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Everything posted by Recovering-Romantics

  1. Originally posted by Emperor: ^Empty glasses make silly noises... Adeer without personalizing the issue stick to the topic at hand answer the quesitons asked if you can otherwise stay out and never bother.... Why, according to Omar Hasho, your clanist hero has called Ethiopia the greatest enemy Somalia ever had from Asmara a year ago, and last week said that there is no enmity between us and Ethiopia at all... It is a simply question try answer without addressing my person... The topic here is about Ahlu Sunnah wal jameeca. It is you who is digressing. Do you understand why I called you a parrot earlier?
  2. Originally posted by NGONGE: Heh. You write well but your comprehension skills need some serious work, saaxib. In some perverse and sadistic way, I am actually growing to like you. This degree of a lack of any awareness implies innocence. Nobody can dislike innocence. ps Go on, ' expose my fraudulent arguments' Your psychoanalysis of me though amusing, does little to help your juvenile case.
  3. The winners here are Eritrea, Ethiopia and Al Qaida. The losers are always the Somali people.
  4. Originally posted by Emperor: ^Omar Hashi the security minister of this government, who was in Asmara last year and who was calling Ethiopia as the greatest and eternal enemy of Somalis/Somalia, has last week in a statement said, and I quote: "Anaga iyo Ethiopia wax colaad ah nagama dhaxayso, hadanna wadashaqayn iyo daris wanaag ayaa noo dhaxeeya" What does that mean? Parroting is what you do on habitual basis. You are repeating your sad tradition here.
  5. Originally posted by Belial: RR are like a rabit ethiopian. Only capable to grasp "Eritrean" Do you dream about Eritreans also? How one can be so blind of the threat of Ethiopia is a million dollar question. The only deluded person here is you. Both Ethiopia and Eritrea are hegemonic groups that want to accomplish their goals at the cost of the Somali people. No-one is being "blind" to anything here. Ethiopia has a interests and so does Eritrea. Both are evil and pose threat to the Somali people. It is naive to see one as a friend and the other as an enemy.
  6. Originally posted by Somali Pirate: quote:Originally posted by Recovering-Romantics : quote: Originally posted by Meiji: ^^ The religious pretenders of Alshabab have heavy weapons too, does that mean that they are armed by Ethiopia? They don't hide the fact that Eritrea arms them. But since Eritrea is the "good kafir" it is acceptable listen you simpleton. Eritrea never harmed or oppressed somalis. Amongst the people of the book there are always good people who we are called to engage with. These people may be misguided but they don't contain the same malaise that most kuffar have. Eritrea is a friend and an ally. “Harassment” and “ oppression” is not measured by Al Shabab propoganda or by your own personal standards. Eritrea invading or attacking Somalia is beside the point here. It has armed and financed the anarchist movement in Somalia however, wit the believe that doing so will get Ethiopia bogged down in Somalia-this at the expense of the lives of thousands of our people. Now, the genius in you, will claim that this all good and dandy since Eritrea never attacked the Somali people, but what you forget or ignore is the fact that Eritrea bullies Djibouti-a fellow Somali nation I haven’t seen a single word from you condemning Eritrea’s naked aggression against the Somali people and its desire to invest in our turmoil to further its own agenda. For all the pretence of being a poor and friendly country of the Somali people where even Eritrea’s investment in the Somali conflict for its own interests are seen as “noble.” This kind of behavior from the anarchist movement comes as no surprise. Eritrea’s hegemonic behavior in the region is very well know. You try to pass of Eritrea’s involvement in Somalia as a good and a non-issue. You are the last one to call on a simpleton
  7. Originally posted by Meiji: ^^ The religious pretenders of Alshabab have heavy weapons too, does that mean that they are armed by Ethiopia? They don't hide the fact that Eritrea arms them. But since Eritrea is the "good kafir" it is acceptable
  8. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ Did you have a real frown on your face as you wrote those last words, saaxib? Or was it one of those 'look into the distance' moments that end with a squint and a resolute tightening of the jaws? "I will expose your fraudulent arguments" Try me. What makes you think a troll like you can put a frown on my face? Almost as laughable as your "clan is everything" talk.
  9. Originally posted by NGONGE: quote:Originally posted by Recovering-Romantics : NGONGE, Your ignorance is touching. So what, if Duke said Abdullahi Yusuf is a nice guy? People have different viewpoints and hence why we have this forum and can discuss events and issues of importance. Your statement is quite preposterous, but not surprising that you are the one who is saying it. And no, I am a open-minded and reasonable, I state the facts and you can't handle it. Still can't get it? God! You're hopeless. Ok, I'll leave you alone. Carry on. You are actually more juvenile than I previously thought. No-wonder, you troll around SOL moaning about your "Clan is everything," talk. In the future, know what to expect from me. I will expose your fraudulent arguments.
  10. Originally posted by Fu-Fu: RR Before you open your Sudan size mouth about SIYAAD bare..adeer meesha siyaad bare cid kahadlooso maleh ..sidi rahi habood boodin You accused me of supporting "murderers" and I pointed out that you had one on your avatar. Nothing frogish about this.
  11. NGONGE, Your ignorance is touching. So what, if Duke said Abdullahi Yusuf is a nice guy? People have different viewpoints and hence why we have this forum and can discuss events and issues of importance. Your statement is quite preposterous, but not surprising that you are the one who is saying it. And no, I am a open-minded and reasonable, I state the facts and you can't handle it.
  12. Maxamed Dheere oo isaga baxay Magaalada Muqdisho, xilli la hadal hayay inuu dib isu hubeynayo Gudoomiyihii hore ee Gobolka Banaadir Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb (M/Dheere) ayaa dib ugu laabtay Magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya, kadib markii uu todobaadyo uu ku sugnaa Magaalada Muqdisho ee Caasimada Soomaaliya. Maxamed Dheere ayaa dib ugu laabashadiisa Magaalada Nairobi ka dambeysay kadib markii ay Dowladda ka dalbaday inuu ka baxo Caasimada sababo ammaanka lagu sheegay, iyadoona sidoo kale la dareemayo dhaq dhaqaaqyo ciidan oo uu ka bilaabay waqooyiga Muqdisho. Warar laga helay ilo wareedyo ayaa xaqiijinaya in Maxamed Dheere iyo xubno ka tirsan Beesha Mudullood oo la kulmay Madaxweyne Shariif ay ka wada hadleen arrimo ku saabsan Xaalada Muqdisho, ka hor inta uusan ka ambabixin Maxamed Dheere Magaalada Muqdisho. Maxamed Dheere ayaa ka mid ahaa Hogaamiyeyaashii xiriir dhow iyo mid soke la lahaa Dowladda Ethiopia, hase ahaatee waxay kala f******** markii xabsiga ay kaga taxaabeen Magaalada Muqdisho ka hor inta aysan ka bixin, waxaana ay mar kale ku xireen xadka Soomaaliya iyo Ethiopia xilli uu ka talaabayay. Ilaha wareed ayaa sheegaya in Madaxweynaha uu si gaar ah Maxamed Dheere uga dalbaday inuu ku laabto Nairobi, tan iyo inta wax iska badalayaan, kadib markii Madaxweyne Shariif ay Mucaaradka ku eedeeyeen inuu dib u howl gelinayo Maxamed Dheere oo ka mid ahaa Hogaamiye Kooxeedyadii hore. Maxamed Dheere ayaa ka sheegay kulan todobaadkii hore ay qaateen Xubno ka tirsan Beesha Mudullood inuu taageersan yahay Dowladda, isla markaana uu diyaar u yahay in howshii ay u dirsato uu u qaban doono. Mudooyinkii uu ku sugnaa Maxamed Dheere Magaalada ayaa waxaa aad loo dareemayay dhaq dhaqaaqyo ciidan iyo saan saan, waxaana uu dib ula soo baxay Hubkii uu heystay. 14-kii Bishii May ayay aheyd markii uu Maxamed Dheere ku soo laabtay Caasimada, xilligaasoo Magaalada ka jireen xiisado dagaal, waxaana dib ugu soo laabashadiisa ay mar kaliya isla gariirtay Magaalada, iyadoona dadka ay iska weydiinayeen dib u soo laabashadiisa. m/main/news.php?read more=163
  13. Originally posted by Fu-Fu: What do I expect from the blind SHARIF Supporter PS. I'm only using this avatar to annoy Duke and his crew The death of 50,000 Somali people as a result of Mohamed Siyad Barre's carpet-bombing of Hargaisa is NO LAUGHING MATTER.
  14. Originally posted by Fu-Fu: RR How does it feel to know you are supporting a murderer? Bro, you already have one on your avatar
  15. Originally posted by NGONGE: JB, My gripe has nothing to do with Sh. Sharif (my opposition to the man's government is known to all). I was only twisting RR's ear for daring to eulogise the man and expecting us to buy it when he already admitted that they share the same clan. Like I said earlier, the man has no self-awareness whatsoever (he is still trying to argue the point). (He still wont get it). No-one is eulogizing anyone here. You try to spread your falsehood and I continue to expose your tricks. So I share a clan-name with Sh Sharif...So what?
  16. Originally posted by Fu-Fu: People like him have had the loudest voice in the last 20 years and, that is why the country is still a mess and, getting worse! He is a tribalist, Ethnocentrist, radical etc etc... Your clannist insinuations are becoming very annoying.
  17. Originally posted by me: I wonder whose split personality RR is You are being paranoid here. There is no reason for me to hide my identity. I have my own views and I will defend them.
  18. Originally posted by Johnny B: ^naaaaaaa, don't even GO there !. You know ,am having enough difficulties reconciling my pro Sharif's Islamic government stance and my lack of belief in Gods. All that keeps me to your side is beeing Somali( whatever that may mean) who doesen't beleive that Somalia's misery is religious. Now, let's tell NGONGE how we'll use those Tanks wisely and ONLY kill a fanatic jihadist-terrorist and perferably the non-Somali ones. Bro, your religious believes (or lack of) is not relevant to the discussion. There are many levels one can support this government. Morally, nationally, religiously, culturally and decency. Choose your pick
  19. Originally posted by Fu-Fu: quote: Bro, the only thing that is hilarious here is your one-liners! I am sorry to say this but I am not ur brother You are my brother in Islam and Somalinimo
  20. Originally posted by Fu-Fu: You people are hilarious! Bro, the only thing that is hilarious here is your one-liners!
  21. Originally posted by Malika: ^What right does Al-Shabaab has on 'prohibiting' the Sufi brothers to practice what they believe? And by taking arms to defend their right,isnt that JIHAD? or has jihad have a different meaning now days? Isnt that against the teaching of Islam? baal adaa iska digee their spokes person,do enlight us. Who has appointed Al Shabab to be God's representatives on earth? What right do they have in wrecking havoc in peaceful regions? I have yet to receive a credible answer.
  22. Originally posted by Al Zeylaci: ^^what about xiangang province? You haven't answered my question.
  23. Originally posted by Al Zeylaci: my friend Meiji; Sheikh Silanyo( hafidihullah), the former emir of the SNM Mujahideen, will be crowned as the Caliph of Somaliland next year. I hope you will get an invite to the inaugration party from Sheikh Xaji Xunduf. I will pass on your regards. But, anyway, this thread wasn't about the SNM mujahideen. I am contesting your notion that a group who believe the jihad in their hearts are greater than the pshyical one and have always colloborated or being oblivious to Xabashi/warlord occupations can be called the mujahidinta Somaliyed . Show me how they are mujahideen, and I might believe you. Though I do respect any human beings right to fight for what he/she believes are dear to him( in this case what shababs are prohibting them from doing). Mujahideen are people who arise to free the people when there is oppression, tryanny and occupation. Your friends have more concern for shrines and dead people. Ramsade, I will gurantee you that the people you waffle FOR for with big latin words have raped thousands more SOmalis than alshabab or XI, but of course they are the "lesser of the two evils". Is there a foreign occupation in Galgaduud? What right does Al Shabab has in extending its anarchy to peaceful regions?
  24. Originally posted by Shilling: Another flag under review I hear is this one: Hahahaha! It looks like the crescent and the star are sinking in a pool of water. The metaphorical significance of this gives me laughs, especially in today's Somalia where Quran-waving fanatics claim to be God's representatives on earth.