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Everything posted by Recovering-Romantics

  1. Originally posted by NASSIR: quote:Originally posted by Recovering-Romantics : quote: Originally posted by NASSIR: ^at least, no Xasan Turki of the North exists yet like it's in Jowhar and Mahadaay. Bro, Jowhar and Mahadaay are paradise and the bread-basket of Somalia. RR, the so called bread basket of Somalia including the lower and middle Shabelle, Bay and Bakool and the two Jubbas' crop production constituted less than 25% of Somalia's export, esp during the good times of Somalia, whereas the livestock export took 65%, the rest being filled by other sectors like the under-invested fishery. However, fyi, the region of Sanaag grows its share of different fruits and vegetables like Mango, potatoes--in large scale, water melons, banana , frankincense and many income generating crops. And, according to a UN report, the region is self-sufficient producer of such crops and therefore does not import them from other regions. The only import with significant impact on the local economy has been the import of sugar, rice, and other needs. I know, for instance, the two sugar factories Somalia had were both localed in Jowhar and Mareerey, but what use of these industries when everything has been ravaged by endless clashes and occupations. My own family had several hectares of farm lands in Janaale and Qoryoley and were previously occupied for many years. Rudy, lol, are u serious? go check Calmadow chain and see the beauty of this land. It even has water falls. [/QB]I would be very interested to know where you got the 25% figure. However, I agree with your fundamental argument that the true potential of the Shabelle and Jubba Valley hasn't been reached as a result of corruption, incompetence and nepotism during the 1980s. This had a long-term affect and the current turmoil in Mogadishu and the inability to use the Mogadishu port to export Banana(most profitable cash-crop in Somalia) has helped either.
  2. Originally posted by Johnny B: ^Don't listen to NGONGE, he is ANTI-Sharif government, (anti any Somali government) and pro Somaliland. now where does that leave you ? ... yep .. you got it right. WRONG:p There is more to the man, much more i'd say,so let us convice him and all the naysayers as to why we think there is (atleast for now) no alternative whatissoever to support this Government. here we go !! Seriously, Waranle has no valid argument, and is not worth your overwhelming sincerity. It's upto the anit-peace anarchists and pro yey spoilers to bring a better alternative, The oneman party of 'xisbul-islam', the Shabab terrorists are everything but the Republic. I like the quote on your signature. Every absurdity has a champion who will defend it. Maybe, a food for thought for waranle, NGONGE and me
  3. Originally posted by Fu-Fu: And what are you? You sound like a psychopath. Well you certainly sound like a cuckoo-head
  4. Guys, Stop your silly name-calling tactics. If you have legitimate criticism of Meiji's arguments, then put them forward, instead of perpetually whining and calling him all sorts of names. Whining is a poor substitute for logic
  5. NGONGE, I don't get your whiny brat attitude. Waranle accused Sh Sharif of being a qabilist and I showed him instances where Sharif went out of his way to distance himself from giving government seats his clan deserved. There is nothing clannish here. Only your inability to add meat to your empty accusations.
  6. Originally posted by [Waranle]: Duke, do you think the thugs, the footsoldiers of yalaxow, maxamed dheere, abdi qeybdid, qanyare and Indho-cade, are not capable of raping women?? These warlords and their henchmen are today part and parcel of sheikh shariif's militia. Correction sxb; sheikh sharif is amirul mo-r-yaan. Mo Dheere and Sudi are not part of this government nor do they have any militia. Your propagandizing of basic facts make a mockery of your claims. As for the topic, this is a sad story and shows the mentality of the Somali people today. Nothing is scared and everything is normal. My prayers go to the families who have to endure such humiliations.
  7. Originally posted by NASSIR: quote:Originally posted by Recovering-Romantics : Bro, as some-one who shares a clan with Sh Sharif, I hope he would be wise enough to use the services of willing commanders like Sudi and Mo Dheere. I only hope bro. What if he doesn't succeed with this clan project of hegemony? Your uncle should avoid these warlords and enter into accord with the opposition groups. I support the AU troops but their presence generates public hostility. The President should let them go for the sake of the civilians or else the the anarchic violence will sure outlast his transitional Presidency. [/QB]There is nothing "hegemonic" about developing your place of birth and securing the future and well-being of your people. I also wish that accords would have been signed instead of solving every problem on the battle-field. You should know that the Al Shabab militants and their partners in anarchy Hizb-ul-Islam have rejected every call to come to the negotiating table and threatened the Islamic Scholars who were mediating between the Government and the armed militants. You can't clap with one hand and the current situation developed as a result of Al Shabab's believe that they can destroy this government. The blame lies on the shoulders of the militants. Every government has the right to defend itself.
  8. Originally posted by NASSIR: ^at least, no Xasan Turki of the North exists yet like it's in Jowhar and Mahadaay. Bro, Jowhar and Mahadaay are paradise and the bread-basket of Somalia.
  9. Originally posted by General Duke: lool. Adeer Puntland is Bari, Nugaal, North Mudug, Sanaag, Sool and parts of Toghdeer. Now add that land mass and you will see it is 1/3 of the Somali republic. Bari & Sanaag alone are the two largest regions out of the 18 districts of Somalia. We aint talking saxib, this is facts. Sool, Sanaag, and toghdeere are part of Somaliland
  10. Originally posted by AYOUB: ^ I'm not implying anything, you are. Just wanted to know what BS Meiji feeds me as to where the ascetic mullahs got their expensive gear from. Bro, nothing expensive about AK-47s and rusted soviet-era machine guns.
  11. Originally posted by [Waranle]: Waryaa, the notion that "the people who fire the morters from residential areas are to be blamed" has been constantly used by the supporters of the old defunct TFG on SOL. History seems to be repeating itself; blame it on the innocent people who don't have the means to leave the area; This is a sick approach. Haddana ma abtiyaasha, eedoyaasha, adeerada lagu laayey bakaaraha ayaad eeda saareeyso; waa ku sidee igaarkeey? The government you are talking about is a shame to our people. I have seen it in action, I have met some of them including sheikh hotel; and these are entrepreneurs who don't care about their own people except their pockets and to be called madaxweyne, raisul wasaare, wasiir etc Bro, I would love to post pictures of the dead innocent people who were all over the streets of Mogadishu when Al Shabab fired mortars into the Somali parliament few weeks ago; but, they are too disturbing and heatbreaking. Let's not deny the obvious.
  12. Gen. Duke, If you care to read: Al-Qaeda on the march The fighters and their “technicals” (pick-up trucks often laden with heavy machineguns on the back) have also advanced on Beledweyne, a town close to the Ethiopian border. Their aim is apparently not to hold the town but to provoke Ethiopia into sending its troops back into Somalia, which could spur nationwide resentment towards the old enemy and more support for the radicals fighting against it. The Ethiopians are reported to be poised to make incursions back into Somalia. http://www.economist .com/world/mideast-a frica/displaystory.c fm?story_id=13701711 Ethiopia doesn't need Sharif's permission nor is Sharif powerful enough to stop them. Ethiopia will continue to act based on what it considers to be a national security threat.
  13. Originally posted by [Waranle]: Good, So condemn the so called government and its allies , the warlords. Habeen wanaagsan hahahah! Why condemn this government for? Is it stealing peoples' houses and farms too?
  14. Originally posted by [Waranle]: This is also the man who was the president the last 20+ days when hundreds of innocent lives have been lost; this is the president who ordered the bombardment of residential areas; this is the president who is today held in power by Yalaxow, maxamed dheere, qanyare and the other butcherers of muqdisho and somalia You might need to check up the meaning of "writ of the government." In every instance, this government was attacked. The people who fire the mortars from residential areas are to be blamed. Sh Sharif is in Villa Somalia. Sudi, Mo Dheere live in Karaan. Don't buy the tabloid papers
  15. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Blind clanish hate, does not change the realities on the ground, Puntland is more than 1/3 of Somalia. It has a single admin, a unified population and is moving foreward into a new era. Like it or not, its the truth. Bro, despite all its ills and misdeeds, I wish the people who call Puntland home success and prosperity and I hope that they will find the leadership they deserve and not one that is funded through piracy money. Puntland is not 1/3 of Somalia. Maybe, if your notion of Somalia is "Somaliland, Puntland and Somalia."
  16. Originally posted by [Waranle]: I want to address all the injustices, from berkadaha la burburiyey, Waqooyi galbeed's bombardment to warlordism in the south. As I wrote earlier, qanyare, suudi, maxamed dheere and the rest of them have no clan: I don't understand why you want them to belong to a particular clan, waryaa It came off like that. If this is your aim, I don't disagree with you. In fact, I will be your willing ally in your quest
  17. Originally posted by [Waranle]: Recoverning; walaahi weligeey saan uma aanan qoslin; you don't share a clan with him, waryaa ee riwaayada raqiiska naga daa; mise xil buu kuu ballan qaaday? Maxamed dheere and suudi will sink him. Bal eeg sxb wax la sheegtaa badane ee Muuse iyo maxamed dheere ayaad sheegatay? Waryaa caqligigii lagugu yaqiiney aaway? nin l-ibaax baad ahaan jirte, ma sidaan ayaa kuu dambeeysay? Suudi aa? Kaftan aside, sheikh sharif will lead his people to beaches on warshiikh and they will be eaten by sharks. The greatest mistake people commit is calling Sh Sharif a tribalist. This is the man who was against a basic request to facilitate the formation of the New Banadir State. The same man who requested the PM not to name a SINGLE person from his clan to to the cabinet. The same man who rejected calls to arm Sudi, Mo Dheere and others. He did so because he was tried to distance himself from the clan game in Somalia. It seems in Somalia that it would always be a case of damned if you do, damned if you don't. About the comment of Beaches and Sharks, the way thinks are going, I am afraid it would be a matter of when and not if.
  18. Originally posted by [Waranle]: I don't agree: jeebkaada waaye sxb- afka ha ii gilinin . These criminal warlords should be castrated; and the bones of those who died should be dug out. Bro, if you want to address ALL the injustices that were done in Somalia from the 1970s to today, I will be your enthusiastic ally. However, if you want to limit your quest simply to what happened in Mogadishu after the defeat of the late dictator AUN, then kindly count me out. It is a clan witch-hunting and nothing more!
  19. Originally posted by [Waranle]: RR, facts are scarce in somalia. My "facts" are different than yours. Very well said. So don't expect me to buy yours
  20. Originally posted by [Waranle]: quote:Originally posted by Recovering-Romantics : quote: Originally posted by [Waranle]: And I forgot; Qanyare, suudi, jeele, abdiqeybdid, indha cade and their henchmen occupy land, homes of innocent somalis. You don't need evidence sxb Without excusing the injustices done by those warlords and the other warlords in Somalia, I disagree with this selective choosing of Somalia's long record of injustice and focusing on episodes whereby one group was the victim and ignoring other instances whereby this very same group was the aggressor and committed injustice. I will not apologize nor will I support giving back homes and farms that were earned through nepotism and pure corruption and greed. I think as a society we need to draw a line. No, no brother. No drawing a line before we recognise the ills. We should seek justice. We should never reward these thugs. Come on, brother, we know of hundreds of farms, villas and other property that never were earned through nepotism, corruption or greed. This is where aóur major difference lies bro; I aspire for justice; you want to let bygones be bygones and in the process agree that crimes do pay. Well, if we agree to be bygones be bygones, let's leave the Sudis and Indo-Cades to live in the houses and farms that they "stole."
  21. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^We dont need it, saxib, we are Somalia. You have pockets led by various groups. Al Shabaab, Ahlu Sunna, Ethiiopia/Omar Hashi, Eritrea.Xasan Dahir, and Sharif in Villa Somalia blocks. Puntland one admin, one state that covers, 1/3 of Somalia. Who needs recognition? Your reasonings are as void as your mathematical calculations
  22. Originally posted by [Waranle]: Recovering romantic; I understand the situation is serious; sheikh sharif's resignation will not make much difference; but he should at least side with the innocent, not surround himself with warlords. This is the man many somalis expected to be the saviour; but he has been disappointment; the suuqa bakaaraha and the nearby urban centres are being bombed; who is doing this? Not abdullahi Yusuf, not ethiopians..but sheikh sharif!!! Sheikh sharif is proving to be a power hungry president. He seems to have been eluded by the mandate he was given; peace and reconciliation. It should be worrying that he is sleeping with the warlords who have damaged the image of "the muqdisho society" to quote Meiji. The future of the innocent people of Mogadishu have been hijacked by the anarchist movement and their international jihadist buddies. The people of Mogadishu have spoken with one voice that they oppose any more wars in their neighborhood and Aweys' reply was " be patient and suffer more." Despite the propaganda talking points, Sharif has ordered that no fire be returned to those that fire mortars at his residency. I hope you will be kind enough to admit this. Al Shabab has continued to fire mortars at Villa Somalia FROM SUUQA BAKARAHA KNOWING FULL WELL THAT IT WOULD BE INNOCENT PEOPLE WHO WILL BE AT RISK. AMISOM has only started responding to Al Shabab's clear provocations after Villa Somalia was surrounded. This is a fact too.
  23. Originally posted by [Waranle]: Recovering romantic; Why didn't you write this when the TFG was holed in Baydhabo janeey? This is a warlord government and somalia has experiences on what warlords can do when armed. The last thing you want to happen in Muqdisho is tanks used on innocent somalis. The fact of the matter is that Sheikh Hotel is today kept in power by Yalaxow, qanyare, suudi, qeybdid and Indha-cade; the same warlords that caused havoc. If you want tanks for these warlords and their tribal militia, then you are on the side of the warlords. Bro, as some-one who shares a clan with Sh Sharif, I hope he would be wise enough to use the services of willing commanders like Sudi and Mo Dheere. My biggest criticism of Sharif is that he doesn't use the services of people who are willing to serve. I only hope bro.
  24. Originally posted by AYOUB: Meiji Read the thread headline and thought it was my ol pal Kashafa, only to bump into Meijimorphosis. PS Where do Ahlu Soup get their weapons from? Are you trying to imply that they get their weapons from the same place Somaliland gets its weapons from
  25. Originally posted by [Waranle]: And I forgot; Qanyare, suudi, jeele, abdiqeybdid, indha cade and their henchmen occupy land, homes of innocent somalis. You don't need evidence sxb Without excusing the injustices done by those warlords and the other warlords in Somalia, I disagree with this selective choosing of Somalia's long record of injustice and focusing on episodes whereby one group was the victim and ignoring other instances whereby this very same group was the aggressor and committed injustice. I will not apologize nor will I support giving back homes and farms that were earned through nepotism and pure corruption and greed. I think as a society we need to draw a line.