my people and your people. Their power evolves on using tribalism, inciting hatred and warlordism. Don't be like die-hard tribalists on these boards who are willing to defend wrongs; waa iga waana maandhow. About these so called "mujaahidiin", you and I know that there is a tribal element to their newly found fame. These are the same people who are willing to slaughter other somalis. This is riwaayad hindi as my young niece will say. They have found a business idea- I will call them conflict entrepreneurs. Nabadeey Waranle, You ask me from what corner? Your words already disclose that it is you who suffers from clan cuqdad and behaves like a tribalistic bigot. Lets see what you have uttered so far: - Meiji, and recovering romantic, you two have brought a much needed perspective to SOL; a muqdisho perspective What is this Mogadishu perspective? Please explain. - ''a son of Muqdisho '' what in the hell does that mean? That I am born in Mogadishu? Or is it a hint towards my clan background? - Your singled out only warlords who hail from one Somali group, no mentioning of other warlords who are from other groups and are also in their own towns and regions. - Then you accused me of supporting Sh.Shariif and turning a blind eye to him while hinting that I and others opposed A.Yusuf for clan reasons. - You threw around rethorics of ''warlords occupying houses'' which has no basis and can only be viewed as a tribally motivated argument. Now tell me: - Who are these warlords? Are they only those political pretenders hailing from one group, and were active in Mogadishu or has the word ''warlord'' a broader meaning to you? Remember, It is you who came to this thread and started throwing with accusations and tribally-motivated rethorics and such nonsense can not be tolerated sxb. Meiji, raali ahaw laakin waxaan kuugu yeerayaa *****-fowqul-***** Let me make a few things clear sxb: a) the sentence that you and RR have brought a muqdisho perspective is not meant as a negative criticism; I like it, specially when these boards have witnessed discussions about laba xaawaley; kind of indian hags who boast about how their sons have exhaled. b) you were the one who introduced the term Muqdisho society; I like the concept of muqdisho society but in my world this does not include warlords. Being called a muqdisho son is a positive thing, so don't be a self-hating person. c) Warlords have no tribes; you should have read my stance on Barre hiraale, Abdullahi Yusuf and the rest of them. We are commiting an intellectual fallacy if we don't recognise the role of warlords from Muqdisho. They have inflicated the worst kind of atrocities against somalis- in particular- your so called Muqdisho society. d) These warlords who have maimed, robbed and killed somalis are today in the mould of the sheikh hotel government; and that should send a signal. Your support of these warlords will make you a laughing stock e)Finally, I have been called a person with cuqdud when I stood by the side of the innocent Muqdishawis when the TFG (doofaarey) were bombing them. It is funny how the dynamics of somali "politics" change; I have been called a supporter of the warlords; and now you are implying that I support a certain group. Bal baxoo soo qaxweey widaay... you are in murky waters. Waranle, Mostly a sensible post and I would be lying if I disagreed with your basic arguments. However, why blame only one group for the problems in Mogadishu today? Especially on the group that has been most vocal in its attempts to solve all the disagreements on the table? Specifically on the person, who has offered to resign from the presidency if it would lead to peace?
  2. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^The flag and anthem are in the works lad. God-speed bro, God-speed! Ictiraafka is close
  3. Originally posted by NGONGE: Meiji, You stubborn oaf, how many times should I repeat to you that he is NOT a SL fan. If anything, he is Al Shabab sympathiser. Have you been paying attention to ANYTHIN he wrote in the past few months? In fact, from day one? RR, Squint for me, saaxib. Squint. It may help. hahahah The Parrot runs out of words
  4. a crush course on al shabab Some of the key quotes from the video * We want to liberate Alaska Japan and Solomon Islands * We invite Foreigners to come fight among us * We promise them Our Daughters and share them with our farms.
  5. Originally posted by General Duke: This flag seems quite simple. It looks like a Military Regiment flag, void of any symbolism. Does Puntland also have a National Anthem?
  6. These are "Islamic Scholars" we are being expected to cheer for. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.
  7. Originally posted by NGONGE: Heh. Valid my foot. It has nothing to do with the topic at hand. Plus, and I repeat, it misses the point entirely. Zeylici is not an SL supporter and probably does not care for what the SNM called themselves (hell, I am an SL fan and I question their Mujahidiin label). ps It's gone beyond 'foul play' for Meiji, saaxib. Way beyond. hahaha Well, as I said, Meiji's question to Zeylici still stands despite your stage-show acting. Instead of speaking for Zeylici, why don't you come up with your own arguments, so that we can critique it on its own merits? Zeylici used a fallacy of equivocation to prove a defunct point.Thus, Meiji is correct in asking him a follow up question, to clear some doubts. I don't know why he should be silenced.
  8. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ Has Zeylici mentioned the north? Meiji's question is valid, despite the cries of foul play. Zeylici has been asked a very appropriate question. Why shy away from it, if his views on both situations don't contradict?
  9. Originally posted by [Waranle]: What is checkpoint sharia? Would you prefer check-point justice a la Yalaxow? Isbaaro? Mind you even the so called government has agreed to impose sharia (a very popular word). I guess the TFG sharia is qabiil justice where only minorities and those lama oyaans will be targeted. It happened in Muqdisho under Sheikh Cali Dheere, the stooge who supported Cali Mahdi. I will rather have an all encompassing sharia than qabiil-based sharia. You are so desperate to inject clan perspective even when the situation doesn't have any relevancy to it. Sure Sudi and the other warlords were wrong and did some immoral behavior. How does this excuse Al Shabab's draconian mentality and its propensity to destabilize and cause more bloodshed in our country? Anyways, here is a picture of what I mean "check-point Sharia"
  10. Originally posted by NGONGE: Meiji, You are tediously relentless, saaxib. However, when put on the spot, you never put your hands up and admit to your errors but instead digress into issues that have nothing to do with the discussion at hand. A prime example of that is your mention of the name of Siilanyo! What has he got to do with these 'debate'? Al Zaylaci is not a supporter of SL (if that is what you think). Answer his questions, son. Don't run now, son. ** Tries to hold Fu-Fu back and quickly checks for any pointy bits ** Well, Meiji is right in using appropriate examples to illustrate the bankruptcy of Zeylici's arguments. You can't use one criteria for the problems in the South and another totally different one in the North.
  11. Originally posted by [Waranle]: I don't know whether they can shine shoes but I know that the tanks will be used on the same people they want to rule. Besides, if you think that somalia's problems can be improved with the help of tanks, you are insane. Less tanks/weapons more talking Talks in Somalia have failed because the anarchists have refused to entertain the slightest thought of peace talks and compromise. Thus, this government is justified in doing everything in its power to crush them. You don't negotiate with pigeon-holed cavemen who think that Alaska and Japan should be liberated.
  12. Originally posted by Al Zeylaci: If they are mujahideen why do they say that the jihad in their heart is greater? Logically speaking, can't this question not be asked Abu Turki who fights non-existent "kafirs" in Jowhar and Galgaduud while his people are being prosecuted in the occupied territories?
  13. Originally posted by Al Zeylaci: Meiji, do you deny Qadiriyah have never resisted colonialism or Xabashis occupations? Do deny they twist hadiths to support Zenawi and his occupation forces. Do they not believe that Ethiopia occupation should be obeyed since they claim the prophet(saw) made hijra there and commanded not to agress I am telling you straight up facts, whilst your telling me fulan has big biceps and fulan is tradtional nomad. wth, sum1 plagalarised one of my posts on this forum, word for word on another forum , which i stumbled across googling something about this topic. who are you? Can you kindly provide the necessary documentation so that we can continue this discussion? You have a very powerful charge
  14. Originally posted by General Duke: Even if they got tanks, who would use them ? Most of the militias dont have basic military training let alone how to drive and use a tank. Keep an eye on the Ethiopians theyt are the ones coming back. As for Sharif= Could not shine Yusuf's boots, neither can Xasan Dahir, Abdiqasin or any clan obsessed faker who could not manage a city. Bro, they might not shine Abdullahi Yusuf's shoes, but they are not getting slapped around by Ethiopian Generals nor are they refugees in Yemen
  15. Originally posted by [Waranle]: Tanks and governments are not good combinations; specially if that government's enemy is its own people. Somalia does not need tanks; it needs food, education and dialogue. The government's main enemy is the anarchist movement that wants to use Somalia as a jihadist playground. You can't win a war when the government and the armed anarchists are militarily on equal footing, thus it is important for game-changing weaponry are introduced and that is why the arrival of these tanks, if true, is a definite boost to the moral of the government troops. I pray that Sharif realizes that there is no shame in asking for American Air Support.
  16. (31-05-2009)Warar lagu kalsoonan karo oo ay heshay Shabakada wararka ayaa sheegaya in uu ku soo xirtay Dekeda Muqdisho markab sida taangiyo ay soo iibsatay dawladda Soomaliya, waxaana markabkaas ilaalo ka haya baa la leeyahay laba Markab oo kale oo aan la garaneyn cidda isla leh. Taangiyadaan oo tiro ahaan aan la garaneyn cadadkooda, ayaan wali lagu bilaabin dejin, waxaase la xaqiijiyey in uu Markabku taagan yahay masaafo dhaw oo ah agagaarka Dekeda Muqdisho, iyadoo ay hareeraha ka joogaan laba Markab oo dagaal. Dhinaca kale warar is-khilaafsan ayaa ka soo baxaya dawladda hubka laga soo iibiyey iyo markabka wada intaba, waxaana wararka qaar ay sheegayaan in hubkaan oo aad u badan laga keenay wadanka Turkiga, halka warar kalena sheegayaan in dowladda Malesia loo sii maray soo iibsashada hubkaan. Hubkan ay dawladda la imaaneyso ayaa ku soo beegmaya xilli dhawaan dowladda Soomaaliya si ku meel gaar ah looga qaaday xayiraaddii hubka ee muddada saarneyd wadanka Soomaaliya. Hubkaan Markabka Saaran ayaa la sheegay iney ku jiraan madaafiicda goobta, gawaarida qafilan ee dheereeya oo loo yaqaano BeBe-yada, iyo rasaas fara badan. Waxaa muuqata in kooxaha Soomaalida qolaba gaar loo hubeynayo, leyskuna sii dirayo si ay cadaawaddoodu u sii fogaato, kadibna ay isu laayaan. /news.php?readmore=4 144
  17. A Nation's Strength What makes a nation’s pillar high And its foundations strong? What makes it mighty to defy The foes that round it throng? It is not gold. Its kingdoms grand Go down in battle shock; Its shafts are laid on sinking sand Not on abiding rock. Is it the sword? Ask the red dust Of empires passed away; The blood has turned their stones to rust, Their glory to decay. And is it pride? Ah, that bright crown Has seemed to nations sweet; But God has struck its luster down In ashes at His feet. Nor gold but only men can make A people great and strong; Men who for truth and honor’s sake Stand fast and suffer long. Brave men who work while others sleep Who dare while others fly- They build a nation’s pillars deep And lift them to the sky. -Ralph Waldo Emerson-
  18. Originally posted by Goodir: ^If you pray to get blind, it might be closer to being answered right about now. You are the first to write 70 Somali students in this topic. The rest are replying to the report of 71 SOMALILANDERS in India. Review the topic before you hit the reply button. Well, aren't the Somalilanders not Somalis ethnically? Did they change their ethnicity too?
  19. Originally posted by Goodir: quote:71 Arday oo ka mid ah Ardayda reer Somaliland Since we are discussing reerkooda, yeey ka sii yihiin reer Somaliland? Mise India ayaa wadan ahaan Somaliland scholarship ugu deeqday? Hanbalyeytiina haduu qabiil soo galay, count me out. However, I am doing Mabruuk for all Somali students graduating in India. 71 SOMALI Students have graduated from university and instead of congratulating and wishing them luck, we are talking about their clans. The vileness of the Somali people is truly shocking.
  20. Originally posted by AfricaOwn: quote:Originally posted by Emperor: Masha'allah and congrats to them, the future of our nation... You're calling bunch of seperatists the "future of our nation"? Sh!t don't add up. Doesn't matter if they are separatists or not, the people who will benefit will be Somalis.
  21. "This how we establish sharia," the judge told me. "First we establish order and judgment in the middle of the chaos of war and destruction. When we started back in 1996 we were not a political movement. We started as judges to bring justice, then we became a political movement and then we became military." We crossed the basketball pitch of the compound that was once an army college. A lone boot sat in the middle of the pitch. The judge went on: "You know, sharia is fearing God and establishing religion. It's not about chopping hands off. First we establish security and then impose the rulings. It's the fear and hunger and chaos. If I cut the hands of hundreds of thieves I will not bring justice. Feed the hungry first and then punish them if they steal." Nicely sums up why people don't buy Al Shabab's gang mentality and their endless attempts to impose check-point sharia on our people. Islam is a salvation, not a tool for prosecution.
  22. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: and then he led the fight against the Somali occupation He supported the Sharif government before making a switch few weeks ago.
  23. May God have mercy on his soul. He led the fight against the Ethiopian occupation from the front lines.
  24. Originally posted by Poker: ^^What is the point of it if you can't enjoy it? You can't have enjoyable life without lasting peace. Stop raining bullets first and every thing else will follow. What do you suggest instead?...That people become hostages to the criminals and wait them for salvation?